315 research outputs found

    Convexity, large charge and the large-N phase diagram of the φ4 theory

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    In this note we discuss the phase space of the O(2N) vector model in the presence of a quadratic and a quartic interaction by writing the large-N effective potential using large charge methods in dimensions 2 < D < 4 and 4 < D < 6. Based on a simple discussion of the convexity properties of the grand potential, we find very different behavior in the two regimes: while in 2 < D < 4, the theory is well-behaved, the model in 4 < D < 6 leads to a complex CFT in the UV, consistently with earlier results. We also find a new metastable massive phase in the high-energy regime for the theory on the cylinder

    Political Correctness oder Tugendterror?

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    Political Correctness or Virtue Terror? Discussing the different meanings of the concept of political correctness, the author argues that it is a part of a profound change in culture within Western democracies that has led to a differentiation and deepening of human and fundamental rights. At the same time, it is shown that political correct-ness was adopted by the political right and used as a fight against this differentiation of human and fundamental rights in the Western liberal democracies, in order to defame them by linking the corre-sponding prohibitions of discrimination and equality measures with virtue terror

    The impact of inclusive education on the mathematical progress of pupils with intellectual disabilities

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    This study investigated the differences between the mathematical profiles of primary school pupils with intellectual disabilities (ID) enrolled in inclusive classrooms and those enrolled in special schools. It also considered whether the instructional setting has an impact on mathematical achievement gain. The mathematical achievement of 100 pupils with ID in inclusive classrooms (groupINCLUSIVE, n = 44) and special schools (groupSPECIAL, n = 56) was assessed at the beginning and the end of one school year. The results show that pupils with ID have a different mathematical profile in each setting. More of the pupils with very low mathematical achievement were enrolled in special schools and they made little progress over the course of the year. More of the pupils with ID who had computational skills were in inclusive classrooms. Due to large differences in age, IQ, and prior mathematical achievement between the two groups, a sample of matched pairs with one pupil from each setting was selected (n = 44). Regression analysis showed that the inclusive setting had a small positive effect on mathematical achievement gain after nine months. The study provides evidence that inclusive education is beneficial for the mathematical achievement gain of pupils with ID

    Navigating the Political and Emotional Terrain of Adaptation: Community Engagement When Climate Change Comes Home

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    ABSTRACT Understanding the challenges of communicating climate change impacts and adaptation when the global problem comes &quot;home&quot; is a matter of successfully navigating the political and emotional terrain of people facing inevitable change and loss. Planners and resource managers in US coastal communities are struggling to find effective approaches to engaging their communities and sometimes shy away from raising the issue due to concerns about coastal stakeholders&apos; responses. This chapter begins by describing this context for communicating adaptation and engaging communities in solution-finding in contemporary American society, and then reports on focus group research conducted in California to explore coastal homeowners&apos; understanding of impacts and solutions, with a focus on their visions of successful adaptation. Findings suggest that place attachment and emotional responses to climate change deeply color visions of a desirable future -visions that go far beyond technical solutions to intractable climate change dilemmas. The chapter suggests that starting with a place-based vision of success and meaningfully engaging people in finding adaptive responses for multiple timeframes are crucial elements of effective engagement and prerequisites for pursuing a communal goal that is larger than the sum of individual self-interests. PARADISE NO MORE: DRAWING THE BATTLE LINES IN THE SAND I&apos;d say that this place is Paradise. Overall, it&apos;s a beautiful area. You walk down the beach sometime in the sunset and the birds and sea lions -that picture is Paradise to me. (Participant, Focus Group 1, Moss Landing, California, 2012) For years, sea-level rise and related impacts of climate change has been communicated to the public in familiar terms: climate change is causing global average sea level to rise by 18-51 cm by 210
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