74 research outputs found

    Cost-estimate and proposal for a development impact bond for canine rabies elimination by mass vaccination in Chad

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    Close to 69,000 humans die of rabies each year, most of them in Africa and Asia. Clinical rabies can be prevented by post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). However, PEP is commonly not available or not affordable in developing countries. Another strategy besides treating exposed humans is the vaccination of vector species. In developing countries, the main vector is the domestic dog, that, once infected, is a serious threat to humans. After a successful mass vaccination of 70% of the dogs in N'Djaména, we report here a cost-estimate for a national rabies elimination campaign for Chad. In a cross-sectional survey in four rural zones, we established the canine : human ratio at the household level. Based on human census data and the prevailing socio-cultural composition of rural zones of Chad, the total canine population was estimated at 1,205,361 dogs (95% Confidence interval 1,128,008-1,736,774 dogs). Cost data were collected from government sources and the recent canine mass vaccination campaign in N'Djaména. A Monte Carlo simulation was used for the simulation of the average cost and its variability, using probability distributions for dog numbers and cost items. Assuming the vaccination of 100 dogs on average per vaccination post and a duration of one year, the total cost for the vaccination of the national Chadian canine population is estimated at 2,716,359 Euros (95% CI 2,417,353-3,035,081) for one vaccination round. A development impact bond (DIB) organizational structure and cash flow scenario were then developed for the elimination of canine rabies in Chad. Cumulative discounted cost of 28.3 million Euros over ten years would be shared between the government of Chad, private investors and institutional donors as outcome funders. In this way, the risk of the investment could be shared and the necessary investment could be made available upfront - a key element for the elimination of canine rabies in Chad

    Notas biológicas y reproductivas sobre el “Chicaguastle” Stenostomum aromaticum (Rubiaceae) árbol en peligro de extinción y endémico de México

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    El árbol Stenostomum aromaticum es conocido por los pobladores como Chicahuastle. Es una especie con distribución geográfica muy restringida y donde los registros de herbario y muestreos de campo la ubican como endémica de México. Por conteos recientes, se conoce que el número de ejemplares de este árbol es de alrededor de 500 individuos entre juveniles y adultos. A pesar de estos datos tan críticos para la especie, no se encuentra en la Norma Oficial Mexicana – SEMARNAT – 2010 pero si en la lista roja de plantas en peligro de extinción de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de estas notas fue aportar más conocimiento sobre la biología y ecología de esta especie y sobre su reproducción asexual como estrategia conservacionista para la propagación rápida de individuos.

    Identification of Lipases Involved in PBAN Stimulated Pheromone Production in Bombyx mori Using the DGE and RNAi Approaches

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    BACKGROUND: Pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) is a neurohormone that regulates sex pheromone synthesis in female moths. Bombyx mori is a model organism that has been used to explore the signal transduction pattern of PBAN, which is mediated by a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Although significant progress has been made in elucidating PBAN-regulated lipolysis that releases the precursor of the sex pheromone, little is known about the molecular components involved in this step. To better elucidate the molecular mechanisms of PBAN-stimulated lipolysis of cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LDs), the associated lipase genes involved in PBAN- regulated sex pheromone biosynthesis were identified using digital gene expression (DGE) and subsequent RNA interference (RNAi). RESULTS: Three DGE libraries were constructed from pheromone glands (PGs) at different developed stages, namely, 72 hours before eclosion (-72 h), new emergence (0 h) and 72 h after eclosion (72 h), to investigate the gene expression profiles during PG development. The DGE evaluated over 5.6 million clean tags in each PG sample and revealed numerous genes that were differentially expressed at these stages. Most importantly, seven lipases were found to be richly expressed during the key stage of sex pheromone synthesis and release (new emergence). RNAi-mediated knockdown confirmed for the first time that four of these seven lipases play important roles in sex pheromone synthesis. CONCLUSION: This study has identified four lipases directly involved in PBAN-stimulated sex pheromone biosynthesis, which improve our understanding of the lipases involved in releasing bombykol precursors from triacylglycerols (TAGs) within the cytoplasmic LDs

    Greek War Veterans Monument

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    Greek Veterans War Monument Located in Salt Lake City Near the Greek Templ