56 research outputs found

    The Significance of Epileptic Seizures in Infancy and Childhood

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    S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 750 (1974)

    Laura M. Kephart’s Letter to Leonard W. Kephart, 19 February 1929

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    The following is a transcription of a letter from Horace Kephart’s wife, Laura Mack Kephart, to her son, Leonard. The original is dated Feb. 19, 1929. Within this letter, Laura discusses attending a baby shower in Michigan with her daughter Cornelia, her 67th birthday celebration, an experience at church and reading an article in the Liberty magazine, and the criticism she and her son have for Kephart’s most recent manuscript

    A doença de Chagas como um modelo mecanicista para testar uma nova hipótese

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    The association between depression and cardiovascular disease is well documented. Nevertheless, the process through which they are linked remains unknown, as does the direction of this relationship. Studies have suggested both that depression is a risk factor for heart disease and that heart disease is a risk factor for depression. A number of studies have established that a relationship exists between depression and inflammation, with alterations in the levels of inflammatory markers (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha and others). Depressive symptoms have also been identified in many diseases characterized by inflammatory processes e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases. In this brief viewpoint, we explain and propose how to use Chagas disease, a disorder characterized by inflammatory processes and leading to cardiovascular and autonomic problems, as a model for studying the directionality of the relationship between heart disease and depression.A associação entre depressão e doença cardiovascular está bem documentada. Não obstante, o processo pelo qual está associada permanece desconhecido, assim como o sentido desta associação. Estudos têm sugerido que tanto a depressão é um fator de risco para a doença cardiovascular quanto esta o é para a depressão. Uma série de trabalhos tem estabelecido que uma relação existe entre depressão e inflamação, com alterações evidenciadas por marcadores de inflamação (IL-1, IL-6, TNF alfa e outros). Sintomas de depressão também têm sido identificados em diversas doenças caracterizadas por processos inflamatórios, tais como artrite reumatoide, asma brônquica, diabete, tuberculose e doenças cardiovasculares. Nesta breve opinião é explicitado e proposto como empregar a doença de Chagas, um agravo caracterizado por processos inflamatórios e indutor de problemas cardiovasculares e autonômicos, como um modelo de estudo da direcionalidade da relação entre doença cardíaca e depressão

    Nowe spojrzenie na związek między chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego a depresją

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    WstÄ™p: Mimo że zwiÄ…zek miÄ™dzy depresjÄ… a chorobami ukÅ‚adu sercowo-naczyniowego jest dobrze udokumentowany, mechanizmy leżące u podÅ‚oża tej zależnoÅ›ci nie sÄ… dokÅ‚adnie poznane. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono 3 prawdopodobne modele, które mogÄ… odpowiadaæ za współwystÄ™powanie depresji i chorób ukÅ‚adu sercowo-naczyniowego. Metody: W pierwszym modelu depresja stanowi czynnik ryzyka dla rozwoju chorób ukÅ‚adu sercowo-naczyniowego, zaÅ› w drugim choroby te sÄ… rozpatrywane jako czynnik ryzyka depresji. Trzeci model zakÅ‚ada istnienie wspólnego szlaku, poprzez który dziaÅ‚ania wywierane na organizm przez przewlekÅ‚y stres objawiaja siÄ™ depresjÄ… i chorobami ukÅ‚adu sercowo-naczyniowego. Wnioski: JeÅ›li proponowany przez autorów model okaże siÄ™ prawdziwy, wczesne dziaÅ‚ania prewencyjne, podjÄ™te jeszcze przed wystÄ…pieniem jawnych objawów klinicznych depresji i/lub chorób ukÅ‚adu sercowo-naczyniowego, mogÄ… opóźnić wystÄ…pienie tych poważnych schorzeÅ„ lub zapobiec mu

    Susana Bianchi, María Estela Spinelli (compiladoras), Actores, Ideas y Proyectos Políticos en la Argentina Contemporánea

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    Mosovich Pont-Lezica Diana. Susana Bianchi, María Estela Spinelli (compiladoras), Actores, Ideas y Proyectos Políticos en la Argentina Contemporánea. In: Caravelle, n°71, 1998. Senteurs et saveurs d'Amérique latine. pp. 241-243

    La lutte pour le logement en temps de la globalisation. le cas du Proyecto Ribera Norte, Concepcion, Chili

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    Longtemps délaissé par le marché immobilier, le secteur Costanera, à 300m du centre-ville de Concepción, a accueilli une population démunie. Vers la fin des années 1980, la dérégulation des utilisations du sol urbain effectuée par le gouvernement de Pinochet et le besoin d'accroître son offre ont valorisé ce secteur aux yeux des autorités locales et des investisseurs. Elles envisagèrent un grand projet de ville, qui donnerait à l'aire métropolitaine de Concepción sa place dans l'espace du MERCOSUR. Marqués par les années de répression, les riverains, s'appuyant sur les nouvelles lois préconisant la participation, se sont organisés autour de leurs associations pour négocier leur maintien dans les lieux. Mais les lois limitent la participation à des fonctions symboliques. Les autorités ont retardé leur décision et le conflit n’a pas tardé à fracturer le mouvement des riverains. Seul un tiers d’entre eux a réussi à obtenir un logement dans le projet social de relogement. Les autorités locales et régionales ont récupéré une grande partie de la valeur des terres, en s'appropriant des terrains des riverains et en les vendant à prix fort. Les habitants se sont vus assigner 12 des 140 ha qu'ils occupaient auparavant.The Costanera, located 300 metres from downtown Concepción and ignored by the real estate market, was settled by a marginal population. In the late 1980s, the deregulation of land use by Pinochet’s governement and the need to increase the supply of urban land raised the value of this district in the eyes of local authorities and investors. They envisaged a large-scale urban project, marking out the Concepción Metropolitan Area within the MERCOSUR countries. Scarred by years of repression, the residents, invoking new laws favouring participation, organised themselves through their associations to negotiate to remain in Costanera. But the laws limit participation to symbolic functions. The authorities delayed their decisions, and conflict soon broke up the neighbourhood movement. Only a third of the residents managed to obtain a dwelling in the Social Housing Relocation Project. Local and regional authorities recovered a large part of the value of the land, by expropriating the inhabitants’ plots and selling them for a much higher price than the original one. The former inhabitants were assigned only 12 of the 140 hectares that they had once occupied
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