2,873 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of cut-off phenomena in non-linear photonic crystal fibers

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    The modal cut-off is investigated experimentally in a series of high quality non-linear photonic crystal fibers. We demonstrate a suitable measurement technique to determine the cut-off wavelength and verify it by inspecting the near field of the modes that may be excited below and above the cut-off. We observe a double peak structure in the cut-off spectra, which is attributed to a splitting of the higher order modes. The cut-off is measured for seven different fiber geometries with different pitches and relative hole size, and a very good agreement with recent theoretical work is found.Comment: 3 pages including 1 table and 4 figures. Accepted for Optics Letter

    “Calibration-on-the-spot”: How to calibrate an EMCCD camera from its images

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    In order to count photons with a camera, the camera must be calibrated. Photon counting is necessary, e.g., to determine the precision of localization-based super-resolution microscopy. Here we present a protocol that calibrates an EMCCD camera from information contained in isolated, diffraction-limited spots in any image taken by the camera, thus making dedicated calibration procedures redundant by enabling calibration post festum, from images filed without calibration information

    Liver Regeneration in Surgical Animal Models - A Historical Perspective and Clinical Implications

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    Methods/Aims: Despite improved preoperative evaluation, surgical techniques and perioperative intensive care, some patients still experience postoperative liver failure in part due to insufficient regeneration. The aim of this review is to give the reader a historical synopsis of the major trends in animal research on liver regeneration from the early experiments in 1877 up to modern investigation. A major focus is placed on the translational value of experimental surgery. Methods: A systematic review of the English literature published in Medline was undertaken with the search words ‘pig, porcine, dog, canine, liver regeneration, experimental’. Results: The evolution of the various models tentatively explaining the process of liver regeneration is described. Conclusions: We conclude by emphasizing the importance of large-animal surgical research on liver regeneration as it offers a more integrated, systemic biological understanding of this complex process. Furthermore, in our opinion, a closer collaboration between the hepatologist, liver surgeon/transplant surgeon and the laboratory scientist may advance clinically relevant research in liver regeneration

    Base Orientation of Second DNA in RecA¡DNA Filaments. Analysis by combination of linear dichroism and small angle neutron scattering in flow-oriented solution

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    To gain insight into the mechanism of pairing two complementary DNA strands by the RecA protein, we have determined the nucleobase orientation of the first and the second bound DNA strands in the RecA¡DNA filament by combined measurements of linear dichroism and small angle neutron scattering on flow-oriented samples. An etheno-modified DNA, poly(depsilon A) was adapted as the first DNA and an oligo(dT) as the second DNA, making it possible to distinguish between the linear dichroism signals of the two DNA strands. The results indicate that binding of the second DNA does not alter the nucleobase orientation of the first bound strand and that the bases of the second DNA are almost coplanar to the bases of the first strand although somewhat more tilted (60 degrees relative to the fiber axis compared with 70 degrees for the first DNA strand). Similar results were obtained for the RecA¡DNA complex formed with unmodified poly(dA) and oligo(dT). An almost coplanar orientation of nucleobases of two DNA strands in a RecA-DNA filament would facilitate scanning for, and recognition of, complementary base sequences. The slight deviation from co-planarity could increase the free energy of the duplex to facilitate dissociation in case of mismatching base sequences

    Soluble expression of recombinant proteins in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli

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    Pure, soluble and functional proteins are of high demand in modern biotechnology. Natural protein sources rarely meet the requirements for quantity, ease of isolation or price and hence recombinant technology is often the method of choice. Recombinant cell factories are constantly employed for the production of protein preparations bound for downstream purification and processing. Eschericia coli is a frequently used host, since it facilitates protein expression by its relative simplicity, its inexpensive and fast high density cultivation, the well known genetics and the large number of compatible molecular tools available. In spite of all these qualities, expression of recombinant proteins with E. coli as the host often results in insoluble and/or nonfunctional proteins. Here we review new approaches to overcome these obstacles by strategies that focus on either controlled expression of target protein in an unmodified form or by applying modifications using expressivity and solubility tags

    Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Linear-Chain Cobalt Oxide Sr5Pb3CoO12

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    The novel spin-chain cobalt oxide Sr5Pb3CoO12 [P-62m, a = 10.1093(2) A and c = 3.562 51(9) A at 295 K] is reported. Polycrystalline sample of the compound was studied by neutron diffraction (at 6 and 295 K) and magnetic susceptibility measurements (5 to 390 K). The cobalt oxide was found to be analogous to the copper oxide Sr5Pb3CoO12, which is comprised of magnetic-linear chains at inter-chain distance of 10 A. Although the cobalt oxide chains (mu_eff of 3.64 mu_B per Co) are substantially antiferromagnetic (theta_W = -38.8 K), neither low-dimensional magnetism nor long-range ordering has been found; a local-structure disorder in the chains might impact on the magnetism. This compound is highly electrically insulating.Comment: To be published in J. Solid State Che

    Slow-light enhanced absorption for bio-chemical sensing applications: potential of low-contrast lossy materials

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    Slow-light enhanced absorption in liquid-infiltrated photonic crystals has recently been proposed as a route to compensate for the reduced optical path in typical lab-on-a-chip systems for bio-chemical sensing applications. A simple perturbative expression has been applied to ideal structures composed of lossless dielectrics. In this work we study the enhancement in structures composed of lossy dielectrics such as a polymer. For this particular sensing application we find that the material loss has an unexpected limited drawback and surprisingly, it may even add to increase the bandwidth for low-index contrast systems such as polymer devices.Comment: 9 pages including 3 figure
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