608 research outputs found

    Crystallographic parameters in geometrically and topologically close-packed superstructures

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    The structures of stoichiometric compositions AB, A2B, and A3B for structures, B19, L10 ,L12 , D019 , D022 , D023 , D024 , A15, C14, C15 and C36 have been investigated based on the analysis of diagrams in coordinates of space-filling coefficients [psi] on superstructural compression [delta][omega]/[omega]. On the basis of the analysis of the abovementioned diagrams, the equation [psi]=f0+f1([delta][omega]/[omega]) has been obtained, and coefficients f0 and f1 of the equation for the investigated structures have been determined. It has been established that values of coefficients f0 and f1 for Laves phases have higher values than for all other compounds

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Oxygen in cadmium sulphide and its influence on optical properties

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    The clarification of the influence of oxygen and the degree of deviation from stoichiometry on optical properties of a real cadmium sulphide is the aim of the paper as well as the nature clarification of radiation bands of a self-activated cadmium sulphide. As a result the oxygen role in the boundary and red-orange glow of a self-activated cadmium sulphide has been shown for the first time. The effect of the exciton-phonon interaction amplification with the introduction of oxygen isoelectron centres has been detected. Dependences of the oxygen solubility on the degree of deviation from stoichiometry and optical properties on the concentration and type of natural point defects with the account of the oxygen influence have been determined for cadmium sulphide for the first timeAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Interdisciplinary approach to the problem of health-saving information and educational environment: a view from Russia

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    The article examines the phenomenon of the information and educational environment through the prism of medical and psychological aspects of its health-saving component, which is one of the most pressing issues in the system of modern education, requiring the closest attention of scientists and practitioners, scrupulous study and adoption of adequate measures; special attention is paid to the technologies of personality-oriented learning, taking into account the needs of the trainee’s personality in the context of the informatization of education and based on health and rehabilitation work with them with the aim of improving the health and well-being of the subjects of the educational process. The work was carried out within the framework of the State task for the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of the State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020 (in the part of RAO) (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2012 No. 2237-r) on the theme: “Development of the Informatization of Education in the Context information security of the person “(state registration (№

    A.Zamula, V. Morozov, V.Serbin. Principles of Formation, Processing and Properties of OFDM Signals. In.: ISCI’2018: Information Security in Critical Infrastructures. Collective monograph. Edited by Ivan D. Gorbenko and Alexandr A. Kuznetsov, ASC Academic Publishing, USA, 2018, pp. 195-232. – ISBN: 978-0-9989826-5-6 (Paperback).

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    The article discusses the technology of forming signals used in mobile, information and telecommunication systems, and also provides an analysis of promising technologies that can be used in wireless communication systems of broadband access. It is shown that the widely used modulation scheme with orthogonal frequency division (OFDM) has a number of drawbacks, which can lead to a decrease in system performance. Alternative technologies for generating signals are presented, in particular, a technology based on windowed signal processing (W-OFDM), a technology based on time division (w-OFDM); UFMC technology and others to eliminate the disadvantages of OFDM technology. New points of view are proposed on the use of multi-carrier transmission technology in the form of multiplexing with orthogonal frequency division (in order to increase the security of modern wireless broadband access communication systems from external and internal threats), a class of non-linear discrete cryptographic sequences to form a physical data carrier - signal. It is shown that the use of such signals will improve the security of these systems from inserting (imposing) false messages into the system, falsifying messages, as well as ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data, receiving noise immunity and secrecy of the system

    The modeling of electrodynamics and thermodynamics processes while electromagnetic field and dielectric interaction

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    The modeling of the electrodynamics and thermodynamics processes, going under intensive electromagnetic fields affect in heterogeneous dielectric material, immersioned into environment with parameters (temperature, pressure, humidity), different from parameters of dielectric is fulfilled

    The main directions for optimizing traffic flows to increase their throughput

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    This paper analyzes various problems of mathematical modeling of traffic flows that are relevant for optimizing and reducing the congestion of road networks in large cities and metropolitan areas. Various types of relationships between traffic lights on a controlled section of the road have been studied, formulas have been proposed for calculating the optimal joint mode of operation and minimizing the formation of traffic jams in front of the intersection. A model for calculating the optimal traffic flow on a section of the road network and its implementation at the program level are proposed