1,943 research outputs found

    New measurements of cosmic infrared background fluctuations from early epochs

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    Cosmic infrared background fluctuations may contain measurable contribution from objects inaccessible to current telescopic studies, such as the first stars and other luminous objects in the first Gyr of the Universe's evolution. In an attempt to uncover this contribution we have analyzed the GOODS data obtained with the Spitzer IRAC instrument, which are deeper and cover larger scales than the Spitzer data we have previously analyzed. Here we report these new measurements of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) fluctuations remaining after removing cosmic sources to fainter levels than before. The remaining anisotropies on scales > 0.5 arcmin have a significant clustering component with a low shot-noise contribution. We show that these fluctuations cannot be accounted for by instrumental effects, nor by the Solar system and Galactic foreground emissions and must arise from extragalactic sources.Comment: Ap.J.Letters, in pres

    Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations and Zodiacal Light

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    We have performed a specific observational test to measure the effect that the zodiacal light can have on measurements of the spatial fluctuations of the near-IR background. Previous estimates of possible fluctuations caused by zodiacal light have often been extrapolated from observations of the thermal emission at longer wavelengths and low angular resolution, or from IRAC observations of high latitude fields where zodiacal light is faint and not strongly varying with time. The new observations analyzed here target the COSMOS field, at low ecliptic latitude where the zodiacal light intensity varies by factors of ∼2\sim2 over the range of solar elongations at which the field can be observed. We find that the white noise component of the spatial power spectrum of the background is correlated with the modeled zodiacal light intensity. Roughly half of the measured white noise is correlated with the zodiacal light, but a more detailed interpretation of the white noise is hampered by systematic uncertainties that are evident in the zodiacal light model. At large angular scales (≳100"\gtrsim100") where excess power above the white noise is observed, we find no correlation of the power with the modeled intensity of the zodiacal light. This test clearly indicates that the large scale power in the infrared background is not being caused by the zodiacal light.Comment: 17 pp. Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Demonstrating the negligible contribution of optical ACS/HST galaxies to source-subtracted cosmic infrared background fluctuations in deep IRAC/Spitzer images

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    We study the possible contribution of optical galaxies detected with the {\it Hubble} ACS instrument to the near-IR cosmic infrared (CIB) fluctuations in deep {\it Spitzer} images. The {\it Spitzer} data used in this analysis are obtained in the course of the GOODS project from which we select four independent 10′×10′10^\prime\times10^\prime regions observed at both 3.6 and 4.5 \um. ACS source catalogs for all of these areas are used to construct maps containing only their emissions in the ACS B,V,i,zB, V, i, z-bands. We find that deep Spitzer data exhibit CIB fluctuations remaining after removal of foreground galaxies of a very different clustering pattern at both 3.6 and 4.5 \um than the ACS galaxies could contribute. We also find that there are very good correlations between the ACS galaxies and the {\it removed} galaxies in the Spitzer maps, but practically no correlations remain with the residual Spitzer maps used to identify the CIB fluctuations. These contributions become negligible on larger scales used to probe the CIB fluctuations arising from clustering. This means that the ACS galaxies cannot contribute to the large-scale CIB fluctuations found in the residual Spitzer data. The absence of their contributions also means that the CIB fluctuations arise at z\gsim 7.5 as the Lyman break of their sources must be redshifted past the longest ACS band, or the fluctuations have to originate in the more local but extremely low luminosity galaxies.Comment: Ap.J.Letters, in press. Minor revisions to mathc the accepted versio

    Calibrating Array Detectors

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    The development of sensitive large format imaging arrays for the infrared promises to provide revolutionary capabilities for space astronomy. For example, the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on SIRTF will use four 256 x 256 arrays to provide background limited high spatial resolution images of the sky in the 3 to 8 micron spectral region. In order to reach the performance limits possible with this generation of sensitive detectors, calibration procedures must be developed so that uncertainties in detector calibration will always be dominated by photon statistics from the dark sky as a major system noise source. In the near infrared, where the faint extragalactic sky is observed through the scattered and reemitted zodiacal light from our solar system, calibration is particularly important. Faint sources must be detected on this brighter local foreground. We present a procedure for calibrating imaging systems and analyzing such data. In our approach, by proper choice of observing strategy, information about detector parameters is encoded in the sky measurements. Proper analysis allows us to simultaneously solve for sky brightness and detector parameters, and provides accurate formal error estimates. This approach allows us to extract the calibration from the observations themselves; little or no additional information is necessary to allow full interpretation of the data. Further, this approach allows refinement and verification of detector parameters during the mission, and thus does not depend on a priori knowledge of the system or ground calibration for interpretation of images.Comment: Scheduled for ApJS, June 2000 (16 pages, 3 JPEG figures

    New measurements of the cosmic infrared background fluctuations in deep Spitzer/IRAC survey data and their cosmological implications

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    We extend previous measurements of cosmic infrared background (CIB) fluctuations to ~ 1 deg using new data from the Spitzer Extended Deep Survey. Two fields, with depths of ~12 hr/pixel over 3 epochs, are analyzed at 3.6 and 4.5 mic. Maps of the fields were assembled using a self-calibration method uniquely suitable for probing faint diffuse backgrounds. Resolved sources were removed from the maps to a magnitude limit of AB mag ~ 25, as indicated by the level of the remaining shot noise. The maps were then Fourier-transformed and their power spectra were evaluated. Instrumental noise was estimated from the time-differenced data, and subtracting this isolates the spatial fluctuations of the actual sky. The power spectra of the source-subtracted fields remain identical (within the observational uncertainties) for the three epochs indicating that zodiacal light contributes negligibly to the fluctuations. Comparing to 8 mic power spectra shows that Galactic cirrus cannot account for the fluctuations. The signal appears isotropically distributed on the sky as required for an extragalactic origin. The CIB fluctuations continue to diverge to > 10 times those of known galaxy populations on angular scales out to < 1 deg. The low shot noise levels remaining in the diffuse maps indicate that the large scale fluctuations arise from the spatial clustering of faint sources well below the confusion noise. The spatial spectrum of these fluctuations is in reasonable agreement with an origin in populations clustered according to the standard cosmological model (LCDM) at epochs coinciding with the first stars era.Comment: ApJ, to be publishe

    Reconstructing emission from pre-reionization sources with cosmic infrared background fluctuation measurements by the JWST

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    We present new methodology to use cosmic infrared background (CIB) fluctuations to probe sources at 10<z<30 from a JWST/NIRCam configuration that will isolate known galaxies to 28 AB mag at 0.5--5 micron. At present significant mutually consistent source-subtracted CIB fluctuations have been identified in the Spitzer and Akari data at 2--5 micron, but we demonstrate internal inconsistencies at shorter wavelengths in the recent CIBER data. We evaluate CIB contributions from remaining galaxies and show that the bulk of the high-z sources will be in the confusion noise of the NIRCam beam, requiring CIB studies. The accurate measurement of the angular spectrum of the fluctuations and probing the dependence of its clustering component on the remaining shot noise power would discriminate between the various currently proposed models for their origin and probe the flux distribution of its sources. We show that the contribution to CIB fluctuations from remaining galaxies is large at visible wavelengths for the current instruments precluding probing the putative Lyman-break of the CIB fluctuations. We demonstrate that with the proposed JWST configuration such measurements will enable probing the Lyman break. We develop a Lyman-break tomography method to use the NIRCam wavelength coverage to identify or constrain, via the adjacent two-band subtraction, the history of emissions over 10<z<30 as the Universe comes out of the 'Dark Ages'. We apply the proposed tomography to the current Spitzer/IRAC measurements at 3.6 and 4.5 micron, to find that it already leads to interestingly low upper limit on emissions at z>30.Comment: ApJ, in press. Minor revisions/additions to match the version in proof

    Development of a broadband submillimeter grating spectrometer

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    One of the central issues in astronomy is the formation and evolution of galaxies at large redshifts. Submillimeter observations are essential to understanding these processes. One of the best prospects for high redshift submillimeter observations is the study of the C_(II) 158 micrometer fine- structure line, which carries about 0.2% of the total luminosity of nearby starburst galaxies. However, current heterodyne receivers at submillimeter observatories have insufficient bandwidth to detect the full extent of highly broadened emission lines. We are developing a broadband grating spectrometer for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory with a total bandwidth of ~3400 km/s and a velocity resolution of 200 km/s. The detectors will be a linear array of 32 close-packed monolithic silicon bolometers developed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. In order to achieve background-limited sensitivity, the bolometers will be cooled to 100 mK by an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator. The spectrometer optics will consist of a tunable cryogenic immersion grating using broadband filters as order sorters. The spectrometer will be optimized to operate in the 350 µm and 450 µm atmospheric windows. Calculations of the sensitivity of the spectrometer reveal that an ultraluminous infrared galaxy of 10^(12) L_⊙ at a redshift of z = 1 would be detectable at the 3σ level in the C_(II) line with 20 minutes of integration time

    A mid-infrared survey of the inner 2 × 1.5 degrees of the Galaxy with Spitzer/IRAC

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    We present a survey of Spitzer Space Telescope/IRAC observations of the central 2 × 1.5 degrees (265 × 200 pc) of the Galaxy at 3-8 μm. These data represent the highest spatial resolution and sensitivity large-scale map made to date of the Galactic Center (GC) at mid-infrared wavelengths. The IRAC data provide a census of the optically obscured stellar sources as well as a detailed map of the highly filamentary structure in the interstellar medium. The diffuse emission is dominated by PAH emission from small grains in star-forming regions. Dark clouds displaying a large variety of sizes and morphologies are imaged, many of which remain opaque at IRAC wavelengths. Using a multiwavelength comparison, we determine which objects are likely to be in the foreground and which are located at the GC. We find no counterparts at IRAC wavelengths to the unique system of linear, nonthermal radio filaments present at the GC
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