8,599 research outputs found

    Shock propagation and stability in causal dissipative hydrodynamics

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    We studied the shock propagation and its stability with the causal dissipative hydrodynamics in 1+1 dimensional systems. We show that the presence of the usual viscosity is not enough to stabilize the solution. This problem is solved by introducing an additional viscosity which is related to the coarse-graining scale of the theory.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Fluid flow at the interface between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces

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    I study fluid flow at the interface between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces. I use the contact mechanics model of Persson to take into account the elastic interaction between the solid walls and the Bruggeman effective medium theory to account for the influence of the disorder on the fluid flow. I calculate the flow tensor which determines the pressure flow factor and, e.g., the leak-rate of static seals. I show how the perturbation treatment of Tripp can be extended to arbitrary order in the ratio between the root-mean-square roughness amplitude and the average interfacial surface separation. I introduce a matrix D(Zeta), determined by the surface roughness power spectrum, which can be used to describe the anisotropy of the surface at any magnification Zeta. I present results for the asymmetry factor Gamma(Zeta) (generalized Peklenik number) for grinded steel and sandblasted PMMA surfaces.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Collaboration in museums and health research

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    This study reflects on the range of collaborations in two distinct but thematically linked UCL research projects which consider the role of culture in health promotion: Museums on Prescription (2014–2017), in partnership with Canterbury Christ Church University, explores the value of heritage encounters in social prescribing for lonely older adults at risk of social isolation; and Not So Grim Up North (2016–2018), in conjunction with Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester and Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, investigates the health and wellbeing impacts of museum activities for stroke survivors; older adults with dementia; and mental health and addiction recovery service-users. Both projects employ a mixed-methods approach using quantitative and qualitative data. The research projects have been developed and delivered through collaborations between interdisciplinary university researchers, museum practitioners, health and social care professionals and end-users. Collaboration has taken different forms including co-developing evaluation methods, co-disseminating outputs, and through advisory boards. This study reflects on the opportunities and challenges of collaboration, noting the language and practice dissonance across different fields and the importance of finding common ground. It also highlights the considerable amount of time that is required to build genuine collaborative relationships, which is not often acknowledged in research outputs

    Giant Magnetic Moments of Nitrogen Stabilized Mn Clusters and Their Relevance to Ferromagnetism in Mn Doped GaN

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    Using first principles calculations based on density functional theory, we show that the stability and magnetic properties of small Mn clusters can be fundamentally altered by the presence of nitrogen. Not only are their binding energies substantially enhanced, but also the coupling between the magnetic moments at Mn sites remains ferromagnetic irrespective of their size or shape. In addition, these nitrogen stabilized Mn clusters carry giant magnetic moments ranging from 4 Bohr magnetons in MnN to 22 Bohr magnetons in Mn_5N. It is suggested that the giant magnetic moments of Mn_xN clusters may play a key role in the ferromagnetism of Mn doped GaN which exhibit a wide range (10K - 940K) of Curie temperatures

    Removal of terrestrial DOC in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network

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    Surface waters play a potentially important role in the global carbon balance. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fluxes are a major transfer of terrestrial carbon to river systems, and the fate of DOC in aquatic systems is poorly constrained. We used a unique combination of spatially distributed sampling of three DOC fractions throughout a river network and modeling to quantify the net removal of terrestrial DOC during a summer base flow period. We found that aquatic reactivity of terrestrial DOC leading to net loss is low, closer to conservative chloride than to reactive nitrogen. Net removal occurred mainly from the hydrophobic organic acid fraction, while hydrophilic and transphilic acids showed no net change, indicating that partitioning of bulk DOC into different fractions is critical for understanding terrestrial DOC removal. These findings suggest that river systems may have only a modest ability to alter the amounts of terrestrial DOC delivered to coastal zones

    Accurate Transfer Maps for Realistic Beamline Elements: Part I, Straight Elements

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    The behavior of orbits in charged-particle beam transport systems, including both linear and circular accelerators as well as final focus sections and spectrometers, can depend sensitively on nonlinear fringe-field and high-order-multipole effects in the various beam-line elements. The inclusion of these effects requires a detailed and realistic model of the interior and fringe fields, including their high spatial derivatives. A collection of surface fitting methods has been developed for extracting this information accurately from 3-dimensional field data on a grid, as provided by various 3-dimensional finite-element field codes. Based on these realistic field models, Lie or other methods may be used to compute accurate design orbits and accurate transfer maps about these orbits. Part I of this work presents a treatment of straight-axis magnetic elements, while Part II will treat bending dipoles with large sagitta. An exactly-soluble but numerically challenging model field is used to provide a rigorous collection of performance benchmarks.Comment: Accepted to PRST-AB. Changes: minor figure modifications, reference added, typos corrected

    Food activities and identity maintenance in old age: a systematic review and meta-synthesis

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Objectives: Services provided to older people should be developed based on active ageing policies. Nutrition is one aspect of active ageing, but little is known about how food activities contribute to psychological well-being in later life. This is a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative research that answers the question ‘What is known about the relationship between food activities and the maintenance of identities in old age?’

    The delayed uncoupled continuous-time random walks do not provide a model for the telegraph equation

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    It has been alleged in several papers that the so called delayed continuous-time random walks (DCTRWs) provide a model for the one-dimensional telegraph equation at microscopic level. This conclusion, being widespread now, is strange, since the telegraph equation describes phenomena with finite propagation speed, while the velocity of the motion of particles in the DCTRWs is infinite. In this paper we investigate how accurate are the approximations to the DCTRWs provided by the telegraph equation. We show that the diffusion equation, being the correct limit of the DCTRWs, gives better approximations in L2L_2 norm to the DCTRWs than the telegraph equation. We conclude therefore that, first, the DCTRWs do not provide any correct microscopic interpretation of the one-dimensional telegraph equation, and second, the kinetic (exact) model of the telegraph equation is different from the model based on the DCTRWs.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Vortex-induced dissipation in narrow current-biased thin-film superconducting strips

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    A vortex crossing a thin-film superconducting strip from one edge to the other, perpendicular to the bias current, is the dominant mechanism of dissipation for films of thickness d on the order of the coherence length XI; and of width w much narrower than the Pearl length LAMBDA >> w >> XI. At high bias currents, I* < I < Ic, the heat released by the crossing of a single vortex suffices to create a belt-like normal-state region across the strip, resulting in a detectable voltage pulse. Here Ic is the critical current at which the energy barrier vanishes for a single vortex crossing. The belt forms along the vortex path and causes a transition of the entire strip into the normal state. We estimate I* to be roughly Ic/3. Further, we argue that such "hot" vortex crossings are the origin of dark counts in photon detectors, which operate in the regime of metastable superconductivity at currents between I* and Ic. We estimate the rate of vortex crossings and compare it with recent experimental data for dark counts. For currents below I*, i.e., in the stable superconducting but resistive regime, we estimate the amplitude and duration of voltage pulses induced by a single vortex crossing.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Analytical investigation of magnetic field distributions around superconducting strips on ferromagnetic substrates

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    The complex-field approach is developed to derive analytical expressions of the magnetic field distributions around superconducting strips on ferromagnetic substrates (SC/FM strips). We consider the ferromagnetic substrates as ideal soft magnets with an infinite magnetic permeability, neglecting the ferromagnetic hysteresis. On the basis of the critical state model for a superconducting strip, the ac susceptibility χ1′+iχ1′′\chi_1'+i\chi_1'' of a SC/FM strip exposed to a perpendicular ac magnetic field is theoretically investigated, and the results are compared with those for superconducting strips on nonmagnetic substrates (SC/NM strips). The real part χ1′\chi_1' for H0/jcds→0H_0/j_cd_s\to 0 (where H0H_0 is the amplitude of the ac magnetic field, jcj_c is the critical current density, and dsd_s is the thickness of the superconducting strip) of a SC/FM strip is 3/4 of that of a SC/NM strip. The imaginary part χ1′′\chi_1'' (or ac loss QQ) for H0/jcds<0.14H_0/j_cd_s<0.14 of a SC/FM strip is larger than that of a SC/NM strip, even when the ferromagnetic hysteresis is neglected, and this enhancement of χ1′′\chi_1'' (or QQ) is due to the edge effect of the ferromagnetic substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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