29 research outputs found

    Inhibitory effects of salicylic acid on Meloidogyne javanica reproduction in tomato plants

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), play a major role in loss of agricultural production. Natural substances, such as salicylic acid (SA) could possibly be involved in inducing host plant resistance against nematodes. The present study is concerned with exploring the effects of varying concentrations of SA as seed priming and soil drench on tomato growth parameters and the reproduction of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. SA at 50 μM concentration caused only 2% of juvenile mortality under in vitro conditions. SA applied as 50 μM seed treatment caused 95% and, as a soil drench, 78% reduction in the number of egg masses that formed on tomato plants. The numbers of galls were reduced to a lesser extent. Final nematode density per gram of soil was reduced to less than 1 by the 50 μM SA seed treatment, and in other treatments decreased by between 70 and 88% compared with control plants. Our results indicate SA has potential to lower root knot nematode reproduction in tomato, and seed priming is a fairly easy method to work with

    Relationship between Quality of Life and Oral Health Status of Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the quality of life and work ability related to the oral health status of patients with chronic liver diseases. Material and Methods: The sample size contains all patients referred to the internal ward of Afzalipour and Bahonar hospitals due to chronic liver disease from 2019 to 2020. Patient selection was based on a simple census and a questionnaire that contained characteristics information of the patient, Work Ability Index questionnaire and SF-36 questionnaire were completed by the patients and some information was extracted from medical file. The SF-36 questionnaire assesses the quality of life in two general dimensions (physical health and mental health) with the physical function subscale. DMFT, Gingival index, and Periodontal disease index are used to evaluate the severity and extent of gingivitis and periodontitis. For data analysis, ANOVA, Spearman correlation coefficients were used and the significant level was p<0.05. Results: a total of 108 patients were examined. The mean age of participants was 41.2 ± 4.3 years. The DMFT index in patients was also reported as 22.6 ± 7.35. Also, 32.4% of people described their ability to do work as poor, 21.3% as good, and 7.4% as excellent. Patients with poor or moderate workability reported a higher index of DMFT. Among the participants, 61 and 21 patients had gingivitis and periodontitis, respectively. Mean results of total SF-36 indices were reported at a low level in patients with increased DMFT and gum diseases. Patients with poor or moderate workability had a higher index of DMFT. There was a significant relationship between these two variables (p=0.001). However, they were not significantly associated with periodontitis. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between the SF-36 index, the ability to work and the type of liver disease

    Expression of CK8 and CK17, specific epithelial markers, by oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines

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    Objectives Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is among the most common cancers worldwide. This study aimed to assess the expression of CK8 and CK17 by OSCC cell lines in Iranian patients.Methods This observational study was conducted on three OSCC cell lines with a minimum of 45 passages. Cells isolated from three patients with OSCC were cultured and passaged. Expression of CK8 and CK17 epithelial markers was assessed using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Data were presented qualitatively.Results The results confirmed the expression of CK8 and CK17 mRNA in three groups. Expression of these markers was different in the three specimens based on their degree of malignancy.Conclusion Since CK8 and CK17 were expressed in different superficial and basal layers in the three specimens, epithelial origin of these cells was confirmed. This study can pave the way for further cancer research and designing new treatment

    The effect of aqueous and ethanolic extract of Iranian propolis on Candida Albicans isolated from the mouth of patients with colorectal malignancy undergone chemotherapy: An in-vitro study

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    Background: Candidiasis is one of the most common fungal infections in immunosuppressed patients. The condition is usually treated with local and systemic antifungal agents. Given the antifungal properties of propolis, it appears this natural resin material can be effective in treating this infection. The aim of the present in vitro study was to compare the effect of Iranian propolis with those of routine antifungal agents on Candida species isolated from the oral candida lesions of patients with cancer, who had undergone chemotherapy, and a standard strain of Candida albicans. Methods: A total of 23 samples were collected from the oral cavities of patients with colorectal cancer, who had undergone chemotherapy with 5-fu. The fungal species were determined based on the results of culture in C. albicans chromagar medium, formation of the germ tube and formation of vesicles. The MIC of aqueous extract propolis (AEP) and ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) and amphotericin B (AMP-B), fluconazole (FL) and nystatin (NYS) were compared. Results: A total of 23 oral C. albicans samples were isolated. The MICs of FL and AMP- B were similar and less than those of EEP, AEP and NYS (P<0.001). In addition, the MIC of AEP was higher than EEP (P<0.001). The MIC of AMP- B on the strains isolated from the patients was more than that of the standard strain (P=0.012). Conclusion: The aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Iranian propolis exhibited antifungal activity, with a greater effect of the EEP compared to the AEP. &#160

    Chromium and lead levels and alteration in DDPH inhibition in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy

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    Background: Recently the carcinogenic and toxic effects of some heavy metals such as chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb) through the mechanism of oxidative stress have been reported. Due to the various consequences of chemotherapeutic treatments on body hemostasis, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of Adriamycin 60 mg/m2 and Cytoxan 600 mg/m2 (AC) chemotherapy on the serum levels of Cr, Pb, and the percent α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) inhibition. Methods: This study was performed on 50 patients with breast cancer at two separate sampling times, the first at the initiation of chemotherapy and the last at the end of three courses of the AC chemotherapy treatment. Serum levels of Cr and Pb were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The percent DPPH inhibition ( I) and also the effect of age and stage of the disease on the mentioned variables were evaluated. Statistical comparison of the obtained results before and after chemotherapy was performed using paired sample t-test. Intra-group evaluation of age and disease stages was done using an independent sample t-test. Results: A significant decrease was observed in the percent DPPH inhibition after 3 courses of chemotherapy (p<0.001). Cr and also Pb were significantly higher in patients with breast cancer after AC chemotherapy (p<0.001). Conclusion: According to the results, AC chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer is associated with higher levels of Cr and Pb, which can eventually lead to worsened oxidative stress status in affected patients. However, it seems that these changes do not necessarily depend on age and the stage of the disease. &#160

    Correlation of CA19-9 and P57 (KiP2) Expression with Tumor Grade and Invasive Front in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Statement of the Problem: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most widely occurring cancers worldwide. Early diagnosis of primary tumors is the key to improve treatment outcome. Detecting cancer, determining prognosis, and monitoring disease progression or treatment response can be done based on molecular markers. CA19-9 is an isolated form of Lewis antigen. It is widely used for detecting pancreatic cancer in the clinical setting. P57 (KiP2) is a tumor suppressor gene. It is a positive regulator of cell proliferation, regulating proliferation through G1 phase by inhibiting cyclin dependent kinases. Its expression decreases in most malignancies. OSCC has variable differentiation grades and local invasion potential. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate and assess the correlation of CA19-9 and P57 expression with invasive front and grade of OSCC. Materials and Method: This cross-sectional study was performed on forty paraffin blocks in three histologic grades; well, moderate, and poorly differentiated SCC. The two markers were assessed by immunohistochemistry methods (En vision). Proportional and total scores and staining intensity were measured for all samples. Results: CA19-9 staining was low in all three grades. The Kruskal Wallis test showed no significant correlation between tumor grade and CA19-9 expression; however, there was a significant difference between tumor intensity and margin intensity (p= 0.003). P57 staining was high in all three grades. The Kruskal Wallis test showed no significant correlation between tumor grade and P57 expression. There were no significant differences in total intensity of staining in margins of tumor (p= 0.85). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that expression of CA19-9 and P57 cannot be used as determinants of tumor grade. Higher expression of CA19-9 in invasive front of SCC can be representative of local invasion and higher activity of tumor cells in the margins

    Assessment of Dental Materials’ Catalogs Based on Safety and Protection Items in Dental School of Kerman

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    Objectives Dental materials are potentially hazardous and can negatively affect the health of patients, dental staff, and the surrounding environment. Thus, it is important to be aware and comply with the information provided in the material safety data sheets (MSDSs). Therefore, it seems necessary to review the dental material safety sheets in order to determine their consistency with the standard safety items required for dental materials. This study aimed to evaluate the MSDSs of dental materials consumed in Kerman Dental School to determine their compliance with the standard safety items. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 106 dental materials were selected from 12 clinical departments of Kerman Dental School. The MSDSs were assessed in order to determine their consistency with the standard safety items. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 21, and t-test was used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance level was set at P<0.05. Results Among the 15 items considered necessary according to the standard MSDSs, the item “necessary measures in case of possible leakage and spillage” had been least frequently stated in the assessed MSDSs. Also, the mean safety score of the materials with MSDSs was significantly higher compared with materials that had no MSDSs(P=0.0001). Conclusion Evaluation of the MSDSs of dental materials consumed in Kerman Dental School regarding the required standard items revealed that they did not meet the defined standard levels

    Evaluation of the relationship between serumsVisfatin and Resistin levels with BMI in PCOS young women

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine / metabolic disorder in women of reproductive age .Abdominal adiposity and obesity are frequently present in PCOS. It now appears that, obesity is associated with a low-grade inflammation of white adipose tissue.Adipokines play a significant role in the pathogenesis of a low-grade inflammation associated with obesity. Among variety of adipokines, resistin and visfatin are proposed as important pro inflammatory mediators and they have recently been suggested to be associated with obesity related diseases.The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation of visfatin and resistin serum levels and the ratio of these two adipokines with BMI in PCOS women under age of 35 years old. Twenty eight young women with clinically confirmed PCOS disease (14 lean and 14 obese), and 12 young, healthy and lean women with stable weight and BMI<25 were enrolled. Blood was obtained from the included persons, and visfatin and resistin were assessed by ELISA method. We did not observe any significant differences in serum visfatin and resistin concentrations and also in the Visfatin/Resistin ratio between PCOS and control group. Also we did not found a significant correlation between visfatin and resistin with BMI. This study demonstrated that serum resistin and visfatin levels do not seem to be directly involved in the pathology of PCOS

    Photodynamic Inactivation of Porphyromonas gingivalis utilizing Radachlorin and Toluidine Blue O as Photosensitizers: An In Vitro Study

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    Introduction: Porphyromonas gingivalis is one of the major pathogens in the development and progression of periodontal disease. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is a new approach which is sorted in non-invasive phototherapy for bacterial elimination. This in vitro study was conducted to compare photodynamic inactivation using Radachlorin and Toluidine blue O (TBO) as photosensitizers on P. gingivalis.Methods: Bacterial suspensions (200 μL) of P. gingivalis were exposed to either TBO with concentration of 0.1 mg/mL associated with portable light-emitting diode (LED) device (peak wavelength: 630 nm, output intensity: 2.000 mW/cm2, tip diameter: 6.2 mm) or 0.1% Radachlorin® and laser irradiation (InGaAlP, Peak wavelength: 662±0.1% nm, output power: 2.5 W, energy density: 6 J/cm2, fiber diameter: 2 mm). Those in control groups were subjected to laser irradiation or LED alone, Radachlorin® or TBO alone, and one group received neither photosensitizer nor light irradiation. Then counting of colony forming units (CFU) was performed to determine the bactericidal effects in each subgroup.Results: LED-based aPDT reduced the colony count of P. gingivalis more than that of TBO (P < 0.001) or LED group (P = 0.957). Also, laser-based aPDT had a great reduction in colony count of P. gingivalis in comparison with Radachlorin® (P < 0.001) or laser irradiation alone (P = 0.28). In addition, the colony count reduction of laser-based aPDT was significantly more than LED-based aPDT (P < 0.05).Conclusion: Considering the results of this study, the viability of P. gingivalis was more affected by the combination of laser and Radachlorin® 0.1% in comparison with LED and TBO 0.1

    Comparison of Physical Fitness among Smoker and Non-Smoker Men

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    Background: It is well documented that cigarette smoking has negative impacts on body health, as well as social health, economy, culture, etc. Nowadays, there is a large body of evidence that smoking is the cause of numerous life-threatening diseases like cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases along with different kinds of cancer. The aim of this study was to compare the physical fitness of smokers and non smokers.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 64 non-sportsmen (34 non-smokers and 30 smokers) aging 19–27 years. Both groups were matched for age, weight, height and body mass index (BMI). The smokers used cigarettes at least 5 cigarettes a day for 2 years. None of them had a musculoskeletal disease. We used a questionnaire and physical fitness tests for data gathering. The tests were used to measure muscle strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility in both groups.Findings: The muscle strength was significantly different in smokers and non-smokers (P = 0.012). Moreover, smokers had less agility (P = 0.004) and speed (P = 0.008) than non-smokers. However, although smokers were weaker than non- smokers, the differences in muscle endurance (P = 0.066) and flexibility (P = 0.095) were not the statistically significant.Conclusion: According to these results, the smokers were less powerful than nonsmokers. In addition, physical activity skills in young smokers were decreased. Therefore, smoking will cause a gradual loss of physical strength and active personal and social power. Keywords: Tobacco, Physical fitness, Muscle