32 research outputs found

    Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase: The Story of A Misguided DNA Polymerase

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    Nearly every DNA polymerase characterized to date exclusively catalyzes the incorporation of mononucleotides into a growing primer using a DNA or RNA template as a guide to direct each incorporation event. There is, however, one unique DNA polymerase designated terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase that performs DNA synthesis using only single-stranded DNA as the nucleic acid substrate. In this chapter, we review the biological role of this enigmatic DNA polymerase and the biochemical mechanism for its ability to perform DNA synthesis in the absence of a templating strand. We compare and contrast the molecular events for template-independent DNA synthesis catalyzed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase with other well-characterized DNA polymerases that perform template-dependent synthesis. This includes a quantitative inspection of how terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase binds DNA and dNTP substrates, the possible involvement of a conformational change that precedes phosphoryl transfer, and kinetic steps that are associated with the release of products. These enzymatic steps are discussed within the context of the available structures of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in the presence of DNA or nucleotide substrate. In addition, we discuss the ability of proteins involved in replication and recombination to regulate the activity of the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Finally, the biomedical role of this specialized DNA polymerase is discussed focusing on its involvement in cancer development and its use in biomedical applications such as labeling DNA for detecting apoptosis

    Quantifying the energetic contributions of desolvation and π-electron density during translesion DNA synthesis

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    This report examines the molecular mechanism by which high-fidelity DNA polymerases select nucleotides during the replication of an abasic site, a non-instructional DNA lesion. This was accomplished by synthesizing several unique 5-substituted indolyl 2′-deoxyribose triphosphates and defining their kinetic parameters for incorporation opposite an abasic site to interrogate the contributions of π-electron density and solvation energies. In general, the Kd, app values for hydrophobic non-natural nucleotides are ∼10-fold lower than those measured for isosteric hydrophilic analogs. In addition, kpol values for nucleotides that contain less π-electron densities are slower than isosteric analogs possessing higher degrees of π-electron density. The differences in kinetic parameters were used to quantify the energetic contributions of desolvation and π-electron density on nucleotide binding and polymerization rate constant. We demonstrate that analogs lacking hydrogen-bonding capabilities act as chain terminators of translesion DNA replication while analogs with hydrogen bonding functional groups are extended when paired opposite an abasic site. Collectively, the data indicate that the efficiency of nucleotide incorporation opposite an abasic site is controlled by energies associated with nucleobase desolvation and π-electron stacking interactions whereas elongation beyond the lesion is achieved through a combination of base-stacking and hydrogen-bonding interactions

    Insights Into The Roles of Desolvation and π-Electron Interactions During DNA Polymerization

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    This report describes the use of several isosteric non-natural nucleotides as probes to evaluate the roles of nucleobase shape, size, solvation energies, and π-electron interactions as forces influencing key kinetic steps of the DNA polymerization cycle. Results are provided using representative high- and low-fidelity DNA polymerases. Results generated with the E. coli Klenow fragment reveal that this high-fidelity polymerase utilizes hydrophobic nucleotide analogues with higher catalytic efficiencies compared to hydrophilic analogues. These data support a major role for nucleobase desolvation during nucleotide selection and insertion. In contrast, the low-fidelity HIV-1 reverse transcriptase discriminates against hydrophobic analogues and only tolerates non-natural nucleotides that are capable of hydrogen-bonding or π-stacking interactions. Surprisingly, hydrophobic analogues that function as efficient substrates for the E. coli Klenow fragment behave as noncompetitive or uncompetitive inhibitors against HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. In these cases, the mode of inhibition depends upon the absence or presence of a templating nucleobase. Molecular modeling studies suggest that these analogues bind to the active site of reverse transcriptase as well as to a nearby hydrophobic binding pocket. Collectively, the studies using these non-natural nucleotides reveal important mechanistic differences between representative high- and low-fidelity DNA polymerases during nucleotide selection and incorporation

    Therapeutic Strategies and Biomarkers to Modulate PARP Activity for Targeted Cancer Therapy

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    Poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) is commonly known for its vital role in DNA damage response and repair. However, its enzymatic activity has been linked to a plethora of physiological and pathophysiological transactions ranging from cellular proliferation, survival and death. For instance, malignancies with BRCA1/2 mutations heavily rely on PARP activity for survival. Thus, the use of PARP inhibitors is a well-established intervention in these types of tumors. However, recent studies indicate that the therapeutic potential of attenuating PARP1 activity in recalcitrant tumors, especially where PARP1 is aberrantly overexpressed and hyperactivated, may extend its therapeutic utility in wider cancer types beyond BRCA-deficiency. Here, we discuss treatment strategies to expand the tumor-selective therapeutic application of PARP inhibitors and novel approaches with predictive biomarkers to perturb NAD+ levels and hyperPARylation that inactivate PARP in recalcitrant tumors. We also provide an overview of genetic alterations that transform non-BRCA mutant cancers to a state of “BRCAness” as potential biomarkers for synthetic lethality with PARP inhibitors. Finally, we discuss a paradigm shift for the use of novel PARP inhibitors outside of cancer treatment, where it has the potential to rescue normal cells from severe oxidative damage during ischemia-reperfusion injury induced by surgery and radiotherapy

    NQO1-dependent, tumor-selective radiosensitization of non-small cell lung cancers

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    Purpose: Development of tumor-specific therapies for the treatment of recalcitrant non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) are urgently needed. Here, we investigated the ability of ß-lapachone (ß-lap, ARQ761 in clinical form) to selectively potentiate the effects of ionizing radiation (IR, 1–3 Gy) in NSCLCs that over-express NAD(P)H:Quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). Experimental Design: The mechanism of lethality of low dose IR in combination with sublethal doses of ß-lap were evaluated in NSCLC lines in vitro and validated in subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograph models in vivo. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) studies comparing single versus co-treatments were performed to validate therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of action. Results: ß-Lap administration after IR treatment hyperactivated PARP, greatly lowered NAD+/ATP levels, and increased DSB lesions over time in vitro. Radiosensitization of orthotopic, as well as subcutaneous, NSCLCs occurred with high apparent cures (>70%), even though 1/8 ß-lap doses reach subcutaneous versus orthotopic tumors. No methemoglobinemia or long-term toxicities were noted in any normal tissues, including mouse liver that expresses the highest level of NQO1 (~12 Units) of any normal tissue. PK/PD responses confirm that IR + ß-lap treatments hyperactivate PARP activity, greatly lower NAD+/ATP levels and dramatically inhibit DSB repair in exposed NQO1+ cancer tissue, while low NQO1 levels and high levels of Catalase in associated normal tissue were protective. Conclusion: Our data suggest that combination of sublethal doses of ß-lap and IR is a viable approach to selectively treat NQO1-overexpressing NSCLC and warrant a clinical trial using low-dose IR + ß-lapachone against patients with NQO1+ NSCLCs

    NQO1-Bioactivatable Therapeutics as Radiosensitizers for Cancer Treatment

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    Developing cancer therapeutics that radiosensitize in a tumor-selective manner remains an ideal. We developed a novel means of radiosensitization, exploiting NAD(P)H:Quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) overexpression, and lowered catalase expression in solid human tumors using NQO1-bioactivatable drugs. Non-small cell lung (NSCLC), pancreatic (PDAC), prostate, and breast cancers overexpress NQO1. Ionizing radiation (IR) creates a spectrum of DNA lesions, including lethal DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), and mutagenic but rarely lethal altered DNA bases and DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs). NQO1-bioactivatable drugs (e.g., β-lapachone and deoxynyboquiones) also promote abasic DNA lesions and SSBs. These hyperactivate poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) and dramatically increase calcium release from the endoplasm reticulum (ER). Exposure of human cancer cells overexpressing NQO1 to NQO1-bioactivatable drugs immediately following IR, therefore, hyperactivates PARP1 synergistically, which in turn depletes NAD+ and ATP, inhibiting DSB repair. Ultimately, this leads to cell death. Combining IR with NQO1-bioactivatable drugs allows for a reduction in drug dose. Similarly, a lower IR dose can be used in combination with the drug, reducing the effects of IR on normal tissue. The combination treatment is effective in preclinical animal models with NSCLC, prostate, and head and neck xenografts, indicating that clinical trials are warranted

    XRN2 interactome reveals its synthetic lethal relationship with PARP1 inhibition

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    Persistent R-loops (RNA–DNA hybrids with a displaced single-stranded DNA) create DNA damage and lead to genomic instability. The 5′-3′-exoribonuclease 2 (XRN2) degrades RNA to resolve R-loops and promotes transcription termination. Previously, XRN2 was implicated in DNA double strand break (DSB) repair and in resolving replication stress. Here, using tandem affinity purification-mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, and biochemical approaches, we found that XRN2 associates with proteins involved in DNA repair/replication (Ku70-Ku80, DNA-PKcs, PARP1, MCM2-7, PCNA, RPA1) and RNA metabolism (RNA helicases, PRP19, p54(nrb), splicing factors). Novel major pathways linked to XRN2 include cell cycle control of chromosomal replication and DSB repair by non-homologous end joining. Investigating the biological implications of these interactions led us to discover that XRN2 depletion compromised cell survival after additional knockdown of specific DNA repair proteins, including PARP1. XRN2-deficient cells also showed enhanced PARP1 activity. Consistent with concurrent depletion of XRN2 and PARP1 promoting cell death, XRN2-deficient fibroblast and lung cancer cells also demonstrated sensitivity to PARP1 inhibition. XRN2 alterations (mutations, copy number/expression changes) are frequent in cancers. Thus, PARP1 inhibition could target cancers exhibiting XRN2 functional loss. Collectively, our data suggest XRN2’s association with novel protein partners and unravel synthetic lethality between XRN2 depletion and PARP1 inhibition

    Development of a ‘clickable’ non-natural nucleotide to visualize the replication of non-instructional DNA lesions

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    The misreplication of damaged DNA is an important biological process that produces numerous adverse effects on human health. This report describes the synthesis and characterization of a non-natural nucleotide, designated 3-ethynyl-5-nitroindolyl-2′-deoxyriboside triphosphate (3-Eth-5-NITP), as a novel chemical reagent that can probe and quantify the misreplication of damaged DNA. We demonstrate that this non-natural nucleotide is efficiently inserted opposite an abasic site, a commonly formed and potentially mutagenic non-instructional DNA lesion. The strategic placement of the ethynyl moiety allows the incorporated nucleoside triphosphate to be selectively tagged with an azide-containing fluorophore using ‘click’ chemistry. This reaction provides a facile way to quantify the extent of nucleotide incorporation opposite non-instructional DNA lesions. In addition, the incorporation of 3-Eth-5-NITP is highly selective for an abasic site, and occurs even in the presence of a 50-fold molar excess of natural nucleotides. The biological applications of using 3-Eth-5-NITP as a chemical probe to monitor and quantify the misreplication of non-instructional DNA lesions are discussed

    Targeting Base Excision Repair in Cancer: NQO1-Bioactivatable Drugs Improve Tumor Selectivity and Reduce Treatment Toxicity Through Radiosensitization of Human Cancer

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    Ionizing radiation (IR) creates lethal DNA damage that can effectively kill tumor cells. However, the high dose required for a therapeutic outcome also damages healthy tissue. Thus, a therapeutic strategy with predictive biomarkers to enhance the beneficial effects of IR allowing a dose reduction without losing efficacy is highly desirable. NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) is overexpressed in the majority of recalcitrant solid tumors in comparison with normal tissue. Studies have shown that NQO1 can bioactivate certain quinone molecules (e.g., ortho-naphthoquinone and β-lapachone) to induce a futile redox cycle leading to the formation of oxidative DNA damage, hyperactivation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1), and catastrophic depletion of NAD+ and ATP, which culminates in cellular lethality via NAD+-Keresis. However, NQO1-bioactivatable drugs induce methemoglobinemia and hemolytic anemia at high doses. To circumvent this, NQO1-bioactivatable agents have been shown to synergize with PARP1 inhibitors, pyrimidine radiosensitizers, and IR. This therapeutic strategy allows for a reduction in the dose of the combined agents to decrease unwanted side effects by increasing tumor selectivity. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of radiosensitization between NQO1-bioactivatable drugs and IR with a focus on the involvement of base excision repair (BER). This combination therapeutic strategy presents a unique tumor-selective and minimally toxic approach for targeting solid tumors that overexpress NQO1

    Combined inhibition of Ref‐1 and STAT3 leads to synergistic tumour inhibition in multiple cancers using 3D and in vivo tumour co‐culture models

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    With a plethora of molecularly targeted agents under investigation in cancer, a clear need exists to understand which pathways can be targeted simultaneously with multiple agents to elicit a maximal killing effect on the tumour. Combination therapy provides the most promise in difficult to treat cancers such as pancreatic. Ref‐1 is a multifunctional protein with a role in redox signalling that activates transcription factors such as NF‐κB, AP‐1, HIF‐1α and STAT3. Formerly, we have demonstrated that dual targeting of Ref‐1 (redox factor‐1) and STAT3 is synergistic and decreases cell viability in pancreatic cancer cells. Data presented here extensively expands upon this work and provides further insights into the relationship of STAT3 and Ref‐1 in multiple cancer types. Using targeted small molecule inhibitors, Ref‐1 redox signalling was blocked along with STAT3 activation, and tumour growth evaluated in the presence and absence of the relevant tumour microenvironment. Our study utilized qPCR, cytotoxicity and in vivo analysis of tumour and cancer‐associated fibroblasts (CAF) response to determine the synergy of Ref‐1 and STAT3 inhibitors. Overall, pancreatic tumours grown in the presence of CAFs were sensitized to the combination of STAT3 and Ref‐1 inhibition in vivo. In vitro bladder and pancreatic cancer demonstrated the most synergistic responses. By disabling both of these important pathways, this combination therapy has the capacity to hinder crosstalk between the tumour and its microenvironment, leading to improved tumour response