81 research outputs found


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    The successful functioning of telecommunication networks largely depends on the effectiveness of algorithms for detection and protection against overloads. The article describes the main differences that arise when forecasting, monitoring and managing congestion at the node level and at the channel level. An algorithm for detecting congestion by estimating the entropy of time distributions of traffic parameters is proposed. The entropy measures of data sets for various types of model distribution, in particular for the Pareto distribution, which optimally describes the behavior of self-similar random processes, were calculated and analyzed. The advantages of this approach include scalability, sensitivity to changes in distributions of traffic characteristics and ease of implementation and accessible interpretation.Pomyślne funkcjonowanie sieci telekomunikacyjnych w dużej mierze zależy od skuteczności algorytmów wykrywania i ochrony przed przeciążeniami. W artykule opisano główne różnice, jakie pojawiają się przy prognozowaniu, monitorowaniu i zarządzaniu przeciążeniami na poziomie węzła i na poziomie kanału. Zaproponowano algorytm wykrywania przeciążeń poprzez estymację entropii rozkładów czasowych parametrów ruchu. Obliczono i przeanalizowano miary entropii zbiorów danych dla różnych typów rozkładów modelowych, w szczególności dla rozkładu Pareto, który optymalnie opisuje zachowanie samopodobnych procesów losowych. Do zalet tego podejścia należy skalowalność, wrażliwość na zmiany rozkładów parametrów ruchu oraz łatwość implementacji i przystępnej interpretacji


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    The importance of researching the information component of innovative capital support is due to the formation of the knowledge economy and the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic agrarian enterprises. Innovative renewal of the capital of agrarian enterprises is a key to improving the efficiency of their work: increasing production and sales, reducing production costs, and increasing productivity. At the same time, the problem of the influence of the information component of innovation on capital remains open, which is a reserve for increasing the efficiency of its use and allows us to develop approaches to ensure the profitability growth of agrarian enterprises. Separate aspects of the use of innovations in the agrarian sector of the economy were considered by J. Sayer, K. G. Cassman, H. van Es, J. Woodard, G. Ye. Pavlova, and others. The aim of this article is to research interconnections that arise between the information component of innovation and types of the capital of an enterprise, taking into account agrarian specificity. Methodology. During the research and writing of the article, methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, mathematical statistics, observation. Results. Any innovation is dual in nature, including the material foundation and the information component. Innovation on the impact on economic processes of enterprises appropriately divided into production (technical, technological, chemical, biological, and managerial) and sales (product and marketing). According to the results of the research, the scheme of the influence of types of innovation on the types of the capital of agrarian enterprises was developed. Empirical studies have shown that the information component of production innovation is methodical and instructional documentation, warranty contract obligations, production licenses, patents, plant and animal breed rights, databases and electronic services of an innovator with their offers, automated information management systems of the enterprise, staff training programs. The information component of sales innovation are the certificates of products quality, brands and trademarks, the standards of the quality of products of the importing countries, characteristics of target market segments, automated customer databases, licensing agreements for the sale of product, data on monitoring of the sectoral markets, pre-contracted deliveries of products, tools e-commerce, etc. Conclusions. The information component of various types of innovation that are inherent in agrarian production is considered. Relationships between types of capital and innovation are explored. The specificity of the use of the information component of innovation in the sectoral section is analysed on the example of grain production and pig farming. The scheme of complex innovative support of enterprise capital is offered. The information component of innovation is detailed. It is recommended to use the information component in full, taking into account the sector specificity of agrarian enterprises


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    Based on the analysis of the statistical characteristics of heterogeneous network traffic of "Quadruple Play" mobile subscribers, it is shown that it cannot be represented by Poisson or Erlang distributions. It is shown that for such similar traffic, the rate of growth of the required buffer volume increases as the Hurst parameter increases. A method of adaptive traffic formation using the control of the length of intervals of the intensity of the arrival of data packets has been developed. Congestion management is carried out by changing the frequency of the marker generator (GM) on the basis of the results of forecasting the required bandwidth of the system and the required buffer size. The shaper adapts to changes in the length and instantaneous intensity of packet input in real-time

    μ-Oxalato-bis­[(2,2′-bipyridyl)­copper(II)] bis(perchlorate) dimethyl­formamide disolvate monohydrate

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    The title compound, [Cu2(C2O4)(C10H8N2)4](ClO4)2·2C3H7NO·H2O, contains doubly charged centrosymmetric dinuclear oxalato-bridged copper(II) complex cations, perchlorate anions, and DMF and water solvate mol­ecules. In the complex cation, the oxalate ligand is coordinated in a bis-bidentate bridging mode to the Cu atoms. Each Cu atom has a distorted tetra­gonal-bipyramidal environment, being coordinated by two N atoms of the two chelating bipy ligands and two O atoms of the doubly deprotonated oxalate anion. Pairs of perchlorate anions and water mol­ecules are linked into recta­ngles by O—H⋯O bonds in which the perchlorate O atoms act as acceptors and the water mol­ecules as donors. Methyl groups of the DMF solvent molecule are disordered over two sites with occupancies of 0.453 (7):0.547 (7), and the water molecule is half-occupied

    Suppressed Carrier Scattering In Cds-encapsulated Pbs Nanocrystal Films

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    One of the key challenges facing the realization of functional nanocrystal devices concerns the development of techniques for depositing colloidal nanocrystals into electrically coupled nanoparticle solids. This work compares several alternative strategies for the assembly of such films using an all-optical approach to the characterization of electron transport phenomena. By measuring excited carrier lifetimes in either ligand-linked or matrix-encapsulated PbS nanocrystal films containing a tunable fraction of insulating ZnS domains, we uniquely distinguish the dynamics of charge scattering on defects from other processes of exciton dissociation. The measured times are subsequently used to estimate the diffusion length and the carrier mobility for each film type within the hopping transport regime. It is demonstrated that nanocrystal films encapsulated into semiconductor matrices exhibit a lower probability of charge scattering than that of nanocrystal solids cross-linked with either 3-mercaptopropionic acid or 1,2-ethanedithiol molecular linkers. The suppression of carrier scattering in matrix-encapsulated nanocrystal films is attributed to a relatively low density of surface defects at nanocrystal/matrix interfaces

    Late detected degenerative aortic stenosis, clinical case

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Stenoza aortică degenerativă (SAd) este o valvulopatie cu incidența 3-7% în populația peste 65 ani, mai frecventă la bărbați, evoluează cu hipertrofie concentrică a ventriculului stâng (VS), timp îndelungat fiind asimptomatică. Tratamentul SAd predominant se efectuează prin protezarea valvei aortice. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea cazului clinic a unui pacient vârstnic, primar diagnosticat cu SAd, cu indicații absolute pentru protezarea valvei aortice. Material și metode. Bărbat, 70 ani, hipertensiv de 25 ani, diabet zaharat de 11 ani. Datele anamnestice, clinice și paraclinice au fost obținute din discuția cu pacientul, examenul obiectiv și din fișa medicală. Investigații efectuate: electrocardiografie, ecocardiografie, coronaroangiografie, radiografie toracică, ultrasonografia organelor interne, analize hematologice, biochimice și imunologice. Rezultate. Clinic: durere retrosternală cu dispnee progresivă la efort minim, fatigabilitate. Obiectiv: tegumente pale, edeme gambiene; zgomotele cardiace ritmice cu FCC 90 b/min, suflu sistolic la Ao cu iradiere pe carotide, TA 140/85 mmHg. Paraclinic: Hb 120 g/l, eritrocite 3,3x10 12 , CFK-MB 25 U/L, glicemia 12 mmo/l, troponina negativă, colesterol total 4,87 mmol/l, TG 2,95 mmol/l. ECG: ritm sinusal cu FCC 85 b/min, AEC orizontală, bloc i/ complet de ram stâng anterior a f. Hiss. EcoCG: stenoză aortică critică, hipertrofie concentrică VS, FE 62%. Coronarografie: leziuni aterosclerotice tricoronariene. Stenoze moderate pe LAD, OM I și RCA. Tratament: β-blocante, statine, nitrați, diuretice, antiagregante, antidiabetice. Concluzii. Pacient vârstnic, diagnosticat tardiv cu SAd critică și leziuni aterosclerotice tricoronariene, din cauza răspunsului vag la tratamentul medicamentos necesită protezarea valvei aortice și By-pass aorto-coronarian pentru un pronostic favorabil și îmbunătățirea calității vieții.Background. Degenerative aortic stenosis (DAS) is a valvulopathy with an incidence of 3-7% in the population over 65 years old, more common in men, that evolves with concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle (LV), being asymptomatic for a long time. The predominant treatment of DAS is performed by aortic valve replacement. Objective of the study. Presentation of the clinical case of an elderly patient, primarily diagnosed with DAS, with absolute indications of aortic valve replacement. Material and methods. Male, 70 years old, hypertensive for 25 years, diabetes for 11 years. Anamnestic, clinical and paraclinical data were obtained from discussion with the patient, objective examination and the medical databases. Investigations performed: electrocardiography, echocardiography, coronary angiography, lung X-ray, ultrasonography of internal organs, hematological, biochemical and immunological analyses. Results. Clinically: retrosternal pain with progressive dyspnea on minimal exertion, fatigability. Objective examination: pale skin, calves edema; rhythmic heart sounds with HR 90 bpm, systolic murmur on aortic valve radiating to the carotid arteries, BP 140/85 mmHg. Paraclinical investigations: Hb 120 g/l, erythrocytes 3.3x10 12 /l, CPK-MB 25 U/L, glycaemia 12 mmol/L, negative troponin, total cholesterol 4.87 mmol/L, TG 2.95 mmol/L. ECG: sinus rhythm with HR 85 b/min, horizontal electrical axis, LBBB. EchoCG: critical aortic stenosis, concentric LV hypertrophy, EF 62%. Coronary angiography: tricoronary atherosclerotic lesions. Moderate stenosis on LAD, OM I and RCA. Treatment: β-blockers, statins, nitrates, diuretics, antiplatelets, antidiabetics. Conclusion. Elderly patient, late diagnosed with critical DAS and tricoronary atherosclerotic lesions due to vague response to the drug treatment, requires aortic valve replacement and coronary artery by-pass grafting for a favorable prognosis and improvement the quality of life

    Formation of meat productivity in descendants of Kalmyk breed improver bulls

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    The article analyzes the results of assessing by scoring and index methods the quality of the offspring of five Kalmyk breed bulls and their sons in terms of their own productivity and the formation of their carcass morphological composition. For this purpose, 10 sons of bulls Prometheus 1127, Grilyazh 916, Gomat DRZh-59223, Yago DRZh-39023 and Raskat 8692 were selected from the Solnechnoe Breeding Plant LLC, Oryol district, Rostov region. The sons of the evaluated stud bulls up to 8 months of age were raised on full suction with mothers, and from 8 to 15 months of age were kept in the same group under equal conditions and over a 7-month period, on average, feed was consumed per bull, containing 1569 feed units, 168 kg of digestible protein, 2032 kg of dry matter with exchange energy 15663 MJ. With this level of feeding, all the controlled sires and almost all of their sons, according to the score, met the requirements of the elite-record grading class. However, according to the results of the index assessment, only the bulls Prometheus 1127 and Grill-yazh 916 met the requirements of the improver category, and the remaining three bulls met the requirements of the neutral category. The descendants of the leading bulls with a preslaughter live weight of 412.1 and 419.9 kg exceeded peers of other groups in carcass weight by 8.5-14.1 kg, in muscle tissue weight by 9.4-15.4 kg, but by 3-5% less yield of fat, bones, cartilage and tendons and the highest meat ratio

    cis-Bis(2,2′-bipyridine-κ2 N,N′)bis­(dimethyl sulfoxide-κO)zinc bis­(tetra­phenyl­borate) dimethyl sulfoxide monosolvate

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    In the mononuclear title complex, [Zn(C10H8N2)2(C2H6OS)2](C24H20B)2·C2H6OS, the ZnII ion is coordinated by four N atoms of two bidentate 2,2′-bipyridine mol­ecules and by the O atoms of two cis-disposed dimethyl sulfoxide mol­ecules in a distorted octa­hedral geometry. The S atom and the methyl groups of one of the coordinated dimethyl sulfoxide mol­ecules are disordered in a 0.509 (2):0.491 (2) ratio. The crystal packing is stabilized by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the dimethyl sulfoxide solvent mol­ecules and tetra­phenyl­borate anions

    Utilization of an In Vivo Reporter for High Throughput Identification of Branched Small Molecule Regulators of Hypoxic Adaptation

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    SummarySmall molecules inhibiting hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) are the focus of drug development efforts directed toward the treatment of ischemia and metabolic imbalance. A cell-based reporter produced by fusing HIF-1α oxygen degradable domain (ODD) to luciferase was shown to work as a capture assay monitoring stability of the overexpressed luciferase-labeled HIF PHD substrate under conditions more physiological than in vitro test tubes. High throughput screening identified novel catechol and oxyquinoline pharmacophores with a “branching motif” immediately adjacent to a Fe-binding motif that fits selectively into the HIF PHD active site in in silico models. In accord with their structure-activity relationship in the primary screen, the best “hits” stabilize HIF1α, upregulate known HIF target genes in a human neuronal line, and exert neuroprotective effects in established model of oxidative stress in cortical neurons

    fac-Tris(pyridine-2-carboxyl­ato-κ2 N,O)cobalt(III)

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    In the title compound, [Co(C6H4NO2)3], the CoIII ion lies on a threefold rotation axis and is in a distorted octa­hedral environment defined by three N and three O donor atoms from three fac-disposed pyridine-2-carboxyl­ate ligands. The ligands are coordinated in a chelate fashion, forming three five-membered rings. In the crystal, translationally related complex molecules are organized into columns along [001] via C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds