420 research outputs found

    Functionalized NaA Nanozeolites Labeled with 224,225Ra for Targeted Alpha Therapy

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    The 223Ra, 224Ra, and 225Ra radioisotopes exhibit very attractive nuclear properties for application in radionuclide therapy. Unfortunately the lack of appropriate bifunctional ligand for radium is the reason why these radionuclides have not found application in receptor-targeted therapy. In the present work, the potential usefulness of the NaA nanozeolite as a carrier for radium radionuclides has been studied. 224Ra and 225Ra, a-particle emitting radionuclides, have been absorbed in the nanometer-sized NaA zeolite (30–70 nm) through simple ion exchange. 224,225Ra-nanozeolites exhibited very high stability in solutions containing physiological salt, EDTA, amino acids, and human serum. To make NaA nanozeolite particles dispersed in water their surface was modified with a silane coupling agent containing poly(ethylene glycol) molecules. This functionalization approach let us covalently attach a biomolecule to the NaA nanozeolite surface.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr

    Alpha-particle emitting 213Bi-anti-EGFR immunoconjugates eradicate tumor cells independent of oxygenation

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    Hypoxia is a central problem in tumor treatment because hypoxic cells are less sensitive to chemo- and radiotherapy than normoxic cells. Radioresistance of hypoxic tumor cells is due to reduced sensitivity towards low Linear Energy Transfer (LET) radiation. High LET α-emitters are thought to eradicate tumor cells independent of cellular oxygenation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to demonstrate that the cell-bound α-particle emitting 213Bi immunoconjugates efficiently kill hypoxic just like normoxic CAL33 tumor cells. For that purpose CAL33 cells were incubated with 213Bianti- EGFR-MAb or irradiated with photons with a nominal energy of 6 MeV both under hypoxic and normoxic conditions. Oxygenation of cells was checked via the hypoxia-associated marker HIF-1α. Survival of cells was analysed using the clonogenic assay. Cell viability was monitored with the WST colorimetric assay. Results were evaluated statistically using a t-test and a Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM). Survival and viability of CAL33 cells decreased both after incubation with increasing 213Bi-anti-EGFR-MAb activity concentrations (9.25 kBq/ml – 1.48 MBq/ml) and irradiation with increasing doses of photons (0.5 – 12 Gy). Following photon irradiation survival and viability of normoxic cells were significantly lower than those of hypoxic cells at all doses analysed. In contrast, cell death induced by 213Bianti- EGFR-MAb turned out to be independent of cellular oxygenation. These results demonstrate for the first time that α-particle emitting 213Bi-immunoconjugates eradicate hypoxic tumor cells as effective as normoxic cells. Therefore, 213Biradioimmunotherapy seems to be an appropriate strategy for treatment of hypoxic tumors.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to synthesise and evaluate polylysine-based effectors for pretargeted radioimmunotherapy and imaging. These molecules can readily be size-modified and charge-modified to decrease the renal uptake of radioactivity, which is often a major problem for small radiolabeled molecules. Several chelators and biotin molecules (for antibody-streptavidin-binding in vivo) are also easily incorporated into one structure because of the polylysine.Methods: The effectors were synthesised using poly-L-lysine, NHS-LC-biotin, CHX-A''-DTPA or p-SCN-Bn-DOTA and succinic anhydride. They were characterised, labelled with 213Bi for targeted α therapy, 68Ga for PET and 111In for SPECT, and evaluated in vitro. A kidney uptake study was performed as well with two different-sized 213Bi-labeled effectors, to evaluate how the difference in size affects the renal filtration.Results: Radiochemical purities between 97.4±0.6 % and 99.6±0.1 % and decay-corrected yields of 80.2±2.4 % after purification were achieved with the radiolabeled molecules, as well as a specific activity of 7.6 × 103GBq/”mol. The avidin binding capacity was 94.4±1.9%. The kidney uptake study demonstrated a reduction of renal absorbed dose by 80% when modifying the molecular size and charge.Conclusion: The synthesised polylysine-based effectors show potential for further in vivo evaluation in pretargeted radioimmunotherapy and imaging

    Long-Term Tumor Control Following Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT) of Low-Grade Gliomas (LGGs): A New Treatment Paradigm?

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    The median survival time has been reported to vary between 5 and 8 years in low-grade (WHO grade 2) astrocytoma, and between 10 and 15 years for grade 2 oligodendroglioma. Targeted alpha therapy (TAT), using the modified peptide vector [213Bi]Bi/[225Ac]Ac-DOTA-substance P, has been developed to treat glioblastoma (GBM), a prevalent malignant brain tumor. In order to assess the risk of late neurotoxicity, assuming that reduced tumor cell proliferation and invasion should directly translate into good responses in low-grade gliomas (LGGs), a limited number of patients with diffuse invasive astrocytoma (n = 8) and oligodendroglioma (n = 3) were offered TAT. In two oligodendroglioma patients, TAT was applied as a second-line treatment for tumor progression, 10 years after targeted beta therapy using [90Y]Y-DOTA-substance P. The radiopharmaceutical was locally injected directly into the tumor via a stereotactic insertion of a capsule-catheter system. The activity used for radiolabeling was 2-2.5 GBq of Bismuth-213 and 17 to 35 MBq of Actinium-225, mostly applied in a single fraction. The recurrence-free survival times were in the range of 2 to 16 years (median 11 years) in low-grade astrocytoma (n = 8), in which TAT was administered following a biopsy or tumor debulking. Regarding oligodendroglioma, the recurrence-free survival time was 24 years in the first case treated, and 4 and 5 years in the two second-line cases. In conclusion, TAT leads to long-term tumor control in the majority of patients with LGG, and recurrence has so far not manifested in patients with low-grade (grade 2) astrocytomas who received TAT as a first-line therapy. We conclude that targeted alpha therapy has the potential to become a new treatment paradigm in LGG

    DTPA complexation of bismuth in human blood serum

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    The in vivo 212Pb / 212Bi generator is promising for application in targeted alpha therapy (TAT) of cancer. One main limitation of its therapeutic application is due to potential release of 212Bi from the radioconjugate upon radioactive decay of the mother nuclide 212Pb, potentially leading to irradiation of healthy tissue. The objective of the present work is to assess whether the chelate CHX-A''-DTPA (N-(2-Aminoethyl)-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N',N''-pentaacetic Acid) bound to a biological carrier molecule may be able to re-complex released 212Bi under in vivo conditions to limit its translocation from the target site. CHX-A''-DTPA was bound to bovine gamma globulin (BGG) to mimic a model conjugate and the stability of the Bi-CHX-A''-DTPA-BGG conjugate was studied in blood serum by ultrafiltration. TRLFS experiments using Cm(III) as fluorescent probe demonstrated that linking CHX-A''-DTPA to an BGG does not affect the coordination properties of the ligand. Furthermore, comparable stability constants were observed between Bi(III) and free CHX-A''-DTPA, BGG-bound CHX-A''-DTPA and DTPA. The complexation constants determined between Bi(III) and the chelate molecules are sufficiently high to allow ultra trace amounts of the ligand to efficiently compete with serum transferrin controlling Bi(III) speciation in blood plasma conditions. Nevertheless, CHX-A''-DTPA is not able to complex Bi(III) generated in blood serum because of the strong competition between Bi(III) and Fe(II) for the ligand. In other words, CHX-A''-DTPA is not selective enough to limit Bi(III) release in the body when applying the 212Pb / 212Bi in vivo generator.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr

    Targeted alpha therapy for glioblastoma

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    According to the 2021 World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System, glioblastoma (GB) is a primary brain tumor and presents with the worst prognosis. Due to its infiltrating characteristic, molecular heterogeneity, and only partly preserved function of the blood-brain barrier, the median overall survival time is short (9–15 months), regardless of comprehensive treatment including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Several novel treatment strategies are under investigation. Unfortunately, none of them produced successful results; 90% of patients have a recurrence of the disease within 6 months. Local administration of the drug could be a promising approach to delivering treatment with minimized side effects, due to the recurrence of 95% glioblastomas in a margin of 2 cm at the primary site. Several ligand-receptor systems have been evaluated, such as targeting tenascin, the extracellular matrix protein, or radiolabeled somatostatin analogs, as it is overexpressed with the SSTR-2 receptor system in around 80% of gliomas. Moreover, this study revealed that the NK-1 receptor is overexpressed in GB, suggesting that substance P (SP) may serve as a ligand. A variety of radioisotopes, beta- (131I, 90Y, or 177 Lu) and alpha emitters (213Bi, 225Ac, or 211At), with different physical properties were tested for treatment. Alpha particles have many advantages over beta radiation such as short range with higher linear energy transfer. According to that characteristic, it is extremely dose delivered to the targeted cells, while reducing harm to nearby healthy tissue. Additionally, the biological effect of alpha radiation is independent of the cell cycle phase, cell oxygenation and O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter methylation status. In this article, we summarize the experience with local treatment of primary and secondary GBs with locally used radioisotopes such as [213Bi]Bi-DOTA-SP or [225Ac]Ac-DOTA-SP

    DNA double strand breaks as predictor of efficacy of the alpha-particle emitter Ac-225 and the electron emitter Lu-177 for somatostatin receptor targeted radiotherapy

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    Key biologic effects of the alpha-particle emitter Actinium-225 in comparison to beta-particle emitter Lutetium-177 labeled somatostatin analogue DOTATOC in vitro and in vivo were studied to evaluate the significance of H2AX-foci formation and its downstream effects. To determine relative biological effectiveness (RBE) between the two isotopes somatostatin expressing AR42J cells were incubated with Ac-225-DOTATOC and Lu-177-DOTATOC up to 48 h and viability was analyzed using the MTT assay. DNA double strand breaks were quantified after immunofluorescence staining of H2AX. Cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry. In vivo, uptake of both radiolabeled somatostatin-analogues into subcutaneous AR42J tumors and number of cells displaying H2AX-foci were measured. Therapeutic efficacy was assayed by monitoring tumor growth after treatment with activities translated from in vitro cytotoxicity. Ac-225-DOTATOC was synthesized with specific activities between 0.2-0.4 MBq/”g and radiochemical purity of > 90%. ED50 values were 30 kBq/ml after 24 h and 14 kBq/ml after 48 h. Lu-177-DOTATOC displayed radiochemical purity of >95% and ED50 values of 10 MBq/ml after 48 h. Number of DNA double strand breaks increased with increasing concentration of Ac 225 DOTATOC and Lu-177-DOTATOC similarly, if a factor of approximately 700 of Lu-177 activities over Ac-225 activities was applied. Already 24 h after incubation with 2.5, 5, and 10 kBq/ml Ac 225 DOTATOC cell cycle studies showed an increment of the percentage of tumor cells in G2/M phase up to 60%. After 72 h an apoptotic subG1 peak was also detectable. Tumor uptake for both radio peptides at 48 h was identical with 7.5 %ID/g, though overall number of cells with H2AX-foci was higher for tumors treated with 48 kBq Actinium-225-DOTATOC than tumors treated with 30 MBq Lutetium-177-DOTATOC (35% vs. 21%). Tumors with a mean volume of 0.34 ml reached exponential tumor growth after 25 days (44 kBq Ac-225-DOTATOC), after 21 days (34 MBq Lu-177-DOTATOC) and after 5 days (control). Thus H2AX-foci displayed the key parameter after irradiation with similar downstream effects for beta and alpha irradiation.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr

    Branched amphiphilic peptide capsules: Cellular uptake and retention of encapsulated solutes

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    Branched amphiphilic peptide capsules (BAPCs) are peptide nanospheres comprised of equimolar proportions of two branched peptide sequences bis(FLIVI)-K-KKKK and bis(FLIVIGSII)-K-KKKK that self-assemble to form bi-layer delimited capsules. In two recent publications we described the lipid analogous characteristics of our BAPCs, examined their initial assembly, mode of fusion, solute encapsulation, and resizing and delineated their capability to be maintained at a specific size by storing them at 4 °C. In this report we describe the stability, size limitations of encapsulation, cellular localization, retention and, bio-distribution of the BAPCs in vivo. The ability of our constructs to retain alpha particle emitting radionuclides without any apparent leakage and their persistence in the peri-nuclear region of the cell for extended periods of time, coupled with their ease of preparation and potential tune-ability, makes them attractive as biocompatible carriers for targeted cancer therapy using particle emitting radioisotopes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Interfacially active peptides and proteins

    Tris‐{hydridotris(1‐pyrazolyl)borato}actinide Complexes: Synthesis, Spectroscopy, Crystal Structure, Bonding Properties and Magnetic Behaviour

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    The isostructural compounds of the trivalent actinides uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, and curium with the hydridotris(1-pyrazolyl)borato (Tp) ligand An[η3_{3}-HB(N2_{2}C3_{3}H3_{3})3_{3}]3_{3} (AnTp3_{3}) have been obtained through several synthetic routes. Structural, spectroscopic (absorption, infrared, laser fluorescence) and magnetic characterisation of the compounds were performed in combination with crystal field, density functional theory (DFT) and relativistic multiconfigurational calculations. The covalent bonding interactions were analysed in terms of the natural bond orbital (NBO) and quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) models
