1,968 research outputs found

    Union Membership and Perceived Job Insecurity: 30 Years of Evidence from the American General social Survey

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    Using the Amercian General Social Survey, we explore the link between union membership and perceived job insecurity. This finding is mainly atributed to the primary and secondary sectors and for recessionary periods. Instrumental-variables estimation and the use of attitudinal proxy variables suggest that the positive correlation union membership and perceived job insecurity is not due to self-selection.Union, Perceived Job Insecurity

    Alien Registration- Morin, Pierre (Millinocket, Penobscot County)

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    Perceptions of Implementation: Treaty Signatory Views of Treaty Implementation

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    The ‘Trendiness’ of Sleep: An Empirical Investigation into the Cyclical Nature of Sleep Time

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    Using Canadian time use data, we exploit exogenous variation in local unemployment rates to investigate the cyclical nature of sleep time and show that for both men and women, sleep time decreases when the economy is doing relatively better. Our results suggest that in a recession Canadians sleep an average of 2 hours and 34 minutes more per week, or 22 minutes more per day. Given the importance of even small changes in sleep time on measures of cognitive functioning such as reaction time and concentration, our findings may help explain the countercyclical nature of mortality. Further, as we find that sleep is affected by the same economic variables (notably the unemployment rate) that affect market work time, our results also contribute to the limited literature that shows that sleep time should not be treated as exogenously determined, but, like any other resource, determined by its relative cost.Business Cycles, Sleep.

    Highlights in North American Litigation During the Twentieth Century on Artificial Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies

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    Drawing on first hand observations, John R. Graham and Dr. Pierre Morin give us a glimpse into the policy, science and controversy leading to the fluoridation of public drinking water supplies and the ensuing litigation and cover-up centering around the harmful effects of fluorine. Beginning with a thorough analysis and discussion of natural law as developed and applied by the United States Supreme Court, the authors argue that fluoridation of public water supplies can no longer be continued. Next, the authors discuss the scientific basis for their arguments. Citing to numerous studies and explaining the mathematics used by some of the world\u27s leading doctors and toxicologists, the authors lead us to the inevitable conclusion that fluoride is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and many more illnesses in America each year. The authors also provide a captivating account of three state cases. Although factually different, the subsequent appellate decisions in each case leaves untouched trial court findings as to the harmful effects of fluoride. In conclusion, the authors survey the evidence suggesting a cover-up of the harmful effects by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In closing, they predict the practice of artificially fluoridating public drinking water supplies will one day cease

    De la symptomatologie à la résolution de problèmes : approche intégrée pour les personnes atteintes de schizophrénie

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    Les personnes atteintes de schizophrénie présentent des difficultés d'adaptation et de gestion des situations problématiques de la vie quotidienne, diminuant ainsi leurs capacités d'ajustement social (coping). Plusieurs composantes, comme les biais et les déficits cognitifs, en association avec la symptomatologie, perturbent les habiletés pour la résolution de problèmes. Dans la démarche de réadaptation, il est essentiel de tenir compte de l'ensemble de ces caractéristiques et ainsi d'offrir une approche d'intervention intégrée. Cet article présente une approche d'intervention au niveau des habiletés de résolution de problèmes qui tient compte des connaissances contemporaines sur la schizophrénie. Le fonctionnement de la Clinique Jeunes Adultes (schizophrénie) de l'hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine est présenté et sert de référence.People with schizophrenia experience difficulties in adapting and managing problematical situations of daily life thus diminishing their social coping skills. Several components such as cognitive deficits and biases associated with symptomatology disrupt their problem-solving skills. In social rehabilitation, it is essential to take into account all characteristics and offer an integrated approach. This article presents an approach to problem-solving skills with a contemporary knowledge of schizophrenia. The functionning of the Clinique Jeunes Adultes of the Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital is presented and serves as a reference.Las personas que sufren de esquizofrenia presentan dificultades de adaptaciôn y de gestion de las situaciones problemâticas de la vida diaria, Io que disminuye sus capacidades de ajustamiento social (coping). Varios aspectos como el sesgo y los déficits cognoscitivos aso-ciados a la sintomatologia, perturban las habilidades para resolver los problemas. En el proceso de readaptaciôn, es esencial tener en cuenta el conjunto de estas caracteristicas para ofrecer un cuadro de intervencion integral. Este articulo présenta un enfoque de intervencion a nivel de las habilidades de resoluciôn de problemas que tiene en cuenta los conoci-mientos contemporâneos sobre la esquizofrenia. Se présenta el funcio-namiento de la Clinica de Jôvenes Adultos (esquizofrenia) del hospital Luis-H Lafontaine, el cual sirve de referencia

    La garde en établissement au Québec : enjeux de la détention civile en psychiatrie

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    Faisant partie de la pratique psychiatrique, la mesure de garde contre le gré des patients en établissement de santé pose le défi d’apprécier cliniquement la couverture sociale voulue par notre société de droit dans le cadre de la législation québécoise. Dans cette réflexion, les auteurs prônent une vision élargie du régime actuel dans lequel le devoir social d’ingérence, les valeurs de bienfaisance et de protection doivent transcender la simple description de la notion de danger du régime de détention civile.Being part of the psychiatric practice, civil detention of patients in hospitals against their will remains difficult to assess clinically in regards to the role of social protection desired by our society. In this paper, the authors promote a broader understanding of the concept of danger that grounds the application of this civil commitment regime in order to fulfill both duty of intervention and promotion of values of beneficence and protection of patients.Al formar parte de la práctica psiquiátrica, la medida de custodia contra la voluntad de los pacientes en los establecimientos de salud plantea el desafío de identificar clínicamente la cobertura social deseada por nuestra sociedad de derecho en el marco de la legislación quebequense. Con esta reflexión los autores preconizan una visión amplia del régimen actual, en el que el deber social de injerencia, los valores de asistencia y de protección deben trascender a la simple descripción de la noción de peligro del régimen de detención civil.Como parte da prática psiquiátrica, a medida de internação contra a vontade dos pacientes em estabelecimentos de saúde levanta o desafio da avaliação clínica da cobertura social desejada por nossa sociedade de direito, dentro da legislação quebequense. Nesta reflexão, os autores exaltam uma visão ampla do regime atual no qual o dever social de ingerência, os valores de beneficência e de proteção devem transcender a simples descrição da noção de perigo do regime de detenção civil

    Objective View Synthesis Quality Assessment

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    International audienceView synthesis brings geometric distortions which are not handled efficiently by existing image quality assessment metrics. Despite the widespread of 3-D technology and notably 3D television (3DTV) and free-viewpoints television (FTV), the field of view synthesis quality assessment has not yet been widely investigated and new quality metrics are required. In this study, we propose a new full-reference objective quality assessment metric: the View Synthesis Quality Assessment (VSQA) metric. Our method is dedicated to artifacts detection in synthesized view-points and aims to handle areas where disparity estimation may fail: thin objects, object borders, transparency, variations of illumination or color differences between left and right views, periodic objects... The key feature of the proposed method is the use of three visibility maps which characterize complexity in terms of textures, diversity of gradient orientations and presence of high contrast. Moreover, the VSQA metric can be defined as an extension of any existing 2D image quality assessment metric. Experimental tests have shown the effectiveness of the proposed method
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