3,351 research outputs found

    Iron in Ice Cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica: Implications for Past Deposition of Aerosol Iron

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    Total-dissolvable iron has been measured in sections of three ice cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica, and the results used to calculate atmospheric iron deposition over this region during the late Holocene and to provide a preliminary est. of aerosol iron deposition during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Ice-core sections dating from 56-2730 BP (late Holocene) and ∼18 000 BP (LGM) were decontaminated using trace-metal clean techniques, and total-dissolvable iron was determined in the acidified meltwaters by flow-injection analysis. Our results suggest that the atmospheric iron flux onto the Law Dome region has varied significantly over time-scales ranging from seasonal to glacial-interglacial. The iron concentrations in ice-core sections from the past century suggest (1) a 2-4-fold variation in the atmospheric iron flux over a single annual cycle, with the highest flux occurring during the spring and summer, and (2) a nearly 7-fold variation in the annual maximum atmospheric iron flux over a 14 yr period. The average estimated atmospheric iron flux calculated from our late-Holocene samples is 0.056-0.14 mg m-2 a-1, which agrees well with Holocene flux estimates derived from aluminum measurements in inland Antarctic ice cores and a recent order-of-magnitude estimate of present-day atmospheric iron deposition over the Southern Ocean. The iron concentration of an ice-core section dating from the LGM was more than 50 times higher than in the late-Holocene ice samples. Using a snow-accumulation rate est. of 130 kg m-2 a-1 for this period, we calculate 0.87 mg m-2 a-1 as a preliminary estimate of atmospheric iron deposition during the LGM, which is 6-16 times greater than our average Late-Holocene iron flux. Our data are consistent with the suggestion that there was a significantly greater flux of atmospheric iron onto the Southern Ocean during the LGM than during the Holocene

    Microbead models in glaucoma

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    The sustained and moderate elevation of intraocular pressure, which can be initiated at precise time points, remains the cornerstone of research into the mechanisms of glaucomatous retinal damage. We focus on the use of microbeads to block the outflow of aqueous following anterior chamber injection in a range of animals (mouse, rat and primate). We describe some of the most commonly used parameters and present guidance on injection technique and bead manipulation to facilitate the successful generation of experimental glaucoma

    Survey of parasite control practices in sheep and cattle

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    Farms in the Albany, Esperance, Jerramungup and Katanning districts were surveyed to determine parasite control strategies currently used, to evaluate the adoption of recommended control practices and to detect areas of ineffective parasite control. For cattle, the number of drenches given in the low rainfall zone was higher than the number given in the high rainfall zone

    Lead Isotopes and Selected Metals in Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica

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    The isotopic composition. of Pb and the concentrations of Pb, Ba and Bi were measured in selected ice-core samples from Law Dome, East Antarctica, to a depth of 1196 m. The range of concentrations found in decontaminated ice was 0.03-1.5 pg g-1 for Pb, 0.9-6.1 pg g-1 for Ba and 0.4-17 fg g-1 for Bi, excluding the deepest sample which contained ∼1 ppm of rock dust. The abundances of all four stable lead isotopes were measured and gave 206Pb/207Pb ratios ≤ ∼1.23. A value of 208Pb/207Pb = 2.78 was measured in the deepest sample and is consistent with reported Pb isotope ratios of Antarctic granulites. Although the element concentrations in some samples were lower than have been reported elsewhere, geochemical and isotopic evidence indicated that a number of samples were contaminated with Pb not present in the original ice. However, it appears that the technical skills now available are approaching the level where careful sample selection, decontamination and analysis can yield accurate results for the concentration and isotopic composition of Pb in Earth\u27s purest naturally occurring ice

    Global Magellan-image map of Venus at full resolution

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    During its first 243-day mapping cycle, the Magellan spacecraft succeeded in imaging 84 percent of the surface of Venus at resolutions on the order of 100 meters; subsequent cycles have increased the total coverage to over 97 percent and provided redundant coverage of much of the planet with differing viewing geometries. Unfortunately, this full-resolution global dataset is in the form of thousands of individual orbit tracks (F-BIDR's) whose length-to-width ratio of nearly 1000:1 makes them minimally useful unless mosaicked. The Magellan project produced full-resolution mosaics (F-MIDR's) only for selected regions on the planet, whereas a global set of mosaics was made only at threefold degraded resolution (C1-MIDR's). Furthermore, although the F-MIDR's, which are approximately equidimensional, are much better suited for scientific interpretation than the F-BIDR's, they are still an unwieldy dataset: over 1500 quadrangles, each showing a region only about 600 km on a side, would be required to cover the entire planet. The USGS has therefore undertaken to produce and distribute a global, full resolution set of mosaics of the Magellan image data in a format that will be efficient for both hardcopy and digital use. The initial motivation was that it would provide an efficient means of verifying the integrity of the F-BIDR's to be archived on computer-compatible tape at the USGS Flagstaff facility. However, the resulting product, known as the FMAP, should also serve as an important resource for future scientific interpretation. It will offer several advantages beyond global coverage at full resolution. The first, alluded to above, is its division of the planet's surface to minimize the number of quadrangles and maximize their area, subject to the limits on the number of pixels imposed by state-of-the-art digital recording media and hardcopy output devices. The second, the use of improved 'cosmetic' processing techniques, will greatly reduce tonal discontinuities between component F-BIDR's in the FMAP compared to the standard Magellan mosaic products. Finally, wherever possible, the FMAP will incorporate data that were unavailable (e.g., because of processing delays) when the standard MIDR products were created, as well as data that were reprocessed to improve their radiometric or geometric quality

    A survey of drench resistance in sheep worms

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    Sheep worms which are resistant to chemical drenches have been detected with increasing freuency is Western Australia\u27s south-western farming areas between 977 and 1980. These worms have anthelmintic resistance and such genetis resistance puts essential internal parasite control practices at risk. This prompted veterinarians in the Esperance, Albany, Bunbury, Geraldton and Northam areas to survey farms to determine the prevalence of resistance to drenches and to define those sheep management practices which encourage its development. This article describes the survey which was conducted to assess the extent of drench resistance, what causes its build-up and how it can be controlled by using a combination of drenching programme changes and sheep management practices. It has been estimated that drench resistance alone could cost the State\u27s sheep industry 4millionto4 million to 6 million a year in lost production, and, as shis survey shows, there is potential for far greater costs if resistance continues to increase

    Seeing in the Dark and Through Walls: Using IR Cameras in STEM Outreach

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    The recent introduction of affordable infrared (IR) cameras and IR imaging attachments for smartphones has provided a unique opportunity to enhance the education of K-12 students. We have acquired a number of different IR cameras and IR camera attachments and discuss the utilization of these devices in both a college course and in our STEM and STEAM outreach efforts. While our outreach efforts have placed us in a classroom for just an hour or two at a time, thanks to local IEEE Chapter support, we have placed IR cameras in these classrooms for several weeks at a time. This paper discusses the outreach efforts and the utilization of IR cameras by 5th grade elementary school students and their classroom teachers after our departure and the wild enthusiasm that this approach has generated. A comparison of the different IR systems is also made

    Accelerating Climate-Mitigating Technology Development and Deployment

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    Policymakers and investors alike covet better information about the risks and potential of early-stage technologies. The motivation for the workshop on accelerating climate-mitigating technology development and deployment was to explore how different perspectives from the policy, analysis, and investor communities involved in clean energy innovation may be combined for more effective decision making.Global Sustainability Initiativ