185 research outputs found

    Qualit\ue0 e sicurezza delle carni di gambero

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    I gamberi rappresentano un prodotto ittico rinomato e di elevato valore commerciale, presente sempre pi\uf9 spesso sulle tavole dei consumatori. Per rendere pi\uf9 competitivo questo prodotto \ue8 necessario puntare sulla sua caratterizzazione e valorizzazione, migliorandone sia gli aspetti qualitativi che quelli della sicurezza d\u2019uso. Infatti, accanto alle quote di prodotto interno molto apprezzato derivante anche da attivit\ue0 di allevamento, sui nostri mercati arrivano ogni anno circa 100.000 tonnellate di crostacei, di pesca e di allevamento, dai paesi pi\uf9 disparati (Ismea , 2006). Tali prodotti non sempre possiedono caratteristiche qualitative e di sicurezza ineccepibili. In generale, i crostacei rappresentano un\u2019importante fonte di nutrienti nella dieta umana. La loro carne ha una composizione simile a quella dei pesci magri con qualche caratteristica peculiare, tra cui il sapore dolce. Essi hanno un elevato contenuto in proteine (19-22%), un basso tenore in lipidi (0,5-2%), e all\u2019interno di questi ultimi una elevata percentuale di acidi grassi polinsaturi a lunga catena, quali l\u2019acido eicosapentaenoico (20:5n-3, EPA) e l\u2019acido docosaesaenoico (22:6n-3, DHA), considerati essenziali ai fini della nutrizione umana. Inoltre essi sono una buona fonte di zinco, magnesio, iodio e ferro. Nonostante queste caratteristiche comuni, la composizione dei gamberi pu\uf2 variare in ragione di alcuni fattori, primo fra tutti la tipologia di dieta somministrata in allevamento. La composizione centesimale, il profilo in acidi grassi, il contenuto in colesterolo e quello dei carotenoidi totali dei gamberi \ue8 altres\uec influenzato dalla stagione. Se a ci\uf2 si aggiunge il fatto che le specie di gamberi allevate sono diverse, si pu\uf2 ben intuire come la composizione delle loro carni possa variare anche in ragione della specie stessa di appartenenza e quindi della componente genetica che li caratterizza. Per ridurre o eliminare i rischi legati alla sicurezza d\u2019uso bisogna porre l\u2019attenzione sull\u2019eventuale presenza di patogeni e di sostanze chimiche di origine ambientale quali pesticidi e metalli pesanti, o residui di antibiotici derivanti da non idonee pratiche di allevamento, o di additivi utilizzati in modo non conforme alle prescrizioni di legge. I contaminanti ambientali e i residui di farmaci nelle carni di gamberi importati rappresentano un problema molto attuale. Per citare alcuni esempi, \ue8 bene ricordare che negli ultimi anni \ue8 stata riscontrata la presenza di solfiti oltre il livello massimo consentito dalla legge in gamberi congelati provenienti dalla Cina o di nitrofurani in gamberi provenienti da Cina, Tailandia, India e Malesia, oppure presenza di residui di cloramfenicolo in gamberetti importati sia dalla Cina che dal Vietnam. Con il fine, quindi, di garantire la qualit\ue0 e la sicurezza dei gamberi lungo l\u2019intera filiera di produzione, \ue8 necessario mettere in atto una serie di pratiche tra cui le corrette pratiche di acquacoltura, le corrette pratiche di igiene, l\u2019HACCP, la tracciabilit\ue0 del prodotto nonch\ue9 il mantenimento della catena del freddo

    Qualit\ue0 e sicurezza delle carni di gambero

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    Nella presente ricerca \ue8 stata analizzata la composizione centesimale, il contenuto in colesterolo e il profilo in acidi grassi di due specie di gamberi d\u2019acqua dolce, Macrobrachium rosenbergii e Cherax quadricarinatus, e del Penaeus kerathurus, gambero marino, comunemente presenti sul mercato italiano. Bench\ue9 la composizione chimica e il profilo in acidi grassi delle carni dei gamberi oggetto della ricerca si diversifichino da specie a specie, gli esemplari studiati presentano aspetti nutrizionali caratterizzati da un elevato contenuto in proteine e ridotto tenore in lipidi. Il contenuto elevato di colesterolo risulta essere compensato dalla predominanza di acidi grassi a lunga catena, in particolare quelli della serie n-3, noti per i loro effetti benefici sulla salute umana, e anche dal basso contenuto in lipidi. L\u2019elevata qualit\ue0 nurtizionale della carni di gamberi, analizzati nel presente studio, deve comunque ssere considerata insieme alla sicurezza d\u2019uso del prodotto, da garantire lungo l\u2019intera filiera di produzione

    Sturgeon meat and caviar quality from different cultured species

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    Sturgeon raw eggs, caviar and meat obtained from different species reared in an Italian production plant were evaluated for their chemical composition, in order to improve their appreciation on the market and to detect any eventual distinctness related to the species. Mainly, fatty acid (FA) profile of eggs and caviar, determined by Gas\u2010Chromatography coupled to Flame Ionization Detection, showed variability in the interspecific comparison, highlighted by chemometric methods (Linear Discriminant Analysis). Generally, all samples showed a prevalence of unsaturated fatty acids with respect to saturated ones, reaching a content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) between the 40% and the 50% of total FA. A remarkable presence of n3 series PUFA was detected in all samples and a selective deposition of many FA into eggs\u2019 cellular membranes, yolk lipid and body fat reserves, imputable to the different biological role of single FA during sturgeon reproduction, was evidenced. Chemical composition of sturgeon flesh samples evidenced a high\u2010protein and medium\u2010fat content, characterized by a FA profile of high nutritional value. Moreover, color parameters (redness, yellowness, brightness, Chroma) were measured on sturgeon fillets, showing many species\u2010specific characteristics of sturgeon meat

    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Quality Attributes of Fresh and Semi-Hard Goat Cheese from Low- and High-Input Farming Systems

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    In this study, we investigated the lipid composition of fresh and semi-hard goat cheese produced in three Italian farms as well as the welfare assessment of goats reared in these farms. The fatty acid (FA) profile of cheese samples were found to be strictly related to the livestock system. Cheese collected from farms in which goats were allowed to graze and were fed diets with a higher forage/concentrate (F/C) ratio showed a FA profile represented by higher contents of health-promoting fatty acids. In the same samples, the health lipid indices showed the most favorable values. Conversely, cheese samples collected from a conventional-lowland farm, where goats were fed with higher amounts of concentrates and lower F/C ratio, presented a lower nutritional quality, characterized by the worst results for what concerns the health lipid indices. Then, we built a multivariate model able to discriminate samples coming from farms managed by a low-input system from those coming from farm managed by a high-input system. The comparison of animal welfare measurements and fatty acids data showed that a better intrinsic quality of low-input farms did not always correspond to better extrinsic quality, suggesting that the information on the livestock system is not always enough to provide consumers with complete awareness of the total product quality

    Volatile Organic Compounds Profile in White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) Caviar at Different Stages of Ripening by Multiple Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction

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    Caviar is considered a delicacy by luxury product consumers, but few data are available about its flavour chemistry to date. In this study, a multiple headspace-solid phase microextraction (MHS-SPME) followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) approach was developed and employed to identify and quantitatively estimate key volatile organic compounds (VOCs) representative in white sturgeon (A. transmontanus) caviar at five different stages of ripening: raw eggs (t0), after 60 days (t1), 120 days (t2), 180 days (t3), and 240 days (t4) of ripening. The method showed the ability to detect and estimate the quantity of 25 flavour compounds, without any severe alteration of the matrix before the analysis and in a short time. The VOCs detected as representative in caviar samples were primarily aldehydes and alcohols, already well known as responsible of fresh fish and seafood flavours, and mainly deriving from lipid peroxidation processes and microbial activity against lipids and amino acids. We found a significant (p < 0.01) increase in the amount of total aldehydes within t0 (29.64 ng/g) and t4 (121.96 ng/g); moreover, an interesting, great arise of 3-hydroxy-2-butanone at the final stage of storage (48.17 ng/g) was recorded. Alcohols were not detected in raw eggs (t0) and then a decrease from t1 (17.77 ng/g) to t4 (10.18 ng/g) was recorded in their amount, with no statistical significance

    Storionicoltura italiana e produzione di caviale

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    Chemical and fatty acids composition of fish roes

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    The global crisis of wild caviar production, due to the block of catch quotas granted by the CITES, caused by the steady decline of world sturgeon populations and the limited production from aquaculture, that has not made up for the caviar demand, has allowed the creation of a market for cheap caviar substitutes. Various fish species are used for the production of caviar substitutes, whose eggs shows different characteristics from a nutritional point of view. The aim of present study was to investigate the chemical composition and fatty acid profile of fish roes deriving from seven different species, collected in the Italian market. The survey involved 12 samples of salmon eggs (Oncorhynchus keta), 11 of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus), 3 of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 3 of pike (Esox lucius), 3 of cod (Gadus morhua), 3 of Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and 3 of capelin (Mallotus villosus). The eggs proximate composition (AOAC standard methods) and fatty acid profile (GC analysis) were determined. The data were processed by SPSS 22 statistical package. Salmon eggs (217.3 \ub132.7 mg) were the biggest while the smallest resulted the cod eggs (0.16 \ub10.08 mg). Generally, eggs of greater size showed the higher protein and lipid content. Protein content ranged from the value of 29.6 \ub10.8 g/100g of salmon to the 8.1 \ub10.6 of capelin, while lipid content ranged from 12.8\ub10.6 of salmon to 2.8 \ub10.6 of Alaska pollock. With regard to the fatty acid composition, the fish eggs showed some peculiarities. EPA and DHA (their sum ranged from 46.6% of total fatty acid of pollock to the 20.9% of pike) were dominant in all sea species (salmon, capelin, cod, pollock and lumpfish) while pike and trout presented a higher amount of oleic acid (21.6 % and 27.1% respectively). Eggs from trout, the only farmed species, presented also a significant amount of linoleic acid (9.4%) if compared with all the other species. This content probably derived from the vegetable oils utilized in feed formulation. This study contributes to the chemical characterization of caviar substitute present on the Italian market. Salmon eggs showed a chemical composition that was more similar to caviar, according to our previous results obtained from caviar samples coming from four different farmed sturgeon species. Regarding fatty acid profile, fish eggs presented a valuable content of essential fatty acids of the omega-3 series, which were higher if compared to the more expensive caviar

    Motile aeromonads from farmed and wild freshwater fish in northern Italy: an evaluation of antimicrobial activity and multidrug resistance during 2013 and 2016

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    Background Antimicrobial resistant bacteria are emerging biological contaminants of the environment. In aquatic ecosystems, they originate mainly from hospitals, livestock manure and private households sewage water, which could contain antimicrobial agents and resistant microorganisms. Aeromonas spp. occur ubiquitously in aquatic environments and they cause disease in fish. Motile aeromonads are also associated with human gastrointestinal and wound infections and fish can act as a transmission route of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) aeromonads to humans. The environmental ubiquity, the natural susceptibility to antimicrobials and the zoonotic potential of Aeromonas spp. make them optimal candidates for studying the AMR in aquatic ecosystems. Results The AMR patterns of 95 motile aeromonads isolated from freshwater fish during 2013 and 2016 were analyzed. All samples from fish came from farms and natural water bodies located in northern Italy, which is an area characterized by high anthropic impact on the environment. The isolates were biochemically identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas sobria or Aeromonas caviae and AMR was determined by the standard disk diffusion method. All isolates were resistant to cloxacillin, spiramycin and tilmicosin. High AMR frequencies (>\u200995%) were detected for tylosin, penicillin and sulfadiazine. AMR to danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, flumequine, ceftiofur, aminosidine, colistin, doxycycline, gentamicin, marbocyl and florfenicol was observed at low levels (<\u200910%). No AMR to cefquinome was found. Logistic regression showed several differences in antimicrobial activity between complexes. According to the source of aeromonads, only few differences in AMR between isolates from farmed and wild fish were observed. Conclusions Our data revealed an increasing trend of AMR to neomycin and apramycin among Aeromonas isolates during the study period, while resistance to erythromycin, tetracycline and thiamphenicol decreased. All isolates were multidrug resistance (MDR), but A. caviae showed the highest number of MDR per isolate. In most isolates, various degrees of MDR were detected to macrolides, quinolones, fluoroquinolones, polymyxins and cephalosporins (third and fourth generations), which are listed, by the World Health Organisation, to be among the highest priority and critically important antimicrobials in human medicine. Our findings underlined that freshwater fish can act as potential source of MDR motile aeromonads. Due to their zoonotic potential, this can pose serious threat to human health

    PMS66 Determinants of Non-Persistence to Antiosteoporotic Drugs by Using Administrative Database

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    Osteoporosis treatment involves several therapeutic tools, including long-term drug therapy. Subjects with chronic disorders are more likely to be non-adherent and/or non-persistent to treatment than those with other diseases. Adherence is the extent to which patients take medication as prescribed by their physicians, whereas persistence is the time from treatment initiation to discontinuation. Lack of persistence is common among subjects using oral anti-osteoporotic drugs, and leads to increased risk of fragility fracture

    Qualit\ue0 e autenticit\ue0 degli alimenti di origine animale

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    Riassunto: La sicurezza, la qualit\ue0 e l\u2019autenticit\ue0 rappresentano aspetti diversi nella valutazione di un alimento di origine animale. La sicurezza di un alimento non necessariamente implica qualit\ue0, cos\uec come l\u2019autenticit\ue0 non sempre \ue8 garanzia di qualit\ue0 o di salubrit\ue0 di un prodotto. La necessit\ue0 di autenticare analiticamente un prodotto alimentare nasce molti anni or sono per limitare le frodi, le sofisticazioni e le contraffazioni. Con l\u2019apertura dei mercati internazionali - globalizzazione - tale esigenza si \ue8 ulteriormente ampliata, coinvolgendo fattori relativi agli ingredienti o componenti degli alimenti, ma \ue8 anche diventata prioritaria per valorizzare gli alimenti, legarli al territorio di produzione e difenderli dalla crescente invasione di prodotti massificati ed indistinguibili. Il primo problema da affrontare riguarda l\u2019identificazione della specie d\u2019origine, soprattutto in presenza di un prodotto lavorato o trasformato. Gli esempi sono molteplici: dalla carne in scatola al tonno sott\u2019olio, alle mozzarelle e formaggi prodotti con latte di specie diverse, ai prodotti semilavorati che hanno perso la loro peculiare identit\ue0 morfologica (es. filetti di pesce). Accanto all\u2019identificazione di specie, i metodi di lavorazione, i legami con il territorio e l\u2019origine geografica rappresentano altri importanti aspetti in grado di produrre informazioni preziose nella valutazione dell\u2019autenticit\ue0 delle produzioni animali
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