1,205 research outputs found

    Features of the software of SCADA-system in power industry

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    In article features of a program software of SCADA-systems are reflected in power industry. SCADA can be a part of industrial control system, ASKUE (an industrial control system, automated systems of the accounting of energy carriers), a scientific experiment, automation of the building. Application of SCADA in power engineering can be realized by means of the laboratory benchВ статье отражены особенности программного обеспечения SCADA-систем в электроэнергетике. SCADA может являться частью АСУ ТП, АСКУЭ (автоматизированная система управления технологическим процессом, автоматизированные системы учета энергоносителей), научного эксперимента, автоматизации здания. Применение SCADA в энергетике можно осуществить с помощью лабораторного стенд

    Symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis functions for variational nuclear motion calculations: TROVE approach

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    We present a general, numerically motivated approach to the construction of symmetry adapted basis functions for solving ro-vibrational Schr\"{o}dinger equations. The approach is based on the property of the Hamiltonian operator to commute with the complete set of symmetry operators and hence to reflect the symmetry of the system. The symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis set is constructed numerically by solving a set of reduced vibrational eigenvalue problems. In order to assign the irreducible representations associated with these eigenfunctions, their symmetry properties are probed on a grid of molecular geometries with the corresponding symmetry operations. The transformation matrices are re-constructed by solving over-determined systems of linear equations related to the transformation properties of the corresponding wavefunctions on the grid. Our method is implemented in the variational approach TROVE and has been successfully applied to a number of problems covering the most important molecular symmetry groups. Several examples are used to illustrate the procedure, which can be easily applied to different types of coordinates, basis sets, and molecular systems

    Preparation and characterization of Bi26–2xMn2xMo10O69-d and Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo10–2yMe2yO69-d(Me = V, Fe) solid solutions

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    Received: 06.06.2017; accepted: 23.06.2017; published: 14.07.2017.Single phase samples of bismuth molybdate, Bi26Mo10O69, doped with Mn on the bismuth sublattice and V, Fe on the molybdenum sublattice were found to crystallize in the triclinic Bi26Mo10O69 structure at low doping levels and in the monoclinic Bi26Mo10O69 structure - at higher dopant concentration. The assumption that all Mn ions have an oxidation state of +2 was confirmed by means of magnetic measurement results analysis using Curie-Weiss law. Conductivity was investigated using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity of Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo9.6Fe0.4O69-d was 1.2*10-2 S*cm-1 at 973 K and 2.2*10-4 S*cm-1 at 623 K, and the conductivity of Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo9.2V0.8O69-d was 2.2*10-3 S*cm-1 at 973 K and 2.2*10-5 S*cm-1 at 623 K


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    The article proposes an approach to assessing the level of the social crisis in Ukraine, based on the use of expert assessment, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The authors identify the factors that most influence the crisis processes in Ukrainian society, namely: living standards, unemployment, the ecological situation in Ukraine, political instability, corrupt authorities, social security and economic situation. For the analysis of the social crisis in the regions expert data and statistical data were used which allowed to identify a more adequate and realistic state of affairs. On the basis of the factors that form the social crisis in the regions, the classification of regions of Ukraine of the group with high, medium and low level of social crisis has been carried out. This analysis will allow to affect the state of development of social processes in the regions with the implementation of programs of socio–economic development.В статье предложен подход к оценке уровня социального кризиса в Украине, основанный на использовании методов экспертной оценки, факторного и кластерного анализа. Авторами выявлены факторы, наиболее влияющие на кризисные процессы в украинском обществе, а именно: уровень жизни, уровень безработицы, экологическая ситуация в Украине, политическая нестабильность, коррумпированность власти, социальная безопасность и материальное положение. Для анализа социального кризиса в регионах были использованы данные, полученные экспертным путем, и статистические данные, что позволило определить более адекватную и реальную оценку состояния вещей. На основе факторов, формирующих социальный кризис в регионах, осуществлена классификация регионов Украины на группы с высоким, средним и низким уровнем социального кризиса. Проведенный анализ позволит учитывать состояние развития социальных процессов в регионах при внедрении программ социально–экономического развития.У статті запропоновано підхід до оцінки рівня соціальної кризи в Україні, що базується на використанні методів експертного оцінювання, факторного та кластерного аналізу. Авторами виявлено фактори, що найбільше впливають на кризові процеси в українському суспільстві, а саме: рівень життя, рівень безробіття, екологічна ситуація в Україні, політична нестабільність, корумпованість влади, соціальна безпека та матеріальне становище. Для аналізу соціальної кризи в регіонах було використано дані, отримані експертним шляхом, та статистичні дані, що дозволило визначити більш адекватну і реальну оцінку стану речей. На основі факторів, які формують соціальну кризу в регіонах, здійснено класифікацію регіонів України на групи з високим, середнім та низьким рівнем соціальної кризи. Здійснений аналіз дозволить враховувати стан розвитку соціальних процесів у регіонах при впровадженні програм соціально–економічного розвитку

    Cooperation and subcontracting enterprises as a form of deepening the process of integration within the Eurasian Economic Union

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    The article considers such forms of integration between enterprises as subcontracting and cooperation, designed to increase the industrial potential, activate the processes of restructuring industries and move them to a qualitatively new level. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and trends of the process of integration of enterprises through the mechanism of subcontracting and cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and to substantiate the prospects for its further development.The paper describes the degree of development of national subcontracting markets in the countries that are part of the Eurasian Economic Union, and identifies the features of national systems for supporting cooperation and subcontracting processes. The authors carry out the analysis of the dynamics of cooperative supplies between the EAEU member states in the sectoral context, as well as the analysis of structural shifts in trade in intermediate goods in the context of the participating countries. The latter found a shift in the final links of the cooperative chains of product value formation in the EAEU space, which indicates the deepening of integration processes. The article considers the problems of information, financial and regulatory support for the development of subcontracting and cooperation. The paper determines the reasons that hinder the integration processes in the EAEU. The results of the study can be used in the development of an industrial strategy and integration policy in the Eurasian space

    Contributions of localized MO's to the magnetic shielding constants of protons in YPX3 molecules

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    1. Calculations of the magnetic shielding constants of the protons in the O=PMe3 and S=PMe3 molecules have been carried out. 2. The decisive contribution to the shielding of a proton is made by the C-H bond itself, and it is transferred fairly completely from one molecule to another. 3. Diagrams of the isoshielding lines of the P-O and P-C bonds have been calculated, and they can be used for the analysis of the chemical shifts caused by the influence of these bonds in systems with similar environments for the phosphorus atom. © 1986 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Contribution of localized molecular orbitals to the proton magnetic screening constant of PX3 molecules

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    1. A calculation of the magnetic screening constants of the protons in the PH3 and P(CH3)3 molecules with the aid of localized molecular orbitals has been carried out for the first time. 2. The contribution to σ from the canonical and localized molecular orbitals coincide with sufficient accuracy. 3. Localized molecular orbitals make it possible to individually evaluate the contribution of the bonds and lone pairs to the magnetic screening constant. © 1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Study of acute and subacute action of iron-molybdenum nanocluster polyoxometalates

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    There were no significant deviations from the norm in the functional state of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas in the study of the acute toxicity of iron-molybdenum buckyballs intended for targeted drug delivery. No accumulation of nanoparticles or deviation from the norm in any investigated parameter was detected in the study of subacute toxicity. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Formation of future specialists’ communicative competence in language disciplines through modeling in game of professional situations

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    The relevance of the research problem driven by the necessity of formation of future specialists’ communicative competence as a component of professional competence with the aim of further professional mobility of graduates. The purpose of the article is to justify the possibility and necessity of formation of the required competencies in language disciplines at the University through the simulation of professional situations in practical classes. Leading method to the study of this problem is empirical, allowing to reveal the modeling capabilities in the game of professional situations and the use of games as forms of work in the classroom. Different variants of the experimental materials are developed and tested: game situations on a professional theme, tests, assignments, exercises, questions, reference work, selection of texts on pedagogy and education in our country and in the country of the target language. The article can be useful in practical work, to the teachers of language courses, not only at the universities, but also at schools, colleges, as well as interesting to all who are connected with professional pedagogical activity. © 2016 Sturikova et al