682 research outputs found

    Moses Myers of Norfolk

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    Moses Myers was a child or the revolutionary­ era. He lived in an age of world chaos. His eyes saw the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Panic or 1819. During those upheavals be both made and lost fortunes. He raised a large family and lived through the sorrow or seeing them die, one after another. In the last years of his life he was penniless, but he remained indomitable to the end . That is why his life is worth studying; it is a story or courage and faith

    Resilience: A Criterion for Learning in the Presence of Arbitrary Outliers

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    We introduce a criterion, resilience, which allows properties of a dataset (such as its mean or best low rank approximation) to be robustly computed, even in the presence of a large fraction of arbitrary additional data. Resilience is a weaker condition than most other properties considered so far in the literature, and yet enables robust estimation in a broader variety of settings. We provide new information-theoretic results on robust distribution learning, robust estimation of stochastic block models, and robust mean estimation under bounded kth moments. We also provide new algorithmic results on robust distribution learning, as well as robust mean estimation in p-norms. Among our proof techniques is a method for pruning a high-dimensional distribution with bounded 1st moments to a stable "core" with bounded 2nd moments, which may be of independent interest

    Prevention of Hog Cholera

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    The use of social networking in industry and academic has been recognised in the literature. However, there are dearth of literature on the extent to which medical officers in Nigeria are making use of the social media for disease diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The current study therefore seeks to investigate the extent of use of social media among medical officers in Nigeria hospitals. The study adopted the survey research design. A total of 250 medical officers were randomly selected across the hospitals in Nigeria. Data for the study was collected via online google form which was sent to the social media and social networking site of the medical association of Nigeria. The data gathered was checked for validity and reliability and subsequently analyzed using relative importance index (RII) with the aid of the IBM statistical package for social science (SPSS) and Microsoft excel version 21. Findings from the study revealed that the overall RII of the use of social media is greater than the threshold of 0.5. In terms of relative importance, it shows that WhatsApp has the highest (RII = 0.86) indicating high preference and highest relative importance. With regards to benefits of social media use, majority of respondents agreed that social media helps in gaining new ideas, skills or techniques (RII = 0.88), this was closely followed by avoidance of situation that can expose someone in the contacting of COVID-19 (RII = 0.87). With regards to factors militating the use, the findings shows that personality/individualism (RII = 0.83) was ranked first among the factors, while lack of network availability (RII = 0.79) was ranked 2nd. The study concluded that it is essential that health organizations should incorporate social media in their medical communication strategies, to modernize the approaches currently in use with a view to significantly increase the likelihood of reaching different patients with diverse health conditions

    An Analysis of Effective Responsibility Accounting System Strategies in the Zimbabwean Health Sector (2003-2011)

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    The study set out to come up with strategies to ensure effective responsibility accounting system in the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (MOHCW) in Mashonaland West Province of Zimbabwe. The study was largely prompted by the fact that despite having been professionalized in its functions, the Ministry was still facing a lot of challenges. The target population for the study was the management and a sample of 70 employees from the fourteen stations in the province was used. Systematic sampling (probability sampling) and purposive or judgmental sampling (non-probability sampling) were used. It was observed that departments were operating with mandated budgets and that planning and control were not integrated. In addition it was also observed that performance reports were being used to fix blame on management and that performance reports were not being distributed to sectional managers on a regular basis. It is recommended that when coming up with budgets for the province the leadership should allow station managers to participate in the budget formulation and their suggestions should be taken on board and incorporated in the master budget. Key words: Strategies, Responsibility Accounting, Public Secto

    How the Integrated Approach to Corporate Governance Enhances Company Performance? Case of Delta Beverages.

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    The researcher wanted to find out how the integrated approach to corporate governance enhances company performance. In the past periods many corporations collapsed and this was attributable to failure to keep in pace with corporate governance evolution trend. On contrary the performance of Delta Beverages proved to be well and it is in that same period that it appreciated and adopted the evolution in corporate governance leading to its adoption of an integrated approach to corporate governance. In light of this, the researcher was then prompted to find out how this integrated approach enhances company performance. The study looked into many sources of literature on the integrated approach to come up with more informed scientific outcomes on the effectiveness of risk management in GRC, how GRC enhances company performance and the benefits accruing from the adoption of GRC. Conclusions were drawn from a total sample of 33 respondents consisting of directors, managers and general employees. It then became evident that the integrated approach to corporate governance enhances company performance and the researcher advocates that the manufacturing industries adopt it. Key words: Governance, Risk Management, and Complianc
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