197 research outputs found

    Electron distribution and energy release in magnetic reconnection outflow regions during the pre-impulsive phase of a solar flare

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    We present observations of electron energization in magnetic reconnection outflows during the pre-impulsive phase of solar flare SOL2012-07-19T05:58. During a time-interval of about 20 minutes, starting 40 minutes before the onset of the impulsive phase, two X-ray sources were observed in the corona, one above the presumed reconnection region and one below. For both of these sources, the mean electron distribution function as a function of time is determined over an energy range from 0.1~keV up to several tens of keV, for the first time. This is done by simultaneous forward fitting of X-ray and EUV data. Imaging spectroscopy with RHESSI provides information on the high-energy tail of the electron distribution in these sources while EUV images from SDO/AIA are used to constrain the low specific electron energies. The measured electron distribution spectrum in the magnetic reconnection outflows is consistent with a time-evolving kappa-distribution with κ=3.55.5\kappa =3.5-5.5. The spectral evolution suggests that electrons are accelerated to progressively higher energies in the source above the reconnection region, while in the source below, the spectral shape does not change but an overall increase of the emission measure is observed, suggesting density increase due to evaporation. The main mechanisms by which energy is transported away from the source regions are conduction and free-streaming electrons. The latter dominates by more than one order of magnitude and is comparable to typical non-thermal energies during the hard X-ray peak of solar flares, suggesting efficient acceleration even during this early phase of the event.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Čovjek kao antropološka cjelovitost – filozofski pristup

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse anthropological integrity as a subject of philosophical anthropology and to develop a new methodological approach. The paper analyses formation of the subject of philosophical anthropology in the history of philosophy and science. Two possible approaches are revealed: attributive and existential ones; the limitation of the first one is demonstrated and the priority of the second one is shown. It is claimed that existential approach allows overcoming the existing contradictions between the data of different human sciences, which study particular attributes, or projections, and these of the philosophical idea of the man, which has evolved from the perception of the substance (attributive approach) to the comprehension of the human existence through studying the man’s relations to the world and himself. The methodology proposed by the authors is an integration of three complementary elements: categorical modeling, systematic approach, and hermeneutical procedures. Categorical modeling with the use of fundamental anthropological constants forms the area of human studies. The systematic approach specificates anthropological integrity by revealing the main forms of the human existence. Hermeneutical procedures open up possibilities for understanding initially nonsegmented experience manifested in its ontological differences. The interaction of the three complementary elements of the method is demonstrated, in which methodological potential of the fundamental anthropological constants is revealed. The fundamental anthropological constants, on the one hand, are the categorical definitions, and, on the other hand, existentialias, i.e. structural "definitions" of the integral human experience. Considering the fundamental anthropological constants together with systematic approach and hermeneutics Lubov E. Motorina, A Man as Anthropological Integrity: Philosophical R 32 eflection as a methodological basis of the study on anthropological integrity is coherent to the tasks of the man‘s self-determination under the present conditions.Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati antropološku cjelovitost čovjeka kao predmet filozofske antropologije i razviti novi metodološki pristup. U radu se analizira oblikovanje predmeta filozofske antropologije u povijesti filozofije i znanosti. Otkrivaju se dva moguća pristupa: atributivni i egzistencijalni; pokazuju se ograničenja prvoga i prikazuje se prioritet drugoga. Tvrdi se da egzistencijalni pristup omogućuje prevladavanje postojeće proturječnosti između podataka iz različitih humanističkih znanosti, koje proučavaju pojedinačne atribute ili projekcije, i onih iz filozofske ideje o čovjeku, koje su se razvile od percepcije supstancije (atributivni pristup) do razumijevanja ljudske egzistencije preko proučavanja čovjekovih odnosa prema svijetu i sebi. Metodologija predložena od strane autora jest integracija triju komplementarnih elemenata: kategoričkog modeliranja, sustavnog pristupa i hermeneutičkih postupaka. Kategoričko modeliranje uz uporabu temeljnih antropoloških konstanti oblikuje područje znanosti o čovjeku. Sustavni pristup specificira antropološki integritet otkrivajući glavne oblike ljudske egzistencije. Hermeneutički postupci otvaraju mogućnosti za razumijevanje početno nesegmentiranog iskustva koje se očituje u svojim ontološkim razlikama. Dokazuje se interakcija triju komplementarnih elemenata metode, u kojoj se objavljuje metodološki potencijal temeljnih antropoloških konstanti. Temeljne antropološke konstante, s jedne strane, jesu kategoričke definicije, a s druge strane, egzistencijalije, tj. strukturalne "definicije" cjelovitog ljudskog iskustva. Razmatranje temeljnih antropoloških konstanti zajedno sa sustavnim pristupom i hermeneutikom kao metodološkom osnovom proučavanja antropološkog integriteta koherentno je sa zadaćama čovjekova samoodređenja pod sadašnjim uvjetima

    Osobni prostor i njegove transformacije u tehnološkom kontekstu

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    Context and relevance of the research: The creation of autonomous computer agents and humanoid robots is becoming a priority subject of research in various fields of knowledge such as evolutionary psychology, cognitive science, neurobiology, engineering, social robotics, linguistics, philosophy, etc. The gap between technological, natural science and humanitarian-scientific discourse reveals the need for dialogue, scientific discussions, and the development of a common conceptual-categorical system in information technology and humanitarian knowledge. The expansion of the continuum of artificial realities actualizes anthropological problems, including the question of a new ontological status of human, of personal space, within which all aspects and projections of human existence undergo significant changes. Personal space as an ontological phenomenon of Self interacts with different environments (nature, society, culture, extended reality (XR)) has borders with them and in each partially functions. The research aims to develop methodological foundations for the study of personal space, formulate the author’s definition of personal space, and identify conceptual methodological constructs to analyze the transformation of personal space in the development of information technology and social robotics. Used methodology: the principle of integrity, the principle of duality of being, typology of relations I-Thou and I-It by Martin Buber and Semyon L. Frank, system analysis, convergent approach. Key findings: The development of information technologies and social robotics has opened a new stage in forming the technological context of human entry into symbiotic relations, where the boundaries between the natural and the artificial are blurred, which indicates the need to elaborate a convergent approach to studying interdisciplinary problems in technological and humanitarian knowledge. The author’s definition of personal space as a holistic phenomenon of Self is offered for use as a methodological tool to study its changes in the technological context.Kontekst i važnost istraživanja: Stvaranje autonomnih računalnih agenata i humanoidnih robota postaje prioritetna tema istraživanja u raznim poljima znanja. Jaz između tehnološkog i humanitarnog diskursa pokazuje potrebu za dijalogom i razvojem zajedničkog pojmovno-kategorijskog sustava u informacijskoj tehnologiji i humanitarnom znanju. Širenje kontinuuma umjetne stvarnosti aktualizira antropološke probleme, uključujući pitanje novog ontološkog statusa osobe, osobnog prostora, unutar kojeg svi aspekti i projekcije ljudskog postojanja prolaze kroz značajne promjene. Osobni prostor kao ontološki fenomen sebstva komunicira s različitim okruženjima (priroda, društvo, kultura, proširena stvarnost [extended reality – XR]), ima granice s njima i djelomično funkcionira u svakoj. Svrha studije: razviti metodološku osnovu za proučavanje osobnog prostora, formulirati autorovu definiciju osobnog prostora i identificirati konceptualne metodološke konstrukcije za analizu transformacije osobnog prostora u razvoju informacijske tehnologije i socijalne robotike. Upotrijebljena metodologija: načelo integriteta, načelo dualnosti bića, tipologija odnosa (M. Buber, S. Frank), sistemska analiza, konvergentni pristup. Glavni zaključci: Razvoj informacijske tehnologije i socijalne robotike otvorio je novu fazu u formiranju tehnološkog konteksta ulaska čovjeka u simbiotske odnose, gdje su granice između prirodnog i umjetnog nejasne, što ukazuje na potrebu za razvojem konvergentnog pristupa proučavanju interdisciplinarnih problema tehnološkog i humanitarnog znanja. Autorska definicija osobnog prostora kao integralnog fenomena sebstva predlaže se kao metodološki alat za proučavanje njegovih promjena u tehnološkom kontekstu

    Egzistencijalni, instrumentalni kibernetički prostori kao ontološki modusi ljudskog bića

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    Context and relevance of the research: the task of developing a general theoretical basis and methodology of ontological problems of interaction and interrelation of the Internet space and the physical world comes forward with the formation of the virtual computer environment determined both by the presence of a human being in computer network and presence of computer network in the life world of the human being. Virtual reality, even in its current state, is already widely recognized and described in academic sources. There are prospects of its application in medicine, education, professional training, space, military, art, automotive industry, shipbuilding, trade, leisure, consulting assistance to population, administration, and other spheres of management. According to academic forecasts, intensive, large-scale, multidirectional development of virtual computer environment will continue in the 21st century. The purpose of the study is to carry out a systematic analysis of the concepts: existential space, instrumental space and cyberspace in their interrelationship and interaction; to propose the author’s definition of existential space as a methodological construction for the study of its ontological modi: instrumental space and cyberspace; to define the ontological characteristics of instrumental space and cyberspace, their common features (connection) and distinction; to reveal features of existential immersion of a person into virtual computer reality – the process of emotional perception of existence in the information field – an artificially created world of ‘people and things,’ as well as subjective-personal effects accompanying this process. The methodology used: M. Heidegger’s Dasein analytics, D. Ihde’s instrumental realism, systems-based approach, comparative analysis. Key findings: the creation of cyberspace and computer virtual reality has unveiled a new stage in the formation of existential experience and project as a system of information technology and socio-psychological competencies. There is a necessity in the system-based elaboration of conceptual and categorical apparatus. The researcher will use it to describe the ontological modi of both existing and a new (computer virtual) reality and their interconnection.Kontekst i važnost istraživanja: sve je teža zadaća način razvitka općih teorijskih osnova i metodologije ontologijskih problema vezanih uz međudjelovanja i međuodnose između internetskog prostora i fizičkog svijeta, otežan uspostavom računalnog virtualnog okružja, određenog kako prisutnošću ljudskog bića u računalnoj mreži tako i prisutnošću računalne mreže u životu ljudskog bića. Virtualna stvarnost već je, čak u svom razvijenom obliku, široko prepoznata i opisana u akademskim vrelima. Već ima prijedloga za njenu primjenu u medicini, odgoju i obrazovanju, profesionalnom uvježbavanju, svemirskoj, vojnoj, umjetničkoj, automobilskoj industriji, brodogradnji, prometu, zabavi, savjetodavnom pomaganju stanovništvu, administraciji i drugim područjima upravljanja. Prema akademskim predviđanjima usmjeren, raznoliko snažan, razvitak virtualnog računalnog okoliša na širokoj osnovi nastavit će se i u 21. stoljeću. Cilj je ovog proučavanja provesti sustavnu analizu pojmova: egzistencijalni prostor, instrumentalni prostor i kibernetički prostor, kao metodologijsku pripravu za njihove ontologijske moduse: instrumentalni prostor i kibernetički prostor; odrediti (definirati) ontološke značajke instrumentalnog prostora i kibernetičkog prostora, njihove zajedničke oznake (povezanost) i razliku; otkriti egzistencijalne crte uronjenosti osobe u računalnu virtualnu stvarnost – proces emocijalnog percipiranja egzistencije u informacijskom polju – u umjetno stvoreni svijet »ljudi i stvari«, kao i subjektivno-osobne učinke koji prate taj proces. Iskorištena metodologija: analitika Tubitka (Dasein) M. Heideggera, instrumentalni realizam D. Ihdea, na sustavima zasnovan pristup, poredbena analiza. Glavni rezultati: stvaranjem kibernetičkog prostora i virtualne računalne stvarnosti razotkrilo se novo stanje u oblikovanju egzistencijalnog iskustva i zacrtalo sustav tehnološke informacije i socio-psiholoških mjerodavnosti (osposobljenosti). Nužna je sustavna razrada pojmovnog i kategorijalnog aparata. Istraživač će to iskoristiti da opiše ontološke moduse i nove (virtualne, računalne) stvarnosti, te povezanost među njima

    Čovjekov odnos prema stvarima: Objektivni bitak

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    The issues addressed in the article are of particular relevance due to the deepening anthropological crisis in the current geopolitical situation. The aim of the article is to introduce a category of ‘objective being’ into the language of science. The used research methods: philosophical reflection, comparative analysis and logical-historical integration. The main theoretical and methodological framework for the study is the approach to understanding a human being through the system of fundamental human attitudes to the world such as human attitude to things (objective being), human attitude to other people (social being) and human attitude to the Absolute (eternal universal being). The study is dedicated to the analysis of the human objective being and identification of its development stages: the stage of immediate relationship with things; the stage of ‘mediated relationship’ when technology becomes a mediating tool; and the stage of ‘double mediation’, when technology as a tool becomes a necessary precondition for the emergence of another mediating tool – cyberspace, potentially containing ‘curled up’ virtual realities. Such approach allows identifying the contradictions between the existential, instrumental and cybernetic spaces, arising in the process of the objective being development. Introduction of the category of ‘objective being’ as a type of fundamental human relationship to the world into the language of science expands the methodological background for the research into the vital anthropological issues of our time.Teme koje su obrađene u ovom članku od posebne su važnosti uslijed sve veće antropološke krize u trenutnoj geopolitičkoj situaciji. Cilj ovog članka je uvesti kategoriju »objektivnog bitka« u jezik znanosti. Korištene istraživačke metode su: filozofska refleksija, komparativna analiza i logičko-povijesna integracija. Glavni teoretski i metodološki okvir je pristup razumijevanju ljudskog bića kroz sustav temeljnog ljudskog odnosa prema svijetu shvaćenom kao ljudski odnos prema stvarima (objektivni bitak), ljudski odnos prema drugim ljudima (društveni bitak) i ljudski odnos prema Apsolutnom (vječni univerzalni bitak). Istraživanje je posvećeno analizi ljudskog objektivnog bitka i identifikaciji njegovih razvojnih faza: faza neposrednog odnosa sa stvarima; stadij »posredovanog odnosa«, kada tehnologija postaje oruđe medijacije; i stadij »dvostrukog posredovanja«, kada tehnologija, kao oruđe, postaje nužni preduvjet za nastajanje drugih posredujućih oruđa – cyberspace, koji potencijalno sadrži »uvijenu (curled-up)« virtualnu stvarnost. Ovakav pristup nam omogućuje da identificiramo proturječje između egzistencijalnog, instrumentalnog i kibernetičkog prostora, koje izbija u procesu razvoja objektivnog bitka. Uvođenje kategorije »objektivnog bitka« kao tipa temeljnog ljudskog odnosa sa svijetom u kategorije jezika znanosti proširuje metodološku pozadinu za istraživanje vitalnih antropoloških stvarnosti našega vremena

    Development of a Wireless Pressure Transmitter with Diagnostics

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 require new intelligent sensor designs with enhanced functionality, including local diagnostics. In previous work, we have experimentally investigated an important fault mode of a commercial pressure sensor, working in partnership with the sensor manufacturer who has provided modified sensors with calibrated levels of the fault condition. We have further developed simple signal processing techniques to detect the fault condition, based on a low cost noise analysis. In the current paper, we describe the development of a prototype wireless pressure transmitter. This transmitter monitors the analogue output of the pressure sensor, and applies the diagnostic procedures in real time. The resulting pressure measurement in engineering units, together with diagnostic information, are both communicated wirelessly to a receiving system


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    The article examines the technologies of flipped learning in the professional activities of lecturers of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The relevance of the research topic arises from the fact that the professional development of HEIs' lecturers should be systematic and comprehensive. Accordingly, considerable attention is currently paid to new teaching technologies that can change approaches to the organization of the learning environment. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to those technologies that are easy to implement and allow students to be more active. Accordingly, it is advisable to focus on flipped learning technologies. The study aims to investigate flipped learning technologies in the professional activities of HEIs' lecturers on the example of training future mathematics teachers. The research is focused on the learning environment of higher educational institutions. Research methods. The study employed such research methods as description, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, and forecasting. The article examines the technologies of flipped education in the professional activities of HEIs' lecturers. The authors have determined the relevance of new approaches to the training organization. They revealed the essence of the "flipped learning" concept and its main aspects. The paper also describes the implementation of the flipped learning approach and the changing role of the lecturer. The authors describe the differences between traditional and flipped learning. In particular, they compare the use of information and communication technologies, the role of the student during classes, the educational process, teaching methods, as well as coverage of practical and theoretical issues. It allowed the authors to reveal the main advantages of flipped learning. The article describes the advantages of flipped learning in higher education, including student activation, student interest in the discipline, deepening cooperation between teachers and students, the use of information and communication technologies, and an individual approach to each student. The authors also analyzed the practical experience of A. Kushniruk. In addition, the article considers the technologies of flipped education in the training of future mathematics teachers. Such technologies include video lectures for home study, surveys, discussions, and student projects. Furthermore, the authors determined the conditions for implementing flipped learning into the educational process.O artigo examina as tecnologias de aprendizagem invertida nas atividades profissionais de docentes de instituições de ensino superior (IES). A relevância do tema de investigação decorre do facto de o desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes das IES dever ser sistemático e abrangente. Assim, atualmente é dada considerável atenção às novas tecnologias de ensino que podem mudar as abordagens à organização do ambiente de aprendizagem. Ao mesmo tempo, é preciso estar atento às tecnologias que são fáceis de implementar e permitem que os alunos sejam mais ativos. Conseqüentemente, é aconselhável focar em tecnologias de aprendizagem invertidas. O estudo tem como objetivo investigar tecnologias de aprendizagem invertida nas atividades profissionais de docentes de IES a partir do exemplo da formação de futuros professores de matemática. A pesquisa está focada no ambiente de aprendizagem das instituições de ensino superior. Métodos de pesquisa. O estudo empregou métodos de pesquisa como descrição, análise e síntese, comparação, generalização e previsão. O artigo examina as tecnologias da educação invertida nas atividades profissionais dos docentes das IES. Os autores determinaram a relevância de novas abordagens para a organização da formação. Eles revelaram a essência do conceito de “aprendizagem invertida” e seus principais aspectos. O artigo também descreve a implementação da abordagem de aprendizagem invertida e a mudança do papel do professor. Os autores descrevem as diferenças entre a aprendizagem tradicional e a invertida. Em particular, comparam a utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, o papel do aluno durante as aulas, o processo educativo, os métodos de ensino, bem como a cobertura de questões práticas e teóricas. Permitiu aos autores revelar as principais vantagens da aprendizagem invertida. O artigo descreve as vantagens da aprendizagem invertida no ensino superior, incluindo a ativação dos alunos, o interesse dos alunos pela disciplina, o aprofundamento da cooperação entre professores e alunos, o uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação e uma abordagem individual para cada aluno. Os autores também analisaram a experiência prática de A. Kushniruk. Além disso, o artigo considera as tecnologias da educação invertida na formação de futuros professores de matemática. Essas tecnologias incluem videoaulas para estudo em casa, pesquisas, discussões e projetos de alunos. Além disso, os autores determinaram as condições para implementar a aprendizagem invertida no processo educacional

    Благоустройство территории парка «Северное Тушино» с целью создания условий для массового отдыха

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    The article describes the conditions for reconstruction and rehabilitation of slum Park «Northern Tushino» area of 58 hectares: the need for recreation centers, objects of cultural, historical, aesthetic, recreational and health purposes, recreation and sports facilities in order to create an environmentally acceptable places for public recreation.В статье рассмотрены предпосылки для реконструкции и восстановления благоустройства парка «Северное Тушино» площадью 58 га: необходимость создания рекреационных центров, эстетического, рекреационного и оздоровительного назначения, зон отдыха и спортивных сооружений, сохранения культурно-исторических объектов