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    The consumption of foods with high nutritional value is essential to maintain the proper functioning of the body. As a result, malnutrition negatively affects the entire functioning of the body, including the immune system, and can contribute to the onset of diseases. Currently, tooth decay affects a large proportion of people, being considered one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide. In view of this, the present work aimed to carry out an analysis regarding the importance of nutrient consumption, its relationship with the functioning of the immune system and the prevention and control of tooth decay. The methodology used was a literature review, in which the data search took place in several electronic databases PubMed, Google Scholar and Scielo. Works in Portuguese and English were considered with the main descriptors: nutrients; immune system and cavities. 107 articles and publications were found, with a total of 52 being evaluated in full. In short, the low quality of life most of the time makes it difficult or impossible to access satisfactory food, generating effects on the individual's immunity and general health. Components of the immune system, such as lymphocytes and immunoglobulins present in saliva, are essential in the fight against Streptococcus mutans, the etiological agent of caries. Thus, the appearance and worsening of cavities are due, among other factors, to a poor performance of the immune system, which fundamentally depends on good nutrition.O consumo de alimentos com alto valor nutritivo é indispensável para manter o bom funcionamento do organismo. Em consequência, a desnutrição afeta negativamente todo o funcionamento do corpo, incluindo o sistema imune, podendo contribuir para o aparecimento de doenças. Atualmente, a cárie dentária acomete grande parcela de pessoas, sendo considerada como uma das doenças mais prevalentes em todo o mundo. À vista disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma análise a respeito da importância do consumo de nutrientes, sua relação com o funcionamento do sistema imune e com a prevenção e controle da cárie dentária. A metodologia utilizada foi uma revisão de literatura, na qual a busca de dados ocorreu em diversas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Google acadêmico e Scielo. Foram considerados trabalhos nos idiomas português e inglês com os principais descritores: nutrientes; sistema imunológico e cárie. Foram encontrados 107 artigos e publicações, sendo avaliados na íntegra um total de 52. Em suma, a baixa qualidade de vida na maioria das vezes dificulta ou impossibilita o acesso a alimentação satisfatória, gerando efeitos na imunidade e na saúde geral do indivíduo. Componentes do sistema imunológico, como linfócitos e imunoglobulinas presentes na saliva são indispensáveis no combate ao Streptococcus mutans, agente etiológico da cárie. Assim, o aparecimento e o agravamento da cárie se devem, dentre outros fatores, a uma má atuação do sistema imune que depende fundamentalmente de uma boa alimentação. &nbsp

    Oral diseases in school children: influence of ADHD symptoms and executive functions

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    Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz ([email protected]) on 2015-01-23T16:14:43Z No. of bitstreams: 5 isabella.pdf: 2438155 bytes, checksum: 8849537d67c505387dbeb111a0c0a616 (MD5) license_url: 52 bytes, checksum: 3d480ae6c91e310daba2020f8787d6f9 (MD5) license_text: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) license.txt: 2109 bytes, checksum: aa477231e840f304454a16eb85a9235f (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz ([email protected]) on 2015-02-10T11:06:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 isabella.pdf: 2438155 bytes, checksum: 8849537d67c505387dbeb111a0c0a616 (MD5) license_url: 52 bytes, checksum: 3d480ae6c91e310daba2020f8787d6f9 (MD5) license_text: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) license.txt: 2109 bytes, checksum: aa477231e840f304454a16eb85a9235f (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-10T11:06:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 isabella.pdf: 2438155 bytes, checksum: 8849537d67c505387dbeb111a0c0a616 (MD5) license_url: 52 bytes, checksum: 3d480ae6c91e310daba2020f8787d6f9 (MD5) license_text: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) license.txt: 2109 bytes, checksum: aa477231e840f304454a16eb85a9235f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)O transtorno de d?ficit de aten??o e hiperatividade (TDAH) ? o dist?rbio de desenvolvimento mais comum entre os escolares, podendo desencadear altera??es em toda a trajet?ria de vida do indiv?duo e de seus familiares. Objetivos: Investigar se o TDAH pode ser considerado fator de risco para altera??es bucais. Metodologia: A disserta??o foi desenvolvida em dois estudos independentes. No primeiro estudo foi desenvolvido um artigo de revis?o em que dois pesquisadores realizaram as buscas, de forma independente, nas bases de dados MEDLINE e Web of Science. Foram analisados todos os artigos originais sobre o tema, independente do tipo de estudo, publicados desde o in?cio do banco de dados at? agosto de 2012. Estudos de revis?es foram exclu?dos. No segundo estudo foi desenvolvido uma pesquisa transversal com amostra representativa de 851 crian?as com idades entre 7 e 12 anos, selecionadas aleatoriamente nas escolas da cidade de Diamantina. Informa??es socioecon?micas foram coletadas atrav?s de question?rios enviados aos pais das crian?as. Todas as crian?as participaram do exame cl?nico de c?rie dent?ria e da avalia??o neuropsicol?gica utilizando o teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, Cubos de Corsi e Digit Span. Os sintomas de desaten??o e hiperatividade foram investigados pelo preenchimento da escala SNAP pelos pais e professores. Resultados: No estudo de revis?o, os resultados foram divergentes com rela??o ? associa??o entre TDAH e sa?de bucal, sendo que cinco estudos encontraram associa??o entre c?rie dent?ria e TDAH, no entanto, dois n?o estabeleceram essa associa??o. Em rela??o, a associa??o entre trauma dent?rio e TDAH, cinco estudos encontraram associa??o positiva, enquanto outros 3 n?o encontraram associa??o. E, somente um estudo mostrou associa??o entre c?rie dent?ria e gengivite. A maioria dos estudos existentes apresentaram limita??es metodol?gicas, tais como n?o padroniza??o dos crit?rios diagn?sticos para o TDAH, aus?ncia de c?lculo amostral e falta de representatividade amostral. No segundo estudo da disserta??o, crian?as relatadas como desatentas e/ou hiperativas pelos pais apresentaram maior probabilidade de possuir dentes cavitados. Maior escolaridade materna e melhor desempenho no subteste Cubos de Corsi (ordem inversa) foram fatores protetores em rela??o ? ocorr?ncia de c?rie dent?ria. Conclus?o: O estudo de revis?o indicou que n?o h? consenso sobre a associa??o entre TDAH e sa?de bucal, por?m, a maioria das evid?ncias indicam a favor da exist?ncia dessa associa??o. Os dados do artigo original revelaram que a escolaridade materna, desaten??o e hiperatividade relatadas pelos pais e o desempenho nas fun??es executivas foram as vari?veis explicativas para a ocorr?ncia de dentes cavitados.ABSTRACT The attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common developmental disorder among students and may trigger changes across the life course of the individuals and their families. Objectives: To investigate whether ADHD can be considered a risk factor for oral alterations. Methods: The dissertation was developed in two independent studies. In the first study, a review article was developed in which two researchers conducted the searches independently, in the MEDLINE and Web of Science databases. We analyzed all original articles on the subject, regardless the type of the study, published since the beginning of the database to August 2012. In the second study we developed a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 851 children aged between 7 and 12 years, randomly selected from schools of Diamantina city. Socioeconomic data were collected through questionnaires sent to parents. All children participated in the clinical examination of dental caries and neuropsychological assessment, using the Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices test, Corsi Blocks and Digit Span. Inattention and hyperactivity symptoms were assessed by the filling of the SNAP scale by parents and teachers. Results: In the first study, the results were conflicting regarding the association between ADHD and oral health. Five studies found an association between dental caries and ADHD, however two have not established this association. Regarding the association between dental trauma and ADHD, five studies found a positive association, while 3 others found no association. And, only one study showed an association between dental caries and gingivitis. Most existing studies had methodological limitations, such as non-standardization of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, no sample size calculation and lack of representativeness. In the second study of this dissertation, children reported as inattentive and / or hyperactive by their parents were more likely to have cavitary teeth. Higher maternal education and better performance on the Corsi Blocks subtest (backward) were protective factors to dental caries. Conclusion: The review study indicated that there is no consensus about the association between ADHD and oral health, but most evidences point to the existence of this association. The data of the original article revealed that maternal education, inattention and hyperactivity reported by parents and performance in executive functions were the explanatory variables for the occurrence of dental caries

    Dental caries in schoolchildren: influence of inattention, hyperactivity and executive functions

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    <div><p>Abstract Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inappropriate levels of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention. Individuals with ADHD may present limitations with regard to executive functions and performing activities that involve planning and/or attention/concentration. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between dental caries and signs of ADHD in a representative sample of schoolchildren. A representative sample of 851 schoolchildren aged seven to 12 years was randomly selected from public and private schools. Data acquisition involved a clinical dental examination for cavitated permanent and deciduous teeth using the DMFT/dmft indices. Neuropsychological evaluations, including the assessment of intelligence (Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrix Test) and executive functions (Corsi Tapping Blocks tests and Digit Span test) were also performed. Parents/caregivers and teachers answered the SNAP-IV Questionnaire for the investigation of signs of inattention and hyperactivity in the family and school environment. Parents/caregivers also answered questionnaires addressing socioeconomic and socio-demographic characteristics. Descriptive analysis of the variables and Poisson regression with robust variance were performed. Parental reports of signs of inattention (PR: 1.28; p < 0.05) and hyperactivity (PR: 1.15; p < 0.05) were associated with a greater occurrence of caries. A better performance on the backward order of the Corsi Tapping Blocks tests (PR: 0.94; p < 0.05) and higher level of mother’s schooling were associated with a lower frequency of caries. A better performance on executive function tasks was a protective factor against dental caries, whereas children considered inattentive and/or hyperactive by their parents had a higher prevalence rate of dental caries.</p></div