2 research outputs found

    Exploring the conditions for a shift to Continuous Cover Forestry in Sweden

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    This thesis investigates the adoption of Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) in response to mounting environmental concerns stemming from conventional forestry in Sweden. Utilising a social practice-based approach with qualitative interviews and observations of forest managers who engage in CCF “on the ground”, the study uncovers a complex of practices connected to CCF, encompassing policy and regulation, research, advice, services, and forest ownership. By investigating the elements and interlinkages of these practices, the study finds key enabling factors and challenges within the intricate web of CCF practices. Emphasised challenges are; lack of competencies in CCF, predominant advice advocating conventional forestry, scarcity of CCF service providers, entangled timber contracts, insufficient research and concerns of forest expropriation due to high nature values attributed to CCF-managed forests. Enabling factors include knowledge-sharing interactions in networks and collaborations with diverse stakeholders, including independent CCF companies, forest owners, foresters, entrepreneurs, service workers, researchers and non-governmental organisations. Additionally, recreational activities, environmental stewardship, and improved workplace conditions motivate forest managers to embrace CCF practices. The research highlights the need to re-evaluate the division between conservation and production forests, urging the extension of CCF promotion into productive forests. Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of diverse perspectives in advisory practices and advocates for increased, nuanced, and collaborative research on CCF's viability within Sweden's evolving forestry landscape

    Vem ansvarar för klimatkrisen? En studie om hur svenska nyhetstidningar gestaltar olika aktörers ansvar för klimatkrisen

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    Den hĂ€r studien undersöker nyhetstidningarnas del i kontexten för hur ansvar för klimatkrisen formas i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Detta görs genom att studera hur tvĂ„ av de största nyhetstidningarna i Sverige, Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet, framstĂ€ller olika aktörers ansvar för klimatkrisen i sina nyhetsartiklar. Det Ă€r relevant att studera nyhetstidningarnas ansvarsbelĂ€ggning för klimatkrisen dĂ„ tidigare forskning har visat att nyhetsmedier kan pĂ„verka bĂ„de uppfattningen om Ă€mnen i samhĂ€llet samt attityder och beteenden i relation till de Ă€mnena. Studiens avsikt Ă€r dĂ€rför att bidra till förstĂ„else för hur nyhetstidningarnas ansvarsbelĂ€ggning av klimatkrisen kan pĂ„verka uppfattningen om ansvar och sĂ„ledes hanteringen av klimatkrisen i samhĂ€llet. Materialet analyseras utifrĂ„n gestaltningsteorin och miljökommunikationsforskningens syn pĂ„ miljökommunikation som formande av miljön. Resultatet visar pĂ„ att artiklarna till störst del ansvarsbelĂ€gger politiska aktörer, att företags ansvar förskjuts till politiska aktörer eller fördelas mellan politiska aktörer dĂ€r företagen dĂ„ fĂ„r minst ansvar, samt att individers ansvar knappt gestaltas. Slutsatsen Ă€r att nyhetstidningarna inte ansvarsbelĂ€gger vĂ€sentliga aktörer i klimatkrisen lika mycket, vilket kan ses som problematiskt dĂ„ klimatforskning menar att alla aktörer i samhĂ€llet mĂ„ste agera.This study examines the part that Swedish newspapers play in the context of constructing responsibility for the climate crisis in Swedish society. This is done by studying how two of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, portray different actors’ responsibilities in the climate crisis in their news articles. It is of high relevance to study newspapers’ distribution of responsibility since previous research has shown that news media can affect both the perception of events and topics in society, as well as attitudes and behaviours in regards to those events and topics. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of how the newspapers’ distribution of responsibility can affect the perception of responsibility as well as the management of the climate crisis in the Swedish society. The material is analyzed through the theory of framing and the environmental communication research’s view that communication about the environment shapes the perception and therefore the form of the environment. The result shows that news articles mainly give responsibility to political actors, that companies’ responsibility is pushed over to political actors or placed between both companies and political actors where companies get the lesser responsibility, and that individuals are given a minimal amount of responsibility. The main conclusion is that the newspapers do not distribute responsibility evenly among the essential actors, which can be seen as problematic since climate research mean that all actors in society must act to solve the climate crisis