138 research outputs found

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoonethirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnonoilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,SlaughterHousesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market.Poultry meat,export,Revealed comparative advantage,iran,middle east

    Cooperative Multi Agent Search and Coverage in Uncertain Environments

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    In this dissertation, the cooperative multi agent search and coverage problem in uncertain environments is investigated. Each agent individually plans its desired trajectory. The agents exchange their positions and their sensors’ measurement with their neighbouring agents through a communication channel in order to maintain the cooperation objective. Different aspects of multi agent search and coverage problem are investigated. Several models for uncertain environments are proposed and the updating rules for the probability maps are provided. Each of this models is appropriate for a specific type of problems. The cooperative search mission is first converted to a decentralized multi agent optimal path planning problem, using rolling horizon dynamic programming approach which is a mid-level controller. To make cooperation between agents possible, two approximation methods are proposed to modify the objective function of agents and to take into the account the decision of other agents. The simulation results show the proposed methods can considerably increase the performance of mission without significantly increasing the computation burden. This approach is then extended for the case with known communication delay between mobile agents. The simulation results show the proposed methods can compensate for the effect of known communication delay between mobile agents. A Voronoi-based search strategy for a team of mobile agents with limited range sensors is also proposed which combines both mid-level and low-level controllers. The strategy includes the short-term objective of maximizing the uncertainty reduction in the next step, the long-term objective of distributing the agents in the environment with minimum overlap in their sensory domain, and the collision avoidance constraint. The simulation results show the proposed control law can reduce the value of uncertainty in the environment below any desired threshold. For the search and coverage problem, we first introduce a framework that includes two types of agents; search agents and coverage agents. The problem is formulated such that the information about the position of the targets is updated by the search agents. The coverage agents use this information to concentrate around the more important areas in the environment. The proposed cooperative search method, along with a well-known Centroidal Voronoi Configuration method for coverage, is used to solve the problem. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by simulation and experiment. We then introduce the “limited turn rate Voronoi diagram” and formulate the search and coverage problem as a multi-objective optimization problem with different constraints which is able to consider practical issues like minimum fuel consumption, refueling, obstacle avoidance, and collision avoidance. In this approach, there is only one type of agents which performs both search and coverage tasks. The “multi agent search and coverage problem” is formulated such that the “multi agent search problem” and “multi agent coverage problem” are special cases of this problem. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Comparison of the clinical competence of nurses working in two university hospitals in Iran

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    Hospitals are integrated with medical universities in Iran and are categorized into three types with respect to educational and health services quality. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine and compare the level of clinical competence of nurses who were working in type 1 and type 2 university hospitals. The clinical competence of all 266 nurses in the two hospitals was assessed by using the self-assessment method.The Nurse Competence Scale, a questionnaire consisting of 73 items, was used to assess the level of clinical competence and the frequency of using skills. The nurses who were working in the type 1 university hospital viewed themselves as more competent than those who were working in the type 2 university hospital. Also, only 70% of the clinical skills were used frequently by the nurses who were working in the type 2 university hospital, in comparison to > 83% for the nurses who were working in the type 1 university hospital.The results can be used for the educational needs assessment of nurses and for modifying the quality of care in hospitals

    A Study on the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies in English

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    This article is concerned with ''learning strategies of English in English Foreign Language setting in Iran. The role of language strategy is to reach or complete a language learning process or language teaching process in target language. It is worth mentioning strategies of learning can be considered as the important factor in learning and teaching target language in order to help determine how language learners learn their target language in EFL or ESL settings. Subjects for this research project were eighty EFL students in the age range of 18 to 24 at under-graduate level in Bushehr Persian Gulf University. The two types of questionnaires were designed to reach the purpose of this study: the first test included age, gender, language attitude and subjects etc. and a learning strategies questionnaire has included a twenty-nine-test adapted from the original willing (1994) survey. However, the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies was revealed in this study

    Radiolabeling and Bio-distribution study of ICD-85 with Technetium-99m as a cancer treatment agent in mice

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         ICD-85 is a combination of three poly-peptides, ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 Dalton, derived from the venoms of an Iranian brown snake (Agkistrodon halys) and a yellow scorpion (Hemiscorpius lepturus). Labeling of this ICD-85 was successfully achieved with 99mTc, through direct method using SnF2 as reducing agent. Labeled ICD-85 was injected into mice to determine the excretion pathway. The results show that the maximum labeling yield (>75%) was obtained by using 30 μg of ICD-85 in phosphate buffer (60 μl, pH 7.1) at room temperature. Bio-distribution studies with radiolabeled ICD-85 shows moderate clearance of the complex from blood. The improvement of the immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer requires a better knowledge of the biological actions of the ICD-85 since tissue distribution studies are very important for clinical purpose

    Human Errors Assessment for Board Man in a Control Room of Petrochemical Industrial Companies using the extended CREAM

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    زمينه و اهداف: از جمله ویژگی‌های مهم صنایع امروزی، کنترل دقیق اغلب اجزای کلیدی صنعت از طریق اتاق‌های کنترل مرکزی است. به همین دلیل بروز خطا توسط پرسنل اتاق‌های کنترل، می‌تواند فاجعه بار باشد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف شناسايي و ارزيابي خطاهاي انساني در اتاق كنترل يكي از صنايع پتروشيمي به انجام رسيد. مواد و روش‌ها: مطالعه حاضر، يك پژوهش مورد پژوهي توصيفي- تحليلي مي‌باشد كه در اتاق كنترل يكي از صنايع پتروشـيمي اجرا گرديد. در این پژوهش ابتدا وظايف شغلي موجود در اتاق کنترل اصلی با استفاده از روش تجزيه و تحليل سلسله مراتبي تحليل شد. سپس با اسـتفاده از روش CREAM گسترده ضمن شناسایی خطاهای انسانی، كنترل‌هاي محتمل كاربر و خطاهاي احتمالي شناختي براي وظايف شغلي تعیین و ارزیابی شد. در طی انجام این مطالعه کلیه موازین اخلاقی رعایت و مجوزهای مربوطه دریافت گردید. يافته‌ها: نتایج مطالعه نشان داد که نوع سبك كنترلي برای وظایف بردمن در 88 درصد موارد از نوع استراتژیک و در 12 درصد مابقی از نوع لحظه‌ای بود. براساس نتایج روش CREAM گسترده، از تعداد کل خطاهای شناسایی شده، خطای اجرا (55 درصد)، خطای تفسیر (20 درصد)، خطای برنامه‌ریزی (14/9درصد) و خطای مشاهده (10/1درصد) بدست آمد. نتيجه‌گيری: با توجه به تعیین نقش مهمترین عوامل شکل دهنده عمکلرد در اجرای وظایف بردمن، بازنگری و باز طراحی برنامه نوبت كاري و بهينه سازي سامانه ارتباطي از مهمترین پیشنهادات حاصل از مطالعه حاضر بود.Background and Aims: One of the important characteristic features of modern industries is the precise control of key components of the industry through central control rooms. Thus, committing an error by the control room staff can be catastrophic. The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying andevaluating human errors in the control room of one of the petrochemical industries.Materials and methods: The present descriptive-analytic study was conducted in a control room of one of the petrochemical industries. In this research, the job tasks in the main control room were first analyzed using hierarchical analysis. Then, using the extensive CREAM method, in addition to identifying human errors, probabilistic user controls and cognitive probability errors for job tasks were determined andevaluated. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: The results of the study showed that the type of control style for the Board man tasks was strategic in 88% of the cases and the remaining 12% was of the instant type. Based on the results of the CREAM method, execution errors (55%), interpretation errors (20%), planning errors (14.9%) and observationalerrors (10.1%) were respectively the most determined errors.Conclusion: Regarding the determination of the role of the most important factors in the implementation of tasks, the review and redevelopment of the program of shift work and optimization of the communication system were among the most important suggestions of the present study

    Numerical simulation of the flow field and heat transfer inside the channel with different dimensions of spindle obstacles in the presence of power-law non-Newtonian fluids

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    In this article, the analysis of the flow field and forced convection heat transfer of non-Newtonian fluids inside the channel with spindle-shaped obstacles is discussed. At first, after checking the governing equations and the boundary conditions of the problem, the grid independency has been evaluated. Then, the results of the present study have been validated for two cases of the Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids with previous similar works. The effects of various parameters such as the effect of the arrangement of spindle obstacles, the effect of the obstacles diameter and the effect of the obstacles length have been investigated. Also, the effect of different power indexes of non-Newtonian fluid and its effect on drag coefficient and Nusselt number have been investigated. By examining the results, it was found that for all the mentioned parameters, the staggered arrangement of the spindle obstacles had a higher heat transfer rate than the ordered arrangement. The results of this research revealed that with the increase in the diameter and length of the obstacles, the amount of heat transfer from the obstacles decreases. Also, by increasing the diameter of obstacles, the pressure and friction drag coefficients increases. Finally, by examining the behavior of the non-Newtonian fluid of the power-law model, it was found that with the increase of the power index, the Nusselt number decreased and for shear thinning non-Newtonian fluids (n<1) less friction and pressure drops were obtained

    Manifestation of Derridian Différance in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

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    William Shakespeare’s renowned tragedy Hamlet has ascertained itself as a touchstone for students and scholars of English literature. Extrapolating on this play, T.S. Eliot once remarked that, it is the Mona Lisa of Renaissance literature. Like Da Vinci’s painting, Hamlet (the play or the man) is a faulty or flawed work of art. Foregrounding such a literary hypothesis in mind, the present article attempts to clarify that the play’s fault, as claimed by Eliot, is not uprooted in the modern rules of decorum, construction or a reproach against image of a psychic or unaesthetic antagonist, but it is, we believe, in the postmodern concept of Différance which has been so infl uential in the assessment of literature and its values - simply articulated as the dualistic chemistry of objectifying a subjective emotion. The term Différance as a pre-postmodern quality implanted in this play, now seem to have been anachronic for the literary context of the second half of the Renaissance period. However this provides a background for Derridian term Différance which calls upon the innovative perception that differs the common perception about Hamlet.Key words: Hamlet; Flaw; Impersonalize; Dualism; DifféranceRésumé Le fameux tragédie de Hamlet de William Shakespeare est constaté lui-même comme une pierre de touche pour les étudiants et les universitaires de la littérature anglaise. En extrapolant sur ce jeu, Eliot T.S. a déjà fait remarquer que, c’est la Mona Lisa de la littérature de la Renaissance. Comme la peinture de Léonard de Vinci, Le Hamlet (le jeu ou l’homme) est un travail défectueux ou imparfait de l’art. En mettant en avant une telle hypothèse littéraire à l’esprit, le présent article tente de clarifi er que la faute de la pièce, selon Eliot, n’est pas déracinés dans les règles modernes de la bienséance, la construction ou un reproche à l’image d'un antagoniste psychique ou inesthétique, mais il est , nous croyons, dans le concept postmoderne de la différance qui a eu une telle infl uence dans l’évaluation de la littérature et de ses valeurs, vous n’avez qu’à articulé que la chimie dualiste d’objectiver une émotion subjective. La différance terme comme une qualité pré-post-moderne implanté dans cette pièce, semblent maintenant avoir été anachronique dans le contexte littéraire de la seconde moitié de la période de la Renaissance. Cependant, cette offre un arrière-plan pour différance derridienne terme qui fait appel à la perception novatrice qui diffère de la perception commune à propos de Hamlet.Mots clés: Hamlet; Défauts; Impersonalize; Dualisme; Différanc

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoonethirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnonoilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,SlaughterHousesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market