347 research outputs found

    Covid-19 is an opportunity for gender equality within the workplace and at home

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    Could covid-19 help unravel gender norms

    Key Considerations for Accountability and Gender in Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

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    This article poses questions, challenges, and dilemmas for health system researchers striving to better understand how gender shapes accountability mechanisms, by critically examining the relationship between accountability and gender in health systems. It raises three key considerations, namely that: (1) power and inequities are centre stage: power relations are critical to both gender and accountability, and accountability mechanisms can transform health systems to be more gender-equitable; (2) intersectionality analyses are necessary: gender is only one dimension of marginalisation and intersects with other social stratifiers to create different experiences of vulnerability; we need to take account of how these stratifiers collectively shape accountability; and (3) empowerment processes that address gender inequities are a prerequisite for bringing about accountability. We suggest that holistic approaches to understanding health systems inequities and accountability mechanisms are needed to transform gendered power inequities, impact on the gendered dimensions of ill health, and enhance health system functioning.Open Society Foundations, Vozes Desiguais/Unequal Voices, Future Health Systems consortium, the Impact Initiative and Health Systems Globa

    Performance of private sector health care: implications for universal health coverage

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    Although the private sector is an important health-care provider in many low-income and middle-income countries, its role in progress towards universal health coverage varies. Studies of the performance of the private sector have focused on three main dimensions: quality, equity of access, and efficiency. The characteristics of patients, the structures of both the public and private sectors, and the regulation of the sector influence the types of health services delivered, and outcomes. Combined with characteristics of private providers-including their size, objectives, and technical competence-the interaction of these factors affects how the sector performs in different contexts. Changing the performance of the private sector will require interventions that target the sector as a whole, rather than individual providers alone. In particular, the performance of the private sector seems to be intrinsically linked to the structure and performance of the public sector, which suggests that deriving population benefit from the private health-care sector requires a regulatory response focused on the health-care sector as a whole

    A Small, Remotely Operated, Coronagraph located at Small Observatory to obtain Frequent Low-cost Remote Observations of the Lunar Exosphere

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    The sodium in the lunar exosphere is a marker for the study of the lunar exosphere because the sodium possesses two strong resonance transitions from the ground state whose wavelengths fall in the visible spectrum near 590 nm. Emissions at these wavelengths are thus, observable from Earth. Observations have shown that the exosphere responds in a complex way to the external processes (impact vaporization, sputtering, and photon stimulated desorption) that weather the lunar regolith to produce the sodium (Sarantos et aI., Icarus, 205, 2010). Unraveling the sodium production allows us to study the processes that weather the regolith. Obtaining the extensive time sequence of observations required to unravel the sources of sodium using conventional observatories is impractical, and too expensive. Effectively imaging the lunar sodium exosphere close to the Moon requires an off-axis rejection of scattered light that can only be obtained with a coronagraph sited at an observatory dedicated to remote robotic observing (the Winer Observatory in Sonoita Arizona) that can obtain the quality and quantity of lunar sodium observations needed to answer these questions, and at modest cost. The design uses Commercial Off the Shelf Technology (COTS). We are working to begin routine the observations before the launch of the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission

    Comparing the Atmospheres of Mercury and the Earth's Moon

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    The exospheres of Mercury and the Earth's Moon are fundamentally similar, but the differences that do exist between them can help us to develop a better understanding of the processes at work on the two bodies that produce and remove volatiles. The major differences are derived from (1) the different compositions of the two surfaces, (2) the different particle and field em'ironments above the surface of each body (particularly the presence of intrinsic magnetic field of Mercury), and (3) the larger flux of interplanetary dust incident at the orbit of Mercury. The first difference, surface composition, is the most intractable problem, but the most challenging part of that problem, the composition of the Hermean regolith, may be at least partially addressed as the MESSENGER mission completes work over the next year. Much progress has been made with respect to exploring the second difference above--spacecraft such as Helios, Ulysses, WIND, and ACE have measured the solar wind and its composition both in Earth orbit and at distances encompassing the orbit of Mercury. While our knowledge of the solar wind is incomplete, again it is far more detailed than a simple 1/R(sup 2) law would predict. Another problem is that of the flux of charged particles to the surfaces. While Mercury's magnetosphere is the subject of current study with MESSENGER, the influx of charged particles on the Moon has gone beyond a cos (psi) picture, where psi is the solar zenith angle. We know that the influx of ions at the Moon is affected by magnetic anomalies, by craters, and by surface charging. The third external difference is the differing flux of interplanetary dust incident on the two surfaces. In this talk we will consider: (1) the species that one can compare now for these two exospheres (Na, K, and He); (2) the species that you might be able to compare with future measurements (Ca and Mg); arid (3) how intensive ground-based observations of the easiest lunar species to observe from the ground, Na and K, might help us address source processes at work on both surfaces. We will discuss current and planned modeling efforts for both the lunar and Hermean exospheres, and some current and planned observations, both ground-based and space-based

    Reflections from Research in Gender and Ethics: Building Stronger Health Systems (RinGs)

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    Gender analysis is an important component of health systems research (HSR) as it reveals how power relations create inequalities in health system needs, experiences, and outcomes among women, men, and people of other genders. Various challenges must be overcome to successfully mainstream gender into health systems practice and research

    Gendered lives, gendered vulnerabilities: An intersectional gender analysis of exposure to and treatment of schistosomiasis in Pakwach district, Uganda

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    Introduction: Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) that is endemic in Uganda, despite several interventions to eliminate it. It is transmitted when people infected with it pass on their waste matter into fresh water bodies used by others, consequently infecting them. Several studies have demonstrated gender and age differences in prevalence of schistosomiasis and NTDs such as lymphatic filariasis and soil transmitted helminths. However, few intersectional gender analysis studies of schistosomiasis have been undertaken. Using the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s intersectional gender analysis toolkit, this study was undertaken to identify which social stratifiers most intersected with gender to influence vulnerability to and access to treatment for schistosomiasis disease, to understand how best to implement interventions against it. Methodology: This was a qualitative study comprising eight focus group discussions (FGDs) of community members, disaggregated by age, sex and location, and 10 key informant interviews with health care providers and community leaders. The Key informants were selected purposively while the community members were selected using stratified random sampling (to cater for age, sex and location). The data was analysed manually to identity key themes around gender, guided by a gender and intersectionality lens. Results: The study established that while the River Nile provided livelihoods it also exposed the community to schistosomiasis infection. Gender relations played a significant role in exposure to and access to treatment for schistosomiasis. Traditional gender roles determined the activities men and women performed in the private and public spheres, which in turn determined their exposure to schistosomiasis and treatment seeking behaviour. Gender relations also affected access to treatment and decision making over family health care. Men and some women who worked outside the home were reported to prioritise their income earning activities over seeking health care, while women who visited the health facilities more regularly for antenatal care and to take sick children were reported to have higher chance of being tested and treated in time, although this was undermined by the irregular and infrequent provision of praziquantel (PZQ) mass drug administration. These gender relations were further compounded by underdevelopment and limited economic opportunities, insufficient health care services, as well as the respondent’s age and location. Conclusions: The study concludes that vulnerability to schistosomiasis disease and treatment occurred within a complex web of gender relations, culture, poverty, limited economic opportunities and insufficient health services delivery, which together undermined efforts to eliminate schistosomiasis. This study recommends the following: a) increased public health campaigns around schistosomiasis prevention and treatment; b) more regular PZQ MDA at home and schools; c) improved health services delivery and integration of services to include vector control; d) prioritising NTDs; e) providing alternative economic activities; and f) addressing negative gender norms that promote social behaviours which negatively influence vulnerability, treatment seeking and decision making for health

    COVID-19 and the gendered use of emojis on Twitter: infodemiology study

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    BACKGROUND: The online discussion around the COVID-19 pandemic is multifaceted, and it is important to examine the different ways by which online users express themselves. Since emojis are used as effective vehicles to convey ideas and sentiments, they can offer important insight into the public's gendered discourses about the pandemic. OBJECTIVE: This study aims at exploring how people of different genders (eg, men, women, and sex and gender minorities) are discussed in relation to COVID-19 through the study of Twitter emojis. METHODS: We collected over 50 million tweets referencing the hashtags #Covid-19 and #Covid19 for a period of more than 2 months in early 2020. Using a mixed method, we extracted three data sets containing tweets that reference men, women, and sexual and gender minorities, and we then analyzed emoji use along each gender category. We identified five major themes in our analysis including morbidity fears, health concerns, employment and financial issues, praise for frontline workers, and unique gendered emoji use. The top 600 emojis were manually classified based on their sentiment, indicating how positive, negative, or neutral each emoji is and studying their use frequencies. RESULTS: The findings indicate that the majority of emojis are overwhelmingly positive in nature along the different genders, but sexual and gender minorities, and to a lesser extent women, are discussed more negatively than men. There were also many differences alongside discourses of men, women, and gender minorities when certain topics were discussed, such as death, financial and employment matters, gratitude, and health care, and several unique gendered emojis were used to express specific issues like community support. CONCLUSIONS: Emoji research can shed light on the gendered impacts of COVID-19, offering researchers an important source of information on health crises as they happen in real time

    Impact of sex and gender on COVID-19 outcomes in Europe

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    Emerging evidence from China suggests that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is deadlier forinfected men than women with a 2.8% fatality rate being reported in Chinese men versus 1.7% in women. Further,sex-disaggregated data for COVID-19 in several European countries show a similar number of cases between thesexes, but more severe outcomes in aged men. Case fatality is highest in men with pre-existing cardiovascularconditions. The mechanisms accounting for the reduced case fatality rate in women are currently unclear but mayoffer potential to develop novel risk stratification tools and therapeutic options for women and men.Peer Reviewe
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