45 research outputs found

    Vibration Briquetting of Ash of Combined Heat and Power Plant

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    Ash and slag materials of combined heat and power plant (CHPP) are a unique resource that can be successfully used in construction, road and agricultural industries. However, their industrial use is accompanied with significant organizational and technical problems. Granulation of coal ashes improves the conditions of their storage and transportation, allows mechanizing and automating the subsequent use, increases productivity, improves the working conditions and reduces the loss of raw materials and finished products. This paper proposes a method of compacting of Seversk CHPP (Russia) ash by vibration briquetting using a number of binders (polyvinyl alcohol, glyoxal, liquid sodium glass). The main characteristics of Seversk CHPP ash such as chemical composition, particle size distribution, bulk density, content of unburnt carbon and radioactivity have been determined. Investigation of the effect of binder concentration on the static strength of granules revealed that the increase of binder concentration results in the growth of static strength of the dried granules that reaches a maximum at the concentration of 10 wt %: 0.28 MPa for polyvinyl alcohol, 0.63 MPa for glyoxal and 0.40 MPa for liquid sodium glass

    Optical markers of magnetic phase transition in CrSBr

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    Here, we investigate the role of the interlayer magnetic ordering of CrSBr in the framework of ab initio\textit{ab initio} calculations and by using optical spectroscopy techniques. These combined studies allow us to unambiguously determine the nature of the optical transitions. In particular, photoreflectance measurements, sensitive to the direct transitions, have been carried out for the first time. We have demonstrated that optically induced band-to-band transitions visible in optical measurement are remarkably well assigned to the band structure by the momentum matrix elements and energy differences for the magnetic ground state (A-AFM). In addition, our study reveals significant differences in electronic properties for two different interlayer magnetic phases. When the magnetic ordering of A-AFM to FM is changed, the crucial modification of the band structure reflected in the direct-to-indirect band gap transition and the significant splitting of the conduction bands along the ΓZ\Gamma-Z direction are obtained. In addition, Raman measurements demonstrate a splitting between the in-plane modes B2g2B^2_{2g}/B3g2B^2_{3g}, which is temperature dependent and can be assigned to different interlayer magnetic states, corroborated by the DFT+U study. Moreover, the B2g2B^2_{2g} mode has not been experimentally observed before. Finally, our results point out the origin of interlayer magnetism, which can be attributed to electronic rather than structural properties. Our results reveal a new approach for tuning the optical and electronic properties of van der Waals magnets by controlling the interlayer magnetic ordering in adjacent layers.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figure


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    The aim of present work was to assess the role of immunological disorders, hypoxia and lipoperoxidation in development and progression of erosive/ulcerative lesions of duodenum accompanied by chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. We have studied a cohort of 125 patients with erosive and ulcerative lesions of duodenum associated with chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, aged from 48 to 74 years old. They underwent outpatient treatment and care at the Clinical Hospital No.5 (Saransk) over 2015-2018. A comparison group consisted of 39 patients with chronically impaired cerebral circulation, who did not show signs of erosive/ulcerative lesions of stomach and duodenum over the study period. Patients received conventional anti-ulcer therapies for 14 days. The cytokine profile, indexes of hypoxia, and serum markers of lipid peroxidation were evaluated. The study has shown an increase in the level of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in cases with erosive/ ulcerative duodenal lesions associated with chronic impairment of cerebral circulation throughout the observation period, thus indicating to evolving imbalance of immunoregulatory system. The development of hypoxic changes in the blood plasma was observed, which was confirmed by increased contents of lactic and pyruvic acids, like as the hypoxia coefficient at all the observation terms. The lipid peroxidation processes were also activated in the course of evolving disorder, as judged by increased contents of diene conjugates, triene conjugates and the malonic dialdehyde levels upon admission, as well as on day 7 and 14 of observation, associated with decrease in the antioxidant potential of blood plasma, estimated by the superoxide dismutase index. A trend for a decrease in the indexes of diene conjugates, triene conjugates, malonic dialdehyde and an increased levels of superoxide dismutase was registered as late as after 30 days of observation. Hypoxia and lipid peroxidation may be viewed as predictors of chronic inflammation. Developing imbalance between pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory cytokines, and chronic hypoxia are of significant value for pathogenesis of erosive-ulcerative lesions of duodenum, being associated with chronic impairment of cerebral circulation. Under such conditions, oxidative stress is observed, with a shift of equilibrium towards pro-oxidants, along with exhausted potential of antioxidant defense system. In general, these disturbances determine the pathogenetic mechanisms of damage that occur in erosive and ulcerative lesions of duodenum, being associated with chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, which have a mutually negative influence in the course of disease progression

    Изменения в легких у ребенка с болезнью Гоше: дифференциальная диагностика с диссеминированным туберкулезом

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    The article describes a clinical case of a rare combination of hereditary pathology – Gaucher disease and latent tuberculosis infection in an 8-year-old child. The child was examined for tuberculosis due to disseminated small foci and calcination in the lung tissue detected by chest computed tomography. The particular parameter of latent tuberculosis infection of this case was the positive results of IGRA tests (T-SPOT TB and QuantiFERON) with a negative response to the intradermal test with recombinant tuberculosis allergen. According to the examination results, the disseminated tuberculosis was not confirmed, diffuse lung damage was regarded as a manifestation of Gaucher disease, which was a rare sign of this pathology according to the published data.Представлено клиническое наблюдение редкого случая сочетания наследственной патологии – болезни Гоше и латентной туберкулезной инфекции у ребенка 8 лет. Поводом обследования на туберкулез было обнаружение на компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки мелкоочаговой диссеминации и кальцинатов в легочной ткани. Особенностью латентной туберкулезной инфекции в данном случае были положительные тесты IGRA (T-SPOT TB и QuantiFERON) при отрицательной реакции на внутрикожную пробу с аллергеном туберкулезным рекомбинантным. На основании обследования диагноз диссеминированного туберкулеза был отвергнут, диффузное поражение легких расценено как проявление болезни Гоше, что является, по данным литературы, редким при данной патологии

    Особенности клинического течения и химиотерапии туберкулеза у детей из очагов с различным спектром лекарственной чувствительности микобактерий

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    The objective: to characterize tuberculosis in children exposed todrug-resistant tuberculosis in St. Petersburg.Subjects and methods. 51 children exposed to tuberculosis in their families were enrolled into the study; of them, 23 children were exposed to MDR TB; 7 children were exposed to other drug resistant patterns of the disease; 21 children were exposed to drug susceptible tuberculosis.Results. In St. Petersburg in 2015-2017, MDR TB cases prevailed among adult index cases to whom children were exposed. The course of tuberculosis was the most severe in children exposed to MDR TB. Such children were treated with regimen IV with high efficacy achieved, taking into account the severity of the disease, age, concurrent disorders, and tolerability of the drugs, as well as drug resistance of the index case.Цель: дать характеристику туберкулеза у детей из очагов лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза в Санкт-Петербурге.Материалы и методы. В исследование включен 51 больной туберкулезом ребенок, имевший семейный контакт, в том числе с МЛУ-туберкулезом – 23 ребенка, с другими вариантами лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза – 7, с лекарственно-чувствительным туберкулезом – 21 ребенок.Результаты. В Санкт-Петербурге в 2015-2017 гг. среди взрослых источников заражения заболевших туберкулезом детей преобладали лица с МЛУ-ТБ. Туберкулез у детей из очагов с МЛУ-ТБ протекал наиболее тяжело. Для их лечения использовался с хорошим эффектом IV режим химиотерапии с учетом выраженности процесса, возраста, сопутствующей патологии и переносимости препаратов, а также спектра лекарственной устойчивости источника заражения

    Местные осложнения и лимфадениты после вакцинации БЦЖ-M у детей – выбор правильной тактики

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    Тhe aim: to analyze the cases of complications of BCGvaccination in children, potential risk factors, patient management tactics.Materials and methods: The statistical data on local complications of BCG-M vaccination in Saint Petersburg (Russia) from 2012 to 2019 was studied. To verify the diagnosis of post-vaccinal complication the Mantoux test, diaskintest or QuantiFERON-TB, X-ray examination, morphological and bacteriological examination were used in cases of indication. Observations of 22 children aged from 1,5 months to 1,5 years with complications after vaccination with BCG-M were analyzed.Results. Since 2010, the sparing BCG-M vaccine has been used in St. Petersburg for primary immunization. The incidence of local complications over the past 8 years was 0,002% – 0,012% of the number of vaccinated children. A cold abscess was diagnosed in 11 (50,0%), BCG-lymphadenitis in 9 (40,9%), an ulcer in 2 (9,1%) children. In 14 (63,6%) of 22 children complications of vaccination were detected in the phase of abscess formation. Fore children underwent surgery with diagnoses of nonspecific lymphadenitis (3), soft tissue abscess (1). In these cases, diagnoses of BCG-M complications was established only after morphological examination of the surgical material. In children with complications while the results of Mantoux test were positive, results of diaskintest and QuantiFERON-TB were negative. The detection of Mycobacterium bovis BCG was possible in 5 patients by culture and polymerase chain reaction methods. 2 clinical cases are given.Conclusion: It is necessary to increase the knowledge of pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, nurses of BCG vaccination techniques, diagnosis and treatment of post-vaccination complication, indications for dispensary observation.Цель: проанализировать случаи осложнений на вакцинацию БЦЖ-M у детей, возможные факторы риска, тактику ведения пациентов.Материалы и методы: представлены статистические данные о местных осложнениях на вакцинацию БЦЖ-M в Санкт-Петербурге с 2012 по 2019 г. За эти годы наблюдалось 22 ребенка в возрасте от 1,5 месяцев до 1,5 лет с осложнениями после вакцинации БЦЖ-M. Для верификации диагноза использовали пробу Манту, диаскинтест или QuantiFERON-TB, рентгенологическое исследование, морфологическое и бактериологическое исследование в показанных случаях.Результаты. С 2010 г. в Санкт-Петербурге используется вакцина БЦЖ-М для первичной иммунизации против туберкулеза. В течение 8 лет (2012–2019 гг.) выявлено 22 случая местных осложнений, частота по годам cоставила 0,002% – 0,012% от числа привитых детей. Холодный абсцесс диагностирован у 11 (50,0%), БЦЖ-лимфаденит – у 9 (40,9%), язва – у 2 (9,1%) детей. У 14 (63,6%) из 22 детей осложнения вакцинации выявлены в фазе абсцедирования. 4 детей были прооперированы с диагнозами неспецифического лимфаденита (3), абсцесса мягких тканей (1), диагноз осложнения БЦЖ-М установлен только после морфологического исследования операционного материала. У детей с поствакцинальными осложнениями результаты пробы Манту были положительными, а результаты диаскинтеста и QuantiFERON-TB отрицательными. Обнаружение Мycobacterium bovis BCG была возможна у 5 пациентов методами бактериологического посева и полимеразной цепной реакции. Приведены 2 клинических примера.Заключение. Знания педиатров, детских хирургов, медицинских сестер по технике вакцинации, диагностике и лечению осложнений после вакцинации БЦЖ-M, показаниям к направлению в противотуберкулезный диспансер недостаточны, что определяет необходи мость включения обучения этим вопросам при последипломном повышении квалификации.

    Comparative Economic Evaluation of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccination in Belarus and Uzbekistan

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    BACKGROUND: Hib vaccine has gradually been introduced into more and more countries during the past two decades, partly due to GAVI Alliance support to low-income countries. However, since Hib disease burden is difficult to establish in settings with limited diagnostic capacities and since the vaccine continues to be relatively expensive, some Governments remain doubtful about its value leading to concerns about financial sustainability. Similarly, several middle-income countries have not introduced the vaccine. The aim of this study is to estimate and compare the cost-effectiveness of Hib vaccination in a country relying on self-financing (Belarus) and a country eligible for GAVI Alliance support (Uzbekistan). METHODS AND FINDINGS: A decision analytic model was used to estimate morbidity and mortality from Hib meningitis, Hib pneumonia and other types of Hib disease with and without the vaccine. Treatment costs were attached to each disease event. Data on disease incidence, case fatality ratios and costs were primarily determined from national sources. For the Belarus 2009 birth cohort, Hib vaccine is estimated to prevent 467 invasive disease cases, 4 cases of meningitis sequelae, and 3 deaths, while in Uzbekistan 3,069 invasive cases, 34 sequelae cases and 341 deaths are prevented. Estimated costs per discounted DALY averted are US9,323inBelarusandUS 9,323 in Belarus and US 267 in Uzbekistan. CONCLUSION: The primary reason why the cost-effectiveness values are more favourable in Uzbekistan than in Belarus is that relatively more deaths are averted in Uzbekistan due to higher baseline mortality burden. Two other explanations are that the vaccine price is lower in Uzbekistan and that Uzbekistan uses a three dose schedule compared to four doses in Belarus. However, when seen in the context of the relative ability to pay for public health, the vaccine can be considered cost-effective in both countries

    Features of the evolution of the vowels of the first syllable of Finno-Ugric stem in the Mordovian languages

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    The phonetic system is one of the most important aspects of the language. The study of the structure and features of this system allows tracing both the current state and the history of the development of a language. The development of the phonetic structure of Finno-Ugric word stem in Mordovian languages is considered with the help of a comparative and historical method. The system of vowels of the first syllable in the words of modern Mordovian languages is compared with the reconstructed forms of the stem, which go back to the Finno-Ugric pro-linguistic unity (Uralic, Finno-Ugric, Finno-Permian and Finno-Volga) and their etymological correspondences in the Finnish and Estonian languages. The article presents an analysis of the evolution of vowels of the first syllable of the Finno-Ugric word in Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) languages. On the basis of the achievements of modern Finno-Ugric studies, phonetic processes are observed in the field of vowels of the first syllable that transformed the primary basis of the word. The description of the features of the vocalism of the first syllable in Mordovian languages is carried out in terms of comparison with the reconstructed forms of the Finno-Ugric original language and comparison with etymological correspondences in the Finnish and Estonian languages. A comparative analysis of the vowel system of the first syllable of the Finno-Ugric word stem in modern Mordovian languages with their etymological correspondences in the Finnish and Estonian languages allowed us to detect phonetic processes that changed the structure of some languages. In some cases, these are minor changes, while in other cases, they are rather significant