39 research outputs found

    Памяти Леонида Леонидовича Касаткина (30.12.1926–13.09.2020)

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    Leonid Kasatkin is a famous Russian dialectologist. He devoted his works to Russian phonetics, the study of dialects, especially of the Old Believers. He often came to Vilnius University for conferences, for many years he had creative contacts with prof. Chekmonas. His contribution to science is very significant.Leonid Kasatkin yra vienas žymiausių rusų dialektologų. Jo darbai skirti rusų dialektologijai, fonetikai, ypač daug dėmesio jis skyrė sentikių kalbos tyrinėjimams. Jis dažnai atvykdavo į Vilniaus universitetą, dalyvavo mokslinėse konferencijose, palaikė draugiškus darbo kontaktus su VU mokslininkais-slavistais, bendradarbiavo su VU profesoriumi V. Čekmonu. Kasatkino mokslinis palikimas yra labai svarus.   &nbsp

    Войновский список философских сочинений Иоанна Дамаскина и Иоганна Шпангенберга в переводе Андрея Курбского

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    The Museum of Icons and Culture of Old Believers in the village of Wojnowo (Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland) contains a manuscript of the late 19th century containing translations of the philosophical works of John Damascene, Johann Spangenberg and Pseudo-Justin Martyr, as well as two original texts by Andrei Kurbskiy. The investigation of the manuscript showed that the works of John Damascene and Spangenberg in this collection are presented in the translation of Kurbskiy-Obolenskiy. The aim of this work is to determine the structural and compositional features of the translation of the philosophical works of John Damascene and Spangenberg, made in the 1570s. in the circle of Andrei Kurbsky, and on the basis of the identified ones, to find potentially related copies, which could be an antigraph or a photograph of the manuscript from Wojnowo monastery. The study revealed four copies of the translations of Dialectic and Elementary Introduction into Dogmas by John Damascene (and Spangenberg’s Syllogisms), potentially related to Wojnowo codex. At least two of them contain structural and compositional features identical to Wojnowo copy of the Kurbskiy’s translation of Elementary Introduction into Dogmas. В Музее икон и культуры старообрядцев (Muzeum Ikon i Kultury Staroobrzędowców) в д. Войново (Варминско-Мазурское воеводство, Польша) хранится рукописный сборник конца ХIХ в., содержащий переводы философских сочинений Иоанна Дамаскина, Иоганна Шпангенберга и Псевдо-Иустина Философа, а также два оригинальных текста Андрея Курбского. Изучение текстов рукописи показало, что произведения Дамаскина и Шпангенберга в этом сборнике представлены в переводе Курбского-Оболенского. Цель настоящей работы — определить структурно-композиционных особенности войновского списка переводов философских сочинений Дамаскина и Шпангенберга, выполненных в 1570-х гг. в кружке Андрея Курбского, и на основе выявленных примет попытаться найти потенциально родственные списки, которые могли быть антиграфом или протографом войновской рукописи. Проведенное исследование позволило выявить четыре списка переводов «Диалектики» и «Введения в догматы» Дамаскина (и «Силлогизмов» Шпангенберга), потенциально родственных войновскому. По крайней мере два из них содержат идентичные войновскому структурно-композиционные особенности оформления перевода «Введения в догматы». Andrejaus Kurbskio Jono Damaskiečio ir Johanno Spangenbergo filosofinių kūrinių vertimų Voinovo vienuolyno nuorašasSentikių ikonų ir kultūros muziejuje (Muzeum Ikon i Kultury Staroobrzędowców) Voinovo k. Lenkijoje (Varmijos Mozūrų vaivadija, Lenkija) saugomas XIX a. pabaigos rankraštinis rinkinys, kurį sudaro Jono Damaskiečio, Johanno Spangenbergo, Pseudo-Justino Kankinio filosofinių kūrinių vertimai ir du originalūs Andrejaus Kurbskio veikalai. Tekstų tyrimas parodė, kad šiame rankraštyje pateikti Andrejaus Kurbskio ir Mykolo Obolenskio Damaskiečio ir Spangenbergo kūrinių vertimai. Šio darbo tikslas – atskleisti Voinovo vienuolyno nuorašo Kurbskio ir jo bendraminčių (Damaskiečio ir Spangenbergo) kūrinių vertimų struktūros ir kompozicijos ypatumus bei, pasitelkus išaiškintus bruožus, surasti potencialiai (tariamai) giminingus nuorašus, kurie galėtų būtų Voinovo rankraščio antigrafai arba protografai. Tyrimo metu pavyko išaiškinti keturis nuorašus su Damaskiečio Dialektikos ir Įvado į dogmas (ir Spangenbergo traktato Trivium fragmento „Silogizmai“) vertimais, kurie gali būti susiję su Voinovo kodeksu. Bent du iš jų turi struktūrinių ir kompozicinių bruožų, identiškų saugomam buvusiame sentikių Voinovo vienuolyne Damaskiečio Įvado į dogmas vertimo nuorašui.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jonas Damaskietis, Andrejus Kurbskis, bažnytinė slavų raštija, rankraščiai, vertimai, sentikiai, Voinovo vienuolynas, Lenkij

    Староверы глазами представителей других христианских конфессий Речи Посполитой: иезуит Ян Алоизий Кулеша

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    The initial history of the formation of the main Old Believer centers on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a whole) has been fairly well discovered. However, the relationship of representatives of other Christian denominations of the Polish-Lithuanian state with the Old Believers is still described very fragmentarily. Usually in the scientific literature the royal secretary Piotr Michał Polttiew and a certain “bishop Antsuta” who had visited the Old Believers in the Vetka region are mentioned. At the same time, it has not yet been taken into account that representatives of the Catholic and Greek Catholic churches of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth visited the Vetka’s Old Believers for missionary purposes. One of these “guests” was the Jesuit Jan Aloisy Kulesha, who tried to preach Uniate religion among the Old Believers of the Rechitsa district and described one of his visits in the treatise Wiara Prawosławna (Vilno, 1704). The purpose of this work is to introduce into scientific circulation previously unknown materials about the interest of the Jesuits of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the person of Jan Aloysius Kulesha to the Old Believers who settled in the Rechitsa district of the Minsk Voivodeship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and also to compare the information of Kulesha with the data of other “inspectors”.Начальная история формирования основных старообрядческих центров на территории Великого княжества Литовского (и Речи Посполитой в целом) достаточно хорошо изучена. Однако взаимоотношения представителей других христианских конфессий польско-литовского государства со староверами до сих пор описаны очень фрагментарно. Обычно в научной литературе вслед за М. И. Лилеевым упоминаются королевский секретарь Петр Полтьев и некий «бискуп Анцута», приезжавшие к староверам Ветковского региона. При этом до сих пор не учитывалось, что представители католической и униацкой церквей Речи Посполитой наведывались к ветковским староверам с миссионерскими целями. Одним из таких «гостей» был иезуит Ян Алоизий Кулеша, пытавшийся проповедовать униатство среди староверов Речицкого повета и описавший одно из своих посещений в трактате Wiara Prawosławna (Вильно, 1704). Цель настоящей работы — ввести в научный оборот неизвестные ранее материалы об интересе иезуитов Речи Постолитой в лице Яна Алоизия Кулеши к староверам, поселившимся в Речицком повете Минского воеводства ВКЛ, а также сравнить сведения Кулеши с данными других «инспекторов»


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    Abstract. The article outlines directions for improving the national planning system based on the criterion oflife quality of the population. A methodology for coordinating the national strategy and planning documents of state subjects is proposed, the main advantage of which is choosing and structuring a set of complex criteria that evaluate the compliance of the planning documents developed at the regional and municipal levels with the national strategy. The methodological tools of the study include comparative, systematic, retrospective-historical approaches, oriented to objective reflection of reality, albeit from different epistemological points of view. The proposed methodology will allow to ensure the balanced development of state subjects, coordinate the activities of the authorities at various levelsof the hierarchy.Keywords: life quality of the population, regional planning, management, indicative plannin


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    In the article given the methods of poetic language investigation from the view of cognitive linguistics are represented. Technique in operation of poetic language studying makes it possible to reveal represented in them image of integral world fragment, due to description of contexts from the view of those conceptual criteria of extensions bring up to date through the text, therefore they are meaningful for poets who worked in different epochs and belonged to different literal schools. Work material analysis has showed that in some cases the snow image (as an important element of Russian fiction picture of the world) is given symbolic meaning. By way of some fiction texts examples those supplementary abstract meanings which ‘snow’ gains as the result of its aesthetic understanding not only as atmospheric precipitation but also as an entity

    О.Р. Хромов - историк и искусствовед (к 50-летию со дня рождения и 30-летию научной деятельности)

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    Article is devoted to O. Khromov's creative way, biography and the main directions of research activity. The bibliography of works of this modern historian of art and book is provided.Статья посвящена творческому пути известного современного историка искусства и книги, книговеда О.Р. Хромова, его биографии и основным направлениям научной деятельности. Приведена библиография его трудов

    Ecological and biological features of Triglochin maritima L. in the biotopes of the littoral zone with different degree of flooding on the coast of the White Sea

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    The study of Triglochin maritima L. was carried out on the Pomor (western) coast of the White Sea, in the Republic of Karelia (64°22'81"N, 35°93'14"E). Morphological analysis of aboveground and underground parts of the clones was performed on virginal plants. Anatomical analysis of leaf sheaths of the current year shoots, rhizomes and adventitious roots was carried out. The viability of pollen was assessed by determining the relative share of normally developed and malformed pollen grains. The content of heavy metals was determined in the soil, sea water and plant samples. The study was carried out on a model transect in the littoral zone on three test plots representing the lower littoral; the middle and the upper littoral zones. Adaptation to wave and storm impact was manifested in a well-developed system of underground organs. In the lower littoral, underground part surpasses the aboveground vegetative organs in terms of the mass and the formation of mechanical tissues. This allows the plants to anchor stronger in the substrate. Pollen analysis confirmed the adaptability of T. maritima plants to the conditions of the lower littoral by a high percentage of normal and, consequently, fertile pollen, which ensures sexual reproduction of the species. T. maritima can be considered as a Fe hyperaccumulator as the plant accumulates very high levels of Fe (22–34 g kg-1), especially in the lower and middle littoral zones, both in underground and aboveground organs. The ability of T. maritima plants to actively deposit metals was revealed on the basis of the coefficient of biological absorption of metals and makes it possible to suggest potential possibility of using the species in phytoremediation technologies on coastal territories

    Chelation of Zinc with Biogenic Amino Acids: Description of Properties Using Balaban Index, Assessment of Biological Activity on Spirostomum Ambiguum Cellular Biosensor, Influence on Biofilms and Direct Antibacterial Action

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    The complexation of biogenic molecules with metals is the widespread strategy in screening for new pharmaceuticals with improved therapeutic and physicochemical properties. This paper demonstrates the possibility of using simple QSAR modeling based on topological descriptors for chelates study. The presence of a relationship between the structure (J) and lipophilic properties (logP) of zinc complexes with amino acids, where two molecules coordinate the central atom through carboxyl oxygen and amino group nitrogen, and thus form a double ring structure, was predicted. Using a cellular biosensor model for Gly, Ala, Met, Val, Phe and their complexes Zn(AA)2, we experimentally confirmed the existence of a direct relationship between logP and biological activity (Ea). The results obtained using topological analysis, Spirotox method and microbiological testing allowed us to assume and prove that the chelate complex of zinc with methionine has the highest activity of inhibiting bacterial biofilms, while in aqueous solutions it does not reveal direct antibacterial effect