192 research outputs found

    When Gender Matters: the role of Women in Mergers and Acquisitions

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    The paper investigates the impact that female directors have on M&A deals’ initiation with a negative binomial regression analysis on 250 companies in Europe in the decade 2009-2018. Results show that the addition of a female director increases the number of bid initiations by 12.86%, an outcome in contrast with the extant literature, according to which female presence would decrease the number of acquisitions to mitigate male CEO overconfidence (Levi et al., 2014). Moreover, after introducing an interaction term between female share on boards and the single countries, it was found that the magnitude and sign of female impact on firms’ acquisitive behavior varies according to the nation in which the BoD is located. Results indicate that female directors bring relevant changes in boardroom’s dynamics, which are then reflected in the company’s M&A activity

    Determination of Rottlerin, a Natural Protein Kinases C Inhibitor, in Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Mouse Xenografts by RP-HPLC Method.

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    Rottlerin is a natural polyphenolic ketone isolated from the pericarps of Mallotus phillippinensis. In previous studies we showed that parenteral administration of rottlerin reduced tumor growth in murine xenograft models of pancreatic cancer. The aim of this study was to develop a simple and validated method for the quantitative determination of rottlerin in plasma and tumor tissues of mice fed a rottlerin diet. A xenograft model of pancreatic cancer was prepared by injection of 2×106 HPAF-II cells subcutaneously into nude mice. One week before tumor implantation, mice were randomly allocated to standard diet (AIN76A) and standard diet supplement with 0.012% rottlerin (n=6 per group). Mice were sacrificed after 6 weeks on diets. Rottlerin was extracted from the plasma and tissues using protein precipitation-extraction and analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC-DAD method. The same HPLC method was also applied to determine rottlerin levels in conditioned culture media and in cell lysates from HPAF-II cells exposed to 25 ”M concentration of rottlerin. A substantial amount of rottlerin was detected in tumor (2.11 ± 0.25 nmol/g tissue) and plasma (2.88 ± 0.41 ”M) in mice fed rottlerin diet. In addition, significant levels of rottlerin (57.4 ± 5.4 nmol/mg protein) were detected in cell lysates from rottlerin-treated HPAF-II cells. These data indicate that rottlerin is efficiently absorbed in cells and tissues both in vivo and in vitro and suggest a strong potential for rottlerin as a preventive or adjuvant supplement for pancreatic cancer

    Massive Myocardial Infarction in a Full-Term Newborn: A Case Report

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    A full-term female newborn with neonatal asphyxia and severe anemia (Hb 2.5 g/dL) with normal heart developed a massive myocardial infarction. No examinations were performed during pregnancy for parental nomadism. The baby had immediate external cardiac massage, ventilatory assistance, and blood transfusion. Cardiomegaly was evident at chest X-ray and marked signs of ischemia-lesion at ECG. Echocardiography showed dilated, hypertrophic, and hypocontractile left ventricle (LV), mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, and moderate pericardial effusion. Rh isoimmunization and infective agents were excluded at laboratory tests. Despite the treatment with inotropes, hydrocortisone, and furosemide, the baby worsened and died at 45 hours of life. Postmortem examination showed diffuse subendocardial infarction of LV and diffuse parenchymal hemorrhages and myocardial hypertrophy, increase of eosinophilia, and polymorphonucleated cells at histology. Our patient suffered apparently from longstanding fetal anemia of unknown etiology that led to perinatal distress, severe hypoxia, and massive myocardial infarction, unresponsive to the therapy

    When gender matters: the role of women in mergers and acquisitions

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    The paper investigates the impact that female directors have on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals’ initiation with a negative binomial regression analysis on 250 companies in Europe in the decade 2009–2018. Results show that the addition of a female director increases the number of bid initiations by 12.86 percent, an outcome in contrast with the extant literature, according to which female presence would decrease the number of acquisitions to mitigate male CEO overconfidence (Levi et al., 2014). Moreover, after introducing an interaction term between female share on boards and the single countries, it was found that the magnitude and sign of female impact on firms’ acquisitive behavior vary according to the nation in which the firm is located. Results indicate that female directors bring relevant changes in boardroom’s dynamics, which are then reflected in the company’s M&A activity

    Metformin Decreases the Incidence of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Promoted by Diet-induced Obesity in the Conditional KrasG12D Mouse Model.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a particularly deadly disease. Chronic conditions, including obesity and type-2 diabetes are risk factors, thus making PDAC amenable to preventive strategies. We aimed to characterize the chemo-preventive effects of metformin, a widely used anti-diabetic drug, on PDAC development using the KrasG12D mouse model subjected to a diet high in fats and calories (HFCD). LSL-KrasG12D/+;p48-Cre (KC) mice were given control diet (CD), HFCD, or HFCD with 5 mg/ml metformin in drinking water for 3 or 9 months. After 3 months, metformin prevented HFCD-induced weight gain, hepatic steatosis, depletion of intact acini, formation of advanced PanIN lesions, and stimulation of ERK and mTORC1 in pancreas. In addition to reversing hepatic and pancreatic histopathology, metformin normalized HFCD-induced hyperinsulinemia and hyperleptinemia among the 9-month cohort. Importantly, the HFCD-increased PDAC incidence was completely abrogated by metformin (p < 0.01). The obesogenic diet also induced a marked increase in the expression of TAZ in pancreas, an effect abrogated by metformin. In conclusion, administration of metformin improved the metabolic profile and eliminated the promoting effects of diet-induced obesity on PDAC formation in KC mice. Given the established safety profile of metformin, our findings have a strong translational potential for novel chemo-preventive strategies for PDAC

    The effect of holder pasteurization on nutrients and biologically-active components in donor human milk: A review

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    When a mother’s milk is unavailable, the best alternative is donor milk (DM). Milk delivered to Human Milk Banks should be pasteurized in order to inactivate the microbial agents that may be present. Currently, pasteurization, performed at 62.5 °C for 30 min (Holder Pasteurization, HoP), is recommended for this purpose in international guidelines. Several studies have been performed to investigate the effects of HoP on the properties of DM. The present paper has the aim of reviewing the published papers on this topic, and to provide a comparison of the reported variations of biologically-active DM components before and after HoP. This review was performed by searching the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINHAL and Cochrane Library databases. Studies that clearly identified the HoP parameters and compared the same DM samples, before and after pasteurization, were focused on. A total of 44 articles satisfied the above criteria, and were therefore selected. The findings from the literature report variable results. A possible explanation for this may be the heterogeneity of the test protocols that were applied. Moreover, the present review spans more than five decades, and modern pasteurizers may be able to modify the degradation kinetics for heat-sensitive substances, compared to older ones. Overall, the data indicate that HoP affects several milk components, although it is difficult to quantify the degradation degree. However, clinical practices demonstrate that many beneficial properties of DM still persist after HoP

    New human milk fortifiers for the preterm infant

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    Given its unique nutritional and functional advantages, human milk (HM) should be considered as the first choice for the nutrition of all infants, including preterm newborns. Since its protein, mineral and energy contents are not suitable to meet the high needs of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants, HM should be fortified for these components. Fortification of HM is an important nutritional intervention in order to provide appropriate nutritional intake and appropriate growth. The standard fortification strategy has yielded inadequate protein intakes, resulting in slower growth as compared to preterm formulas. Improvement of outcomes depends on new fortification strategies, considering the large variability of HM composition. Individualized fortification, either targeted or adjustable, has been shown to be effective and practical in attaining adequate protein intakes and growth.<br />Most commercially available multi-nutrient fortifiers and protein concentrates are derived from bovine milk (BM), which has a protein composition very different from that of HM. The use of BM proteins has been recently questioned for possible association with intestinal inflammation in VLBW infants. Recently, one HM-based fortifier was shown to be associated with lower necrotizing enterocolitis rates and lower mortality in extremely premature infants, compared to BM-based products. Other milk sources are currently under evaluation: a randomized, controlled, single-blind clinical trial, coordinated by the Neonatal Unit of the University of Turin in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council of Turin and the University of Cagliari, is being carried out to evaluate the adequacy of fortifiers derived from donkey milk for the nutrition of preterm infants
