26 research outputs found

    Patients' Mental Well-being by PHA Questionnaires and Their Relation to Cancer Progression

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    Parental Perception Of Improvement In Prelinguistic Skills In Kids With Autism In Two Months Of Goal Directed Cognitive Approach

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    The study aimed to assess the parental perception of improvement in prelinguistic skills in children with Autism Spectrum disorder [ASD] after 1 and 2 months of Goal Directed Cognitive Approach. This was assessed by a questionnaire filled by parents of 26 consecutive ASD kids at a neurodevelopmental center. Parents were asked to rate these skills on a Likert scale of 1-5 before and after 1 month and 2 months of GDCA to check for any improvement. 69% of ASD kids were boys. Mean age at presentation was 2.6 years. The children were subjected to GDCA for an average duration of 13.7 months. Of these, 11.5% had seizures and 34.6 % had hyperactivity as a comorbidity. The average duration of sustained eye to eye contact at the time of presentation was 5.96 sec, which improved to 10.3 sec after 1 month ( p-0.0002) and further improved to 12.14 seconds at 2 months (p-0.005). Improvements in turn taking at 1 month( p-0.005) and after 2 months (p-0.002) and purposeful noises after 2 months of GDCA (p-0.003) and imitation after first month of treatment (p-0.0001) were significant. Responding and joint attention did not show any significant change with 2 months of therapy. Therefore, children with autism do improve significantly in eye contact, turn taking, imitation, purposeful noises with 2 months of GDCA. Long term follow up is required to assess responding and joint attention

    HOXB13, a Target of DNMT3B, Is Methylated at an Upstream CpG Island, and Functions as a Tumor Suppressor in Primary Colorectal Tumors

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    A hallmark of cancer cells is hypermethylation of CpG islands (CGIs), which probably arises from upregulation of one or more DNA methyltransferases. The purpose of this study was to identify the targets of DNMT3B, an essential DNA methyltransferase in mammals, in colon cancer.Chromatin immunoprecipitation with DNMT3B specific antibody followed by CGI microarray identified genes with or without CGIs, repeat elements and genomic contigs in RKO cells. ChIP-Chop analysis showed that the majority of the target genes including P16, DCC, DISC1, SLIT1, CAVEOLIN1, GNA11, TBX5, TBX18, HOXB13 and some histone variants, that harbor CGI in their promoters, were methylated in multiple colon cancer cell lines but not in normal colon epithelial cells. Further, these genes were reactivated in RKO cells after treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine, a DNA hypomethylating agent. COBRA showed that the CGIs encompassing the promoter and/or coding region of DCC, TBX5, TBX18, SLIT1 were methylated in primary colorectal tumors but not in matching normal colon tissues whereas GNA11 was methylated in both. MassARRAY analysis demonstrated that the CGI located approximately 4.5 kb upstream of HOXB13 +1 site was tumor-specifically hypermethylated in primary colorectal cancers and cancer cell lines. HOXB13 upstream CGI was partially hypomethylated in DNMT1(-/-) HCT cells but was almost methylation free in cells lacking both DNMT1 and DNMT3B. Analysis of tumor suppressor properties of two aberrantly methylated transcription factors, HOXB13 and TBX18, revealed that both inhibited growth and clonogenic survival of colon cancer cells in vitro, but only HOXB13 abolished tumor growth in nude mice.This is the first report that identifies several important tumor suppressors and transcription factors as direct DNMT3B targets in colon cancer and as potential biomarkers for this cancer. Further, this study shows that methylation at an upstream CGI of HOXB13 is unique to colon cancer

    5-Aza-Deoxycytidine Induces Selective Degradation of DNA Methyltransferase 1 by a Proteasomal Pathway That Requires the KEN Box, Bromo-Adjacent Homology Domain, and Nuclear Localization Signal

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    5-Azacytidine- and 5-aza-deoxycytidine (5-aza-CdR)-mediated reactivation of tumor suppressor genes silenced by promoter methylation has provided an alternate approach in cancer therapy. Despite the importance of epigenetic therapy, the mechanism of action of DNA-hypomethylating agents in vivo has not been completely elucidated. Here we report that among three functional DNA methyltransferases (DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B), the maintenance methyltransferase, DNMT1, was rapidly degraded by the proteasomal pathway upon treatment of cells with these drugs. The 5-aza-CdR-induced degradation, which occurs in the nucleus, could be blocked by proteasomal inhibitors and required a functional ubiquitin-activating enzyme. The drug-induced degradation occurred even in the absence of DNA replication. Treatment of cells with other nucleoside analogs modified at C-5, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine and 5-fluorocytidine, did not induce the degradation of DNMT1. Mutation of cysteine at the catalytic site of Dnmt1 (involved in the formation of a covalent intermediate with cytidine in DNA) to serine (CS) did not impede 5-aza-CdR-induced degradation. Neither the wild type nor the catalytic site mutant of Dnmt3a or Dnmt3b was sensitive to 5-aza-CdR-mediated degradation. These results indicate that covalent bond formation between the enzyme and 5-aza-CdR-incorporated DNA is not essential for enzyme degradation. Mutation of the conserved KEN box, a targeting signal for proteasomal degradation, to AAA increased the basal level of Dnmt1 and blocked its degradation by 5-aza-CdR. Deletion of the catalytic domain increased the expression of Dnmt1 but did not confer resistance to 5-aza-CdR-induced degradation. Both the nuclear localization signal and the bromo-adjacent homology domain were essential for nuclear localization and for the 5-aza-CdR-mediated degradation of Dnmt1. Polyubiquitination of Dnmt1 in vivo and its stabilization upon treatment of cells with a proteasomal inhibitor indicate that the level of Dnmt1 is controlled by ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation. Overexpression of the substrate recognition component, Cdh1 but not Cdc20, of APC (anaphase-promoting complex)/cyclosome ubiquitin ligase reduced the level of Dnmt1 in both untreated and 5-aza-CdR-treated cells. In contrast, the depletion of Cdh1 with small interfering RNA increased the basal level of DNMT1 that blocked 5-aza-CdR-induced degradation. Dnmt1 interacted with Cdh1 and colocalized in the nucleus at discrete foci. Both Dnmt1 and Cdh1 were phosphorylated in vivo, but only Cdh1 was significantly dephosphorylated upon 5-aza-CdR treatment, suggesting its involvement in initiating the proteasomal degradation of DNMT1. These results demonstrate a unique mechanism for the selective degradation of DNMT1, the maintenance DNA methyltransferase, by well-known DNA-hypomethylating agents

    Estrogen-Mediated Suppression of the Gene Encoding Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PTPRO in Human Breast Cancer: Mechanism and Role in Tamoxifen Sensitivity

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    We have previously demonstrated the tumor suppressor characteristics of protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor-type O (PTPRO) in leukemia and lung cancer, including its suppression by promoter methylation. Here, we show tumor-specific methylation of the PTPRO CpG island in primary human breast cancer. PTPRO expression was significantly reduced in established breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 due to promoter methylation compared with its expression in normal human mammary epithelial cells (48R and 184). Further, the silenced gene could be demethylated and reactivated in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells upon treatment with 5-Azacytidine, a DNA hypomethylating agent. Because PTPRO promoter harbors estrogen-responsive elements and 17β-estradiol (E2) plays a role in breast carcinogenesis, we examined the effect of E2 and its antagonist tamoxifen on PTPRO expression in human mammary epithelial cells and PTPRO-expressing breast cancer cell line Hs578t. Treatment with E2 significantly curtailed PTPRO expression in 48R and Hs578t cells, which was facilitated by ectopic expression of estrogen receptor (ER)β but not ERα. On the contrary, treatment with tamoxifen increased PTPRO expression. Further, knockdown of ERβ by small interfering RNA abolished these effects of E2 and tamoxifen. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed association of c-Fos and c-Jun with PTPRO promoter in untreated cells, which was augmented by tamoxifen-mediated recruitment of ERβ to the promoter. Estradiol treatment resulted in dissociation of c-Fos and c-Jun from the promoter. Ectopic expression of PTPRO in the nonexpressing MCF-7 cells sensitized them to growth-suppressive effects of tamoxifen. These data suggest that estrogen-mediated suppression of PTPRO is probably one of the early events in estrogen-induced tumorigenesis and that expression of PTPRO could facilitate endocrine therapy of breast cancer