84 research outputs found

    Wood\u27s Horace Alexander, 1889 to 1989: Birds and Binoculars - Book Review

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    Sox\u27s Quaker Plant Hunters - Book Review

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    From revelation to resource: the natural world in the thought and experience of Quakers in Britain and Ireland, 1647-1830

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    This thesis explores the place of the natural world in the spiritual and intellectual lives of British and Irish Quakers (Friends) from the earliest evidence in 1647 up to the rise of evangelical Quakerism around 1830. Whilst Quakers agreed that God had made and continued to uphold the creation, responses to the natural world were, after the Restoration, essentially individualistic, giving rise to diverse views of its place in theology. Overall, it is shown that there was a shift away from the unity of the first Quakers’ experience that both God and the creation could be truly known only through divine revelation, towards support for the scientific study of the material world, and forms of natural theology. It is argued that this was the result of personal experience, not of synergies between empiricism and orthodox Quaker theology. Although reservations about its status continued, for an increasing number of Quakers, nature was a resource in a divinely-inspired search for order and truth. Although the subject is almost absent from contemporary official records of the Society of Friends, the natural world became a significant part of the wider Quaker culture of the 19th century


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan karena melihat dari fungsi dari laboratorium dan kondisi ruangan. Dan ruangan laboratorium tersebut selalu digunakan untuk uji kompentensi setiap Tahunnya oleh sekolah sekolah lain, maka dari itu seharusnya ruangan laboratorium komputer harus memiliki kualitas mumpuni untuk menunjang pembelajaran juga. Penelitian merupakan penelitian Kualitatif , dimana dari arti penelitian ini mengungkap akan riset yang bersifat deskriptif dan analitis yang dikuantitasikan dalam penilaian tiap komponen yang ada pada sarana dan pra sarana dari ruangan laboratorium komputer . Teknik pengumpulan dari penelitian ini tindakan observasi, dokumentasi, serta wawancara sebagai data tambahan yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil yang ditunjukkan berupa persentasi, deskripsi, dan analisis kesesuaian sarana dan prasarana yang dikuantitasikan penilaiannya berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan

    Modeling environmental factors affecting the growth of eucalypt clones.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.Tree growth is influenced by environment and genetic factors. The same tree growing in different areas will have different growth patterns. Trees with different genetic material, e.g. pine and Eucalyptus trees, growing under the same environmental conditions have different growth patterns. Plantation trees in South Africa are mainly used for pulp and paper production. Growth is an important economic factor in the pulp and paper industry. Plantations with fast growth will be available for processing earlier compared to a slow growth plantation. Consequently, it is important to understand the role played by environmental factors, especially climatic factors, on tree growth. This thesis investigated the climatic effects on the radial growth of two Eucalyptus clones using growth data collected daily over five years by Sappi. The general linear model and the time series models were used to assess the effects of climate on radial growth of the two clones. It was found that the two clones have similar overall growth patterns over time, but differ in growth rates. The growth pattern of the two clones appears to be characterized by substantial jumps/changes in growth rates over time. The times at which the jumps/changes in growth rate occur are referred to as the “breakpoints”. The piecewise linear regression model was used to estimate when the breakpoints occur. After estimating the breakpoints, the climatic effects associated with these breakpoints were investigated. The linear and time series modeling results indicated that the contribution of climatic factors on radial growth of Eucalyptus clones was small. Most of the variation in radial growth was explained by the age of the trees. Consequently, this thesis also investigated the appropriate functional relationship between radial growth and age. In particular, this nonlinear growth models were used to model the radial growth process. The investigated growth curve models were those which included the maximum radius and the age at which the radial growth rate is largest as some of the parameters. The maximum growth rate was calculated from the estimated model of each clone. The results indicated that the two clones reach the maximum growth rate at different times. In particular, the two clones reach the maximum growth rates at around 368 and 376 days, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum radius was found to be different for the two clones

    OKE SOAP (Perencanaan Pengembangan Usaha Sabun Cair)

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    Ringkasan Eksekutif: OKE SOAP merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang produksi sabun cair untuk kebutuhan penggunaan sehari-hari. Perusahaan sabun cair ini berdiri berawal dari keinginan untuk membangun sebuah usaha yang dapat memberikan dampak positif dan memberikan suatu kemudahan bagi masyarakat akan kebutuhan sabun cair dan perlahan kini mulai dikenal oleh masyarakat di kota Palembang. Perusahaan OKE SOAP terus melakukan suatu perkembangan dan inovasi di dalam memproduksi sabun cair yang berkualitas yang digunakan untuk mencuci tangan, mencuci piring, mencuci mobil, mengepel, dan keperluan lainnya. OKE SOAP memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi konsumen yang memesan produk-produk sabun cair yang ditawarkan melalui sales-sales OKE SOAP, kartu nama yang dibagikan, maupun word of mouth. OKE SOAP juga memberikan layanan delivery gratis kepada konsumen yang ingin memesan produk sabun cair dengan beberapa jenis sesuai penggunaannya yaitu sabun cair tangan aroma strawberry, sabun cair lantai aroma lavender, sabun cair piring aroma jeruk nipis, shampoo mobil, dan karbo
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