5,127 research outputs found

    The influence of early questions on learning from text

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    In this research we explored the use of short-answer questions to improve learning from chapter-like texts (3395 words). Experiment 1 investigated the influence of pre-questions on recall from a text passage when tested a week later; two question sets were counterbalanced within the experimental group. Participants with pre-questions scored higher both overall (d = 3.6, 95%CI [2.4, 4.8]) and on novel questions (d = 2.0 [1.6, 2.4]). In Experiment 2, questions were made available immediately after studying the text either alongside the text, open-book, or closed-book with the opportunity to check answers, or not at all with additional study time. Learning was tested after a week. Although the immediate test scores were substantially higher for open- than closed-book tests, week-delayed performance on the same items was much worse for open-book tests and was moderately improved for closed-book tests. For seen questions, closed-book tests led to better delayed recall than did open-book tests, d = 0.7 [0.02, 1.5]. For novel questions, observed differences were small; ds = .2 [-0.6, 0.9] for both comparisons

    Proglacial erosion rates and processes in a glacierized catchment in the Swiss Alps

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    In the Swiss Alps, climatic changes have not only caused glacier retreat, but also likely increased sedimentation downstream of glaciers. This material either originates from below the glacier or from periglacial environments, which are exposed as glaciers retreat, and often consist of easily erodible sediment. Griesgletscher's catchment in the Swiss Alps was examined to quantify erosion in the proglacial area, possible hydrological drivers and contributions of the sub- and periglacial sources. Digital elevation models, created from annual aerial photographs, were subtracted to determine annual volume changes in the proglacial area from 1986 to 2014. These data show a strong increase in proglacial erosion in the decade prior to 2012, coincident with increasing proglacial area size. However, examination of the gradient between discharge and sediment evacuation, and modeled sediment transport, could suggest that the proglacial area began to stabilize and sediment supply is limited. The large influx of sediment into the proglacial reservoir, which is roughly 2.5 times greater than the amount of sediment eroded from the proglacial area, demonstrates the importance of subglacial erosion to the catchment's sediment budget. Although far more sediment originates subglacially, erosion rates in the proglacial area are over 50 times greater than the rest of the catchment. In turn, both sub- and periglacial processes, in addition to constraining sediment supply, must be considered for assessing future sediment dynamics as glacier area shrinks and proglacial areas grow

    Supersymmetry and Gauge Invariance Constraints in a U(1)×\times U(1)^{\prime }-Higgs Superconducting Cosmic String Model

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    A supersymmetric extension of the U(1)×U(1)U(1)\times U(1)^{\prime }-Higgs bosonic superconducting cosmic string model is considered,and the constraints imposed upon such a model due to renormalizability, supersymmetry, and gauge invariance are examined. For a simple model with a single U(1)U(1) chiral superfield and a single % U(1)^{\prime } chiral superfield, the Witten mechanism for bosonic superconductivity (giving rise to long range gauge fields outside of the string) does not exist. The simplest model that can accommodate the requisite interactions requires five chiral supermultiplets. This superconducting cosmic string solution is investigated.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, no figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Timing and Amount of Physical Therapy Treatment are Associated with Length of Stay in the Cardiothoracic ICU

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    Significant variability exists in physical therapy early mobilization practice. The frequency of physical therapy or early mobilization of patients in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit and its effect on length of stay has not been investigated. The goal of our research was to examine variables that influence physical therapy evaluation and treatment in the intensive care unit using a retrospective chart review. Patients (n = 2568) were categorized and compared based on the most common diagnoses or surgical procedures. Multivariate semi-logarithmic regression analyses were used to determine correlations. Differences among patient subgroups for all independent variables other than age and for length of stay were found. The regression model determined that time to first physical therapy evaluation, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, mean days of physical therapy treatment and mechanical ventilation were associated with increased hospital length of stay. Time to first physical therapy evaluation in the intensive care unit and the hospital, and mean days of physical therapy treatment associated with hospital length of stay. Further prospective study is required to determine whether shortening time to physical therapy evaluation and treatment in a cardiothoracic intensive care unit could influence length of stay

    Report CR-A-219-B - Cabo Verde Estudo do Sector Agrícola

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    A. A Singularidade de Cabo Verde Cabo Verde e unica entre a familia de na90es. ~ uma republica de ilhas (Fig. 1.1) suficientemente distanciadas umas das outras e do continente africano (600 km) para dissuadir visitas imprevistas ou fortuitas. Seu isolamento serviu para fortalecer sua singular cultura crioula, porem a cllsta de contactos frequentes com influencias e inforrna90es externas. Cabo Verde e muito pequeno. Sua popula9ao de 300.000 habitantes, que mal chegaria para tornar uma cidade auto-suficiente num complexo industrial, esta dividida entre nove ilhas. A capital, Praia, conta somente com 23.000 habitantes, e e, essencialmente, urna pequena e simpatica cidade onde a maior parte dos vercursos pode ser feita a pe e onde encontros casuais entre funcionarios do governo sao provavelmente tao irnportantes quanto os formais meios de comunica9ao pelo telefone ou por escrito. Cabo Verde e tambem pequeno ern termos de area territorial, embora ocupe urna area relativamente grande de ocea~o. Sua superficie total e pouco mais de 4.000 km2 , porem suas nove ilhas principais estao espalhadas por uma POr9aO grande, quadrangular, do Atlantico medindo aproximadamente 240 qUilometros de urn lado. A superficie total (nao incluindo partes da plataforma continental que se estende para alem do litoral externo das ilhas) e comparavel as republicas de Togo ou Sri Lanka, ou cerca de metade da Guatemala. A nao ser pelo servi90 de barcas entre Fogo e Brava, e entre Sao Vicente e Santo Antao, as ilhas estao demasiado distantes entre si para urn conveniente transporte maritimo. Avioes sao, portanto, essenciais as comunica90es e trafego entre as ilhas, embora para transac90es lentas e volurnosas 0 transporte maritimo, seja por embarca90es a vela ou a motor, e sempre urna alternativa devido aos ventos constantes e condi90es atmosfericas geralmente boas