1,229 research outputs found

    Improved spatial resolution of the sodium distribution on Mercury

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    The distribution of sodium emission over the surface of Mercury is non-uniform, and changes over time. These non-uniformities and time-dependent changes give clues to the processes that produce the sodium. However, observations of the distribution of sodium on Mercury are hampered by the bad seeing that accompanies the need to observe either in daytime, or at extremely large air masses in twilight. In an effort to improve this situation, we have developed an image stabilizer utilizing a piezoelectric driven tip-tilt correction mirror for daytime spectral imaging of Mercury. The system is a modification of one that was originally developed for solar observations at the McMath-Pierce solar telescope. Use of image stabilization results in a noticeable improvement in spatial resolution of our Mercury sodium images. A series of sodium images taken over an eight-day period show changes in which an emission peak in high southern latitudes disappears, and is replaced by an emission peak at high northern latitudes. Further systematic observations and improvements are planned for the image stabilizer system, as well as experimental observations with a low-order adaptive optics system incorporating a commercially available 37-actuator deformable mirror

    Special issues for older women with primary breast cancer

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    It is estimated that the number of older women living with breast cancer will quadruple by 2040 [1]. Despite this, there is a lack of strong evidence and guidelines to support management decisions for this population. This article has evolved from a conference session on this subject, held at the 2020 UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium (UKIBCS; West Midlands, UK, 27–28 January 2020) [2]. The UKIBCS is a biennial meeting for all those with an active interest in breast cancer research and treatment, hosted by the charity Breast Cancer Now (London, UK), in collaboration with eight other breast cancer focused specialist societies. In this editorial, we discuss key issues in the management of breast cancer in older women, which include both tumor and patient factors. We also review current national initiatives to tackle these issues and summarize ongoing work in this field

    Incidence of schizophrenia and other psychoses in ethnic minority groups: results from the MRC AESOP Study

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    Background. The incidence of schizophrenia in the African-Caribbean population in England is reported to be raised. We sought to clarify whether (a) the rates of other psychotic disorders are increased, (b) whether psychosis is increased in other ethnic minority groups, and (c) whether particular age or gender groups are especially at risk. Method. We identified all people (n=568) aged 16-64 years presenting to secondary services with their first psychotic symptoms in three well-defined English areas (over a 2-year period in Southeast London and Nottingham and a 9-month period in Bristol). Standardized incidence rates and incidence rate ratios (IRR) for all major psychosis syndromes for all main ethnic groups were calculated. Results. We found remarkably high IRRs for both schizophrenia and manic psychosis in both African-Caribbeans (schizophrenia 9.1, manic psychosis 8.0) and Black Africans (schizophrenia 5.8, manic psychosis 6.2) in men and women. IRRs in other ethnic minority groups were modestly increased as were rates for depressive psychosis and other psychoses in all minority groups. These raised rates were evident in all age groups in our study. Conclusions. Ethnic minority groups are at increased risk for all psychotic illnesses but African- Caribbeans and Black Africans appear to be at especially high risk for both schizophrenia and mania. These findings suggest that (a) either additional risk factors are operating in African- Caribbeans and Black Africans or that these factors are particularly prevalent in these groups, and that (b) such factors increase risk for schizophrenia and mania in these groups

    Solving non-uniqueness in agglomerative hierarchical clustering using multidendrograms

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    In agglomerative hierarchical clustering, pair-group methods suffer from a problem of non-uniqueness when two or more distances between different clusters coincide during the amalgamation process. The traditional approach for solving this drawback has been to take any arbitrary criterion in order to break ties between distances, which results in different hierarchical classifications depending on the criterion followed. In this article we propose a variable-group algorithm that consists in grouping more than two clusters at the same time when ties occur. We give a tree representation for the results of the algorithm, which we call a multidendrogram, as well as a generalization of the Lance and Williams' formula which enables the implementation of the algorithm in a recursive way.Comment: Free Software for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering using Multidendrograms available at http://deim.urv.cat/~sgomez/multidendrograms.ph

    The use of geoscience methods for aquatic forensic searches

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    There have been few publications on the forensic search of water and fewer still on the use of geoforensic techniques when exploring aqueous environments. Here we consider what the nature of the aqueous environment is, what the forensic target(s) may be, update the geoforensic search assets we may use in light of these, and provide a search strategy that includes multiple exploration assets. Some of the good practice involved in terrestrial searches has not been applied to water to-date, water being seen as homogenous and without the complexity of solid ground: this is incorrect and a full desktop study prior to searching, with prioritized areas, is recommended. Much experimental work on the decay of human remains is focused on terrestrial surface deposition or burial, with less known about the nature of this target in water, something which is expanded upon here, in order to deploy the most appropriate geoforensic method in water-based detection. We include case studies where detecting other forensic targets have been searched for; from metal (guns, knives) to those of a non-metallic nature, such as submerged barrels/packages of explosives, drugs, contraband and items that cause environmental pollution. A combination of the consideration of the environment, the target(s), and both modern and traditional search devices, leads to a preliminary aqueous search strategy for forensic targets. With further experimental research and criminal/humanitarian casework, this strategy will continue to evolve and improve our detection of forensic targets

    Grey matter abnormalties in first episode schizophrenia and affective psychosis

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    Background: Grey matter and other structural brain abnormalities are consistently reported in first-onset schizophrenia, but less is known about the extent of neuroanatomical changes in first-onset affective psychosis. Aims: To determine which brain abnormalities are specific to (a) schizophrenia and (b) affective psychosis. Method: We obtained dual-echo (proton density/T2-weighted) MR images and carried out voxel-based analysis on the images of 73 first-episode psychosis patients (schizophrenia=44, affective psychosis=29) and 58 healthy controls. Results: Both patients with schizophrenia and patients with affective psychosis had enlarged lateral and third ventricle volumes. Regional cortical grey matter reductions (including bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus, left insula and left fusiform gyrus) were evident in affective psychosis but not in schizophrenia, although patients with schizophrenia displayed decreased hippocampal grey matter and increased striatal grey matter at a more liberal statistical threshold. Conclusions: Both schizophrenia and affective psychosis are associated with volumetric abnormalities at the onset of frank psychosis, with some of these evident in common brain areas

    Evaluating the use of the autodiametric method for estimating fecundity of Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, a species with an unusual oocyte development strategy

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    The autodiametric method is a highly streamlined method for estimating fecundity of fish with determinate oocyte development pattern. Greenland halibut presents a peculiar reproductive strategy with two simultaneously cohorts one of large vitellogenic oocytes (for the current year) and another one of small vitellogenic oocytes (for the subsequent year). Results of this study showed that autodiametric method can be applied to estimate fecundity in Greenland halibut. Additionally, spatial differences in the autodiametric calibration curve were observed in the Northwest Atlantic, but did not translate into differences in fecundity at length. This is the first time that spatial differences between ACCs of the same species have been reported, what could be the result of (i) the unusual oocyte development pattern, or (ii) spatial differences in oocyte biochemistry. More research on the relative dynamics of oocyte cohorts simultaneously present in Greenland halibut ovaries and the factors (endo- or exogenous) influencing oocyte packing density could provide a better understanding of observed geographical differences.En prens

    Crustal structure beneath western and eastern Iceland from surface waves and receiver functions

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    We determine the crustal structures beneath 14 broad-band seismic stations, deployed in western, eastern, central and southern Iceland, using surface wave dispersion curves and receiver functions. We implement a method to invert receiver functions using constraints obtained from genetic algorithm inversion of surface waves. Our final models satisfy both data sets. The thickness of the upper crust, as defined by the velocity horizon Vs= 3.7 km s−1, is fairly uniform at ∼6.5–9 km beneath the Tertiary intraplate areas of western and eastern Iceland, and unusually thick at 11 km beneath station HOT22 in the far south of Iceland. The depth to the base of the lower crust, as defined by the velocity horizon Vs= 4.1 km s−1 is ∼20–26 km in western Iceland and ∼27–33 km in eastern Iceland. These results agree with those of explosion profiles that detect a thinner crust beneath western Iceland than beneath eastern Iceland. An earlier report of a substantial low-velocity zone beneath the Middle Volcanic Zone in the lower crust is confirmed by a similar observation beneath an additional station there. As was found in previous receiver function studies, the most reliable feature of the results is the clear division into an upper sequence that is a few kilometres thick where velocity gradients are high, and a lower, thicker sequence where velocity gradients are low. The transition to typical mantle velocities is variable, and may range from being very gradational to being relatively sharp and clear. A clear Moho, by any definition, is rarely seen, and there is thus uncertainty in estimates of the thickness of the crust in many areas. Although a great deal of seismic data are now available constraining the structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath Iceland, their geological nature is not well understood
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