17 research outputs found

    Placental glucocorticoid receptor isoforms in a sheep model of maternal allergic asthma

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    Maternal asthma increases the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes and may affect fetal growth and placental function by differential effects on the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) isoforms, leading to altered glucocorticoid signalling. Our aim was to examine the effect of maternal asthma on placental GR profiles using a pregnant sheep model of asthma. Nine known GR isoforms were detected. There was a significant increase in the expression of placental GR isoforms that are known to have low trans-activational activity in other species including GR A, GR P and GRγ which may result in a pro-inflammatory environment in the presence of allergic asthma

    Maternal betamethasone administration reduces binucleate cell number and placental lactogen in sheep

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    The placenta may mediate glucocorticoid-induced fetal growth restriction. Previous studies have examined effects of fetal cortisol in sheep, which reduces placental binucleate cell (BNC) number; the source of ovine placental lactogen (oPL). The effects of maternal GC are unknown. Therefore, this study examined the effects of maternal betamethasone (BET) administration on BNC number, distribution, placental oPL protein levels, and maternal and fetal plasma oPL levels. Pregnant ewes were randomized to receive injections of saline or one (104 days of gestation; dG), two (104 and 111 dG), or three (104, 111, and 118 dG) doses of BET (0.5 mg/kg). Placental tissue was collected before, during, and after the period of BET treatment. Fetal (121-146 dG) and placental (121 dG) weights were decreased after BET when compared with controls. In controls, the mean number of BNCs increased until 132 dG and decreased thereafter. Placental oPL protein levels peaked at 109 dG and remained stable thereafter. Maternal plasma oPL levels in controls increased across gestation; fetal plasma oPL levels decreased. BNCs were reduced by 24% to 47% after BET when compared with controls at all ages studied. Placental oPL protein levels, maternal, and fetal plasma oPL levels were also reduced after BET injections, but recovered to values that were not different to controls near term. BET disrupted the normal distribution of BNCs within the placentome. These data may suggest a placental role in growth restrictive effects of prenatal maternal BET exposure through alterations in placental output of oPL, a key metabolic hormone of pregnancy

    The Severity of Chorioamnionitis in Pregnant Sheep Is Associated with In Vivo Variation of the Surface-Exposed Multiple-Banded Antigen/Gene of Ureaplasma parvum1

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    Ureaplasma species are the bacteria most frequently isolated from human amniotic fluid in asymptomatic pregnancies and placental infections. Ureaplasma parvum serovars 3 and 6 are the most prevalent serovars isolated from men and women. We hypothesized that the effects on the fetus and chorioamnion of chronic ureaplasma infection in amniotic fluid are dependent on the serovar, dose, and variation of the ureaplasma multiple-banded antigen (MBA) and mba gene. We injected high- or low-dose U. parvum serovar 3, serovar 6, or vehicle intra-amniotically into pregnant ewes at 55 days of gestation (term = 150 days) and examined the chorioamnion, amniotic fluid, and fetal lung tissue of animals delivered by cesarean section at 125 days of gestation. Variation of the multiple banded antigen/mba generated by serovar 3 and serovar 6 ureaplasmas in vivo were compared by PCR assay and Western blot. Ureaplasma inoculums demonstrated only one (serovar 3) or two (serovar 6) MBA variants in vitro, but numerous antigenic variants were generated in vivo: serovar 6 passage 1 amniotic fluid cultures contained more MBA size variants than serovar 3 (P = 0.005), and ureaplasma titers were inversely related to the number of variants (P = 0.025). The severity of chorioamnionitis varied between animals. Low numbers of mba size variants (five or fewer) within amniotic fluid were associated with severe inflammation, whereas the chorioamnion from animals with nine or more mba variants showed little or no inflammation. These differences in chorioamnion inflammation may explain why not all women with in utero Ureaplasma spp. experience adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Experimental amniotic fluid infection in sheep: effects of Ureaplasma parvum serovars 3 and 6 on preterm or term fetal sheep

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine the effects in late gestation of Ureaplasma parvum serovar 3 colonization and the effects, preterm, of U. parvum serovar 6. STUDY DESIGN: Ewes received an intraamniotic (i.a.) injection of U. parvum serovar 6 (20 x 10(6) colony-forming units [cfu]; n = 9), U. parvum serovar 3 (20 x 10(3) cfu; n = 6), vehicle (n = 10), or saline (n = 4) on day 80 of pregnancy (d). The lambs were delivered at 125 d (U. parvum serovar 6, n = 9; saline or media controls, n = 9) or 145 d (U. parvum serovar 3, n = 6; media controls, n = 5) for assessment of inflammation and lung maturation. RESULTS: I.a. ureaplasmas caused histologic chorioamnionitis but not preterm delivery. Fetal lung epithelium was colonized with ureaplasmas at both gestational ages, and pulmonary interleukin-8 levels had doubled in the ureaplasma-colonized animals, compared with the controls at 145 d. Surfactant levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid had increased 8-fold and 2.5-fold at 125 and 145 d, respectively, after ureaplasma injection. CONCLUSION: Fetal lung inflammation and altered development accompanies ureaplasma colonization, regardless of age at delivery

    Ureaplasma colonization of amniotic fluid and efficacy of antenatal corticosteroids for preterm lung maturation in sheep

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    Objective: To assess the efficacy of maternal betamethasone for improving preterm lung function, in the presence of inflammation induced by amniotic fluid ureaplasma colonization. ----- ----- Study design: Ewes bearing single fetuses were randomized to receive an intra-amniotic injection of Ureaplasma parvum (serovar 6; 2×107 colony forming units) or vehicle at 86±2 days of pregnancy (mean±SD: term is 150d), followed by maternal intramuscular betamethasone (0.5mg/kg) or saline, either 2 or 7 days before delivery of lambs at 123±1d. ----- ----- Results: Amniotic fluid IL-8 was elevated by ureaplasmas (p=0.049) but unaffected by betamethasone. Lung inflammation induced by ureaplasmas was not affected by betamethasone. Lung compliance was increased by ureaplasma colonization (p=0.009) and betamethasone (p=0.042), and effects were additive. Lung surfactant was increased by ureaplasma colonization (p<0.001) and betamethasone 7 days (p=0.001), but not 2 days, before delivery. ----- ----- Conclusion: Inflammation improves preterm lung function due to increases in surfactant. Antenatal corticosteroids further augment lung function, through an apparently independent mechanism

    Maternal betamethasone and chorioamnionitis induce different collagenases during lung maturation in fetal sheep

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    Background: fetal lung maturation occurs after both maternal corticosteroid administration and chorioamnionitis. The effectors of this antenatally-induced lung maturation are not understood. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 2 and 9 are type-IV collagenases that can degrade alveolar basement membranes. Objectives: we hypothesized that the structural changes of lung maturation by both antenatal corticosteroid treatment and chorioamnionitis would be associated with increases in these MMPs. Methods: 64 pregnant ewes were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: intra-amniotic injection of 10 mg endotoxin, maternal intramuscular injection of 0.5 mg/kg betamethasone, both treatments combined or saline-treated controls. We quantified MMP-2 which is derived from connective tissue and MMP-9 which is predominantly derived from neutrophils in fetal lung fluid of lambs after maternal corticosteroid therapy and induction of chorioamnionitis and the combination of both therapies given at 109-111 days' gestational age with delivery 1, 5 or 15 days later. Results: betamethasone, endotoxin and the combined treatments increased both surfactant pool size, lung gas volume and reduced alveolar wall thickness at 15 days. MMP-2 concentration was increased after betamethasone. MMP-9 concentration increased after endotoxin-induced chorioamnionitis but decreased by the combined treatments. Conclusion: lung maturation via different pathways may use different forms of collagenases for remodelling lung structur