301 research outputs found

    Productive Engagement of Older Adults: Effects on Well-Being

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    Productive Engagement of Older Adults: Effects on Well-Bein

    Evaluation Report of Vital Visionaries: Medical Student and Older Adult Outcomes

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    Evaluation Report of Vital Visionaries: Medical Student and Older Adult Outcome

    Youth Service and Elder Service in Comparative Perspective

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    Youth Service and Elder Service in Comparative Perspectiv

    Activity disengagement: Understanding challenges and opportunities for reengagement

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    Although maintaining engagement in activities has a positive influence on our health and wellbeing as we age, many programs that serve older adults struggle with getting participation in the programs they offer. This study sought to explore activity disengagement among older adults in a senior housing community and identify the challenges and opportunities for reengagement with the aim of informing future intervention development and testing. Fifty-one adults over the age of 60 participated in structured interviews. Findings highlighted that many older adults have activities patterns that are not optimal for health. Many reasons given for disengaging in activities (e.g., no opportunity) were surprising given that participants lived in a setting where a variety of programs were offered. Programs need to more purposively address social challenges to participating in activities and consider a more person-centered approach when developing interventions for the older adults they serve

    Expand Paid Family and Medical Leave

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    This policy action statement was developed by members of the network engaged in the Grand Challenge to Advance Long and Productive Lives. The Grand Challenges initiative’s policy action statements present proposals emerging from Social Innovation for America’s Renewal, a policy conference organized by the Center for Social Development at Washington University in collaboration with theAmerican Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, which is leading the Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative to champion social progress through a national agenda powered by science

    Informing Policy on Volunteer Service Through Agency-Based Evaluations

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    This working paper describes the evidence-based policy making process. We focus on what information is needed to inform policy development and decision-making on volunteer service and then how this information can be most effectively disseminated to policy makers, outlining a range of specific strategies. Existing volunteer service research is used as illustration. Implications are drawn for the capacity of agency staff to implement the research methods and strategies that are discussed

    Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenge to Advance Long and Productive Lives

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    This brief was created forSocial Innovation for America’s Renewal, a policy conference organized by the Center for Social Development in collaboration with the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, which is leading theGrand Challenges for Social Work initiative to champion social progress. The conference site includes links to speeches, presentations, and a full list of the policy briefs

    “Hey, I’ve Got This Kid”: A Study of Multimodal Semiotics in Adapted Physical Education Strategies

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    General education physical education (GPE) teachers currently face difficulties in providing for the special needs of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in inclusion GPE classes. In addition, there is currently no best practice in how to present information on adapted physical education (APE ) strategies to GPE teachers effectively. This study aims to address the problem of practice through a multimodal semiotic approach in offering GPE teachers APE strategies to implement in their inclusion classes. Specially, the study investigates three GPE teachers as they participate in multimodal semiotics and employ APE strategies in inclusion classes. Three GPE teachers were selected based on previous questions related to the inclusion of students with ASD into GPE classes. In the case study, the GPE teachers are provided APE strategies for teaching students with ASD specific to their questions. Strategies are exemplified in a video format using multimodalities created by the researcher. The GPE teachers provide feedback on the video through a survey. The case study results support a triad of theories used as a framework. The theories include the learning theories of Vygotsky and Bruner and Kress’s theory of multimodalities. The case study illustrates the use of multimodal semiotics in assisting GPE teachers in meeting the needs of students with ASD in the inclusion classroom is beneficial. Multimodal semiotics provides an effective means of sharing APE strategies with GPE teachers

    Productive Aging Conference Report

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    Productive Aging Conference Repor
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