3,771 research outputs found

    Qualität des Weidefutters in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung

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    Grazing of dairy cows is mandatory in organic farming. However, as in conventional farming there is a tendency to increase milk yield per cows by employing other feeding strategies than grazing. On-farm research was initiated on organic dairy farms in Lower Saxony to investigate the current practice of grassland utilization and dairy husbandry and to explore the potential of grazing for milk production. The results show that with an increased focus on grazing of dairy cows there is considerable room for more milk being produced from grazed grass. An in-depth analysis of the spatio-temporal pattern of the quality of the herbage on offer revealed steadily high net energy and protein concentrations almost irrespective of the sward botanical composition and the season of sampling. Research is needed to improve grazing management strategies in organic farming to make better use of the high potential of grazed grasslands and thereby increase the sustainability of milk production

    Reassessment of causes of ozone column variability following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo using a nudged CCM

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    The eruption of Mount Pinatubo produced the largest loading of stratospheric sulphate aerosol in the twentieth century. This heated the tropical lower stratosphere, affecting stratospheric circulation, and provided enhanced surface area for heterogeneous chemistry. These factors combined to produce record low values of "global" total ozone column. Though well studied, there remains some uncertainty about the attribution of this low ozone, with contributions from both chemical and dynamical effects. We take a complementary approach to previous studies, nudging the potential temperature and horizontal winds in the new UKCA chemistry climate model to reproduce the atmospheric response and assess the impact on global total ozone. We then combine model runs and observations to distinguish between chemical and dynamical effects. To estimate the effects of increased heterogeneous chemistry on ozone we compare runs with volcanically enhanced and background surface aerosol density. The modelled depletion of global ozone peaks at about 7 DU in early 1993, in good agreement with values obtained from observations. We subtract the modelled aerosol induced ozone loss from the observed ozone record and attribute the remaining variability to `dynamical' effects. The remaining variability is dominated by the QBO. We also examine tropical and mid-latitude ozone, diagnosing contributions from El Niño in the tropics and identifying dynamically driven low ozone in northern mid-latitudes, which we interpret as possible evidence of changes in the QBO. We conclude that, on a global scale, the record lows of extra-polar ozone are produced by the increased heterogeneous chemistry, although there is evidence for dynamics produced low ozone in certain regions, including northern mid-latitudes

    Multiple sequence alignment based on set covers

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    We introduce a new heuristic for the multiple alignment of a set of sequences. The heuristic is based on a set cover of the residue alphabet of the sequences, and also on the determination of a significant set of blocks comprising subsequences of the sequences to be aligned. These blocks are obtained with the aid of a new data structure, called a suffix-set tree, which is constructed from the input sequences with the guidance of the residue-alphabet set cover and generalizes the well-known suffix tree of the sequence set. We provide performance results on selected BAliBASE amino-acid sequences and compare them with those yielded by some prominent approaches

    Stable propagation of an ordered array of cracks during directional drying

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    We study the appearance and evolution of an array of parallel cracks in a thin slab of material that is directionally dried, and show that the cracks penetrate the material uniformly if the drying front is sufficiently sharp. We also show that cracks have a tendency to become evenly spaced during the penetration. The typical distance between cracks is mainly governed by the typical distance of the pattern at the surface, and it is not modified during the penetration. Our results agree with recent experimental work, and can be extended to three dimensions to describe the properties of columnar polygonal patterns observed in some geological formations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Exploiting the Temporal Logic Hierarchy and the Non-Confluence Property for Efficient LTL Synthesis

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    The classic approaches to synthesize a reactive system from a linear temporal logic (LTL) specification first translate the given LTL formula to an equivalent omega-automaton and then compute a winning strategy for the corresponding omega-regular game. To this end, the obtained omega-automata have to be (pseudo)-determinized where typically a variant of Safra's determinization procedure is used. In this paper, we show that this determinization step can be significantly improved for tool implementations by replacing Safra's determinization by simpler determinization procedures. In particular, we exploit (1) the temporal logic hierarchy that corresponds to the well-known automata hierarchy consisting of safety, liveness, Buechi, and co-Buechi automata as well as their boolean closures, (2) the non-confluence property of omega-automata that result from certain translations of LTL formulas, and (3) symbolic implementations of determinization procedures for the Rabin-Scott and the Miyano-Hayashi breakpoint construction. In particular, we present convincing experimental results that demonstrate the practical applicability of our new synthesis procedure

    Technical Note: Description and assessment of a nudged version of the new dynamics Unified Model

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    International audienceWe present a "nudged" version of the Met Office general circulation model, the Unified Model. We constrain this global climate model using ERA-40 re-analysis data with the aim of reproducing the observed "weather" over a year from September 1999. Quantitative assessments are made of its performance, focusing on dynamical aspects of nudging and demonstrating that the "weather" is well simulated

    Методи оцінки ризиків в інформаційній системі аналізу екологічного стану басейну малої ріки

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    В інформаційній системі аналізу стану басейну малої ріки запропоновано методи оцінки ризиків на основі імовірнісних та статистичних оцінок, формалізації моделі гри з природою, прогнозування процесів підтоплення земель з використанням ланцюгів Маркова, розглянуто багато критеріальні моделі ризиків.In informational and analytical system of the small rivers’ ecological condition estimation the methods of risks modelling on the basis of likelihood and statistical estimations, formalization of models of game with nature, risk modelling and forecasting processes flooded lands using Markov chains are offered, multicriteria models of risks are considered

    Probing two topological surface bands of Sb2Te3 by spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy

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    Using high resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we map the electronic structure and spin texture of the surface states of the topological insulator Sb2Te3. In combination with density functional calculations (DFT), we directly show that Sb2Te3 exhibits a partially occupied, single spin-Dirac cone around the Fermi energy, which is topologically protected. DFT obtains a spin polarization of the occupied Dirac cone states of 80-90%, which is in reasonable agreement with the experimental data after careful background subtraction. Furthermore, we observe a strongly spin-orbit split surface band at lower energy. This state is found at 0.8eV below the Fermi level at the gamma-point, disperses upwards, and disappears at about 0.4eV below the Fermi level into two different bulk bands. Along the gamma-K direction, the band is located within a spin-orbit gap. According to an argument given by Pendry and Gurman in 1975, such a gap must contain a surface state, if it is located away from the high symmetry points of the Brillouin zone. Thus, the novel spin-split state is protected by symmetry, too.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Are Individuals Fickle-Minded?

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    Game theory has been used to model large-scale social events — such as constitutional law, democratic stability, standard setting, gender roles, social movements, communication, markets, the selection of officials by means of elections, coalition formation, resource allocation, distribution of goods, and war — as the aggregate result of individual choices in interdependent decision-making. Game theory in this way assumes methodological individualism. The widespread observation that game theory predictions do not in general match observation has led to many attempts to repair game theory by creating behavioral game theory, which adds corrective terms to the game theoretic predictions in the hope of making predictions that better match observations. But for game theory to be useful in making predictions, we must be able to generalize from an individual’s behavior in one situation to that individual’s behavior in very closely similar situations. In other words, behavioral game theory needs individuals to be reasonably consistent in action if the theory is to have predictive power. We argue on the basis of experimental evidence that the assumption of such consistency is unwarranted. More realistic models of individual agents must be developed that acknowledge the variance in behavior for a given individual

    The Atomic Slide Puzzle: Self-Diffusion of an Impure Atom

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    In a series of recent papers van Gastel et al have presented first experimental evidence that impure, Indium atoms, embedded into the first layer of a Cu(001) surface, are not localized within the close-packed surface layers but make concerted, long excursions visualized in a series of STM images. Such excursions occur due to continuous reshuffling of the surface following the position exchanges of both impure and host atoms with the naturally occuring surface vacancies. Van Gastel et al have also formulated an original lattice-gas type model with asymmetric exchange probabilities, whose numerical solution is in a good agreement with the experimental data. In this paper we propose an exact lattice solution of several versions of this model.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (RC