132 research outputs found

    Increased Nitric Oxide Production and GFAP Expression in the Brains of Influenza A/NWS Virus Infected Mice

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    The cause of influenza to the brain was investigated using the A/NWS/33 influenza virus infected BALB/c mouse model. NOS-2 mRNA levels in the infected mouse brain was greater than in control mice in all brain regions examined, particularly in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus by 1 day p.i. On the contrary, no differences in NOS-1 or NOS-3 mRNA levels were found between infected and control mice. There was also a marked increase in the levels of metabolites of nitric oxide in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry showed positive staining for anti-NOS-2 primarily in the hippocampus of infected mice. Further, anti-NOS-2 and GFAP staining was mostly found around capillary blood vessels of the hippocampus starting early in the course of the disease. These results indicate that the NWS enhances the activation of astrocytes and NOS-2 expression which in turn enhances NO production and the expansion of capillary blood vessels

    Cytokine and chemokine response in children with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

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    We report the systemic cytokine and chemokine response in children with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. In patients with pneumonia, the serum levels of IFN-γ and IL-5 were significantly higher than those in patients without pneumonia. This tendency was also present for IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, and MCP-1 in patients with pneumonia. Among patients with pneumonia, the levels of MCP-1 were significantly higher in the group of patients with pneumonia with severe respiratory failure than patients with mild pneumonia

    Infantile exposure to lead and late-age cognitive decline: Relevance to AD

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    Background: Early-life lead (Pb) exposure induces overexpression of the amyloid beta precursor protein and its amyloid beta product in older rats and primates. We exposed rodents to Pb during different life span periods and examined cognitive function in old age and its impact on biomarkers associated with Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Methods: Morris, Y, and the elevated plus mazes were used. Western blot, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were used to study the levels of AD biomarkers. Results: Cognitive impairment was observed in mice exposed as infants but not as adults. Overexpression of AD-related genes (amyloid beta precursor protein and β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1) and their products, as well as their transcriptional regulator—specificity protein 1 (Sp1)—occurred only in older mice with developmental exposure to Pb. Conclusions: A window of vulnerability to Pb neurotoxicity exists in the developing brain that can influence AD pathogenesis and cognitive decline in old age

    Sferična kristalizacija zdravilnih učinkovin

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    Spherical crystallization of drugs is the process of obtaining larger particles by agglomeration during crystallization. The most common techniques used to obtain such particles are spherical agglomeration and quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion. Ammonia diffusion systems and crystallo-co-agglomeration are extensions of these techniques. By controlling process parameters during crystallization, such as temperature, stirring rate, type and amount of solvents, or excipient selection, it is possible to control the formation of agglomerates and obtain spherical particles of the desired size, porosity, or hardness. Researchers have reported that the particles produced have improved micromeritic, physical, and mechanical properties, which make them suitable for direct compression. In some cases, when additional excipients are incorporated during spherical crystallization, biopharmaceutical parameters including the bioavailability of drugs can also be tailored.Sferična kristalizacija je postopek izdelave večjih delcev z aglomeracijo manjših med samo kristalizacijo. Najpogosteje uporabljeni tehniki za izdelavo takšnih delcev sta sferična aglomeracija in kvaziemulzija z difuzijo topila. Sistem z difuzijo amoniaka in kristalo-ko-aglomeracija sta razširitvi teh dveh metod. Z nadzorovanjem procesnih parametrov med kristalizacijo, kot sta temperatura in hitrost mešanja, z izbiro lastnosti in množine topil ter z izbiro pomožnih snovi, lahko vplivamo na nastanek aglomeratov in izdelamo sferične delce želenih velikosti, primerne poroznosti ali trdote. Raziskovalci poročajo, da imajo izdelani delci izboljšane pretočne lastnosti, izboljšane druge fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti zaradi česar so primerni za direktno tabletiranje. V nekaterih primerih lahko ob vgradnji ustreznih pomožnih snovi, ki jih dodamo med procesom sferične kristalizacije, izboljšamo tudi biofarmacevtske lastnosti zdravilnih učinkovin vključno s povečanjem biološke uporabnosti

    WW domain interactions regulate the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway

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    The Hippo kinase pathway is emerging as a conserved signaling pathway that is essential for organ growth and tumorigenesis in Drosophila and mammalians. Although the signaling of the core kinases is relatively well understood, less is known about the upstream inputs, downstream outputs and regulation of the whole cascade. Enrichment of the Hippo pathway components with WW domains and their cognate proline-rich interacting motifs provides a versatile platform for further understanding the mechanisms that regulate organ growth and tumorigenesis. Here, we review recently discovered mechanisms of WW domain-mediated interactions that contribute to the regulation of the Hippo signaling pathway in tumorigenesis. We further discuss new insights and future directions on the emerging role of such regulation

    The ubiquitin proteasome system in neuropathology

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    The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) orchestrates the turnover of innumerable cellular proteins. In the process of ubiquitination the small protein ubiquitin is attached to a target protein by a peptide bond. The ubiquitinated target protein is subsequently shuttled to a protease complex known as the 26S proteasome and subjected to degradative proteolysis. The UPS facilitates the turnover of proteins in several settings. It targets oxidized, mutant or misfolded proteins for general proteolytic destruction, and allows for the tightly controlled and specific destruction of proteins involved in development and differentiation, cell cycle progression, circadian rhythms, apoptosis, and other biological processes. In neuropathology, alteration of the UPS, or mutations in UPS target proteins may result in signaling abnormalities leading to the initiation or progression of tumors such as astrocytomas, hemangioblastomas, craniopharyngiomas, pituitary adenomas, and medulloblastomas. Dysregulation of the UPS may also contribute to tumor progression by perturbation of DNA replication and mitotic control mechanisms, leading to genomic instability. In neurodegenerative diseases caused by the expression of mutant proteins, the cellular accumulation of these proteins may overload the UPS, indirectly contributing to the disease process, e.g., sporadic Parkinsonism and prion diseases. In other cases, mutation of UPS components may directly cause pathological accumulation of proteins, e.g., autosomal recessive Parkinsonism and spinocerebellar ataxias. Defects or dysfunction of the UPS may also underlie cognitive disorders such as Angelman syndrome, Rett syndrome and autism, and muscle and nerve diseases, e.g., inclusion body myopathy and giant axon neuropathy. This paper describes the basic biochemical mechanisms comprising the UPS and reviews both its theoretical and proven involvement in neuropathological diseases. The potential for the UPS as a target of pharmacological therapy is also discussed

    Human malarial disease: a consequence of inflammatory cytokine release

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    Malaria causes an acute systemic human disease that bears many similarities, both clinically and mechanistically, to those caused by bacteria, rickettsia, and viruses. Over the past few decades, a literature has emerged that argues for most of the pathology seen in all of these infectious diseases being explained by activation of the inflammatory system, with the balance between the pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines being tipped towards the onset of systemic inflammation. Although not often expressed in energy terms, there is, when reduced to biochemical essentials, wide agreement that infection with falciparum malaria is often fatal because mitochondria are unable to generate enough ATP to maintain normal cellular function. Most, however, would contend that this largely occurs because sequestered parasitized red cells prevent sufficient oxygen getting to where it is needed. This review considers the evidence that an equally or more important way ATP deficency arises in malaria, as well as these other infectious diseases, is an inability of mitochondria, through the effects of inflammatory cytokines on their function, to utilise available oxygen. This activity of these cytokines, plus their capacity to control the pathways through which oxygen supply to mitochondria are restricted (particularly through directing sequestration and driving anaemia), combine to make falciparum malaria primarily an inflammatory cytokine-driven disease

    Insight of brain degenerative protein modifications in the pathology of neurodegeneration and dementia by proteomic profiling

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    Tau-based treatment strategies in neurodegenerative diseases

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