3,232 research outputs found

    Spatial variations of the fine-structure constant in symmetron models

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    We investigate the variation of the fine-structure constant, {\alpha}, in symmetron models using N-body simulations in which the full spatial distribution of {\alpha} at different redshifts has been calculated. In particular, we obtain simulated sky maps for this variation, and determine its power spectrum. We find that in high-density regions of space (such as deep inside dark matter halos) the value of {\alpha} approaches the value measured on Earth. In the low-density outskirts of halos the scalar field value can approach the symmetry breaking value and leads to significantly different values of {\alpha}. If the scalar-photon coupling strength {\beta}{\gamma} is of order unity we find that the variation of {\alpha} inside dark matter halos can be of the same magnitude as the recent claims by Webb et al. of a dipole variation. Importantly, our results also show that with low-redshift symmetry breaking these models exhibit some dependence of {\alpha} on lookback time (as opposed to a pure spatial dipole) which could in principle be detected by sufficiently accurate spectroscopic measurements, such as those of ALMA and the ELT-HIRES.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The cosmological behavior of Bekenstein's modified theory of gravity

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    We study the background cosmology governed by the Tensor-Vector-Scalar theory of gravity proposed by Bekenstein. We consider a broad family of potentials that lead to modified gravity and calculate the evolution of the field variables both numerically and analytically. We find a range of possible behaviors, from scaling to the late time domination of either the additional gravitational degrees of freedom or the background fluid.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, A few typos corrected in the text and figures. Version published in PR

    Paramagnetic reentrant effect in high purity mesoscopic AgNb proximity structures

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    We discuss the magnetic response of clean Ag coated Nb proximity cylinders in the temperature range 150 \mu K < T < 9 K. In the mesoscopic temperature regime, the normal metal-superconductor system shows the yet unexplained paramagnetic reentrant effect, discovered some years ago [P. Visani, A. C. Mota, and A. Pollini, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1514 (1990)], superimposing on full Meissner screening. The logarithmic slope of the reentrant paramagnetic susceptibility chi_para(T) \propto \exp(-L/\xi_N) is limited by the condition \xi_N=n L, with \xi_N=\hbar v_F/2 \pi k_B T, the thermal coherence length and n=1,2,4. In wires with perimeters L=72 \mu m and L=130 \mu m, we observe integer multiples n=1,2,4. At the lowest temperatures, \chi_para compensates the diamagnetic susceptibility of the \textit{whole} AgNb structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (color

    Diamagnetic response of cylindrical normal metal - superconductor proximity structures with low concentration of scattering centers

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    We have investigated the diamagnetic response of composite NS proximity wires, consisting of a clean silver or copper coating, in good electrical contact to a superconducting niobium or tantalum core. The samples show strong induced diamagnetism in the normal layer, resulting in a nearly complete Meissner screening at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the linear diamagnetic susceptibility data is successfully described by the quasiclassical Eilenberger theory including elastic scattering characterised by a mean free path l. Using the mean free path as the only fit parameter we found values of l in the range 0.1-1 of the normal metal layer thickness d_N, which are in rough agreement with the ones obtained from residual resistivity measurements. The fits are satisfactory over the whole temperature range between 5 mK and 7 K for values of d_N varying between 1.6 my m and 30 my m. Although a finite mean free path is necessary to correctly describe the temperature dependence of the linear response diamagnetic susceptibility, the measured breakdown fields in the nonlinear regime follow the temperature and thickness dependence given by the clean limit theory. However, there is a discrepancy in the absolute values. We argue that in order to reach quantitative agreement one needs to take into account the mean free path from the fits of the linear response. [PACS numbers: 74.50.+r, 74.80.-g]Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Surface Analysis Of Alumina Ceramic Exposed To Shock Waves Produced By Plasma Expander

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    Material surface treatment by plasma expander is relatively recent. Plasma expander is based on the inverse pinch effect. The shock waves produced by plasma expander may also promote modifications in ceramic materials exposed to the expander. These modifications are mainly made by ablation phenomenon. This work was intended to verify the shock wave effects on the ionic ceramic samples with high dielectric constant. The alumina ceramic samples were formed by both uniaxial and isostatic pressing methods and sintered at 1650 degrees C. They were also produced with addition 0.15 wt% of MgO in order to obtain a high densification. The ceramic samples were divided in groups and exposed to 700, 1000 and 1440 pulses during 20 min. These pulses were generated by nitrogen plasma expander at 13.0 Pa and 6 kV. After plasma exposure, there was an increase in roughness parameter values of Al2O3 ceramic surface. The treatment by plasma expander did not modify the hydrophilic characteristic of the alumina ceramic samples. The results of hardness test presented no significant changes on hardness mean values.59

    Unusual magnetic properties of the low-dimensional quantum magnet Na2V3O7

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    We report the results of low-temperature measurements of the specific heat Cp(T), ac susceptibility chi(T) and 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance NMR of Na2V3O7. At liquid He temperatures Cp(T)/T exhibits broad field-dependent maxima, which shift to higher temperatures upon increasing the applied magnetic field H. Below 1.5 K the ac magnetic susceptibility chi(T) follows a Curie-Weiss law and exhibits a cusp at 0.086 mK which indicates a phase transition at very low temperatures. These results support the previous conjecture that Na2V3O7 is close to a quantum critical point (QCP) at mu_{0}H = 0 T. The entire data set, including results of measurements of the NMR spin-lattice relaxation 1/T1(T), reveals a complex magnetic behavior at low temperatures. We argue that it is due to a distribution of singlet-triplet energy gaps of dimerized V moments. The dimerization process evolves over a rather broad temperature range around and below 100 K. At the lowest temperatures the magnetic properties are dominated by the response of only a minor fraction of the V moments.Comment: 10.5 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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