25 research outputs found

    Modular S3S_3 invariant flavor model in SU(5) GUT

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    We present a flavor model with the S3S_3 modular invariance in the framework of SU(5) GUT. The S3S_3 modular forms of weights 22 and 44 give the quark and lepton mass matrices with a common complex parameter, the modulus τ\tau. The GUT relation of down-type quarks and charged leptons is imposed by the VEV of adjoint 24-dimensional Higgs multiplet in addition to the VEVs of 55 and 5ˉ\bar 5 Higgs multiples of SU(5). The observed CKM and PMNS mixing parameters as well as the mass eigenvalues are reproduced properly. We discuss the leptonic CP phase and the effective mass of the neutrinoless double beta decay with the sum of neutrino masses.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures and 1 table. Numerical data have been revise

    Modular A4A_4 invariance and neutrino mixing

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    We study the phenomenological implications of the modular symmetry Γ(3)A4\Gamma(3) \simeq A_4 of lepton flavors facing recent experimental data of neutrino oscillations. The mass matrices of neutrinos and charged leptons are essentially given by fixing the expectation value of modulus τ\tau, which is the only source of modular invariance breaking. We introduce no flavons in contrast with the conventional flavor models with A4A_4 symmetry. We classify our neutrino models along with the type I seesaw model, the Weinberg operator model and the Dirac neutrino model. In the normal hierarchy of neutrino masses, the seesaw model is available by taking account of recent experimental data of neutrino oscillations and the cosmological bound of sum of neutrino masses. The predicted sin2θ23\sin^2\theta_{23} is restricted to be larger than 0.540.54 and \delta_{CP}=\pm (50^{\circ}\mbox{--}180^{\circ}). Since the correlation of sin2θ23\sin^2\theta_{23} and δCP\delta_{CP} is sharp, the prediction is testable in the future. It is remarkable that the effective mass meem_{ee} of the neutrinoless double beta decay is around 2222\,meV while the sum of neutrino masses is predicted to be 145145\,meV. On the other hand, for the inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses, only the Dirac neutrino model is consistent with the experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, major modification

    Evaluation of Right Ventricular overload by ^<123>I-MIBG, ^<123>I-BMIPP , and ^<99m>Tc-MIBI

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    It is important to evaluate the severity of right ventricular (RV) overload in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases or pulmonary thromboembolism because their prognosis depend on the severity of RV overload. Various examination methods have been used to non-invasively evaluate the severity of RV overload. We evaluated the usefulness of recently developed novel radiopharmaceuticals 123I-MIBG, 123I-BMIPP, and 99mTc-MIBI) in patients with chronic respiratory diseases or pulmonary thromboembolism. Myocardial scintigraphy using 1231-MIBG revealed that the ratio of scintillation counts in the interventricular septum (IVS) to those in the left ventricle (LV) correlated negatively with the mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP), suggesting the presence of sympathetic neuropathy due to RV overload. Myocardial scintigraphy using 123I-BMIPP revealed that the ratio of scintillation counts in the RV to those in LV (RV/LV uptake ratio) correlated with MPAP. There was a negative correlation between RV metabolic index [RVMI = (RV/LV ratio of 123I-BMIPP uptake)(RV/LV ratio of 201T1 uptake)] and MPAP. These findings suggested the presence of RV overload-induced fatty acid metabolic disorder. 99iTc-MIBI allows the simultaneous performance of both cardiac pool scintigraphy and myocardial single photon emission computed tomography. RV/LV ratio of 99Tc-MIBI uptake correlated with MPAP. Moreover, RV ejection fraction (RVEF) obtained by right cardiac pool scintigraphy correlated with the RVEF determined by the thermodilution method, suggesting the usefulness of 99mTc-MIBI. Our findings suggest that these radiopharmaceuticals are useful for evaluating the severity of RV overload in patients with chronic respiratory diseases or pulmonary thromboembolism, as well as for evaluating RV overloadinduced metabolic disorders

    Quark Mass Hierarchy, FCNC and CP violation in a Seesaw model

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    The seesaw model of quark masses is studied systematically, focusing on its developments. A framework allowing the top quark mass to be of the order of the electroweak symmetry breaking scale, while the remaining light quarks have much smaller masses, due to the seesaw mechanism, is presented. The violation of the GIM mechanism is shown to be small and the tree level FCNC are suppressed naturally. In this model, there are many particles which could contribute to the FCNC in the one-loop level. Parameters of the model are constrained by using the experimental data on K^0-\bar{K}^0 mixing and \epsilon_K. The rare K meson decays K_{L,S} -> \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu} and K^+ -> \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu} are also investigated in the model. In these processes the scalar operators (\bar{s}d)(\bar{\nu}_{\tau}\nu_{\tau}), which are derived from box diagrams in the model, play an important role due to an enhancement factor M_K/m_s in the matrix element . It is emphasized that the K_L decay process through the scalar operator is not the CP violating mode, so B(K_L -> \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}) remains non-zero even in the CP conserved limit. The pion energy spectra for these processes are predicted.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures, psfig.sty is require

    New A(4) lepton flavor model from S-4 modular symmetry

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    We study a flavor model with A(4) symmetry which originates from S-4 modular group. In S-4 symmetry, Z(2) subgroup can be anomalous, and then S-4 can be violated to A(4). Starting with a S-4 symmetric Lagrangian at the tree level, the Lagrangian at the quantum level has only A(4) symmetry when Z(2) in S-4 is anomalous. We obtain modular forms of two singlets and a triplet representations of A(4) by decomposing S-4 modular forms into A(4) representations. We propose a new A(4) flavor model of leptons by using those A(4) modular forms. We succeed in constructing a viable neutrino mass matrix through the Weinberg operator for both normal hierarchy (NH) and inverted hierarchy (IH) of neutrino masses. Our predictions of the CP violating Dirac phase delta(CP) and the mixing sin(2)theta(23) depend on the sum of neutrino masses for NH

    A(4) lepton flavor model and modulus stabilization from S-4 modular symmetry

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    We study the modulus stabilization in an A(4) model whose A(4) flavor symmetry is originated from the S-4 modular symmetry. We can stabilize the modulus so that the A(4) invariant superpotential leads to the realistic lepton masses and mixing angles. We also discuss the phenomenological aspect of the present model as a consequence of the modulus stabilization

    Evaluation of Right Ventricular overload by ^<123>I-MIBG, ^<123>I-BMIPP , and ^<99m>Tc-MIBI

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    It is important to evaluate the severity of right ventricular (RV) overload in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases or pulmonary thromboembolism because their prognosis depend on the severity of RV overload. Various examination methods have been used to non-invasively evaluate the severity of RV overload. We evaluated the usefulness of recently developed novel radiopharmaceuticals 123I-MIBG, 123I-BMIPP, and 99mTc-MIBI) in patients with chronic respiratory diseases or pulmonary thromboembolism. Myocardial scintigraphy using 1231-MIBG revealed that the ratio of scintillation counts in the interventricular septum (IVS) to those in the left ventricle (LV) correlated negatively with the mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP), suggesting the presence of sympathetic neuropathy due to RV overload. Myocardial scintigraphy using 123I-BMIPP revealed that the ratio of scintillation counts in the RV to those in LV (RV/LV uptake ratio) correlated with MPAP. There was a negative correlation between RV metabolic index [RVMI = (RV/LV ratio of 123I-BMIPP uptake)(RV/LV ratio of 201T1 uptake)] and MPAP. These findings suggested the presence of RV overload-induced fatty acid metabolic disorder. 99iTc-MIBI allows the simultaneous performance of both cardiac pool scintigraphy and myocardial single photon emission computed tomography. RV/LV ratio of 99Tc-MIBI uptake correlated with MPAP. Moreover, RV ejection fraction (RVEF) obtained by right cardiac pool scintigraphy correlated with the RVEF determined by the thermodilution method, suggesting the usefulness of 99mTc-MIBI. Our findings suggest that these radiopharmaceuticals are useful for evaluating the severity of RV overload in patients with chronic respiratory diseases or pulmonary thromboembolism, as well as for evaluating RV overloadinduced metabolic disorders