757 research outputs found

    The Legal Status of Auditors and Audit Organizations in the AML / CFT system

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    Money laundering has become an increasing concern to law makers in recent years, principally because of its association with terrorism. Recent legislative changes mean that auditors may become state law enforcement agencies in the private sector. We examine this legislation in terms of the changing nature of the relationship between auditors and the state and the aggregate of supervision within which it is located. According to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2005 No. 82 [2], all lawyers, notaries and auditors are obliged to inform the state of any suspicious transactions of their clients. Keywords: money laundering, terrorist financing, auditors, audit organizations

    Квантова інформаційна технологія на краю

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    This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the Joint Workshop on the Quantum Information Technologies and Edge Computing (QuaInT & doors 2021) which were held in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, on the April 11, 2021. It consists of short summaries of selected papers and some observations about the events.Це вступний текст до збірки вибраних доповідей зі Спільного семінару з квантових інформаційних технологій та граничних обчислень (QuaInT & doors 2021), який відбувся у Житомирі, Україна, 11 квітня 2021 р. Він складається з коротких резюме вибраних статей та деяких спостережень щодо подій

    Relativistic graphene ratchet on semidisk Galton board

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    Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations we study numerically and analytically a photogalvanic effect, or ratchet, of directed electron transport induced by a microwave radiation on a semidisk Galton board of antidots in graphene. A comparison between usual two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and electrons in graphene shows that ratchet currents are comparable at very low temperatures. However, a large mean free path in graphene should allow to have a strong ratchet transport at room temperatures. Also in graphene the ratchet transport emerges even for unpolarized radiation. These properties open promising possibilities for room temperature graphene based sensitive photogalvanic detectors of microwave and terahertz radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Research done at Quantware http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/. More detailed analysis is give

    Performance of a fine-sampling electromagnetic calorimeter prototype in the energy range from 1 to 19 GeV

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    The fine-sampling electromagnetic calorimeter prototype has been experimentally tested using the 1-19 GeV/c tagged beams of negatively charged particles at the U70 accelerator at IHEP, Protvino. The energy resolution measured by electrons is Delta{E}/E=2.8%/\sqrt{E} + 1.3%. The position resolution for electrons is Delta{x}=3.1 + 15.4/sqrt{E} mm in the center of the cell. The lateral non-uniformity of the prototype energy response to electrons and MIPs has turned out to be negligible. Obtained experimental results are in a good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: Article is prepared for pdflatex using the class elsart. 13 pages, 9 figures in 11 PDF file

    Comparison of Radiation Damage in Lead Tungstate Crystals under Pion and Gamma Irradiation

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    Studies of the radiation hardness of lead tungstate crystals produced by the Bogoroditsk Techno-Chemical Plant in Russia and the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics in China have been carried out at IHEP, Protvino. The crystals were irradiated by a 40-GeV pion beam. After full recovery, the same crystals were irradiated using a 137Cs^{137}Cs γ\gamma-ray source. The dose rate profiles along the crystal length were observed to be quite similar. We compare the effects of the two types of radiation on the crystals light output.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Latex 2e, 28.04.04 - minor grammatical change

    Correlation of Beam Electron and LED Signal Losses under Irradiation and Long-term Recovery of Lead Tungstate Crystals

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    Radiation damage in lead tungstate crystals reduces their transparency. The calibration that relates the amount of light detected in such crystals to incident energy of photons or electrons is of paramount importance to maintaining the energy resolution the detection system. We report on tests of lead tungstate crystals, read out by photomultiplier tubes, exposed to irradiation by monoenergetic electron or pion beams. The beam electrons themselves were used to measure the scintillation light output, and a blue light emitting diode (LED) was used to track variations of crystals transparency. We report on the correlation of the LED measurement with radiation damage by the beams and also show that it can accurately monitor the crystals recovery from such damage.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    LED Monitoring System for the BTeV Lead Tungstate Crystal Calorimeter Prototype

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    We report on the performance of a monitoring system for a prototype calorimeter for the BTeV experiment that uses Lead Tungstate crystals coupled with photomultiplier tubes. The tests were carried out at the 70 GeV accelerator complex at Protvino, Russia.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX2e, revised versio

    Design and performance of LED calibration system prototype for the lead tungstate crystal calorimeter

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    A highly stable monitoring system based on blue and red light emitting diodes coupled to a distribution network comprised of optical fibers has been developed for an electromagnetic calorimeter that uses lead tungstate crystals readout with photomultiplier tubes. We report of the system prototype design and on the results of laboratory tests. Stability better than 0.1% (r.m.s.) has been achieved during one week of prototype operation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    Exact Solution for the Critical State in Thin Superconductor Strips with Field Dependent or Anisotropic Pinning

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    An exact analytical solution is given for the critical state problem in long thin superconductor strips in a perpendicular magnetic field, when the critical current density j_c(B) depends on the local induction B according to a simple three-parameter model. This model describes both isotropic superconductors with this j_c(B) dependence, but also superconductors with anisotropic pinning described by a dependence j_c(theta) where theta is the tilt angle of the flux lines away from the normal to the specimen plane