128 research outputs found

    Mapping Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in Portugal: outlook for ISO 45001:2018 adoption

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    Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a set of activities to prevent injuries and health problems to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces (ISO 14001:2015). According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), more than 2.3 million people lose their lives each year in their professional activities and more than 300 million work-related accidents occur. The impact on companies is significant and most of these accidents could have been avoided. Thus, it is necessary that they address health and safety at work in a systematic and integrated way. Given the relevance of ISO International Standards, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has created a Project Committee consisting of a team of specialists in OHS to develop ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety management systems - requirements, which was published in 2018. Among the benefits that ISO envisage will come from the implementation of ISO 45001:2018, some issues assume higher importance, such as increased productivity, reduction of costs of stoppages and losses of production, reduction of costs with insurance and lost work days, improvement of the quality of products or services, among others. This work aims to characterize the Portuguese reality, regarding the relevance given to OHS, independently of the sector of activity or size of the companies. Approximately 500 companies (certified and uncertified) were invited to participate through an online survey, with open and closed questions. After processing the data from the 94 valid responses, it was possible to conclude that 98% of these companies are aware of the benefits that OHSMS provides or could provide. Also, 75% of them comply with ISO 45001 requirements, namely concerning the establishment and monitoring of measurable annual targets for OHS, the implementation of the risk prevention program and internal audits to evaluate OHS concerns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High-order methods for systems of fractional ordinary differential equations and their application to time-fractional diffusion equations

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    Taking into account the regularity properties of the solutions of fractional differential equations, we develop a numerical method which is able to deal, with the same accuracy, with both smooth and nonsmooth solutions of systems of fractional ordinary differential equations of the Caputo-type. We provide the error analysis of the numerical method and we illustrate its feasibility and accuracy through some numerical examples. Finally, we solve the time-fractional diffusion equation using a combination of the method of lines and the newly developed hybrid method.L.L. Ferras would like to thank FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P. (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) for financial support through the scholarship SFRH/BPD/100353/2014 and Project UID-MAT-00013/2013. M.L. Morgado aknowledges the financial support of FCT, through the Project UID/Multi/04621/2019 of CEMAT/IST-ID, Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics, Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon. This work was also partially supported by FCT through the Project UID/MAT/00297/2019 (Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes)


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    A percepção do tempo é influenciada por vários factores, incluindo os de natureza afectiva. Uma pessoa organiza e interpreta, naturalmente, as suas impressões sensoriais, atribuindo-lhes significado. Compreender, adequadamente, o tempo geológico é um processo complexo, que resulta do cérebro humano estar preparado, apenas, para abranger uma determinada dimensão do tempo, consequência da duração média da vida humana. Considerando este quadro teórico, o presente estudo procurou conhecer as concepções de alunos de 12-13 anos sobre os critérios para a construção da escala de tempo geológico, as noções de idades relativa e absoluta, assim como a importância atribuída aos factores que condicionam a compreensão do conceito de tempo geológico. Foram inquiridos, através de um questionário de auto-relato, 432 alunos que frequentavam em 2008-2009 o ensino básico português (40,5% com 12 anos e 44,2% com 13 anos de idade) em escolas das zonas Centro e Norte do continente, sendo 51,4% do sexo masculino e vivendo 49,3% em zonas urbanas. Os resultados revelam que os alunos têm dificuldade em situar fenómenos geológicos articulados com acontecimentos sociais (31,5% de respostas válidas) e em raciocinar sobre a idade relativa (42,4% de resposta válidas), pese embora, com base em imagens, 81,6% consiga ordenar, correctamente, a sucessão cronológica de acontecimentos geológicos. Cerca de 89% dos alunos considera que a partir da idade relativa não é possível inferir a idade absoluta, porém, apenas 31,7% justifica adequadamente essa posição. O estudo permitiu, ainda, perceber que 66,7% considera os acontecimentos da história humana como critério usado na elaboração da escala de tempo geológico, que é, por sua vez, resultado de divisões equitativas do tempo (59,0%). O registo fóssil foi o critério mais defendido para a elaboração do tempo geológico (72,2%), ainda que a extinção de espécies de seres vivos tenha recebido menos 3,5 pontos percentuais. Em síntese, os alunos consideram que todos os critérios apontados no questionário prevalecem na construção da escala de tempo geológico (mesmo que alguns não sejam, efectivamente, válidos), embora atribuindo mais importância a uns relativamente a outros. Os alunos percebem que o tempo geológico relata acontecimentos cronologicamente muito distantes de si (72,7%), não presenciados pela espécie humana (65,0%), sendo um conceito demasiado complexo (62,0%), que usa números muito grandes (60,1%). Estes resultados sugerem que os factores que condicionam a compreensão do conceito de tempo geológico são a proximidade temporal e a abstracção do conceito, ou seja, quanto mais afastado, do ponto de vista temporal, estiver um acontecimento geológico mais difícil é a sua compreensão. Por outro lado, quanto mais abstracto for um acontecimento/fenómeno geológico mais difícil se torna para o aluno a sua compreensão. Em síntese, os resultados obtidos revelam a complexidade da compreensão do conceito, no seu todo, e a necessidade de elaborar materiais didácticos que facilitem a compreensão da extensão e a localização de acontecimentos marcantes da história da Terra

    O tempo geológico na formação de professores de geociências

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    O conceito de tempo geológico é complexo e, portanto, a sua abordagem requer uma particular atenção, quer no âmbito do ensino e da aprendizagem das Geociências, quer ao nível da formação de professores. A realização do curso de formação “O Tempo Geológico – Das Conceções de Alunos à Apresentação de Materiais Didáticos Inovadores para o Ensino da Geologia” pretendeu dar a conhecer a professores de Geociências dos ensinos básico e secundário os indicadores obtidos, no projeto de investigação sobre o tempo geológico que decorreu no Centro de Investigação Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores da Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), relativos ao diagnóstico de conceções de alunos do ensino básico (12-13 anos) e à construção, implementação e avaliação de materiais didáticos inovadores para a abordagem da temática do tempo geológico. Deste modo, pretendeu-se contribuir para a melhoria da formação dos professores na conceptualização, organização e acompanhamento do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem da referida temática. Pretendeu-se, também, contribuir para aproximar a investigação educacional das práticas letivas dos professores, com reflexos na aprendizagem dos alunos e no suscitar da reflexão acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico e os processos envolvidos na sua construção

    El tiempo geológico: una contribución para la ciudadanía

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    El tiempo geológico es un concepto muy complejo en lo que se refiere a la enseñanza y al aprendizaje de las Ciencias de la Tierra, por eso continua a ser necesario justificar la necesidad de (continuar con) insistir en el desarrollo de investigación que pueda facilitar su comprensión en el contexto educativo. Este trabajo realizado en el ámbito del proyecto Deep time: contribution for citizenship, de la Universidad de Aveiro (Portugal) procura diagnosticar las percepciones que los alumnos del 7.º año de escolaridad (12-13 años de edad) tienen sobre este concepto y su papel en la comprensión de la sustentabilidad de la vida en el planeta. Han sido elaborados materiales curriculares, aplicados en clase a alumnos del 7.º y 12.º (17-18 años de edad) años de escolaridad y evaluado su impacto en el aprendizaje. Los resultados encontrados indican que los materiales curriculares producidos han contribuido para una mejor comprensión del concepto de tiempo geológico y han permitido la integración de conocimientos de distintas áreas disciplinares. En este taller se pretende discutir con los profesores la elaboración de los referidos materiales y en que medida su implementación puede ser un contributo para la educación y la ciudadanía

    Environmental biofilms, consequences for health and disease

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    Ornamental waters of easy access and populated with animals are quite attractive and can hide threats to human health. Here we evaluated, during one year, the microbiota of ornamental waters in a Lisbon park in order to assess the risk for human health. A total of 26 different bacterial species were identified during the study. Among these are potential human pathogens such as Aeromonas, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Pseudomonas and Raoutella. Aeromonas sobria is a resident bacterium whereas other species such as A. hydrophila and A. veronii were sporadically identified. A possible explanation for this result is the presence of a fish population. The presence of E. coli indicates water contamination with fecal materials. We first isolate this bacterium in June when the water temperature increased and then after it was a resident despite the natural temperature drop in the autumn. This might be explained by the replace of the fish population by ducks in October which lead to an increase in water tubirdity and total carbon content. Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. putida and P. oryzihabitans have been considered low-virulence bacteria but recently have been identified as ethiological agents of healthcare assotiated infections (HAI) mostly in immunosupressed individuals. Another recognized HAI agent present is K. pneumoniae. The same bacteria species were isolated from biofilm and water suggesting the existence of an equilibrium between planktonic and biofilm organized bacteria. The role played by biofilm assembly on the emergence of antibiotic resistance is still ongoing for the isolated bacteria, as well as the possible interaction between water chemical composition and bacteria isolates. Potential pathogens (biofilm or planktonic) represent a significant cause of acute bacterial infections mainly in specific populations (paediatric and geriatric). These results support a periodic control of ornamental water microbiota as simple preventive measure to avoid potential health issues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transection of the superior sagittal sinus enables bilateral access to the rodent midline brain structures

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    Copyright © 2021 Dias et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.Stereotaxic access to brain areas underneath the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) is notoriously challenging. As a major drainage vessel, covering the whole extension of the sagittal fissure, the SSS impedes direct bilateral access to underlying regions for recording and stimulation probes, drug-delivery cannulas, and injection devices. We now describe a new method for transection and retraction of the SSS in rats, that allows the accurate placement of microinjection devices, or chronic electrode probes, while avoiding hemorrhage and the ensuing deleterious consequences for local structures, animal health, and behavior. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach we evaluated its consequences acutely during surgery, and thereafter during surgical survival, recovery, behavioral testing, as well as postmortem analysis of histologic impact in the related brain structures of male rats. This method provides a new approach enabling direct access for manipulation and recording of activity in brain areas previously obstructed by the SSS.This work was supported by the Bial Foundation Grant 135/18; the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through Grant PTDC/MED-NEU/29325/2017); Prémio Santa Casa-Prémio Mantero Belard (MB-7-2018); and FCT PhD Fellowships PD/PB/114125/2015 and PD/128395/2017, Scientific Employment Contract CEECIND/01497/2017, and Exploratory Grant IF/00201/2013; and an IMM Director’s Fund Awardinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of antimicrobial activity in products containing Neem oil

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    Neem oil is obtained from seeds of Azadirachta indica, which present 30 to 50% (w/w) of oil per seed. Neem oil has been associated with a great diversity of beneficial properties, namely antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and insecticide. Information concerning the antibacterial activity of Neem oil is scarce. Although the existing studies have demonstrated activity against both Gram+ and Gram- bacteria, the results are in some cases contradictory and do not include a significant number of organisms, namely organisms associated with skin infections.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathogens in ornamental waters: a follow up study

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    Ornamental waters of easy access and populated with animals are quite attractive and can hide threats to human health. Here we evaluated the microbiota of ornamental waters in a Lisbon park. Water and biofilm samples where collected, in 2 lakes (L1-L2) and ornamental fountains (L3-L4) in February/2015. In May/2015 and monthly during a year (starting March/2016) samples from L4 where collected. Microbiota identification was performed as described previouslya. Biofilm assembly was monitored by crystal violet assay and SEMb and antibiotic susceptibility was performed by conventional methods. The results of the first water sampling (Feb/2015) revealed the presence of Enterobactereaceae and non-fermentative oxidase-positive bacteria. Fountains and lakes presented different microbota being the highest diversity found in L1 hosting a duck population. This result suggested the existence of an interplay between animal inhabitants and microbiota which was confirmed by the second sampling of L4 (May/2015). Between the 2 sampling events a fish population was introduced and the microbiota was completely altered with the appearance of a typical fish pathogen (Aeromonas spp). This tendency was also confirmed over 2016. K. pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp., present as planktonic and biofilm organized bacteria in 2015 showed an enhanced ability to assemble biofilms in vitro at 25 °C than at 37 °C. Bacteria recovered from biofilm showed an increased antibiotic resistance compared to planktonic counterparts. The pilot study conducted during 2015 and the follow up study (still in progress) support a periodic control of ornamental water microbiota as simple preventive measure to avoid potential health issues.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for the grant PEst-OE/CTM/UI0084/2011N/