95 research outputs found

    Best Years of Your Life

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    Now, I kind of wish I had it to do over again. Instead of this being my final year in college, I wish it were my first. I\u27d like to be going through Freshman Week: taking tests, dancing at the Freshman Mixer and attending that first college class. I wish I were looking forward to four good years on this campus, instead of recalling three rather mediocre ones. I wish I were a freshman again... I would like to change now some of the things I have done in my years of college

    I Did Just as You Told Me

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    Mary Cass had-though living an outwardly moral and respectable life-been ignorant about the way of salvation through Christ until the time of her illness, but as soon as she was taught the truth she immediately obeyed it. I did just as you told me, was her own account of the matter. Now contrast this with the conduct of her mother. Mary\u27s mother trifled with her opportunity and lost it.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/ecommonsatsdigitalresources/1258/thumbnail.jp

    German-American Literary Reviews

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    German-American Literary Reviews

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    Cecilia Rosas

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    Legitimizing the Invented Congolese Space: The Gaze from within in Early Congolese Fiction

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    Postcolonial discourses describe colonization as a process of invention to impose the will of a conquering West on backward societies. The will to power conjugated with the need for row materials served as the main catalysts. They put side by side a hegemonic intruder bent on duplicating itself, and a powerless and compliant native unable to react to the blitz of transformations. Hence, the master/slave or father/child relationships that describe the colonial framework. The task is to interrogate these generally accepted assumptions and binary oppositions. Although marginalized, the Congolese native was unwilling to become on object for the colonizer\u27s gaze. In fact, the inability to expel the invader did not prevent the creation of legitimacies out of what was precipitously brought in. This mechanism of transformation is perceptible in Paul Lomami Tchibamba\u27s novel Ngando (1948), the object of this study. Ngando\u27s imagined colonial city stands out as a site of contrasts and contradictions. However, the duplicated model shows the transformability of the new space into normalcy by a subversive native

    Cannabinoids facilitate the swallowing reflex elicited by the superior laryngeal nerve stimulation in rats

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    Cannabinoids have been reported to be involved in affecting various biological functions through binding with cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2). The present study was designed to investigate whether swallowing, an essential component of feeding behavior, is modulated after the administration of cannabinoid. The swallowing reflex evoked by the repetitive electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve in rats was recorded before and after the administration of the cannabinoid receptor agonist, WIN 55-212-2 (WIN), with or without CB1 or CB2 antagonist. The onset latency of the first swallow and the time intervals between swallows were analyzed. The onset latency and the intervals between swallows were shorter after the intravenous administration of WIN, and the strength of effect of WIN was dose-dependent. Although the intravenous administration of CB1 antagonist prior to intravenous administration of WIN blocked the effect of WIN, the administration of CB2 antagonist did not block the effect of WIN. The microinjection of the CB1 receptor antagonist directly into the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) prior to intravenous administration of WIN also blocked the effect of WIN. Immunofluorescence histochemistry was conducted to assess the co-localization of CB1 receptor immunoreactivity to glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) or glutamate in the NTS. CB1 receptor was co-localized more with GAD67 than glutamate in the NTS. These findings suggest that cannabinoids facilitate the swallowing reflex via CB1 receptors. Cannabinoids may attenuate the tonic inhibitory effect of GABA (gamma-aminobuteric acid) neurons in the central pattern generator for swallowing

    Communication jonctionnelle et interactions entre réseaux neuronaux et gliaux

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        Responsable : Christian Giaume Publications Abudara V., Roux L., Dallérac G., Matias I., Dulong J., Mothet J.P., Rouach N. et Giaume C., « Activated microglia impairs neuroglial interaction by opening Cx43 hemichannels in hippocampal astrocytes », Glia, 63(5), mai 2015, 795-811, DOI : 10.1002/glia.22785. Decrock E., De Bock M., Wang N., Bultynck G., Giaume C., Naus C.C., Green C.R. et Leybaert L., « Connexin and pannexin signaling pathways, an architectural blueprint for CNS physiology an..