349 research outputs found

    Instanton dynamics in finite temperature QCD via holography

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    We investigate instantons in finite temperature QCD via Witten's holographic QCD. To study the deconfinement phase, we use the setup proposed in [1] (arXiv:1107.4048). We find that the sizes of the instantons are stabilized at certain values both in the confinement and deconfinement phases. This agrees with the numerical result in the lattice gauge theory. Besides we find that the gravity duals of the large and small instantons in the deconfinement phase have different topologies. We also argue that the fluctuation of the topological charges is large in confinement phase while it is exponentially suppressed in deconfinement phase, and a continuous transition occurs at the Gross-Witten-Wadia (GWW) point. It would be difficult to observe the counterpart of this transition in lattice QCD, since the GWW point in QCD may stay at an unstable branch.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2: references added, minor correction

    Validity of Rubrics for Team-Based Learning in Dental Hygienist Education in Japan

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the validity of rubrics for team-based learning (TBL) classes in dental hygienist education. Rubrics are learning achievement evaluation criteria that provide a learning support system with high equity, equality and objectivity. In this study, we adopted rubrics for grading students in TBL classes instead of peer evaluation, and evaluated its validity and effectiveness. Methods: Subjects were 25 second-year dental hygienist students in a medical ethics course. Eight classes were held during the semester: two classes with a traditional face-to-face teaching style, and five classes with a TBL style. In the last class, the students wrote a term paper about what they learned in the class and evaluated their learning achievement according to the criteria in a rubric table. During the TBL classes, students were graded using an individual readiness assurance test (IRAT), group readiness assurance test (GRAT), and self-evaluation of their level of contribution to group discussion and preparatory study. The term paper was also scored. Correlations of these scores and the results of the rubric evaluation were analyzed. Results: The rubric scores showed a significant positive correlation with all other scores excepts for the GRAT. Multiple regression analysis using the rubric scores as the criterion variable and the other scores as the explanatory variables showed a significant association between the rubric scores and the other scores. Conclusion: These results indicate the effectiveness of the evaluation points and criteria in the rubric table and the validity of the rubric scores for this course

    Sh3bp2 Gain-Of-Function Mutation Ameliorates Lupus Phenotypes in B6.MRL-Faslpr Mice

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    SH3 domain-binding protein 2 (SH3BP2) is an adaptor protein that is predominantly expressed in immune cells, and it regulates intracellular signaling. We had previously reported that a gain-of-function mutation in SH3BP2 exacerbates inflammation and bone loss in murine arthritis models. Here, we explored the involvement of SH3BP2 in a lupus model. Sh3bp2 gain-of-function (P416R knock-in; Sh3bp2KI/+) mice and lupus-prone B6.MRL-Faslpr mice were crossed to yield double-mutant (Sh3bp2KI/+Faslpr/lpr) mice. We monitored survival rates and proteinuria up to 48 weeks of age and assessed renal damage and serum anti-double-stranded DNA antibody levels. Additionally, we analyzed B and T cell subsets in lymphoid tissues by flow cytometry and determined the expression of apoptosis-related molecules in lymph nodes. Sh3bp2 gain-of-function mutation alleviated the poor survival rate, proteinuria, and glomerulosclerosis and significantly reduced serum anti-dsDNA antibody levels in Sh3bp2KI/+Faslpr/lpr mice. Additionally, B220+CD4-CD8- T cell population in lymph nodes was decreased in Sh3bp2KI/+Faslpr/lpr mice, which is possibly associated with the observed increase in cleaved caspase-3 and tumor necrosis factor levels. Sh3bp2 gain-of-function mutation ameliorated clinical and immunological phenotypes in lupus-prone mice. Our findings offer better insight into the unique immunopathological roles of SH3BP2 in autoimmune diseases

    Spatial Distributions of GABA Receptors and Local Inhibition of Ca2+ Transients Studied with GABA Uncaging in the Dendrites of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons

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    GABA(γ-amino-butylic acid)-mediated inhibition in the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons was characterized by two-photon uncaging of a caged-GABA compound, BCMACM-GABA, and one-photon uncaging of RuBi-GABA in rat hippocampal slice preparations. Although we found that GABAA-mediated currents were diffusely distributed along the dendrites, currents elicited at the branch points of the apical dendritic trunk were approximately two times larger than those elsewhere in the dendrite. We examined the inhibitory action of the GABA-induced currents on Ca2+ transients evoked with a single back-propagating action potential (bAP) in oblique dendrites. We found that GABA uncaging selectively inhibited the Ca2+ transients in the region adjacent (<20 µm) to the uncaging site, and that GABA uncaging was effective only within a short period after bAP (<20 ms). The strength of inhibition was linearly related to the amplitudes of the GABA currents, suggesting that the currents inhibited a sustained, subthreshold after-depolarization without preventing propagation of bAP. GABA uncaging at the dendritic branch points inhibited Ca2+ transients farther into dendritic branches (>20 µm). Our data indicate that GABA inhibition results in spatially confined inhibition of Ca2+ transients shortly after bAP, and suggest that this effect is particularly potent at the dendritic branch points where GABA receptors cluster

    Generaattorin saarekekäyttö ja suojausten testaus

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    Työn aiheena oli sähkövoimatekniikan laboratorion oppimisympäristön generaattorin saarekekäyttö ja sen suojausten testaus. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli testata ja käyttää generaattoria saarekekäytössä ja tehdä sille kytkentäohjelma, jonka avulla voidaan myöhemmin käyttää generaattoria saarekekäytön opetuk-sessa. Tavoitteena oli tehdä myös generaattorin relesuojauksille toiminnalliset testit. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin generaattoreita ja niiden relesuojauksia. Generaattoreissa keskityttiin enemmän tahtigeneraattoreihin, koska opinnäytetyössä käytettiin sellaista. Työssä esiteltiin myös laiteympäristö, johon tätä opinnäytetyötä tehtiin. Opinnäytetyössä käytiin läpi myös ohjelmistot, joita tässä ympäristössä on mahdollista käyttää. Lähdemateriaaleina käytettiin alan kirjallisuutta sekä laitevalmistajien manuaaleja sekä nettisivuja. Työssä asetetut tavoitteet täyttyivät ja tulokseksi saatiin kytkentäohjelma gene-raattorin saarekekäyttöön ja tieto siitä, kuinka sitä kuormitettiin. Myös generaat-torin suojauksien toiminnallisille testeille tehtiin ohjeistus, jonka avulla voidaan tulevaisuudessa tehdä toiminnallisia testejä. Myös REG630- releelle tehtiin ohjeistuksia, joiden avulla sitä voidaan myöhemmin käyttää.The subject of the thesis was electric power engineering laboratory learning environment for testing a generator in island operation and testing its protec-tion. The aim of the thesis was to test and use the generator in island operation and to make a switch program, which can later be used in education of using the generator in island operation. The other aim was to test a generator´s relay protection. The theoretical part of the thesis was concerned with generator´s and their relay protection. The focus was more on a synchronous generators were more focused, because synchronous generator was used in this thesis. The presentation of the thesis section presents a platform, where this thesis was made. Softwares, that are possible to use in this platform, were also presented in this thesis. The source materials were based on the field of the literature, as well as in the manufacturer`s Internet websites and manuals. The aim of the thesis was met and the results were that the switch program for using the generator in island operation was made and how it was loaded. Generator´s protections were also tested and the instructions were made, which helps in doing these tests in the future. Instructions were also made for the REG630 relay. These instructions help to use it