206 research outputs found

    Kurtosis and Large--Scale Structure

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    We discuss the non--linear growth of the excess kurtosis parameter of the smoothed density fluctuation field ή\delta, S_4\equiv[\lan\delta^{\,4}\ran-3\lan\delta^{\,2}\ran^2]/ \lan\delta^{\,2}\ran^3 in an Einstein--de Sitter universe. We assume Gaussian primordial density fluctuations with scale--free power spectrum P(k)∝k nP(k)\propto k^{\,n} and analyze the dependence of S4S_4 on primordial spectral index nn, after smoothing with a Gaussian filter. As already known for the skewness ratio S3S_3, the kurtosis parameter is a {\it decreasing function} of nn, both in exact perturbative theory and in the Zel'dovich approximation. The parameter S4S_4 provides a powerful statistics to test different cosmological scenarios.Comment: 11 pages in Latex (plus 1 figure), SISSA 127/93/

    Lensing dispersion of supernova flux: a probe of nonlinear structure growth

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    The scatter in the apparent magnitude of type Ia supernovae induced by stochastic gravitational lensing is highly dependent on the nonlinear growth of cosmological structure. In this paper, we show that such a dependence can potentially be employed to gain significant information about the mass clustering at small scales. While the mass clustering ultimately hinges on cosmology, here we demonstrate that, upon obtaining more precise observational measurements through future cosmological surveys, the lensing dispersion can very effectively be used to gain information on the poorly understood astrophysical aspects of structure formation, such as the clumpiness of dark matter halos and the importance of gas physics and star formation into shaping the large-scale structure. In order to illustrate this point we verify that even the tentative current measurements of the lensing dispersion performed on the Supernova Legacy Survey sample favor a scenario where virialized structures are somewhat less compact than predicted by n−n-body cosmological simulations. Moreover, we are also able to put lower limits on the slope of the concentration-mass relation. By artificially reducing the statistical observational error we argue that with forthcoming data the stochastic lensing dispersion will allow one to importantly improve constraints on the baryonic physics at work during the assembly of cosmological structure.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    CoMaLit - II. The scaling relation between mass and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal for Planck selected galaxy clusters

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    We discuss the scaling relation between mass and integrated Compton parameter of a sample of galaxy clusters from the all-sky {\it Planck} Sunyaev-Zel'dovich catalogue. Masses were measured with either weak lensing, caustics techniques, or assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. The retrieved Y500Y_{500}-M500M_{500} relation does not strongly depend on the calibration sample. We found a slope of 1.4-1.9, in agreement with self-similar predictions, with an intrinsic scatter of 20±1020\pm10 per cent. The absolute calibration of the relation can not be ascertained due to systematic differences of ∌\sim20-40 per cent in mass estimates reported by distinct groups. Due to the scatter, the slope of the conditional scaling relation, to be used in cosmological studies of number counts, is shallower, ∌\sim1.1-1.6. The regression methods employed account for intrinsic scatter in the mass measurements too. We found that Planck mass estimates suffer from a mass dependent bias.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; v2: 17 pages, 11 figures; MNRAS in press, results unchanged; extended discussion of the Planck calibration sample; added discussion of conditional vs symmetric scaling relations and of mixture of Gaussian functions as distribution of the independent variable; products from the CoMaLit series at http://pico.bo.astro.it/~sereno/CoMaLi

    Magnification bias as a novel probe for primordial magnetic fields

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    In this paper we investigate magnetic fields generated in the early Universe. These fields are important candidates at explaining the origin of astrophysical magnetism observed in galaxies and galaxy clusters, whose genesis is still by and large unclear. Compared to the standard inflationary power spectrum, intermediate to small scales would experience further substantial matter clustering, were a cosmological magnetic field present prior to recombination. As a consequence, the bias and redshift distribution of galaxies would also be modified. Hitherto, primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) have been tested and constrained with a number of cosmological observables, e.g. the cosmic microwave background radiation, galaxy clustering and, more recently, weak gravitational lensing. Here, we explore the constraining potential of the density fluctuation bias induced by gravitational lensing magnification onto the galaxy-galaxy angular power spectrum. Such an effect is known as magnification bias. Compared to the usual galaxy clustering approach, magnification bias helps in lifting the pathological degeneracy present amongst power spectrum normalisation and galaxy bias. This is because magnification bias cross-correlates galaxy number density fluctuations of nearby objects with weak lensing distortions of high-redshift sources. Thus, it takes advantage of the gravitational deflection of light, which is insensitive to galaxy bias but powerful in constraining the density fluctuation amplitude. To scrutinise the potentiality of this method, we adopt a deep and wide-field spectroscopic galaxy survey. We show that magnification bias does contain important information on primordial magnetism, which will be useful in combination with galaxy clustering and shear. We find we shall be able to rule out at 95.4% CL amplitudes of PMFs larger than 0.0005 nG for values of the PMF power spectral index ~0.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures; published on JCA

    The effect of massive neutrinos on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich and X-ray observables of galaxy clusters

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    Massive neutrinos are expected to influence the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe, depending on the value of their total mass, ÎŁmÎœ\Sigma m_\nu. In particular Planck data indicate that a non-zero ÎŁmÎœ\Sigma m_\nu may help to reconcile CMB data with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) cluster surveys. In order to study the impact of neutrinos on the SZ and X-ray cluster properties we run a set of six very large cosmological simulations (8h−3h^{-3} Gpc3^3 comoving volume) that include a massive neutrino particle component: we consider the values of ÎŁmÎœ\Sigma m_\nu = (0, 0.17, 0.34) eV in two cosmological scenarios to test possible degeneracies. Using the halo catalogues extracted from their outputs we produce 50 mock light-cones and, assuming suitable scaling relations, we determine how massive neutrinos affect SZ and X-ray cluster counts, the yy-parameter and its power spectrum. We provide forecasts for the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and eROSITA cluster surveys, showing that the number of expected detections is reduced by 40 per cent when assuming ÎŁmÎœ\Sigma m_\nu =0.34 eV with respect to a model with massless neutrinos. However the degeneracy with σ8\sigma_8 and Ωm\Omega_m is strong, in particular for X-ray data, requiring the use of additional probes to break it. The yy-parameter properties are also highly influenced by the neutrino mass fraction, fÎœf_\nu, with ∝(1−fÎœ)20\propto(1-f_\nu)^{20}, considering the cluster component only, and the normalization of the SZ power spectrum is proportional to (1−fÎœ)25−30(1-f_\nu)^{25-30}. Comparing our findings with SPT and Atacama Cosmology Telescope measurements at ℓ\ell = 3000 indicates that, when Planck cosmological parameters are assumed, a value of ÎŁmΜ≃0.34\Sigma m_\nu\simeq0.34 eV is required to fit with the data.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication by MNRAS. Substantial revisions after reviewer's comment

    Comparison of weak lensing by NFW and Einasto halos and systematic errors

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    Recent N-body simulations have shown that Einasto radial profiles provide the most accurate description of dark matter halos. Predictions based on the traditional NFW functional form may fail to describe the structural properties of cosmic objects at the percent level required by precision cosmology. We computed the systematic errors expected for weak lensing analyses of clusters of galaxies if one wrongly models the lens density profile. Even though the NFW fits of observed tangential shear profiles can be excellent, viral masses and concentrations of very massive halos (>~ 10^{15}M_Sun/h) can be over- and underestimated by ~10 per cent, respectively. Misfitting effects also steepen the observed mass-concentration relation, as observed in multi-wavelength observations of galaxy groups and clusters. Based on shear analyses, Einasto and NFW halos can be set apart either with deep observations of exceptionally massive structures (>~ 2\times10^{15}M_Sun/h) or by stacking the shear profiles of thousands of group-sized lenses (>~ 10^{14}M_Sun/h).Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, in press on JCAP; v02: cosmic noise include

    Inclusive Constraints on Unified Dark Matter Models from Future Large-Scale Surveys

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    In the very last years, cosmological models where the properties of the dark components of the Universe - dark matter and dark energy - are accounted for by a single "dark fluid" have drawn increasing attention and interest. Amongst many proposals, Unified Dark Matter (UDM) cosmologies are promising candidates as effective theories. In these models, a scalar field with a non-canonical kinetic term in its Lagrangian mimics both the accelerated expansion of the Universe at late times and the clustering properties of the large-scale structure of the cosmos. However, UDM models also present peculiar behaviours, the most interesting one being the fact that the perturbations in the dark-matter component of the scalar field do have a non-negligible speed of sound. This gives rise to an effective Jeans scale for the Newtonian potential, below which the dark fluid does not cluster any more. This implies a growth of structures fairly different from that of the concordance LCDM model. In this paper, we demonstrate that forthcoming large-scale surveys will be able to discriminate between viable UDM models and LCDM to a good degree of accuracy. To this purpose, the planned Euclid satellite will be a powerful tool, since it will provide very accurate data on galaxy clustering and the weak lensing effect of cosmic shear. Finally, we also exploit the constraining power of the ongoing CMB Planck experiment. Although our approach is the most conservative, with the inclusion of only well-understood, linear dynamics, in the end we also show what could be done if some amount of non-linear information were included.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, 2 table


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    We present the results of a series of one-dimensional N-body and hydrodynamical simulations which have been used for testing the different clustering properties of baryonic and dark matter in an expanding background. Initial Gaussian random density perturbations with a power-law spectrum P(k)∝knP(k) \propto k^n are assumed. We analyse the distribution of density fluctuations and thermodynamical quantities for different spectral indices nn and discuss the statistical properties of clustering in the corresponding simulations. At large scales the final distribution of the two components is very similar while at small scales the dark matter presents a lumpiness which is not found in the baryonic matter. The amplitude of density fluctuations in each component depends on the spectral index nn and only for n=−1n=-1 the amplitude of baryonic density fluctuations is larger than that in the dark component. This result is also confirmed by the behaviour of the bias factor, defined as the ratio between the r.m.s of baryonic and dark matter fluctuations at different scales: while for n=1, 3n=1,\ 3 it is always less than unity except at very large scales where it tends to one, for n=−1n=-1 it is above 1.4 at all scales. All simulations show also that there is not an exact correspondence between the positions of largest peaks in dark and baryonic components, as confirmed by a cross-correlation analysis. The final temperatures depend on the initial spectral index: the highest values are obtained for n=−1n=-1 and are in proximity of high density regions.Comment: 7 pages Latex (MN style) + 10 figures in postscript files, uuencoded submitted to MNRA

    Weak Lensing Light-Cones in Modified Gravity simulations with and without Massive Neutrinos

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    We present a novel suite of cosmological N-body simulations called the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder, implementing simultaneously the effects of an extension to General Relativity in the form of f(R)f(R) gravity and of a non-negligible fraction of massive neutrinos. We describe the generation of simulated weak lensing and cluster counts observables within a past light-cone extracted from these simulations. The simulations have been performed by means of a combination of the MG-GADGET code and a particle-based implementation of massive neutrinos, while the light-cones have been generated using the MapSim pipeline allowing us to compute weak lensing maps through a ray-tracing algorithm for different values of the source plane redshift. The mock observables extracted from our simulations will be employed for a series of papers focussed on understanding and possibly breaking the well-known observational degeneracy between f(R)f(R) gravity and massive neutrinos, i.e. the fact that some specific combinations of the characteristic parameters for these two phenomena (the fR0f_{R0} scalar amplitude and the total neutrino mass ÎŁmÎœ\Sigma m_{\nu}) may result indistinguishable from the standard ΛCDM\mathrm{\Lambda CDM} cosmology through several standard observational probes. In particular, in the present work we show how a tomographic approach to weak lensing statistics could allow - especially for the next generation of wide-field surveys - to disentangle some of the models that appear statistically indistinguishable through standard single-redshift weak lensing probe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, added theoretical comparisons to the simulation measurement
