185 research outputs found

    Research and collaboration overview of Institut Pasteur International Network: a bibliometric approach toward research funding decisions

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    Background: Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN), which includes 32 research institutes around the world, is a network of research and expertise to fight against infectious diseases. A scientometric approach was applied to describe research and collaboration activities of IPIN. Methods: Publications were identified using a manual search of IPIN member addresses in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) between 2006 and 2011. Total publications were then subcategorized by geographic regions. Several scientometric indicators and the H-index were employed to estimate the scientific production of each IPIN member. Subject and geographical overlay maps were also applied to visualize the network activities of the IPIN members. Results: A total number of 12667 publications originated from IPIN members. Each author produced an average number of 2.18 papers and each publication received an average of 13.40 citations. European Pasteur Institutes had the largest amount of publications, authored papers, and H-index values. Biochemistry and molecular biology, microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases were the most important research topics, respectively. Geographic mapping of IPIN publications showed wide international collaboration among IPIN members around the world. Conclusion: IPIN has strong ties with national and international authorities and organizations to investigate the current and future health issues. It is recommended to use scientometric and collaboration indicators as measures of research performance in IPIN future policies and investment decisions

    Seroepidemiological study of Toxoplasma gondii infection in a population of Iranian epileptic patients

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurologic disorders. Underlying cause of epilepsy is unknown in 60 % of the patients. Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite which is capable of forming tissue cysts in brain of chronically infected hosts including humans. Some epidemiological studies suggested an association between tox- oplasmosis and acquisition of epilepsy. In this study we determined seroprevalence of latent Toxoplasma infection in a population of Iranian epileptic patients. Participants were classified in three groups as Iranian epileptic patients (IEP, n = 414), non-epileptic patients who had other neurologic disorders (NEP, n = 150), and healthy people without any neurologic disorders (HP, n = 63). The presence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies and IgG titer in the sera were determined by ELISA method. Anti-T. gondii IgG seroprevalence obtained 35.3 %, 34.7 % and 38.1 % in IEP, NEP and HP, respectively. The seroprevalence rate was not significantly different among the three groups (P = 0.88). Anti-T. gondii IgG titer was 55.7 ± 78, 52.4 ± 74 and 69.7 ± 92 IU/ml in IEP, NEP and HP, respectively. There was not any statistically significant difference in the antibody titer between the study groups (P = 0.32). The rate of T. gondii infection in epileptic patients was not higher than non-epileptic patients and healthy people in the Iranian population

    Application of Low-Level Laser Therapy Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) Surgery

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    Introduction: An attack of acute myocardial infarction (MI) poses the threat of great damage to cardiac tissue. Operative therapeutic modalities such as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) may enhance myocardial perfusion in high-grade coronary vasculature occlusions. It has been shown previously that Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) significantly reduces infarct size following induction of myocardial infarction in rats and dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of LLLT on cardiac tissue healing markers following grafting operations for coronary vessel occlusion.Methods: Thirty-two cases having each two or three coronary vessel occlusions (2VD/3VD) underwent low-level laser therapy post-CABG, and 28 patients who did not undergo laser therapy were studied as a control group. Diode laser (810 nm, 500 mW) was used as LLLT protocol for 3 successive days post-CABG. Repeated measurements of blood cell count (CBC) and cardiac damage markers (CPK, CPK-MB, LDH) attained before CABG and during the 5 days of LLLT post-operatively, taken at one and 12 hours after daily laser irradiation.Results: In a comparison of the mean levels of the control and laser group, the variables were statistically different on 5th day after intervention for WBC, Neutrophil and Lymphocyte counts and WBC and lymphocyte changes. A statistically significant difference was seen in changes of CPK, CPK-mb and LDH over time P<0.001.Conclusion: It is concluded that low-level laser irradiation after CABG surgery could decrease cardiac cellular damage and help accelerate the repair of cardiac tissue post-operatively. This may lower post-operative disability as well as bed rest period in these patients

    Częstość występowania incydentaloma tarczycy w Isfahanie, Iran - badanie populacyjne

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    Introduction: Thyroid nodules not detected in palpation but diagnosed following a radiological procedure or during surgery are called thyroid incidentalomas. We designed this study to investigate the prevalence of sonographic thyroid incidentaloma in Isfahan, Iran, for the first time. Material and methods: By a multistage cluster sampling method, 2523 adults were selected randomly. From this group, 2045 had normal thyroid examination. 234 out of the 2045 were selected randomly for thyroid sonography. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), urinary iodine concentrations (UIC) and antithyroid antibodies were measured. Results: The prevalence of thyroid incidentaloma was 13.2% [Confidence interval (CI) 95% = 8–18]. The average age of subjects with and without incidentaloma was 46.1 (12.4) and 38.4 (12.1), respectively (P = 0.002). It was more prevalent in females than in males (19% vs. 10%) [Odds ratio (OR) = 2.59, CI 95% = 1.17–5.76, P value (P) = 0.01]. Median UIC in the incidentaloma group (14 μg/dl) was significantly lower than in the group of subjects without nodules (20 μg/dl) (OR = 0.9, CI 95% = 0.91–0.99, P = 0.02). There was no difference in the levels of TSH and antithyroid antibodies between the two groups (P > 0.05). Mean diameter of nodules was 8.14 (3.43) mm. Conclusions: The prevalence of thyroid incidentaloma was 13.2% in Isfahan. It was higher in females than males and increased with age.Wstęp: Incidentalona to guzki tarczycy niewykrywalne palpacyjnie, lecz zdiagnozowane przypadkowo podczas badania obrazowego lub zabiegu chirurgicznego. Celem badania było określenie po raz pierwszy częstości incidentaloma wykrywanych w badaniu sonograficznym w populacji irackiego miasta Isfahan. Materiał i metody: Metodą wielostopniowego losowania zespołowego wybrano grupę 2523 dorosłych osób. Spośród 2045 osób, u których nie stwierdzono zmian w badaniu palpacyjnym, wytypowano losowo 234 osoby do badania sonograficznego tarczycy. Oznaczono u nich również stężenie hormonu tyreotropowego (TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone), stężenie jodu w moczu (UIC, urinary iodine concentration) oraz przeciwciała przeciwtarczycowe. Wyniki: Incidentaloma tarczycy wykryto u 13,2% badanych (95% przedział ufności [CI] = 8–11). Średni wiek osób, u których wykazano obecność guzków wynosił 46,1 (± 12,4) lat, natomiast osób bez guzków - 38,4 (± 12,1) lat (p = 0,002). Incidentaloma występowały częściej u kobiet niż u mężczyzn (19 vs. 10%; iloraz szans [OR] = 2,59; 95% CI = 1,17–5,76; p = 0,01). Obie grupy nie różniły się pod względem stężeń TSH i przeciwciał przeciwtarczycowych (p > 0,05). Średnica guzków wynosiła średnio 8,14 (± 3,43) mm. Wnioski: Częstość incidentaloma tarczycy w populacji Isfahanu wynosiła 13,2%; była większa u kobiet niż u mężczyzn i wzrastała z wiekiem

    Sonographic and functional characteristics of thyroid nodules in a population of adult people in Isfahan

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    Wstęp: Celem badania była ocena cech sonograficznych zmian ogniskowych tarczycy u mieszkańców Isfahanu, obszaru w cenralnym Iranie, który wcześniej charakteryzował się niedoborem jodu. Materiał i metody: W przekrojowym badaniu przeprowadzonym w 2006 roku wybrano próbę liczącą 2523 dorosłych osób (wiek > 20 lat) metodą wielostopniowego losowania grupowego. Spośród tej grupy, 263 ochotników poddano badaniom sonograficznym. Badanie tarczycy przeprowadzili doświadczeni specjaliści w zakresie ultrasonografii. Ponadto oznaczono stężenia T3, T4, T3RU, TSH, TPO Ab i Tg Ab w surowicy oraz wydalanie jodu z moczem. Wyniki: Kobiety stanowiły 46% grupy poddanej badaniom sonograficznym (n = 263). Średnia wieku wynosiła 35,5 lat (zakres 20-64 lat). Mediana stężenia jodu w moczu wynosiła 19.4 μg/dl. Obecność zmian ogniskowych tarczycy wykazano w badaniu sonograficznym u 22,4% osób z badanej grupy; u 30% kobiet i 16,3% mężczyzn (OR = 2,2; p = 0,01). Częstość występowania zmian ogniskowych tarczycy zwiększała się z wiekiem (p = 0,006). Zmiany ogniskowe tarczycy występowały częściej u osób z niedoczynnością tarczycy niż w grupie z eutyreozą (35,1% v. 20,5%, OR = 2,1; p = 0,04). Nie stwierdzono korelacji między stężeniem jodu w moczu ani stężeniem autoprzeciwciał a występowaniem zmian ogniskowych tarczycy w badaniu sonograficznym. Wnioski: Częstość występowania zmian ogniskowych tarczycy oceniana na podstawie wyników badania sonograficznego jest nadal duża w badanej populacji, mimo prawidłowego stężenia jodu w moczu. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (2): 188-191)Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the current status of sonographic characteristics of thyroid nodules in Isfahan, a previously iodine deficient area in central Iran. Material and methods: In a cross-sectional study conducted in 2006, 2523 adult people (age > 20 years) were selected by a multistage clustering sampling method. Of these people, 263 volunteered persons were underwent sonographic evaluation. Thyroid examination was done by two expert sonographers. Serum T3, T3, T3RU, TSH, TPO Ab and Tg Ab, and urinary iodine were measured. Results: Forty-six per cent of the 263 people were women. Their mean age was 35.5 years with a range of 20-64 years. Median urinary iodine was 19.4 μg/dL. The prevalence of thyroid nodules on sonography was 22.4% in the whole group; 30% in women and 16.3% in men (OR = 2.2, P = 0.01). The prevalence of thyroid nodules increased with age (P = 0.006). The prevalence of thyroid nodules was higher in hypothyroid people than in euthyroid people (35.1% v. 20.5%, OR = 2.1, P = 0.04). Neither urinary iodine nor autoantibody concentrations correlated with the prevalence of thyroid nodules in sonography. Conclusions: The prevalence of thyroid nodule by sonography is still high despite relatively normal urinary iodine in this population. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (2): 188-191

    Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Injection Drug Users Released from Jail

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    Background: Injecting drug users (IDUs) and prisoners are considered to be highly vulnerable to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Iran. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of HIV infection among IDUs released from jail in Bahar (Hamadan, Iran). Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 118 IDUs who were prisoners during 2001-07 were evaluated. Their demographic and personal characteristics were assessed by a questionnaire. In order to determine HIV-positive individuals, blood samples were obtained from the participants and tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot technique. Findings: Overall, 20.3% of the subjects had used non-sterile injecting equipment during their imprisonment. The prevalence of HIV infection among the studied population was 4.2%. Conclusion: As the prevalence of HIV among IDUs released from jail is high, it is necessary for prison authorities to take measures against the increase in the prevalence of HIV among this group.Keywords: Injection drug users, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus, Bahar (Iran)

    In Honor of Dr. Mehdi Assmar, a Distinguished Researcher at the Pasteur Institute of Iran

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    Dr. Mehdi Assmar is a prominent researcher in Iran, with a specialization in parasitology and medical entomology, who has done a large amount of research related to the public health in Pasteur Institute of Iran and other institutions or universities for four decades. Most of his research has been on plague, recurrent fever, malaria, toxoplasmosis and leishmaniasis. Discovering the cause of resistance to plague infection among the rodents of the Kurdistan region is one of his important achievements. During his research, he found the extent of plague in the studied areas, the frequency of wild rodents and their external and internal parasites, the susceptibility of different strains of plague strains to antibiotics, and the effectiveness of systemic toxins in controlling the rodent fleas.This paper provides an overview of his scientific activities

    HIV prevalence and risk behaviours among people who inject drugs in Iran: the 2010 National Surveillance Survey

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    Objectives To assess the prevalence of HIV and related risk behaviours among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Iran. Methods We conducted a national cross-sectional bio-behavioural surveillance survey between March and July 2010, interviewing male PWID from a geographically dispersed sample through a facility-based sampling method. Results We recruited 2480, and tested 2290 PWID. The overall prevalence of HIV was 15.2% (95% CI 9.7% to 23.1%). Among those who had injected drugs over the last month, 36.9% had used a non-sterile needle, and 12.6% had practiced shared injection. Over the past 12 months preceding the interview, 30.4% had sold sex for money, drugs, goods or a favour. In the multivariate analysis, the prevalence of HIV had a positive association with age, while having above high school education, and permanent job were protective. Conclusions Unsafe injection, and sexual risk behaviours are still frequent and the prevalence of HIV among PWID remains high. Intensified efforts are needed to prevent the further spread of HIV among Iranian PWID and their sexual partners