140 research outputs found

    First detection of Bursaphelenchus luxuriosae associated with Pinus pinaster in Portugal

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    During a field survey carried out on symptomatic maritime pine trees (Pinus pinaster) in Góis, central Portugal, Bursaphelenchus luxuriosae was isolated for the first time in Portugal, and in Europe. Identification of the nematodes was based on morphological characters and molecular analyses for this species. The general morphology of both females and males is in agreement with the original description for B. luxuriosae, namely the typical morphology of the male spicules and the conspicuous morphology of female tail. Species identification was confirmed through sequencing of the ITS rDNA region and the fragment spanning the D2/D3 domain of the 28S rDNA gene. This species belongs to the xylophilus-group and is the third species in this group known in Portugal. The nematodes were retrieved in small numbers (<100 nematodes/100 g dry wood), and no insect vector association could be established

    Project Proof: Internet Enabled Process Reengineering at J.D. Edwards & Company

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    J.D. Edwards is a provider of the new generation of ERP and collaborative commerce solutions. This case study describes the challenges faced internally by the company to upgrade to the latest enterprise software it would sell to the world. Dubbed Project PROOF, the project started in June 2001 and was completed in November 2002. The perspectives of the CIO, the program manager, and other key personnel are presented. The case study highlights the issues that arise in an enterprise software implementation project. In addition, the case touches upon issues of project management, process redesign, and marketing. The case study uses a multimedia format to add richness and detail. Although J.D. Edwards was acquired in 2003, the issues discussed are relevant to current business practices

    Identification of a mosaic non-inherited small supernumerary ring chromosome 2: cytogenetic-molecular studies and genotype-phenotype correlation

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    Introduction: The identification of supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs) derived from all the autosomes is currently possible, but rarely by conventional cytogenetics alone. Supernumerary ring chromosomes (SRCs) account for about 10% of these cases. SRCs derived from chromosome 2 are unusual, and there are only a few cases reported in the literature. The severity of the phenotype depends on the type of the mosaicism, the percentage of cells affected by the genetic change and the chromosome involved. Methods: The authors report the case of a boy aged 8 referred for cytogenetic studies, presenting with behavior and learning problems, mental retardation with uncoordenated speech, attention deficit and hyperactivity (PHDA), as well as small slanting palpebral fissures. The karyotype was obtained from peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures using high resolution GTL banding and standard techniques. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed using specific probes for the centromeric regions of all chromosomes (Chromoprobe Multiprobe - ISystem). Results: Cytogenetic analysis revealed two cell lines: one with a supernumerary marker ring chromosome, 47,XY,+r (52%), and a normal cell line, 46,XY (48%). The SRC was identified by FISH with the chromosome 2 centromeric probe. Since the parents had normal karyotypes, this abnormality was “de novo”. Final karyotype of the proband was: mos 47,XY,+r[26]/46,XY[24].ish r(2)(D2Z2+)dn. Discussion: The clinical description of this patient is in agreement with other reports of the literature. Molecular characterization by FISH analyses is an useful way of investigating the presence of euchromatin contained in a SMC and establishing new chromosomal syndromes. However, to better characterize this ring, in order to establish a more accurate genotype-phenotype correlation, more studies involving other technologies should be performed, thus allowing suitable genetic counsellin

    Deleção cromossómica intersticial em 14q “de novo”: apresentação de um caso

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    Introdução: As deleções intersticiais são anomalias cromossómicas estruturais, desequilibradas, resultantes de dois pontos de quebra, frequentemente associadas a quadros clínicos anormais devido à perda de material genético ativo (eucromatina). As consequências fenotípicas dependem do segmento cromossómico perdido e do número de genes aí localizados. Material e Métodos: Os autores apresentam o caso de um indivíduo do sexo masculino, de 11 anos de idade, referenciado para estudo citogenético por apresentar um quadro clínico de atraso de desenvolvimento psicomotor, défice cognitivo e problemas de comportamento. Realizaram-se culturas sincronizadas de linfócitos de sangue periférico, bandas GTG de alta resolução e, posteriormente, estudos de hibridação in situ por fluorescência (FISH) com sondas de pintura cromossómica total e subtelomérica, específicas para o cromossoma 14. Resultados: A análise das metafases revelou a presença de uma anomalia estrutural no cromossoma 14, interpretada como uma deleção intersticial do segmento compreendido entre as bandas 14q24.3 e 14q32.1. A análise por FISH permitiu confirmar esta deleção intersticial. Como os cariótipos dos pais foram normais, conclui-se que esta anomalia cromossómica é “de novo”, estabelecendo-se o cariótipo do doente como: 46,XY,del(14)(q24.3q32.1).ish del(14)(wcp 14+,SHGC36156+)dn Discussão: A deleção intersticial encontrada no cromossoma 14 implica uma monossomia do segmento 14q24.3→14q32.1. As alterações descritas mais comuns, associadas a esta deleção, incluem ADPM e algumas malformações minor. Os autores apresentam este caso pela raridade da anomalia citogenética encontrada e comparam-no com a literatura atual

    Diagnóstico Pré-natal de Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn: a propósito de um caso

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    Introdução: O Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn é uma patologia originada por uma deleção da região terminal do braço curto do cromossoma 4. O tamanho da deleção pode ser variável levando a um espectro alargado de manifestações clínicas. Em diagnóstico pré-natal (DPN), as alterações fetais mais frequentes incluem atraso do crescimento intra-uterino, lábio leporino e/ou fenda do palato e anomalias cardíacas. A prevalência estimada é de 1/50.000 nascimentos afetando duas vezes mais indivíduos do sexo feminino do que do sexo masculino. Objectivo: Apresentação de um caso de Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn em DPN comparando-o com outros casos publicados. Material e métodos: Grávida com 17semanas de gestação, referenciada para estudos cromossómicos por idade materna avançada (35 anos) e rastreio bioquímico positivo para trissomia 18. A análise citogenética convencional dos amniócitos cultivados foi realizada de acordo com os métodos habituais usando bandas GTG. O estudo foi complementado por técnicas de citogenética molecular (FISH) utilizando-se a sonda específica para a região do Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn. Resultados: O estudo cromossómico efetuado, revelou uma deleção na região terminal do braço curto do cromossoma 4. A análise por FISH confirmou a existência da deleção desta região, permitindo estabelecer o cariótipo 46,XX,del(4)(p15.3).ish del(4)(p16.3p16.3)(WCHR-). Os cariótipos efetuados aos pais foram normais. Conclusões: Discute-se a importância deste caso pela raridade da anomalia citogenética encontrada, assim como pela dificuldade em realizar o diagnóstico por citogenética convencional, em alguns destes casos, quando não se obtêm bandas de alta resolução

    Clinical, cytogenetic and molecular findings of a “de novo” inv dup del (6q)

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    Introduction: Complex rearrangements resulting in inverted duplications contiguous to a terminal deletion (inv dup del) were first reported for the short arm of chromosome 8 in1976. Since then this type of structural anomaly has been described for an increasing number of chromosomes. In these rearrangements, the concomitant presence of a deletion and a duplication has important consequences in genotype-phenotype correlations. The authors describe the clinical findings and the cytogenetic characterization of a rare inv dup del involving the long arm of chromosome 6. Material and methods: A girl aged 5 was referred for subtelomeric studies with the indication of psychomotor retardation, autistic features and stereotipies. Chromosome analysis with high resolution GTL-banding was performed on metaphases obtained from cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes. Molecular studies included MLPA (Kits P036 and P070, MRC-Holland), FISH with subtelomeric and whole chromosome painting probes specific for chromosome 6, and cCGH techniques. Results: Initial MLPA studies detected a subtelomeric deletion in the long arm of chromosome 6; the subsequent karyotype revealed a structurally abnormal chromosome 6 with additional material in the end of the long arm. FISH analysis showed the deletion and demonstrated that the extra material was derived from chromosome 6; cCGH tecnhiques defined the extension and confirmed the breakpoints of the duplicated segment. Thus this rearrangement was interpreted as an inv dup del (6q). Since parental karyotypes were normal, this anomaly was considered “de novo”. Discussion: As far as we know this is the first description of a patient presenting with a “de novo” inv dup del (6q). We compare the clinical features in this child with the previously reported cases with either an isolated terminal deletion or a duplication of distal 6q. The authors enhance the importance of the combination of high resolution banding with molecular studies in the characterization of this rare rearrangement

    Interstitial deletion 15q21 and Prader-Willi like syndrome phenotype: Case report

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    Introduction: Chromosome 15q interstitial deletions not involving the Prader-Willi/Angelman region are uncommon and poorly characterized. Very few cases of different segmental losses involving the 15q21 region have been reported at cytogenetic level. All the described patients present with moderate to several mental retardation and characteristic facial dysmorphic features. Some authors compare the similarity between the phenotype of these patients with some features of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Methods: We report the case of a girl aged 8 referred for conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the PWS region, presenting with mental retardation, almond-shaped eyes, obesity, small hands with short fingers and diminished pigmentation of the hair. Results: The chromosomal analysis revealed an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 15, apparently between 15q21 and 15q22. Deletion at 15q11.2 (Prader-Willi/Angelman critical region) was excluded by FISH. To establish the exact breakpoints molecular studies were performed using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones spanning the 15q21.3 region. The absence of signal in this region defines the proband’s final karyotype as: 46,XX,del(15)(q21.3q21.3).ish del(15)(q21.3q21.3)(bA74K1-) Discussion: The authors emphasize the importance of complementary FISH and molecular studies in chromosomal abnormalities and compare the proband’s phenotype with similar cases described in the literature

    Diagnóstico Citogenético em Líquidos Amnióticos Realizado entre 2000-2011 no Centro de Genética Médica Jacinto Magalhães, INSA, IP

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    Introdução: O diagnóstico pré-natal citogenético efetuado em líquido amniótico é um método seguro e fiável para deteção de anomalias cromossómicas fetais, sendo habitualmente realizado a partir das 15 semanas de gestação. Obtêm-se resultados, em média, após 8-10 dias de cultura dos amniócitos. Objectivo: Apresentar a estatística dos resultados obtidos na análise citogenética de líquidos amnióticos realizada na Unidade de Citogenética do Centro de Genética Médica Jacinto Magalhães entre 2000 e 2011, comparando-os com o descrito na literatura. Material e métodos: Entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2011 foram processados 10149 líquidos amnióticos. Os motivos para a realização da amniocentese foram, nomeadamente, idade materna avançada, anomalias ecográficas, marcadores ecográficos, rastreio bioquímico positivo, familiares com anomalias cromossómicas e risco de doença monogénica. Foram realizadas culturas de amniócitos de acordo com as técnicas convencionais de citogenética e os cromossomas identificados com bandas GTG ou GTL. Sempre que necessário efetuaram-se estudos de citogenética molecular (FISH) com as sondas adequadas ao esclarecimento do caso. Resultados: A análise revelou 342 cariótipos anormais (3,4%) dos quais 234 tinham anomalias numéricas e 108 estruturais. Os Síndromes de Down, de Edwards e de Turner foram as anomalias mais frequentes. Vinte e três culturas não cresceram, representando uma percentagem de 0,2% de insucesso. Conclusões: Os autores correlacionam os resultados obtidos com as indicações clínicas fornecidas e comparam-nas com o descrito na literatura. O presente estudo poderá ser utilizado para o estabelecimento de uma base de dados a nível nacional

    Unraveling the Landau's consistence criterion and the meaning of interpenetration in the "Two-Fluid" Model

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    In this letter we show that it is possible to unravel both the physical origin of the Landau's consistence criterion and the specific and subtle meaning of interpenetration of the "two fluids" if one takes into account that in the hydrodynamic regime one needs a coarse-graining in time to bring the system into local equilibrium. That is, the fuzziness in time is relevant for the phenomenological Landau's consistency criterion and the meaning of interpenetration. Note also that we are not questioning the validity of the "Two-Fluid" Model.Comment: 8 pages, affiliation added, typos corrected, final version published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Guess what: Chronic 13q14.3+/CD5‐ /CD23+ lymphocytic leukemia in blood and t(11;14)(q13;q32)+/CD5+/CD23‐ mantle cell lymphoma in lymph nodes!

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    Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2003 Jan;51(1):41-4. Guess what: Chronic 13q14.3+/CD5-/CD23+ lymphocytic leukemia in blood and t(11;14)(q13;q32)+/CD5+/CD23- mantle cell lymphoma in lymph nodes! Lima M, Pinto L, Dos Anjos Teixeira M, Canelhas A, Mota A, Cabeda JM, Silva C, Queirós ML, Fonseca S, Santos AH, Brochado P, Justiça B. Service of Clinical Hematology, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract We report a case of a patient with two B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders: CD5(-)/CD23(+) B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and CD5(+)/CD23(-) mantle cell lymphoma. These disorders were diagnosed simultaneously based on flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and polymerase chain reaction-based molecular studies. The B-cell lymphocytic leukemia clone predominated in the blood and bone marrow, whereas the mantle cell clone predominated in lymph nodes. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. PMID: 12500296 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE