8 research outputs found

    VISUALIZATION AND COMPREHENSION: Corroborating children’s reading ability

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    This study aimed at finding out the influence of visualization on students’ reading comprehension ability. Quantitative approach was employed in carrying out this research. The data were collected through test as it was the main instrument of this study. The data analysis was carried out using manual statistics calculation to find out the mean score before and after the treatment. From the result, it was obtained that the most effect that visualization has is on the inferring; second, it is on details; then it is followed by main idea. The smallest influence is made on vocabulary. Thus, it can be concluded that visualization while reading can help students a lot in terms of inferring, details, and main idea


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    viii, 89 hlm. :ilus. ;tab. ; 29 cm


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    Hakim memiliki peran strategis terhadap perlindungan nafkah ‘iddah dan nafkah madhiah (nafkah masa lalu) pasca perceraian. Hal ini dikarenakan perempuan seringkali terabaikan nafkahnya pada saat masih berada dalam ikatan perkawinan. Sensitivitas hakim terhadap perempuan di persidangan sangat penting agar putusan bermanfaat dan mengakomodir hak isteri mendapatkan nafkah ‘iddah dan nafkah madhiah pasca perceraian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sensitivitas hakim terhadap nafkah isteri pasca perceraian, peran hakim dalam merealisasikan nafkah isteri dan alasan hakim tidak memberikan nafkah isteri dalam putusan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian hukum yuridis empiris dengan lokasinya di Mahkamah Syar’iyah Meulaboh dan Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh Tamiang. Bahan hukum yang digunakan terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif kemudian dideskripsikan secara sistematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hakim memiliki sensitivitas perlindungan nafkah iddah dan madhiah pasca perceraian. Sensitivitas tersebut dinilai dengan dua indikator yaitu upaya hakim dalam merealisasikan nafkah dengan menggunakan hak ex officio (kewenangan karena jabatannya) meskipun tidak diminta oleh isteri dalam gugatannya dan perealisasian nafkah yang ditetapkan dalam putusan dengan menunda prosesi ikrar talak sebelum dilunasi nafkah baik nafkah iddah maupun nafkah madhiah dalam putusan. Peran hakim terhadap perlindungan nafkah isteri yaitu Memberikan Gambaran tentang Hak-Hak Perempuan, melakukan sosialisasi terhadap hak-hak isteri, alasan hakim tidak memberikan nafkah kepada isteri disebabkan oleh dua factor yaitu intetenal dan eksternal: factor internal disebabkan Perempuan Tidak Mengetahui haknya, hanya meminta surat cerai, Isteri Marah Berlebihan suaminya, biaya eksekusi mahal, Anggapan Materialistik, Isteri Ingin Hidup Bersama Bukan Uangnya. Faktor eksternal yaitu hakim bersifat pasif, biaya eksekusi mahal dan aturan hokum tidak memberi kewenangan menggunakan hak ex officio (kewenangan karena jabatan) bagi hakim untuk memberikan nafkah madhiah bagi isteri

    The overview analysis of the movie Sense and Sensibility

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    Movies have been everybody’s favorite across all ages. Some movies are not suitable for certain ages and the parents’ assistance is needed during the watching movie process so that they can show the morals conceived in the movie. This study tries to shed lights on the elements contained in  a movie entitled “Sense and Sensibility”,  a movie made based on a novel by Jane Austen. This study was carried out in qualitative approach using visual feature analysis technique. The object of this study was the movie with the duration of 140 minutes. The data obtained were then classified based on its elements such as realism, local color, narratives, and symbolism. The result portrayed that the realism given in this movie is the condition of a noble family who had lost all of their wealth and life had been becoming crude. The local color depicts the social status in the mid-eighteenth century. The story was narrated in the linear plot and finally, the symbolism in this movie exposed much about the calming and melancholic nature of Devonshire


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    Purpose of the study: The study aims are to investigate levels of language politeness and its violations in the political communication of Jokowi and Prabowo and to describe the types of politeness and its violations in political communication of Jokowi and Prabowo as Indonesian president candidates in 2019. Methodology: This research was used a qualitative approach with the descriptive method by paying attention to the Interactive Model theory to describe the object in analysis data through a pragmatic approach to identify the politeness principles and its violation following Leech’s (1983) theory. The subject of data on this research has conducted the utterances of Indonesian president candidates 2019 in the second debate session. Main Findings: The result of the study can be concluded that five principles of politeness seen in the utterances of the presidential candidate. They are tact, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy maxim. Furthermore, in this research, Prabowo was more polite than Jokowi where he has produced utterances of approbation, agreement, and less violation of modesty, while Jokowi more violated the modesty maxim. Applications of this study: The study has an impact on political behavior. Other areas of study include social and political science and communication Novelty/Originality of this study: This research is the new way in the context of language politeness study where combined the language politeness principles with socio-political science especially political communication


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    As most students admitted that their problem in reading was mainly regarding vocabulary, the authors were drawn to a premise that there must be a stronger underpinning explanation leading to such comprehension gap in reading. This study aimed at finding out a specific root-problem faced by EFL learners when performing reading, which are the mechanic skills of reading. This study was conducted using qualitative approach—case study design. The respondents were 55 college students in Aceh, Indonesia who were sophomores in Economics and Business faculty. The data were collected from September-December 2019. The data source was a weekly individual checklist based on the mechanical reading framework, namely: phonic-phonemic awareness-vocabulary-fluency-comprehension to find out which problem they repeatedly faced during the reading process. From 14 meetings, it was calculated that 54 students mostly faced fluency problem which means that they know the semantic and literal meaning of a certain word but struggle with the sense of the word. Later, the problem faced was comprehension which was faced by 20 students. Then, the problem of vocabulary was experienced by 16 students. And the least problem faced is phonemic problem which was faced by 1 student only