5,665 research outputs found

    Coordination under the Shadow of Career Concerns

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    To innovate, employees need to develop novel ideas and coordinate with each other to turn these ideas into better products and services. Work outcomes provide signals about employees' abilities to the labor market, and therefore career concerns arise. These can both be 'good' (enhancing incentives for effort in developing ideas) and 'bad' (preventing voluntary coordination). Our model shows how the firm designs its explicit incentive system and organizes work processes to take these conflicting forces into account. The comparative statics results suggest a link between the increased use of teams and recent changes in labor market returns to skills.career concerns, group incentives, knowledge work, reputation, teams

    Video distribution system cost model

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    A cost model that can be used to systematically identify the costs of procuring and operating satellite linked communications systems is described. The user defines a network configuration by specifying the location of each participating site, the interconnection requirements, and the transmission paths available for the uplink (studio to satellite), downlink (satellite to audience), and voice talkback (between audience and studio) segments of the network. The model uses this information to calculate the least expensive signal distribution path for each participating site. Cost estimates are broken downy by capital, installation, lease, operations and maintenance. The design of the model permits flexibility in specifying network and cost structure

    An experimental test of career concerns

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    Holmström’s (1982/99) career concerns model has become an important workhorse for the analysis of agency issues in many fields. The underlying signal jamming argument requires players to use information in a Bayesian way – which may or may not reasonably approximate real-life decision makers’ behavior. Testing this theory with field data is difficult since typically little is known about the information that individuals base their decisions on, and this explains the dearth of empirical studies. We provide experimental evidence that the signal jamming mechanism works in a laboratory setting. Moreover, subjects’ beliefs fit remarkably well requirements imposed by the Bayesian equilibrium concept.incentives, reputation, career concerns, signal jamming, experiments

    Temperature-dependent change of the fractal dimension of Cu dendrites on Cu(111)

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    We investigate the shape of monatomic high Cu islands on a Cu(111) surface by variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy between 110 K and 240 K. Low temperature dendrites evolve towards more compact shapes at increasing temperature; finally reaching the equilibrium shape of a hexagon with rounded corners. Time-lapsed imaging at increasing temperature reveals the onset of shape change to be at ≈170 K, corresponding to the onset of edge and corner diffusion of atoms along the island's borders. Despite a substantial variation for individual islands at each temperature, the mean fractal dimension increases monotonously between 170 K up to 240 K, from the smallest to the largest values feasible for islands grown on surfaces. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    Exploiting the Temporal Logic Hierarchy and the Non-Confluence Property for Efficient LTL Synthesis

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    The classic approaches to synthesize a reactive system from a linear temporal logic (LTL) specification first translate the given LTL formula to an equivalent omega-automaton and then compute a winning strategy for the corresponding omega-regular game. To this end, the obtained omega-automata have to be (pseudo)-determinized where typically a variant of Safra's determinization procedure is used. In this paper, we show that this determinization step can be significantly improved for tool implementations by replacing Safra's determinization by simpler determinization procedures. In particular, we exploit (1) the temporal logic hierarchy that corresponds to the well-known automata hierarchy consisting of safety, liveness, Buechi, and co-Buechi automata as well as their boolean closures, (2) the non-confluence property of omega-automata that result from certain translations of LTL formulas, and (3) symbolic implementations of determinization procedures for the Rabin-Scott and the Miyano-Hayashi breakpoint construction. In particular, we present convincing experimental results that demonstrate the practical applicability of our new synthesis procedure

    Anomalous Scaling in Heteroepitaxial Island Dynamics on Ag(100)

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    Diffusion and decay of alloyed Cu=Ag islands are investigated in the size range from 1 to 40 nm2 on Ag(100) at room temperature with fast-scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory. While islands at sizes above 7 nm2 show the diffusion and decay behavior expected for dynamics based on single atom hopping, islands smaller than 4 nm2 diffuse faster and decay slower than predicted by standard theory. This anomalous behavior at unexpected large island sizes is related to a size dependent dealloying of the Cu=Ag islands

    Two-Dimensional General Rate Model of Liquid Chromatography Incorporating Finite Rates of Adsorption−Desorption Kinetics and Core−Shell Particles

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    A two-dimensional general rate model of liquid chromatography incorporating slow rates of adsorption–desorption kinetics, axial and radial dispersions, and core–shell particles is formulated. Radial concentration gradients are generated inside the column by considering different regions of injection at the inlet. Analytical solutions are obtained for a single-component linear model by simultaneously utilizing the Laplace and Hankel transformations for the considered two sets of boundary conditions. These linear solutions are useful for simulating liquid-chromatographic columns with diluted or small-volume samples and those in which radial concentration gradients are significant. To gain further insight into the process, analytical moments are also deduced from the Laplace–Hankel-domain solutions. For situations of concentrated and large-volume samples, which are not solvable analytically, formulation of nonlinear models is necessary. In this study, a semidiscrete, high-resolution, finite-volume scheme is extended to approximate the resulting nonlinear-model equations for multicomponent mixtures. The performance of the column is analyzed by implementing a specified criterion of performance. A few numerical case studies are conducted to inspect the effects of the model parameters on the elution profiles

    Multiple sequence alignment based on set covers

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    We introduce a new heuristic for the multiple alignment of a set of sequences. The heuristic is based on a set cover of the residue alphabet of the sequences, and also on the determination of a significant set of blocks comprising subsequences of the sequences to be aligned. These blocks are obtained with the aid of a new data structure, called a suffix-set tree, which is constructed from the input sequences with the guidance of the residue-alphabet set cover and generalizes the well-known suffix tree of the sequence set. We provide performance results on selected BAliBASE amino-acid sequences and compare them with those yielded by some prominent approaches

    Dating of streamwater using tritium in a post nuclear bomb pulse world: continuous variation of mean transit time with streamflow

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    Tritium measurements of streamwater draining the Toenepi catchment, a small dairy farming area in Waikato, New Zealand, have shown that the mean transit time of the water varies with the flow rate of the stream. Mean transit times through the catchment are 2–5 years during high baseflow conditions in winter, increasing to 30–40 years as baseflow decreases in summer, and then dramatically older water during drought conditions with mean transit time of more than 100 years. Older water is gained in the lower reaches of the stream, compared to younger water in the headwater catchment. The groundwater store supplying baseflow was estimated from the mean transit time and average baseflow to be 15.4 × 10<sup>6</sup> m<sup>3</sup> of water, about 1 m water equivalent over the catchment and 2.3 times total annual streamflow. Nitrate is relatively high at higher flow rates in winter, but is low at times of low flow with old water. This reflects both lower nitrate loading in the catchment several decades ago as compared to current intensive dairy farming, and denitrification processes occurring in the older groundwater. Silica, leached from the aquifer material and accumulating in the water in proportion to contact time, is high at times of low streamflow with old water. There was a good correlation between silica concentration and streamwater age, which potentially allows silica concentrations to be used as a proxy for age when calibrated by tritium measurements. This study shows that tritium dating of stream water is possible with single tritium measurements now that bomb-test tritium has effectively disappeared from hydrological systems in New Zealand, without the need for time-series data