244 research outputs found

    Entre la espada y la pared: el Partido CatĂłlico Nacional en la Ă©poca de Huerta

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    Como se ha podido ver en pocas pinceladas, los meses de existencia del Partido Católico Nacional coincidieron con el inicio de una de las épocas de la historia de México más convulsionadas y, específicamente, con la dictadura de Victoriano Huerta, personaje ampliamente repudiado por sus contemporáneos a causa de su alevosa ascensión al poder y, más aún, del terror que utilizó para conservarlo, así haya sido durante poco tiempo. En esta última etapa de su breve historia, dentro del pcn existieron al menos tres grupos de afiliados: quienes eran propensos a colaborar con el régimen, quienes lo rechazaban absolutamente y quienes creyeron que, siendo un hecho consumado que el poder ejecutivo lo ejercería Huerta, habría que darle una oportunidad para enmendar las cosas y devolver al país su vida institucional a través de elecciones democráticas. Este último grupo, el más numeroso, terminaría desilusionándose por completo a causa de los crímenes políticos, la disolución del congreso y las elecciones amañadas de octubre de 1913 y, a partir de ese momento, se convertiría en uno más de los actores más críticos en contra del gobierno de Huerta. Como consecuencia de esto, el dictador suprimiría el periódico –órgano del partido– en dos ocasiones –la última, definitivamente– y encarcelaría primero, para después desterrar, a los principales líderes católicos. No obstante esto último, al triunfo de la facción llamada «constitucionalista», levantada en armas para vengar a Madero, el pcn y con él muchos católicos sufrieron una verdadera persecución, acusados de haber sido sostenedores del régimen huertista

    Nuclear PDFs from neutrino deep inelastic scattering

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    We study nuclear effects in charged current deep inelastic neutrino-iron scattering in the frame-work of a chi^2 analysis of parton distribution functions. We extract a set of iron PDFs and show that under reasonable assumptions it is possible to constrain the valence, light sea and strange quark distributions. Our iron PDFs are used to compute x_{Bj}-dependent and Q^2-dependent nuclear correction factors for iron structure functions which are required in global analyses of free nucleon PDFs. We compare our results with nuclear correction factors from neutrino-nucleus scattering models and correction factors for charged lepton-iron scattering. We find that, except for very high x_{Bj}, our correction factors differ in both shape and magnitude from the correction factors of the models and charged-lepton scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; minor updates to match published versio

    The differential outcomes effect using sensory outcomes in a many-to-one matching-to-sample task

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    The present study was designed to examine the use of sensory outcomes (visual vs. auditory) using a differential outcomes procedure to facilitate learning in a many-to-one matching-to-sample task. For one group of participants (differential outcomes) each correct stimulus-choice sequence was always followed by a different outcome; whereas for the rest of participants (non-differential outcomes) each correct sequence was followed by the same outcome. Participants trained with differential outcomes showed a faster acquisition and higher overall accuracy than participants trained with non-differential outcomes. The results provide a new extension the differential outcomes effect by using sensory outcomes and many-to-one matching to-sample task; applications of the differential outcomes procedure are discussed.&nbsp

    ConversaciĂłn en MĂ©xico con Jean Meyer

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    P. Alfonso Alcalá Alvarado (1927-2019). In Memoriam

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    Clericalismo y anticlericalismo en la Constitución de 1917: un acercamiento al problema a través de los debates del Constituyente

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    En febrero de 1917 una asamblea constituyente dotó a México de una nueva constitución. En ella se incluyeron numerosas disposiciones que coartaban la libertad religiosa. El análisis de los debates permite conocer que al mismo tiempo que se atacaba a la Iglesia católica, se recogían muchas de sus propuestas en materia social y se utilizaba en las argumentaciones un lenguaje parecido al eclesiástico, lo que permite señalar una nueva especie de clericalismo dentro del anticlericalismo del Constituyente.In February 1917, a constituent Assembly endowed Mexico with a new constitution. It included numerous provisions that restricted religious freedom. The analysis of the debates makes it possible to know that at the same time that the Catholic Church was attacked, many of its proposals in social matters were collected and a language similar to the ecclesiastical was used in the arguments, which allows to point out a new kind of clericalism within the anti-clericalism of the constituent

    The impact of new neutrino DIS and Drell-Yan data on large-x parton distributions

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    New data sets have recently become available for neutrino and antineutrino deep inelastic scattering on nuclear targets and for inclusive dimuon production in pp pd interactions. These data sets are sensitive to different combinations of parton distribution functions in the large-x region and, therefore, provide different constraints when incorporated into global parton distribution function fits. We compare and contrast the effects of these new data on parton distribution fits, with special emphasis on the effects at large x. The effects of the use of nuclear targets in the neutrino and antineutrino data sets are also investigated.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Uncertainties in determining parton distributions at large x

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    We critically examine uncertainties in parton distribution functions (PDFs) at large x arising from nuclear effects in deuterium F2 structure function data. Within a global PDF analysis, we assess the impact on the PDFs from uncertainties in the deuteron wave function at short distances and nucleon off-shell effects, the use of relativistic kinematics, as well as the use of less a restrictive parametrization of the d/u ratio. We find that in particular the d-quark and gluon PDFs vary significantly with the choice of nuclear model. We highlight the impact of these uncertainties on the determination of the neutron structure function, and on W boson production and parton luminosity at the Tevatron and the LHC. Finally, we discuss prospects for new measurements sensitive to the d-quark and gluon distributions but insensitive to nuclear corrections.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures. Final published versio

    New parton distributions from large-x and low-Q^2 data

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    We report results of a new global next-to-leading order fit of parton distribution functions in which cuts on W and Q are relaxed, thereby including more data at high values of x. Effects of target mass corrections (TMCs), higher twist contributions, and nuclear corrections for deuterium data are significant in the large-x region. The leading twist parton distributions are found to be stable to TMC model variations as long as higher twist contributions are also included. The behavior of the d quark as x-->1 is particularly sensitive to the deuterium corrections, and using realistic nuclear smearing models the d-quark distribution at large x is found to be softer than in previous fits performed with more restrictive cuts.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures. Minor corrections. References added. To appear in Phys.Rev.
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