417 research outputs found

    ReSICLED: a new recovery-conscious design method for complex products based on a multicriteria assessment of the recoverability

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    Significant improvements in end-of-life complex product recovery can be accomplished when recovery aspects are better integrated at the design stage of products. This paper introduces a new method that should allow design teams to produce better recovery-conscious designs, i.e. to integrate the complexity and the variability of recovery routes and to make recoverability more tangible to designers. The main methodological aspects of the new method are presented based on an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing methods. In particular, the original multiprocess modelling of recovery scenarios and the original quantitative, multicriteria and multiscenario assessment of the recoverability of a product are detailed. On the basis of the assessment results, a design team is able to suggest design improvements. The implementation of the new method is simulated in real industrial practice. It is shown how the use of the method can bring significant gains in the product’s recoverability. Assets and drawbacks of the method are discussed.Région Rhône-Alpe

    Modéliser pour prévoir les flux de polluants émis par un dispositif contenant des déchets

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    Une méthodologie d'étude du comportement en scénario de valorisation de déchets minéraux solidifiés/stabilisés est présentée. La méthodologie est basée sur des outils expérimentaux (des tests paramétriques et des essais de simulation du scénario) et des modèles de comportement. Le cas d'un bassin de stockage d'eau construit avec un matériau contenant des résidus d'épuration des fumées d'incinération d'ordures ménagères est présenté. L'influence de la carbonatation du lixiviat par le CO2 atmosphérique sur le relargage des éléments de constitution du matériau est étudiée. Un modèle de comportement est mis en place pour le cas étudié; il comporte trois niveaux : 1) le matériau (chimie et diffusion), 2) le lixiviat (chimie et convection), 3) l'absorption du CO2 dans le lixiviat. Plusieurs échelles d'expérimentation (tests de laboratoire, pilote de laboratoire, pilote de terrain) ont été mises en place pour l'étude du scénario et pour la validation du modèle de comportement. Le rôle de la modélisation est mis en avant par les résultats prévisionnels des simulations. Ainsi, pour le cas étudié, la carbonatation du système diminue la concentration du plomb dans l'eau du bassin par rapport à un scénario "bassin couvert". La carbonatation ne modifie pas le relargage des éléments solubles (Na, K, Cl) et détermine la spéciation du Ca dans le bassin et à la surface du matériau.The reuse of wastes and industrial residues should only be considered if we can assure that the environmental risks related to the planned use remain acceptable. The assessment and development of methodologies and tools used in evaluating the long-term release of pollutants from materials containing wastes is an area of research that is expanding. These methods depend on not only the characteristics of the materials (especially physical structure and composition) but also contact with both water and the reactive atmosphere.The methodological standard ENV 12 920 is fundamental in the definition of the European approach, which involves the intrinsic and dynamic characterisation of the material/scenario couple in order to model the time-dependent source term. The main steps of the methodology are: 1) definition of the problem and the solution sought; 2) description of the scenario; 3) description of the waste; 4) determination of the influence of parameters on leaching behaviour; 5) modelling of leaching behaviour and 6) behavioural model validation.The reuse scenario considered in the paper was a storage tank open to the atmosphere including material leaching, carbonation and contact with air. The reservoir content was composed of a mixture of hydraulic binders and air pollution control residues from a Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator. Modelling of the source term (the reservoir material) was performed in several steps ranging from the physico-chemical characterisation of the material to the validation of the proposed model by field simulation devices.An experimental "toolbox" consisting of equilibrium dissolution tests and a dynamic leaching test was used. The experimental data supplied by the tests are the necessary input parameters for the behavioural model and give information about the release mechanisms. Identification of the main transfer mechanisms indicates that the release of soluble pollutants is the combined result of diffusional transfer of pollutants in the solution and the physico-chemical specificity of the species.A physico-chemical and transport model has been developed for the long-term prediction of environmental leaching behaviour of porous materials containing inorganic waste solidified with hydraulic binders and placed in a reuse scenario. The model includes the source term, the leachate and the gas/liquid interface. The source term considers the main chemical equilibria (a simplified system) occurring in the interstitial water of the porous material. The consideration of the base content of the material, and the experimental determination of the solubility of heavy metals in the pore water, ensure a good representation of the metal release. The source term also includes diffusion in the porous system, which is considered the main transport phenomenon.The leachate component considers chemical reactions that occur in the leachate. Many competitive dynamic processes (fluxes of mobile species coming from or penetrating into the material, gas absorption) take place in the leachate. Mass transport by convection of the leachate is also considered. Finally, the gas/liquid interface includes absorption with chemical reactions of carbon dioxide.The physico-chemical parameters (initial element content, lead solubility and diffusion coefficient) of the model with respect to the source term were estimated using laboratory leaching tests. The gas/liquid mass transfer coefficient was estimated for each pilot. The simulation results agree with the two scales of experimental data: laboratory scale (volume of reservoir 80 L) and field tests (20 m3). No scale effect was observed as the intensity of the absorption phenomenon was virtually the same.Experimental data and simulations show the main trends for the release of elements contained in the material: 1) The results obtained show that air carbonation of the leachate does not fundamentally change mass transfer mechanisms of easily soluble species (especially for alkaline metals). For these species, the use of the apparent diffusional model is a satisfactory solution for the prediction of long-term leaching behaviour. 2) The release of Ca and Pb was governed by chemical equilibria in pore water and diffusion whereas their speciation in the leachate was determined by pH and the presence of carbonate ions. 3) A carbonation front appears at the leachate/material interface and progresses into the material. 4) The target metal (lead) has a weak release (non-detectable by the analytical method used) for the study period. 5) Simulations of similar scenarios but without carbonation (a closed reservoir) predicts a higher concentration of lead than in the studied scenario.Model estimations may be enhanced by a better knowledge of the source term (particularly the mineralogy and chemistry) and by an exhaustive listing of external factors acting in each scenario. In this study, factors such as the biological activity or temperature fluctuations were not taken into account. The general methodology used is based on several indispensable steps that lead to an environmental assessment of materials containing wastes destined for reuse scenarios. The necessary tools (experimental tests and mathematical models) are however specific for categories of materials (wastes) and types of scenarios.A new generation of decision-making tools, based on modelling and simulation results, can complete, or even replace, the normalised procedures that mainly focus on laboratory experimental data

    Zainteresowanie ochroną przyrody i historią botaniki w Polsce oraz pasja popularyzacji wiedzy przyrodniczej w twórczości Seweryna Józefa Krzemieniewskiego (1871–1945)

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    The aim of this paper is to present one of the pioneers of Polish microbiology, Seweryn Józef Krzemieniewski, as a scholar with humanistic and interdisciplinary interests. His work covered primarily the history of botany and was an important contribution to the development of this discipline in the interwar period in Poland. Krzemieniewski is the author of works analyzing the research of Michał Boym, a missionary in China, as well as of an article presenting the history of botany in Lviv. He also prepared biographies of Polish botanists, but not all of them were published. Additionally, the scientist was involved for several years in intensive work in nature conservation, which makes it possible to include him in the group of leading activists in this field in Poland of that period. Krzemieniewski’s belief in the fundamental importance of education for the development of conscious and environmentally sensitive society seems to be at the root of his humanistic activities, which is clearly visible in his published works. This idea is also reflected in his activities as a popularizer of natural science and a lecturer.Celem pracy jest przedstawienie sylwetki Seweryna Józefa Krzemieniewskiego, jednego z pionierów polskiej mikrobiologii, jako uczonego o zainteresowaniach humanistycznych i interdyscyplinarnych. Jego twórczość w tym obszarze objęła przede wszystkim historię botaniki wniosła ważny wkład w rozwój tej dyscypliny w Polsce, w okresie międzywojennym. Krzemieniewski jest autorem prac analizujących badania przyrodnicze misjonarza Michała Boyma, a także artykułu przedstawiającego historię botaniki w ośrodku lwowskim. Opracował również biogramy botaników polskich, nie wszystkie jednak zostały wydane drukiem. Ponadto uczony przez kilka lat angażował się w intensywne prace na rzecz ochrony przyrody, co pozwala zaliczyć go w tym okresie do grupy czołowych działaczy na tym polu w Polsce i wpisuje na karty historii ochrony przyrody. U podstaw humanistycznej działalności Krzemieniewskiego wydaje się leżeć jego przekonanie o podstawowym znaczeniu edukacji dla rozwoju świadomego i wrażliwego przyrodniczo społeczeństwa, co znajduje wyraźne odbicie w opublikowanych przez niego pracach. Ta idea ma również odzwierciedlenie w działaniach uczonego jako popularyzatora wiedzy przyrodniczej oraz wykładowcy. &nbsp

    Os fatores estressores em pacientes adultos internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva: uma revisão integrativa

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    The present study is an integrative review of the literature that aims to analyze the available evidence in the literature about the stressors reported by patients hospitalized in an adult intensive care unit. The articles were searched in the databases LILACS, Scielo, PubMed and BDENF published during the period from 1997 to 2015. The articles about the theme at hand have been  included in Portuguese and Spanish. The sample consisted of 13 articles, where 40 stressors were identified, categorized as environmental, physiological, emotional / psychological and social, divided into 16 subcategories: unfavorable situations, noise, ineffective thermoregulation, disturbed sleep patterns, impaired bed mobility, impaired verbal communication, pain, lack of attention / individuality, anxiety, fear, loss of autonomy, interrupted family process, impaired social interaction, impotence, feeling of impotence and compromised family coping. It has been verified that the theme is relevant, but still in early stages, considering the nursing care gaps to be implemented. It is evident that when stressors are identified, evaluated and diagnosed by nurses they can be transcribed as nursing care in a plan of individual care to the patient, enabling the recovery and rehabilitation process during hospitalization in the ICU.El presente estudio se trata de una revisión integrativa de la literatura que tiene como objetivo analizar las evidencias disponibles sobre los factores estresantes relatados por los pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) adulto. La búsqueda de los artículos ha sido realizada en las bases de datos LILACS, Scielo, PubMed y BDENF publicados entre los años de 1997 a 2015. Han sido incluidos los artículos que abordaron la temática del estudio acerca de la cuestión guía en los idiomas portugués y español. De los 13 artículos seleccionados, han sido identificados 40 factores estresantes, categorizados en ambiental, fisiológico, emocional / psicológico y social, divididos en 16 subcategorías: las situaciones desfavorables, los ruidos, la termorregulación ineficaz, el patrón del sueño alterado, la movilidad en la cama alterada, la comunicación verbal perjudicada, el dolor, la falta de atención / individualidad, la ansiedad, el miedo, la pérdida de la autonomia, la interrupción de los procesos familiares, la interacción social alterada, la impotencia, el sentimiento de impotencia y el enfrentamiento familiar comprometido.  Se constata que el tema es relevante, sin embargo, todavía incipiente, teniendo en cuenta las lagunas de cuidados de enfermería a ser implementados. Resulta evidente que los factores estresantes, cuando identificados, evaluados y diagnosticados por los enfermeros, pueden ser transcritos como cuidados de enfermeria en un plan de cuidado individual al paciente, viabilizando el proceso de recuperación y rehabilitación durante la hospitalización en la UCI.O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura que objetiva analisar as evidências disponíveis acerca dos fatores estressores relatados pelos pacientes internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) adulto. A busca dos artigos foi realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, Scielo, PubMed e BDENF publicados entre o período de 1997 a 2015. Foram incluídos os artigos que abordaram a temática do estudo em relação a questão norteadora, nos idiomas português e espanhol. Dos 13 artigos selecionados, foram identificados 40 fatores estressores, categorizados em ambiental, fisiológico, emocional/psicológico e social, divididas em 16 subcategorias: situações desfavoráveis, ruídos, termorregulação ineficaz, padrão de sono perturbado, mobilidade no leito prejudicada, comunicação verbal prejudicada, dor, falta de atenção/individualidade, ansiedade, medo, perda de autonomia, processo familiar interrompido, interação social prejudicada, impotência, sentimento de impotência e enfrentamento familiar comprometido. Constata-se que o tema é relevante, porém, ainda incipiente tendo em vista as lacunas de cuidados de enfermagem a serem implementados. Fica evidente que os fatores estressores quando identificados, avaliados e diagnosticados pelos enfermeiros, podem ser transcritos como cuidados de enfermagem num plano de cuidado individual ao paciente, viabilizando o processo de recuperação e reabilitação durante a hospitalização na UTI

    ReSICLED: a new recovery-conscious design method for complex products based on a multicriteria assessment of the recoverability

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    Significant improvements in end-of-life complex product recovery can be accomplished when recovery aspects are better integrated at the design stage of products. This paper introduces a new method that should allow design teams to produce better recovery-conscious designs, i.e. to integrate the complexity and the variability of recovery routes and to make recoverability more tangible to designers. The main methodological aspects of the new method are presented based on an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing methods. In particular, the original multiprocess modelling of recovery scenarios and the original quantitative, multicriteria and multiscenario assessment of the recoverability of a product are detailed. On the basis of the assessment results, a design team is able to suggest design improvements. The implementation of the new method is simulated in real industrial practice. It is shown how the use of the method can bring significant gains in the product’s recoverability. Assets and drawbacks of the method are discussed.Région Rhône-Alpe

    Older adults with mild cognitive impairments show less driving errors after a multiple sessions simulator training program but do not exhibit long term retention

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    The driving performance of individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is suboptimal when compared to healthy older adults. It is expected that the driving will worsen with the progression of the cognitive decline and thus, whether or not these individuals should continue to drive is a matter of debate. The aim of the study was to provide support to the claim that individuals with MCI can benefit from a training program and improve their overall driving performance in a driving simulator. Fifteen older drivers with MCI participated in five training sessions in a simulator (over a 21-day period) and in a 6-month recall session. During training, they received automated auditory feedback on their performance when an error was noted about various maneuvers known to be suboptimal in MCI individuals (for instance, weaving, omitting to indicate a lane change, to verify a blind spot, or to engage in a visual search before crossing an intersection). The number of errors was compiled for eight different maneuvers for all sessions. For the initial five sessions, a gradual and significant decrease in the number of errors was observed, indicating learning and safer driving. The level of performance, however, was not maintained at the 6-month recall session. Nevertheless, the initial learning observed opens up possibilities to undertake more regular interventions to maintain driving skills and safe driving in MCI individuals

    The parent perspective on paediatric delirium and an associated care bundle:A qualitative study

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    Aims: To explore how parents experienced their child with delirium and how parents viewed our delirium management bundle. Design: We conducted a qualitative exploratory descriptive study using semi-structured individual or dyad interviews. Methods: Twelve semi-structured interviews with 16 parents of 12 critically ill children diagnosed with delirium in a paediatric intensive care unit were conducted from October 2022 to January 2023 and analysed through a reflexive thematic analysis. Findings: We generated five themes: (1) knowing that something is very wrong, (2) observing manifest changes in the child, (3) experiencing fear of long-term consequences, (4) adding insight to the bundle, and (5) family engagement. Conclusion: The parents in our study were able to observe subtle and manifest changes in their child with delirium. This caused fear of lasting impact. The parents regarded most of the interventions in the delirium management bundle as relevant but needed individualization in the application. The parents requested more information regarding delirium and a higher level of parent engagement in the care of their child during delirium. Impact: This paper contributes to understanding how parents might experience delirium in their critically ill child, how our delirium management bundle was received by the parents, and their suggestions for improvement. Our study deals with critically ill children with delirium, their parents, and staff working to prevent and manage paediatric delirium (PD) in the paediatric intensive care unit. Reporting Method: The consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research guidelines were used to ensure the transparency of our reporting. Patient or Public Contribution: No patient or public contribution to the research design. What does this Paper Contribute to the Wider Global Community?: - It increases awareness of the parent's perspective on PD in critically ill children. - It shows how PD might affect parents, causing negative emotions such as distress, frustration, and fear of permanent damage. - It shows that the parents in our study, in addition to the care bundle, requested more information on delirium and more involvement in the care of their delirious child.</p

    The parent perspective on paediatric delirium and an associated care bundle:A qualitative study

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    Aims: To explore how parents experienced their child with delirium and how parents viewed our delirium management bundle. Design: We conducted a qualitative exploratory descriptive study using semi-structured individual or dyad interviews. Methods: Twelve semi-structured interviews with 16 parents of 12 critically ill children diagnosed with delirium in a paediatric intensive care unit were conducted from October 2022 to January 2023 and analysed through a reflexive thematic analysis. Findings: We generated five themes: (1) knowing that something is very wrong, (2) observing manifest changes in the child, (3) experiencing fear of long-term consequences, (4) adding insight to the bundle, and (5) family engagement. Conclusion: The parents in our study were able to observe subtle and manifest changes in their child with delirium. This caused fear of lasting impact. The parents regarded most of the interventions in the delirium management bundle as relevant but needed individualization in the application. The parents requested more information regarding delirium and a higher level of parent engagement in the care of their child during delirium. Impact: This paper contributes to understanding how parents might experience delirium in their critically ill child, how our delirium management bundle was received by the parents, and their suggestions for improvement. Our study deals with critically ill children with delirium, their parents, and staff working to prevent and manage paediatric delirium (PD) in the paediatric intensive care unit. Reporting Method: The consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research guidelines were used to ensure the transparency of our reporting. Patient or Public Contribution: No patient or public contribution to the research design. What does this Paper Contribute to the Wider Global Community?: - It increases awareness of the parent's perspective on PD in critically ill children. - It shows how PD might affect parents, causing negative emotions such as distress, frustration, and fear of permanent damage. - It shows that the parents in our study, in addition to the care bundle, requested more information on delirium and more involvement in the care of their delirious child.</p