120 research outputs found

    Современный священник: профессия или служение

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    The article analyses the Russian Orthodox Church strategy with regard to forming core competence of modern Orthodox clergy for educative and social work. The question about the Church demand for a new generation of clergymen able to combine spiritual life with continuous intellectual and cultural development is raised. It is settled on the basis of combining professional competence and the idea of service. The moving trends of spiritual education reform directed at training a well-qualified priest capable of solving conventional spiritual and new tasks of vicarial service are considered.В статье проводится анализ стратегии Русской Православной церкви по формированию профессиональных качеств современного православного духовенства для просветительной и социальной работы. Поставлен вопрос о необходимости воспитания и обучения нового поколения священнослужителей, умеющих объединять духовную жизнь с непрерывным интеллектуальным и культурным развитием. Он решается на основе совмещения профессионализма и идеи служения. Рассматривается динамика реформы духовного образования, направленная на подготовку компетентного священника, способного решать традиционные духовные и новые задачи пастырского служения

    Symmetry Breaking in Few Layer Graphene Films

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    Recently, it was demonstrated that the quasiparticle dynamics, the layer-dependent charge and potential, and the c-axis screening coefficient could be extracted from measurements of the spectral function of few layer graphene films grown epitaxially on SiC using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). In this article we review these findings, and present detailed methodology for extracting such parameters from ARPES. We also present detailed arguments against the possibility of an energy gap at the Dirac crossing ED.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, Conference Proceedings of DPG Meeting Mar 2007 Regensburg Submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Theoretical model for the superconducting and magnetically ordered borocarbides

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    We present a theory of superconductivity in presence of a general magnetic structure in a form suitable for the description of complex magnetic phases encountered in borocarbides. The theory, complemented with some details of the band structure and with the magnetic phase diagram, may explain the nearly reentrant behaviour and the anisotropy of the upper critical field of HoNi2B2C. The onset of the helical magnetic order depresses superconductivity via the reduction of the interaction between phonons and electrons caused by the formation of magnetic Bloch states. At mean field level, no additional suppression of superconductivity is introduced by the incommensurability of the helical phase.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Published version, one important reference adde

    Deuteron life-time in hot and dense nuclear matter near equilibrium

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    We consider deuteron formation in hot and dense nuclear matter close to equilibrium and evaluate the life-time of the deuteron fluctuations within the linear response theory. To this end we derive a generalized linear Boltzmann equation where the collision integral is related to equilibrium correlation functions. In this framework we then utilize finite temperature Green functions to evaluate the collision integrals. The elementary reaction cross section is evaluated within the Faddeev approach that is suitably modified to reflect the properties of the surrounding hot and dense matter.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Double-Pionic Fusion of Nuclear Systems and the ABCEffect -- Aproaching a Puzzle by Exclusive and Kinematically Complete Measurements

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    The ABC effect - a puzzling low-mass enhancement in the ππ\pi\pi invariant mass spectrum - is well-known from inclusive measurements of two-pion production in nuclear fusion reactions. Here we report on first exclusive and kinematically complete measurements of the most basic double pionic fusion reaction pndπ0π0pn \to d \pi^0\pi^0 at 1.03 and 1.35 GeV. The measurements, which have been carried out at CELSIUS-WASA, reveal the ABC effect to be a (ππ)I=L=0(\pi\pi)_{I=L=0} channel phenomenon associated with both a resonance-like energy dependence in the integral cross section and the formation of a ΔΔ\Delta\Delta system in the intermediate state. A corresponding simple s-channel resonance ansatz provides a surprisingly good description of the data

    Exclusive Measurements of pp -> dpi+pi0: Double-Pionic Fusion without ABC Effect

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    Exclusive measurements of the reaction pp -> dpi+pi0 have been carried out at T_p = 1.1 GeV at the CELSIUS storage ring using the WASA detector. The isovector pi+pi0 channel exhibits no enhancement at low invariant pipi masses, i. e. no ABC effect. The differential distributions are in agreement with the conventional t-channel Delta-Delta excitation process, which also accounts for the observed energy dependence of the total cross section. This is an update of a previously published version -- see important note at the end of the article