983 research outputs found

    Is sputum evaluation useful for patients with community-acquired pneumonia?

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    No high-quality studies specifically address the utility of sputum Gram stain or culture in the assessment or treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) or nursing home- acquired pneumonia (NHAP). The available evidence suggests that analysis of the sputum adds little to the care or outcomes of patients with CAP (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, inconsistent results from non-randomized case control, case series, and a systematic review of disease-oriented evidence)

    What is the recommended approach to asymptomatic patients who develop a reactive PPD?

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    Clinical evaluation and chest x-ray are recommended for asymptomatic patients with a positive purified protein derivative (PPD) test result, to exclude the slight possibility of active tuberculosis (TB). Patients with radiographic evidence of old (healed) TB infection should also undergo sputum testing (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, expert opinion). Treatment with isoniazid (INH) monotherapy (300 mg/d) reduces progression of latent tuberculosis to active disease (SOR: A, large randomized controlled trials [RCT]), with 9 months as the optimal treatment length (SOR: B, derivation from RCTs). A 3-month course of combined rifampin (600 mg/d) and INH (300 mg/d) is equivalent in efficacy to INH monotherapy and is associated with similar rates of toxicity (SOR: A, meta-analysis of RCTs), but this regimen is not included in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations

    Grain sorghum, 1978

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    Sunflower, 1984

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    "January 1985.""The Authors: Harry C. Minor is an Associate Professor of Agronany and State Extension Specialist, Carl G. Morris is a Senior Research Specialist, and Delbert R. Knerr, Eric Lawman, and Virgil Sparks are Research Specialists.""This report is a contribution of the Department of Agronomy, University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, which reports on Research Project 363. The work was supported in part by funds from the Missouri Seed Improvement Association and fees from the companies submitting varieties for evaluation.

    Cotton, 1982

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    "January 1983.""The Authors: Harry C. Minor is an Associate Professor of Agronomy and State Extension Specialist, Carl G. Morris is a Senior Research Specialist, and Delbert Knerr, Eric Lawman, and Virgil Sparks are Research Specialists.""This report is a contribution of the Department of Agronomy, University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, which reports on Research Project 363. The work was supported in part by funds from the Missouri Seed Improvement Association and fees from the companies submittlng varieties for evaluation.

    Corn, 1981

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    Harry C. Minor is an Associate Professor of Agronomy and State Extension Specialist; Carl G. Morris is a Senior Research Specialist; and Bruce Burdick, Howard Mason, and Virgil Sparks are Research Specialists.Compares hybrids and includes experimental procedures, cultural practices, rainfall and temperature, charts, maps and tables and seed corn company addresses.Comparing hybrids -- Experimental procedures -- Cultural practices -- Rainfall and temperature -- Summary of results -- Irrigation charts -- Northern locations -- Central locations -- Southeast locations -- Irrigated locations -- Summary of entries and 1981 test locations -- Seed corn company addresses

    Corn, 1977

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    Corn, 1985

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    Harry C. Minor is an Associate Professor of Agronomy and State Extension Specialist; Carl G. Morris is a Senior Research Specialist; and Delbert Knerr, Eric Lawman, and Kurt Hohnstrater are Research Specialists.Compares hybrids and includes experimental procedures, cultural practices, rainfall and temperature, charts, maps and tables and seed corn company addresses.Comparing hybrids -- Experimental procedures -- Cultural practices -- Rainfall and temperature -- Summary of results --Rainfall and irrigation applies -- Yield results -- Seed corn company addresses

    Grain sorghum, 1985

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