342 research outputs found

    Effect of the presence of two commercial adsorbents in animal feed on Aflatoxin B1 determination by ELISA kit test.

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    A rapid AFB1 detection method by ELISA kit test was used on feedstuff samples, and compared to an HPLC method, to verify if the presence of clay-adsorbent (SA) could cause erroneous quantification of the toxin. Samples were obtained using two AFB1-contaminated feedstuffs (7.92 and 17.58 µg/kg for low and high contaminated feeds; LC and HC respectively), added either one of two commercial SAs (Atox® and Myco AD) and three different inclusion doses (0, 10 and 20 g/kg, respectively for CTR, 1% and 2% doses). The HPLC and ELISA data were compared in CTR samples with a paired t-test. The AFB1 recoveries, performed with ELISA, were analysed as a completely randomized design using a 2×2×3 factorial arrangement. The ELISA method tended to underestimate the AFB1 concentrations with respect to the HPLC method, both in HC (P=0.050) and in LC (P<0.001) feedstuffs. A more drastic reduction (P<0.001) was observed when SAs were included in the two feedstuffs. In particular, Atox® determined an AFB1 recovery of 15,5% in HC and 7,6% in LC (1% dose) and of 11,1% in HC and 8,4% in LC (2% dose). Less severe penalisation were observed when Myco AD was added to feeds

    Pathways of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal detoxification in a human astrocytoma cell line

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    One of the consequences of the increased level of oxidative stress that often characterizes the cancer cell environment is the abnormal generation of lipid peroxidation products, above all 4-hydroxynonenal. The contribution of this aldehyde to the pathogenesis of several diseases is well known. In this study, we characterized the ADF astrocytoma cell line both in terms of its pattern of enzymatic activities devoted to 4-hydroxynonenal removal and its resistance to oxidative stress induced by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. A comparison with lens cell lines, which, due to the ocular function, are normally exposed to oxidative conditions is reported. Our results show that, overall, ADF cells counteract oxidative stress conditions better than normal cells, thus confirming the redox adaptation demonstrated for several cancer cells. In addition, the markedly high level of NADP+-dependent dehydrogenase activity acting on the glutahionyl-hydroxynonanal adduct detected in ADF cells may promote, at the same time, the detoxification and recovery of cell-reducing power in these cells

    Seeds and oil polyphenol content of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown with different agricultural management

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    Using a long term experiment (20 and 11 years of organic cultivation on the same soil), sunflower was cultivated on these soils under organic management and in a different part of the same farm under conventional management. Kernels, teguments and oils were analyzed for their polyphenols content. Five caffeoylquinic acids were identified. No qualitative differences were found in the three cases, while quantitative differences have been pointed out and discussed

    Project of an advanced ISOL facility for exotic beams at LNL

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    Abstract In the framework of the European program to define a second generation Radioactive Ion Beam facility, LNL are proposing the construction in the next five–seven years of a specialized national facility for RIB originated by fission fragments produced by secondary neutrons. It consists on a two-accelerator ISOL-type facility to provide intense neutron-rich radioactive ion beams of highest quality, in the range of masses between 80 and 160. The conceptual design is based on a high intensity 50 MeV (100 kW) proton linac as driver and on the availability of the heavy-ion accelerator ALPI as post accelerator. The estimated neutron yield is 2×1014 n/s at 0°, high enough to satisfy the demand for an advanced RIB facility. An intense R&D program on different items is actually in progress in collaboration with other Laboratories and University groups and is moving in a European context

    Modelado computacional de datos epidemiológicos para predecir enfermedades de cultivos con base meteorológica

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    Para predecir el comportamiento de enfermedades de las plantas, mediante la construcción de modelos predictivos, se evaluó la severidad de manchas foliares, ocasionada por el hongo Altenaria tenuissima, en plantaciones de arándano alto (cultivar O’Neal) en tres localidades: San Pedro (S 33º 43' - W 059º 41'), Concordia (S 31º 24' - W 058º 02') y Gualeguaychú (S 33º 01' - W 058º 31'), durante los ciclos epidémicos primavero-estivo-otoñales de 2008/09 y 2009/10. Los mejores modelos simples de regresión logística de respuesta binaria integraron a Snc y a DTxnP (días con temperaturas entre 16 y 36°C), con precisiones de predicción de 93,8% y 78,5% respectivamente. El mejor modelo de respuesta ordinal integró a la interacción FPr*DTxnP (días con precipitación*días con temperaturas entre 16 y 36°C) y a Snc, con una precisión de predicción de 86,2%. La explicación biológica que subyace a los resultados obtenidos, refiere a un lento progreso epidémico primaveral, observado y simulado, contrastando con las altas tasas de incremento epidémico estivales, concordantes con hojas de senescencia creciente y alta frecuencia de días con registros térmicos entre 16 y 36ºC. Un adecuado ajuste y validación de los modelos predictivos obtenidos en esta investigación, permitirá el desarrollo de verdaderos sistemas de pronóstico, para la correcta gestión de la enfermedad, tanto desde el punto de vista técnico, como económico y ambiental.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Contemporary Trends of Systemic Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Intravesical Chemotherapy in Patients With Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinomas Undergoing Minimally Invasive or Open Radical Nephroureterectomy: Analysis of US Claims on Perioperative Outcomes and Health Care Costs

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    Introduction: New evidence indicates that minimally invasive surgery (MIS) (laparoscopic or robotic-assisted [LNU, RANU]) reaches oncologic equivalence compared with Open Radical Nephroureterectomy (ORNU) for high-risk upper-tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC). Recently, European Association of Urology (EAU) Guidelines suggested implementing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) to standard treatment to improve oncologic outcomes of high-risk UTUC. We aimed (1) To explore contemporary trends of MIS for RNU in the United States and to compare perioperative outcomes and costs with that of ORNU. (2) To determine the trends of NAC and postoperative intravesical chemotherapy (PIC) administration for high-risk UTUC and to assess their contribution to perioperative outcomes and costs. Patients and methods: The Optum Clinformatics Data Mart de-identified database was queried from 2003 to 2018 to retrospectively examine patients who had undergone LNU/RANU or ORNU with or without NAC and PIC. We evaluated temporal adoption trends, complications, and health care cost analyses. We obtained descriptive statistics and utilized multivariable regression modeling to assess outcomes. Results: A total of n = 492 ORNU and n = 1618 LNU/RANU procedures were reviewed. The MIS approach was associated with a statistically significant lower risk of intraoperative complications (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR], 0.48, 95% CI:0.24-0.96), risk of hospitalization costs (aOR: 0.62, 95% CI:0.49-0.78), and shorter hospital stay (aOR: 0.20, 95% CI:0.15-0.26) when compared to ORNU. Overall, adoption of NAC and PIC accounted for only n = 81 and n &lt; 37 cases respectively. The implementation of NAC and higher number of cycles were associated with an increased probability of any complication rate (aOR: 2.06, 95% CI:1.26-3.36) and hospital costs (aOR: 2.12, 95% CI:1.33-3.38). Conclusion: MIS has become the approach of choice for RNU in the US. Although recommended by guidelines, neither NAC nor postoperative bladder instillation of chemotherapy has been routinely incorporated into the clinical practice of patients with UTUC

    Psychological Health of Surgeons in a Time of COVID-19: A Global Survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the degree of psychological impact among surgical providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The COVID-19 pandemic has extensively impacted global healthcare systems. We hypothesized that the degree of psychological impact would be higher for surgical providers deployed for COVID-19 work, certain surgical specialties, and for those who knew of someone diagnosed with, or who died, of COVID-19. METHODS: We conducted a global web-based survey to investigate the psychological impact of COVID-19. The primary outcomes were the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) and Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) scores. RESULTS: 4283 participants from 101 countries responded. 32.8%, 30.8%, 25.9% and 24.0% screened positive for depression, anxiety, stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) respectively. Respondents who knew someone who died of COVID-19 were more likely to screen positive for depression, anxiety, stress and PTSD (OR 1.3, 1,6, 1.4, 1.7 respectively, all p < 0.05). Respondents who knew of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 were more likely to screen positive for depression, stress and PTSD (OR 1.2, 1.2 and 1.3 respectively, all p < 0.05). Surgical specialities that operated in the Head and Neck region had higher psychological distress among its surgeons. Deployment for COVID-19-related work was not associated with increased psychological distress. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic may have a mental health legacy outlasting its course. The long-term impact of this ongoing traumatic event underscores the importance of longitudinal mental health care for healthcare personnel, with particular attention to those who know of someone diagnosed with, or who died of COVID-19

    Análise espaço-temporal da incidência da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa em sistema silvipastoril sob manejo do componente arbóreo.

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    O sistema silvipastoril (Integração Pecuária-Floresta) produz diversos serviços ambientais e pode contribuir para uma maior eficiência da pecuária, amenizando variações climáticas, melhorando o conforto térmico animal e agregando valor aos produtos à longo prazo, ressaltando a importância da presença de árvores de maneira equilibrada em um sistema pastoril

    Compared Efficacy of Adjuvant Intravesical BCG-TICE vs. BCG-RIVM for High-Risk Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC): A Propensity Score Matched Analysis

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    Background: Intravesical immunotherapy with bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is the standard therapy for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). The superiority of any BCG strain over another could not be demonstrated yet. Methods: Patients with NMIBCs underwent adjuvant induction ± maintenance schedule of intravesical immunotherapy with either BCG TICE or RIVM at two high-volume tertiary institutions. Only BCG-naïve patients and those treated with the same strain over the course of follow-up were included. One-to-one (1:1) propensity score matching (PSM) between the two cohorts was utilized to adjust for baseline demographic and tumor characteristics imbalances. Kaplan-Meier estimates and multivariable Cox regression models according to high-risk NMIBC prognostic factors were implemented to address survival differences between the strains. Sub-group analysis modeling of the influence of routine secondary resection (re-TUR) in the setting of the sole maintenance adjuvant schedule for the two strains was further performed. Results: 852 Ta-T1 NMIBCs (n = 719, 84.4% on TICE; n = 133, 15.6% on RIVM) with a median of 53 (24-77) months of follow-up were reviewed. After PSM, no differences at 5-years RFS, PFS, and CSS at both Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses were detected for the whole cohort. In the sub-group setting of full adherence to European/American Urology Guidelines (EAU/NCCN), BCG TICE demonstrated longer 5-years RFS compared to RIVM (68% vs. 43%, p = 0.008; HR: 0.45 95% CI 0.25-0.81). Conclusion: When routinely performing re-TUR followed by a maintenance BCG schedule, TICE was superior to RIVM for RFS outcomes. However, no significant differences were detected for PFS and CSS, respectively