297 research outputs found

    The keys to learning for university students with disabilities: Motivation, emotion and faculty-student relationships

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    The affective-emotional dimension may constitute a key element in teaching and learning processes. It is linked to relationship between faculty and students and may help foster students with disabilities’ motivation to learn and remain at university. This is the approach adopted in this article, which aims to fill a gap detected in the literature, since very little attention has hitherto been paid to motivation, emotion and the importance of faculty-student relationships in the learning processes of students with disabilities. In this study, 119 faculty members from 10 Spanish universities who engage in inclusive practices in all areas of knowledge recounted, in response to questions asked during a semi-structured interview, how they motivated and related to their students. The conclusion reached is that students with disabilities are more motivated than their fellow classmates, meaning that very few extra actions need to be taken to engage them in the learning process. Nevertheless, participants reported having a knowledge of strategies based on motivation and emotion and using them to develop a sense of belonging among students, thus fostering their learning

    University surroundings andinfrastructures that are accessible and inclusive for all: listening to students with disabilities

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    The main topic of this article is architectural barriers and infrastructures as identified by university students with disabilities. The data presented is part of a much wider research project, sponsored by Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competition. A biographical-narrative methodology was used for this study. The results presented have been classified based on one of five barrier types: urban (barriers that are outside the actual university campus), transport (public transportation and personal vehicles), building (obstacles inside university buildings), environmental (those elements within the classroom, including furniture, excessive noise or inadequate temperatures) and communication (these are divided into signposting and barriers when accessing information). Lastly, a variety of questions are considered in the conclusions which indicate that universities still need a certain degree of adaptation and readjustment to really be accessible and inclusive, in keeping with the principles of universal desig

    Inclusive education and Higher Education from the viewpoint of students with functional diversity

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación en la que se analizaron los facilitadores y obstáculos que tres estudiantes con diversidad funcional identificaron durante su trayectoria en la universidad. Concretamente, se estudió cómo el profesorado había podido contribuir o no a la inclusión social y educativa. A partir del método biográfico-narrativo se pretendía dar voz a personas con diversidad funcional. Para la recogida de información se hizo uso de diversos instrumentos cualitativos: entrevistas biográficas, entrevistas focalizadas, entrevistas semiestructuradas, fotografías, autoinformes, línea de vida, diario de campo de la investigadora, notas de campo de la investigadora, observaciones, correos electrónicos y la técnica “Un día en la vida de...”. Se llevó a cabo un análisis narrativo que permitió construir tres historias de vida. En concreto, los resultados de este trabajo, a través de las narraciones de Marper, Andrés y Rafa, se centran en analizar cómo el profesorado contribuía o no a la inclusión de los estudiantes y cuáles eran las principales barreras que identificaban referidas a éste. Entre las principales conclusiones cabe resaltar cómo algunos docentes no estaban suficientemente formados para responder a las necesidades de los estudiantes o cómo, en ocasiones, no se realizaban los ajustes necesarios para el aprendizaje y participación de los estudiantes.This article presents the results of a research that sought to analyze the facilitators and obstacles that three students with functional diversity identified during their career in the university, namely how teachers had been able to contribute to their social and educational inclusion. From the biographical-narrative method was intended to give voice to people with functional diversity. For the collection of information, a variety of qualitative instruments were used: biographical interviews, focused interviews, semi- structured interviews, photographs, self-reports, lifeline, researcher’s field diary, Emails and the technique “A day in the life of ...” A narrative analysis was carried out that allowed to construct three histories of life. In particular, the results of this work, through the narratives of Marper, Andrés and Rafa, focus on analyzing how teachers contributed or not to the inclusion of students and what were the main barriers that identify referred to it. Among the main conclusions, it should be pointed out that some teachers were not sufficiently trained to respond to the needs of the students or because, sometimes, the necessary adjustments were not made for student learning and participation.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa onde foram analisados os facilitadores e os obstáculos que três estudantes com diversidade funcional identificaram durante a sua carreira na universidade, especificamente na forma como os professores tinham sido capazes de contribuir ou não a sua inclusão social e educacional. A partir do método biográfico-narrativo pretendeu-se dar voz às pessoas com diversidade funcional. Para a coleta de informações utilizou-se vários instrumentos qualitativos: entrevistas biográficas, entrevistas focalizadas, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, fotografias, auto- relatórios, linha de tempo, diário de campo da pesquisadora, notas de campo da pesquisadora, observações, e-mails e a técnica “um dia na vida de ...”. Foi realizada uma análise narrativa que permitiu construir três histórias de vida. Especificamente, os resultados deste trabalho, através das narracões de Marper, Andrew e Rafa, concentram- se em analisar como os professores contribuíram ou não na inclusão dos estudantes e quais foram as principais barreiras identificadas em relação a este. Entre as principais conclusões destaca como alguns professores não foram suficientemente treinados para atender as necessidades dos estudantes ou como, às vezes, não foram feitos os ajustes necessários para a aprendizagem e participação dos alunos

    Aprendizaje colaborativo entre profesionales del apoyo

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    Este articulo presenta la experiencia formativa de un grupo de trabajo in-ter-centro que surge en el curso escolar 1992-93 y que opera hasta la actualidad. Estegrupo, formado por profesionales del apoyo, nace y se consolida teniendo como meta labúsqueda de respuestas teóricas y practicas a las demandas y retos derivadas de la diversi-dad en las aulas. En este trabajo no se presenta la investigación en su totalidad sino quepor el contrario se ha optado exclusivamente por el proceso de formación del grupo detrabajo, es decir, se pretende analizar cómo aprenden los participantes en la experienciade formación y en consecuencia, cómo repercute dicha formación en su desarrollo pro-fesional. El trabajo está organizado en torno a cuatro partes. En un primer momento serealiza una breve revisión teórica acerca de temas vinculados al propósito de este trabajo(especialmente formación en y sobre la diversidad basada en estrategias de colaboracióny reflexión). A partir de esta introducción teórica se define y explica el diseño metodoló-gico del estudio, para pasar a comentar los resultados de éste en el ámbito concreto de ladinámica de trabajo o proceso formativo. Por último, el articulo finaliza con una serie deconclusiones, a modo de reflexiones, acerca del alcance de la formación colaborativa enel desarrollo del profesorado implicado en esta experiencia.This article presents the training experience of an inter school workinggroup that arises in the course 1992-93 and that operates to the present time. Thisgroup, formed by professionals of the support, is created and is consolidated havinglike goal the practica] and theoretical search of answers to the demands and challengesderived from the diversity in the classrooms. In this work not the research in its totalityis presented but on the contrary has opted exclusively by the process of training of theworking group, that is to say, intends to analyze how learn the participants in the expe-rience and as consequence, how results said formation to their professional develop-ment. The work is organized around four parts. In a first moment a theoretical revi-sion about themes is carried out linked to the purpose of this work (especiallyformation in and on the diversity based on strategies of collaboration). From this in-troduction is defined and explains the design of the study, to pass to comment the re-sults of this, in the concrete environment of the training dynamic. Finally, the articleends with conclusions, to way of reflections, about the reach of the collaborative trai-ning in the development of the teachers implied in this experience

    Vulnerable to silence. School stories of young people with disabilities

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    El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer y analizar las trayectorias, vivencias, perspectivas y valoraciones de jóvenes con discapacidad que han estado escolarizados en diversos contextos educativos. Los datos que se presentan en este trabajo forman parte de una investigación más amplia cuya finalidad ha sido el análisis de la construcción del proceso de exclusión social de jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 25 años. La metodología empleada en este estudio ha sido la biográfico-narrativa, puesto que permite realizar un acercamiento dinámico, participativo e integral al tema de la exclusión al dar voz a los participantes a través de las narraciones de sus historias de vida. Este trabajo se centra en una submuestra del estudio (la conformada por jóvenes con discapacidad). Asimismo, se presenta un único ámbito de los que componen esas historias de vida: los itinerarios y las experiencias escolares de dichos jóvenes. En concreto, a través de un análisis transversal de estos relatos escolares se presentan los resultados que giran alrededor de cinco cuestiones: ¿unas trayectorias educativas que discurren por sendas paralelas?; ¿un contexto educativo ordinario que segrega?; ¿un contexto educativo específico que facilita las primeras experiencias de integración?; ¿una vida social limitada a contextos especiales?; y, por último, ¿un proceso de aprendizaje en el aula que no garantiza la participación y pertenencia de todos? Las conclusiones de este trabajo girarán en torno a las barreras y ayudas a la inclusión educativa que estos jóvenes identifican en sus historias escolares.The purpose of this article is to explore and analyze the background, experiences, perspectives and opinions of young people with disabilities who have been educated in a number of different educational contexts. The data that appear in this paper are part of a wider investigation whose purpose is to analyze the construction of the process of social exclusion in young people between the ages of 18 and 25. A biographical-narrative methodology is used in this study, because, in giving voice to the participants through the narrations of their life stories, the chosen methodology enables a dynamic, participative, comprehensive approach to be taken to the topic of exclusion. The paper focuses on a subsample of the study (the subsample of young people with disabilities). Furthermore, only one of the component realms of the subjects’ life stories is presented the educational pathways and school experiences of the young people. Transverse analysis of these accounts of school yields results that revolve around five questions: Educational careers that travel parallel paths? An «ordinary» educational context that segregates? A «specific» educational context that facilitates the first experiences of integration? A social life limited to special contexts? And lastly, a learning process in the classroom that does not guarantee the participation and belonging of «all»The conclusions of this paper revolve around the barriers to educational inclusion and the aids to educational inclusion that these young people identify in their school stories

    Cooperative Learning to Inclusive Education: Development of PAC Program in Primary Education

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    El aprendizaje cooperativo está siendousado como un vehículo para desarrollar prácticas in-clusivas en los centros educativos. Este artículo presentalos resultados del desarrollo del programa sobre apren-dizaje cooperativo PAC en un aula de 5º de EducaciónPrimaria. En el diseño metodológico de este trabajo sehará referencia a la investigación más amplia a la quepertenecen estos datos y se enunciarán los instrumen-tos de recogida de datos cualitativos utilizados y análi-sis de datos que se ha realizado. Posteriormente, los re-sultados del trabajo ofrecerán evidencias de por qué ycómo se ha implementado este programa en ese aula,así como las principales ventajas y dificultades identifi-cadas en este proceso. Las conclusiones de este artí-culo retomarán algunos de los resultados más signifi-cativos del análisis presentado, relacionando estoshallazgos con otras investigaciones previas.Cooperative learning is being used as a vehi-cle for developing inclusive practices in schools. This ar-ticle presents the results of the development of PAC co-operative learning in a fifth-grade classroom. In themethodological design of this work we will refer to moreextensive research pertaining to these results and ex-plain the qualitative data collection instrument usedand the analysis performed. Subsequently, the results ofthis research will provide evidence of why and how thisprogram has been implemented in the classroom aswell as the main advantages and difficulties encoun-tered in this process. The conclusions of this article goover some of the most significant results of the analy-sis presented, linking these findings to previous investi-gations

    La enseñanza superior ante el alumnado con discapacidad

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    En este capítulo se presentan los fundamentos teóricos de este proyecto de investigación, que giran fundamentalmente en torno a los siguientes aspectos: la educación inclusiva en la Enseñanza Superior (ES), la normativa universitaria en materia de discapacidad, la Universidad como una oportunidad, la investigación previa sobre ES y discapacidad, las barreras que los alumnos con discapacidad encuentran en la Universidad, y la necesidad de desarrollar políticas que garanticen una educación inclusiva

    When people matter: the ethics of qualitative research in the health and social sciences

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    When research involves people, ethics are fundamental. In the health and social sciences, when qualitative methodologies are used, in addition to ensuring an ethical process approved by the ethics review board, it is also necessary to guarantee an ethical practice capable of responding adequately to the complex questions and dilemmas which arise as the study progresses. This theoretical article analyses some of the most sensitive issues involved in qualitative research and discusses the following questions: (a) How should ethics be approached when working with vulnerable groups? (b) Is informed consent enough? (c) Should we rethink anonymity? (d) What is the difference between confidentiality and anonymity? (e) What exactly do we mean by relational ethics? (f) How can we avoid hurting people, yet remain honest? In the conclusions, we discuss some basic aspects for ensuring ethical studies. This paper, therefore, may be of interest to all health and social researchers concerned about ensuring that their studies comply with ethical principles which recognise, protect and respect participants’ right

    How do Spanish disability support officescontribute to inclusive education in the university?

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    This article analyzes the functioning of disability support offices and their contribution to inclusive education in seven Spanish universities from the perspective of staff. Using a qualitative methodology, interviews with office staff were conducted, and data were analyzed through an inductive coding system. The results are organized around five themes: characteristics of disability support offices, staff training, functions performed by different services, barriers and opportunities identified by office staff, and proposals to improve attention given to disabled students. Information gathered leads to the conclusion that the work carried out in disability support offices must receive support from universities, as these offices are a key element for the access and retention of students with disabilities in the university and for the successful completion of their studies