38 research outputs found

    The mathematical formulation of the problem of the routing of school transport

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    © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. Nowadays in Russia there is a problem of transport provision of the students. In the Russia transportation of the students on buses with a driver is poorly developed. School buses are usually bought in rural, sparsely populated areas. In many cases the school does not have the necessary means to invest in the bulk purchase of school buses. If there is a need for transportation of children, one must resort to rent a bus with a driver. In Naberezhnye Chelny city there is no specialized transport for schoolchildren. A large number of the students live too far from the schools. This situation leads to the fact that schoolchildren are late for their lessons, therefore, the quality of educational services is deteriorating. There is a need to create a transport system for schools. To ensure the transportation of the students, the school transport system must be integrated into the public transport system. In this paper, we considered methods of modelling transport routes, such as the travelling salesman problem, the knapsack problem, the problem of school transport routing. A new model has been constructed to describe the routing of school transport. It is based on the previously listed problems. The constructed objective function minimizes the time that schoolchildren spend on their way from home to school. The objective function will tend to a minimum with the appropriate restrictions: the total number of schoolchildren who board the bus at the bus stops should not exceed the capacity of the bus; the bus must complete its route near the school; all schoolchildren must necessarily get on the right bus and get to school

    Определение тенденций инновационной активности в Российской экономике

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    There is an attempt to group main types of economic activity depending on intensity and efficiency of innovative activities on the basis of the available statistical information on dynamics of innovative activities in various industries of economy and with the use of the mathematic and statistical tool, in particular, cluster analysis tool. For this purpose, on the basis of the data, contained in the statistical report, characterizing the level of innovative activity (number of the innovation-active organizations, costs for technological innovations, amount of the shipped innovative products, etc.) the indicators, characterizing intensity and efficiency of innovative activities were calculated. They have acted as the initial information for implementation of the cluster analysis.Further analysis results of the data, characterizing profitability of investments in various industries of economy are presented. Obviously, the activity of implementation of financial investments in various sectors of industrial production and service sector are directly connected with the profit on financial investments. On the basis of the dynamics analysis of investments’ profitability in various industries of economy for the period of 2005-2014 leaders and outsiders in this indicator are revealed. The following conclusion is made: the need to develop the forecast estimations on the indicators, characterizing profitability of financial investments on main types of economic activity.The analysis of innovative activities in the Russian Federation (results are given in the article), is based on the official statistics data. The main source of statistical information is the report «Information about innovative activity of organization «. The data, obtained as a result of the observation, are published in the editions «Indicators of Innovative Activity» (The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and Higher School of Economics) and «The Russian Statistical Year-Book» of Rosstat.Data on a condition of the innovative sphere in Russia, and, also data on profitability of financial investments cover the industrial production (the extracting and processing productions and the enterprises on production and electric power, gas and water distribution), and also some industries of the service sector. The analysis covers the data for the period of 2005-2014. It covers the data on the innovation-active organizations, engaged in technological innovations by main types of economic and innovative activity. In total the given results, from our point of view, can become a basis for the choice of the directions of investment activity.Development of forecasts of the main indicators of the innovative sphere shall become the perspective direction of research continuation. The received forecasts will be the basis for the cluster analysis procedure for the purpose of prospects’ determination for the development of investment activity in innovation-active sectors of economyВ условиях дефицита средств проблема финансирования инновационной деятельности встает с особой остротой. С одной стороны, инновационный путь развития экономики является необходимостью, которая диктуется мировыми тенденциями, и поддерживается государством, а с другой, как следует из статистических данных – подавляющая часть затрат на технологические инновации предприятия черпают из собственных средств. Доля бюджетного финансирования весьма невелика. В связи с этим возникает необходимость: во-первых, привлечения инвестиций, а во-вторых, выявление секторов экономики, в которых имеется потенциал инновационного развития, с целью концентрации этих инвестиций на прорывных разработках, либо на разработках, приносящих наибольшую отдачу.Анализ инновационной деятельности в Российской Федерации, результаты которого приводятся в статье, основан на данных официальной статистики. Основным источником статистической информации выступает отчетность №4-инновация «Сведения об инновационной деятельности организации», данные, полученные в результате наблюдения, организованного на ее основе публикуются в статистических сборниках «Индикаторы инновационной деятельности» (Минобрнауки России, Росстат и ВШЭ-НИУ) и «Российский статистический ежегодник» Росстата.Обзор состояния инновационной сферы в России охватывает промышленное производство (добывающие и обрабатывающие производства и предприятия по производству и распределению электроэнергии, газа и воды), а также некоторые отрасли сферы услуг.Анализ охватывает данные за период 2005–2014 гг. Он включает в себя сведения об инновационно-активных организациях, удельном весе предприятий промышленности, осуществлявших технологические инновации, удельном весе инновационных товаров, работ и услуг в общем объеме отгруженных товаров, объеме затрат на технологические инновации и структуре затрат на технологические инновации по видам инновационной деятельности.В статье предпринята попытка на основе имеющейся статистической информации о динамике инновационной деятельности в различных отраслях экономики и с использованием математико-статистического аппарата, в частности, аппарата кластерного анализа, сгруппировать основные виды экономической деятельности в зависимости от интенсивности и эффективности инновационной деятельности.Кроме того, излагаются результаты анализа данных, характеризующих доходность инвестиций в различные отрасли экономики. Очевидно активность осуществления финансовых инвестиций в различные сектора промышленного производства и сферы услуг напрямую связаны с тем, какова доходность, или иначе говоря, какова прибыль от финансовых вложений. На основе проведенного анализа динамики доходности инвестиций в различные отрасли экономики за период 2005–2014 гг. выявлены лидеры и аутсайдеры по данному показателю. В совокупности приведенные результаты, с нашей точки зрения, могут стать основой для выбора направлений инвестиционной активности


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    This paper presents the results of petrographic, lithogeochemical, and U-Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons in deep core sediments from the Vendian terrigenous sequences of the Nepa and Tira formations in the interior of the Siberian Platform. The section of the Nepa formation is characterized by a terrigenous sediment, the Tira Formation is composed mainly of carbonate rocks. The terrigenous rocks of the Nepa formation are composed of ill-sorted and poorly rounded clasts. Towards the higher part of the section of the Tira formation, there is observed an increase in the degree of sorting and roundness of detrital grains. It has been established that clastic rocks of the lower Nepа subformation are the products derived from rocks of mixed (acidic, basic) composition. The terrigenous rocks of the upper Nepa Subformation and the Tira formation accumulated mainly due to acid decomposition of rocks. The U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) geochronological studies of detrital zircons from terrigenous rocks of the Nepa and Tira formations led to the conclusion that the sedimentary basin of these formations was contributred to by both the Archean-Early Proterozoic rocks in the basement of the Siberian Platform and the adjacent areas of the Central Asian foldbelt. It is assumed that the sediments of the lower Nepa subformation deposited in the residual basin, formed by joining of terrains and island arcs in the Paleoasian Ocean to the southern margin of the Siberian Platform during the Vendian accretionary-collisional events. This was followed by a transformation into a peripheral sedimentary basin and an occurrence of a transgression of the sea, which favored the accumulation of terrigenous-carbonate rocks of the Tira formation


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    The origin of the Central-Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), especially of its northern segment nearby the southern margin of the Siberian craton (SC) is directly related to development and closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO). Signatures of early stages of the PAO evolution are recorded in the Late Precambrian sedimentary successions of the Sayan-Baikal-Patom Belt (SBPB) on the southern edge of SC. These successions are spread over 2000 km and can be traced along this edge from north-west (Sayan area) to south-east (Baikal area) and further to north-east (Patom area). Here we present the synthesis of all available and reliable LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons from these sedimentary successions.The origin of the Central-Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), especially of its northern segment nearby the southern margin of the Siberian craton (SC) is directly related to development and closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO). Signatures of early stages of the PAO evolution are recorded in the Late Precambrian sedimentary successions of the Sayan-Baikal-Patom Belt (SBPB) on the southern edge of SC. These successions are spread over 2000 km and can be traced along this edge from north-west (Sayan area) to south-east (Baikal area) and further to north-east (Patom area). Here we present the synthesis of all available and reliable LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons from these sedimentary successions

    The experimental cascade curves of EAS at E sub 0 10(17) eV obtained by the method of detection of Cherenkov pulse shape

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    The individual cascade curves of EAS with E sub 0 10 to the 17th power eV/I to 3/ were studied by detection of EAS Cherenkov light pulses. The scintillators located at the center of the Yakutsk EAS array within a 500-m radius circle were used to select the showers and to determine the main EAS parameters. The individual cascade curves N(t) were obtained using the EAS Cherenkov light pulses satisfying the following requirements: (1) the signal-to-noise ratio fm/delta sub n 15, (2) the EAS axis-detector distance tau sub 350 m, (3) the zenith angle theta 30 deg, (4) the probability for EAS to be detected by scintillators W 0.8. Condition (1) arises from the desire to reduce the amplitude distortion of Cherenkov pulses due to noise and determines the range of EAS sizes, N(t). The resolution times of the Cherenkov pulse shape detectors are tau sub 0 approx. 23 ns which results in distortion of a pulse during the process of the detection. The distortion of pulses due to the finiteness of tau sub 0 value was estimated. It is shown that the rise time of pulse becomes greater as tau sub 0.5/tau sub 0 ratio decreases


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    We have studied terrigenous-carbonate rocks in the area near the Sayan mountains in the Irkutsk Region (Russia), specifically at the Shaman Cliff, being the stratotype area of rocks that belong to the Moty group. The cliff’s lower part is composed of sandstones, which fragments gradually decrease in size upward the cross-section. The middle and upper parts are composed of sandy dolomites and dolomites, respectively. In terms of material characteristics, the terrigenous rocks correspond to arkoses. According to the genetic typification, the arkoses are composed of destructed primary igneous rocks. The terrigenous-carbonate rocks contain a carbonate component that gradually increases in the upper part of the cross-section. In the Shaman Cliff cross-section, we distinguish 32 lithological units and eight lithologicalgenetic types of deposits. Paleogeodynamic conditions are reconstructed for the formation of the sedimentation basin. Our study of the Shaman formation reveals specific features of the lithological facies, which suggest that these rocks accumulated in a coastal environment affected by tides. In the study area, clastic materials were mainly removed from an orogen that formed due to the Vendian accretion-collision events in the southern folded frame of the Siberian platform. Dolomites composing the upper part of the cliff are attributed to the Irkutsk formation of the Moty group. Their lithological features give evidence of shallow-marine conditions of their formation, without any supply of clastic material, which contributed to mass dispersal of the Cambrian biota described in [Marusin et al., 2021]. It is our first initiative to draw a boundary between the Shaman and Irkutsk formations of the Moty Group along the base of the carbonate eluvial breccia unit that marks the stratigraphic break. In the cross-section, this boundary represents the border between the Upper Vendian and Lower Cambrian.Our conclusions are generally consistent with the ideas of most researchers about the Late Vendian evolution of the southern margin of the Siberian platform. The results of our study can be used in further investigation of this area and provide a basis for correlating the studied strata with the same-age reference cross-sections of other regions in Siberia

    Global Aggregated Ranking of HEIs: Russian Footprint

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    The paper suggests a new approach to performance evaluation of universities in Russia and worldwide based on aggregation of the results of ten global rankings and the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR). The method of league analysis (MetALeague) allows the authors to integrate the diverse results of ranking and evaluation regardless of considerable variations in ranking methodology and indicators. As a result of MetALeague integration, the Global Aggregated Ranking of higher education institutions has been made. The paper analyses the global rankings and the position of Russian HEIs in these rankings. The authors have also analyzed the positions of countries based on the number of HEIs included in the Global Aggregated Ranking. The due consideration of research results, according to the authors, can propel the leading Russian universities to higher positions in the global educational environment

    Lateral distribution of high energy muons in EAS of sizes Ne approximately equals 10(5) and Ne approximately equals 10(6)

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    Muon energy spectra and muon lateral distribution in EAS were investigated with the underground magnetic spectrometer working as a part of the extensive air showers (EAS) array. For every registered muon the data on EAS are analyzed and the following EAS parameters are obtained, size N sub e, distance r from the shower axis to muon, age parameter s. The number of muons with energy over some threshold E associated to EAS of fixed parameters are measured, I sub reg. To obtain traditional characteristics, muon flux densities as a function of the distance r and muon energy E, muon lateral distribution and energy spectra are discussed for hadron-nucleus interaction model and composition of primary cosmic rays


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    This paper presents the results of petrographic, lithogeochemical, and U-Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons in deep core sediments from the Vendian terrigenous sequences of the Nepa and Tira formations in the interior of the Siberian Platform. The section of the Nepa formation is characterized by a terrigenous sediment, the Tira Formation is composed mainly of carbonate rocks. The terrigenous rocks of the Nepa formation are composed of ill-sorted and poorly rounded clasts. Towards the higher part of the section of the Tira formation, there is observed an increase in the degree of sorting and roundness of detrital grains. It has been established that clastic rocks of the lower Nepа subformation are the products derived from rocks of mixed (acidic, basic) composition. The terrigenous rocks of the upper Nepa Subformation and the Tira formation accumulated mainly due to acid decomposition of rocks. The U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) geochronological studies of detrital zircons from terrigenous rocks of the Nepa and Tira formations led to the conclusion that the sedimentary basin of these formations was contributred to by both the Archean-Early Proterozoic rocks in the basement of the Siberian Platform and the adjacent areas of the Central Asian foldbelt. It is assumed that the sediments of the lower Nepa subformation deposited in the residual basin, formed by joining of terrains and island arcs in the Paleoasian Ocean to the southern margin of the Siberian Platform during the Vendian accretionary-collisional events. This was followed by a transformation into a peripheral sedimentary basin and an occurrence of a transgression of the sea, which favored the accumulation of terrigenous-carbonate rocks of the Tira formation.В работе представлены результаты петрографических, литогеохимических и U-Pb геохронологических исследований детритовых цирконов из вендских терригенных толщ непской и тирской свит внутренних районов Сибирской платформы, изученных по керну глубоких скважин. Разрез непской свиты характеризуется терригенным составом, тирская свита сложена преимущественно карбонатными породами. Для терригенных пород непской свиты характерна низкая степень сортировки и окатанности обломочного материала. Снизу вверх по разрезу тирской свиты наблюдается повышение степени сортировки и окатанности обломочных зерен. Установлено, что источником обломочного материала для отложений нижненепской подсвиты являлись породы смешанного (кислого и основного) состава. Терригенные породы верхненепской подсвиты и тирской свиты накапливались преимущественно за счет разрушения кислых пород. U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) геохронологические исследования детритовых цирконов из терригенных пород непской и тирской свит позволили сделать вывод о том, что в качестве основных поставщиков обломочного материала в бассейн седиментации этих толщ выступали как архейско-раннепротерозойские породы фундамента Сибирской платформы, так и прилегающие области Центрально-Азиатского складчатого пояса. Предполагается, что седиментация нижненепской подсвиты происходила в остаточном бассейне, образованном в результате причленения террейнов и островных дуг, существовавших в акватории Палеоазиатского океана, к южной окраине Сибирской платформы в ходе реализации вендских аккреционно-коллизионных событий. Затем произошла трансформация в периферийный осадочный бассейн, имела место трансгрессия моря, что способствовало накоплению терригенно-карбонатных пород тирской свиты